Access S3 directly from apigateway using SAM - amazon-web-services

I'm using SAM to create a cloudformation template. But Now I need access S3 from apigateway and I can't find a way to do it with SAM.
with Cloudformation I can create a AWS::ApiGateway::Resource and AWS::ApiGateway::Method with AWS Integration to achieve it but it has an issue when deploy because I'm mixing ApiGateway and SAM. I would like to avoid migrate the template to OpenAPI definition for just one endpoint.
So is there a way to accomplish it with SAM?


Both SAM and cdk can make stack, SAM include cdk ? or cdk include SAM?

I want to make two bucket(x,y) in S3 and make a lambda.
My goal is uploading files to S3(x) and it triggers lambda then lambda create and put file in S3(y)
Currently, I am developing lambda function on SAM.
Deploying lambda function by SAM
And I made two S3 buckets by cdk.
Then manually adding trigger and Iam policy to lambda to access S3
However I want to do this all automatically.
So my idea is ,
SAM can make two S3 bucket as stack and I don't need cdk anymore ?
cdk can include SAM development environment?
Any other way??
What is the best practice for this purpose??
My `solution is
Local development with SAM
AWS deployment is carried out by cdk only, SAM doesn't work anything for deployment.
My folder structure is below
cdk / bin
For local developing, in samproj directory, do something like this, tutorial.
sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction" -e events/event.json
And for AWS deployment by cdk project .
Just make lambda directly from samproj/helloworld directory in Stack.
export class CdkVrBaseStack extends Stack {
const lambda_ = new lambda.Function(this, 'TestLambda', {
functionName: 'testLambda',
runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9,
code: lambda.Code.fromAsset('samproj/helloworld'),
handler: 'index.handler',
timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(300),

Which services can be managed by AWS SAM?

Which services can be managed by the AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) framework?
AWS Docs seem to list contradicting information: lists plenty of services as serverless, incl. Lambda, Fargate, ..., SNS, SQS, ... DynamoDB, S3.
SAM resource reference lists only: Api, Application, Function, HttpApi, LayerVersion, SimpleTable, StateMachine.
Yet, I cannot find any mention in the SAM docs on how to create an S3 bucket.
An example doubt is - can I have an S3 bucket created using SAM framework?
Can SAM deploy to Fargate too?
You can add any CloudFormation component as part of your SAM config file. As noted in the SAM developer guide:
AWS SAM templates are an extension of AWS CloudFormation templates, with some additional components that make them easier to work with. For the full reference for AWS CloudFormation templates, see AWS CloudFormation Template Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

AWS SAM update function code of lambda of an API Gateway

I am using CloudFormation with SAM to deploy a stack which contains:
S3 Bucket
AWS::Serverless::Function (authorizers + microservices, Type: Api and endpoints of the API Gateway)
Log Groups
To deploy my stack, I first run aws cloudformation package to package the lambda and then run aws cloudformation deploy to deploy the generated stack. This is working.
My goal now is to be able to update a microservice without deploying the entire stack (not building authorizers and other microservices), similar to serverless deploy function in the Serverless framework. This should preferably be one reusable template that uses a macro or just replaces text in the file.
The problem I am facing with this:
Running aws lambda update-function-code requires the lambda to be redeployed
To redeploy the lambda I have to declare AWS::Serverless::Function. For the function to be part of the API Gateway, AWS::Serverless::Api must be declared as well.
Declaring AWS::Serverless::Api requires all the other functions to be defined or they will be removed from the API Gateway.
I feel like I am stuck here and have not found other options of achieving my goal.
Since you're using SAM, I'd recommend deploying and updating your application using the sam cli commands.
You can run
sam build
sam package
sam deploy
When you run sam deploy, it deploys your application, but all subsequent sam deploy commands will update your existing cloudformation stack with only the appropriate resources that need updating.
If you opt for keeping with the standard Cloudformation cli commands, you could use the aws cloudformation update-stack command so that you're not re-deploying an entire new stack.

How to automate API Gateway deployment via SAM deploy?

When I changed AWS::ApiGateway::Method properties by AWS SAM template and deployed it. but I noticed that change was not reflected until I deploy API manually from AWS management console. I think it is because I didn't change the resource of AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment and AWS::ApiGateway::Stage on the template.(The deployment history of AWS::ApiGateway::Stage was not updated.)
How can I reflect the change when I trigger sam deploy?
No, you have to manually deploy the api from the console :) it's a limitation at the moment.

Combine AWS CLI and CloudFormation?

I'm creating a new user pool in AWS Cognito. As you might know, CF support is missing for a lot of the features in Cognito, so I´ve resorted to using the CLI for Cognito. But I still want to use CloudFormation for other resources like API Gateway that will need to reference the new user pool.
Is there any way I can create parameters with the CLI that I can use in CloudFormation?
Yes, if you have Parameters in your template, then you can use the CloudFormation Deploy command to do exactly this.
For example, you can call aws cloudformation deploy --template-file <file_path> --stack-name <stack_name> --parameter-overrides ParameterKey1=ParameterValue1 ParameterKey2=ParameterValue2 ... where <file_path> is the path to your CloudFormation Template, and <stack_name> is the name of your CloudFormation Stack. If this stack doesn't exist yet, Deploy will create it, but if it does exist, Deploy will update it.