PCRE regex behaves differently when moved to subroutine - regex

Using PCRE v8.42, I am trying to abstract a regex into a named subroutine, but when it's in a subroutine, it seems to behave differently.
This outputs 10/:
echo '10/' | pcregrep '(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/'
This outputs nothing:
echo '10/' | pcregrep '(?(DEFINE)(?<MONTHNUM>(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])))(?&MONTHNUM)\/'
Are these two regular expressions not equivalent?

In versions of PCRE2 prior to 10.30, all subroutine calls are always treated as atomic groups. Your (?(DEFINE)(?<MONTHNUM>(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])))(?&MONTHNUM)\/ regex is actually equal to (?>0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/. See this regex demo, where 10/ does not match as expected.
There is no match because 0?[1-9] matched the 1 in 10/ and since there is no backtracking allowed, the second alternative was not tested ("entered"), and the whole match failed as there is no / after 1.
You need to make sure the longer alternative comes first:
See the regex demo. Note that in the pcregrep pattern, you do not need to escape /.
Alternatively, you can use PCRE2 v10.30 or newer.


Regex whitespace before character [duplicate]

I am attempting to grep for all instances of Ui\. not followed by Line or even just the letter L
What is the proper way to write a regex for finding all instances of a particular string NOT followed by another string?
Using lookaheads
grep "Ui\.(?!L)" *
bash: !L: event not found
grep "Ui\.(?!(Line))" *
Negative lookahead, which is what you're after, requires a more powerful tool than the standard grep. You need a PCRE-enabled grep.
If you have GNU grep, the current version supports options -P or --perl-regexp and you can then use the regex you wanted.
If you don't have (a sufficiently recent version of) GNU grep, then consider getting ack.
The answer to part of your problem is here, and ack would behave the same way:
Ack & negative lookahead giving errors
You are using double-quotes for grep, which permits bash to "interpret ! as history expand command."
You need to wrap your pattern in SINGLE-QUOTES:
grep 'Ui\.(?!L)' *
However, see #JonathanLeffler's answer to address the issues with negative lookaheads in standard grep!
You probably cant perform standard negative lookaheads using grep, but usually you should be able to get equivalent behaviour using the "inverse" switch '-v'. Using that you can construct a regex for the complement of what you want to match and then pipe it through 2 greps.
For the regex in question you might do something like
grep 'Ui\.' * | grep -v 'Ui\.L'
(Edit: this is not as strong as a true lookahead, but can often be used to work around the problem.)
If you need to use a regex implementation that doesn't support negative lookaheads and you don't mind matching extra character(s)*, then you can use negated character classes [^L], alternation |, and the end of string anchor $.
In your case grep 'Ui\.\([^L]\|$\)' * does the job.
Ui\. matches the string you're interested in
\([^L]\|$\) matches any single character other than L or it matches the end of the line: [^L] or $.
If you want to exclude more than just one character, then you just need to throw more alternation and negation at it. To find a not followed by bc:
grep 'a\(\([^b]\|$\)\|\(b\([^c]\|$\)\)\)' *
Which is either (a followed by not b or followed by the end of the line: a then [^b] or $) or (a followed by b which is either followed by not c or is followed by the end of the line: a then b, then [^c] or $.
This kind of expression gets to be pretty unwieldy and error prone with even a short string. You could write something to generate the expressions for you, but it'd probably be easier to just use a regex implementation that supports negative lookaheads.
*If your implementation supports non-capturing groups then you can avoid capturing extra characters.
If your grep doesn't support -P or --perl-regexp, and you can install PCRE-enabled grep, e.g. "pcregrep", than it won't need any command-line options like GNU grep to accept Perl-compatible regular expressions, you just run
pcregrep "Ui\.(?!Line)"
You don't need another nested group for "Line" as in your example "Ui.(?!(Line))" -- the outer group is sufficient, like I've shown above.
Let me give you another example of looking negative assertions: when you have list of lines, returned by "ipset", each line showing number of packets in a middle of the line, and you don't need lines with zero packets, you just run:
ipset list | pcregrep "packets(?! 0 )"
If you like perl-compatible regular expressions and have perl but don't have pcregrep or your grep doesn't support --perl-regexp, you can you one-line perl scripts that work the same way like grep:
perl -e "while (<>) {if (/Ui\.(?!Lines)/){print;};}"
Perl accepts stdin the same way like grep, e.g.
ipset list | perl -e "while (<>) {if (/packets(?! 0 )/){print;};}"
At least for the case of not wanting an 'L' character after the "Ui." you don't really need PCRE.
grep -E 'Ui\.($|[^L])' *
Here I've made sure to match the special case of the "Ui." at the end of the line.

How to do non-greedy parsing in ash with grep without Perl

Hi I'm trying to parse through a folder structure and just have the first two folders in a directory passed to a variable. Right now I'm using the regex '/.?/.?/' which works fine except my version of ash on OpenWRT doesn't support Perl and thus the "? are ignored. How can I fix this?
var2=$(echo "$TR_TORRENT_DIR" | grep -Eio '\/.*?\/.*?\/')
echo $var2
Make your regex more specific.
In general, use of non-greedy modifiers is a red flag. It should make you think about whether you can rewrite your regex in a more specific way (so it doesn't matter whether a quantifier is greedy or not).
In this case the problem is .* (another flag), which matches far too much.
If you use [^/] instead of ., you avoid all problems:
will match the first two components and nothing more. (Also, there's no need to escape /; it's not special in a regex.)

What's the difference between vim regex and normal regex?

I noticed that vim's substitute regex is a bit different from other regexp. What's the difference between them?
"Regular expression" really defines algorithms, not a syntax. What that means is that different flavours of regular expressions will use different characters to mean the same thing; or they'll prefix some special characters with backslashes where others don't. They'll typically still work in the same way.
Once upon a time, POSIX defined the Basic Regular Expression syntax (BRE), which Vim largely follows. Very soon afterwards, an Extended Regular Expression (ERE) syntax proposal was also released. The main difference between the two is that BRE tends to treat more characters as literals - an "a" is an "a", but also a "(" is a "(", not a special character - and so involves more backslashes to give them "special" meaning.
The discussion of complex differences between Vim and Perl on a separate comment here is useful, but it's also worth mentioning a few of the simpler ways in which Vim regexes differ from the "accepted" norm (by which you probably mean Perl.) As mentioned above, they mostly differ in their use of a preceding backslash.
Here are some obvious examples:
Perl Vim Explanation
x? x\= Match 0 or 1 of x
x+ x\+ Match 1 or more of x
(xyz) \(xyz\) Use brackets to group matches
x{n,m} x\{n,m} Match n to m of x
x*? x\{-} Match 0 or 1 of x, non-greedy
x+? x\{-1,} Match 1 or more of x, non-greedy
\b \< \> Word boundaries
$n \n Backreferences for previously grouped matches
That gives you a flavour of the most important differences. But if you're doing anything more complicated than the basics, I suggest you always assume that Vim-regex is going to be different from Perl-regex or Javascript-regex and consult something like the Vim Regex website.
If by "normal regex" you mean Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE), then the Vim help provides a good summary of the differences between Vim's regexes and Perl's:
:help perl-patterns
Here's what it says as of Vim 7.2:
9. Compare with Perl patterns *perl-patterns*
Vim's regexes are most similar to Perl's, in terms of what you can do. The
difference between them is mostly just notation; here's a summary of where
they differ:
Capability in Vimspeak in Perlspeak ~
force case insensitivity \c (?i)
force case sensitivity \C (?-i)
backref-less grouping \%(atom\) (?:atom)
conservative quantifiers \{-n,m} *?, +?, ??, {}?
0-width match atom\#= (?=atom)
0-width non-match atom\#! (?!atom)
0-width preceding match atom\#<= (?<=atom)
0-width preceding non-match atom\#<! (?!atom)
match without retry atom\#> (?>atom)
Vim and Perl handle newline characters inside a string a bit differently:
In Perl, ^ and $ only match at the very beginning and end of the text,
by default, but you can set the 'm' flag, which lets them match at
embedded newlines as well. You can also set the 's' flag, which causes
a . to match newlines as well. (Both these flags can be changed inside
a pattern using the same syntax used for the i flag above, BTW.)
On the other hand, Vim's ^ and $ always match at embedded newlines, and
you get two separate atoms, \%^ and \%$, which only match at the very
start and end of the text, respectively. Vim solves the second problem
by giving you the \_ "modifier": put it in front of a . or a character
class, and they will match newlines as well.
Finally, these constructs are unique to Perl:
- execution of arbitrary code in the regex: (?{perl code})
- conditional expressions: (?(condition)true-expr|false-expr)
...and these are unique to Vim:
- changing the magic-ness of a pattern: \v \V \m \M
(very useful for avoiding backslashitis)
- sequence of optionally matching atoms: \%[atoms]
- \& (which is to \| what "and" is to "or"; it forces several branches
to match at one spot)
- matching lines/columns by number: \%5l \%5c \%5v
- setting the start and end of the match: \zs \ze
Try Vim's very magic regex mode. It behaves more like traditional regex, just prepend your pattern with \v. See :help /\v for more info. I love it.
There is a plugin called eregex.vim which translates from PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expressions) to Vim's syntax. It takes over a thousand lines of vim to achieve that translation! I guess it also serves as precise documentation of the differences.
Too broad question. Run vim and type :help pattern.

regex implementation to replace group with its lowercase version

Is there any implementation of regex that allow to replace group in regex with lowercase version of it?
If your regex version supports it, you can use \L, like so in a POSIX shell:
sed -r 's/(^.*)/\L\1/'
In Perl, you can do:
$string =~ s/(some_regex)/lc($1)/ge;
The /e option causes the replacement expression to be interpreted as Perl code to be evaluated, whose return value is used as the final replacement value. lc($x) returns the lowercased version of $x. (Not sure but I assume lc() will handle international characters correctly in recent Perl versions.)
/g means match globally. Omit the g if you only want a single replacement.
If you're using an editor like SublimeText or TextMate1, there's a good chance you may use
as your replacement, where $1 refers to something from the regular expression that you put parentheses around. For example2, here's something I used to downcase field names in some SQL, getting everything to the right of the 'as' at the end of any given line. First the "find" regular expression:
(as|AS) ([A-Za-z_]+)\s*,$
and then the replacement expression:
$1 '\L$2',
If you use Vim (or presumably gvim), then you'll want to use \L\1 instead of \L$1, but there's another wrinkle that you'll need to be aware of: Vim reverses the syntax between literal parenthesis characters and escaped parenthesis characters. So to designate a part of the regular expression to be included in the replacement ("captured"), you'll use \( at the beginning and \) at the end. Think of \ as—instead of escaping a special character to make it a literal—marking the beginning of a special character (as with \s, \w, \b and so forth). So it may seem odd if you're not used to it, but it is actually perfectly logical if you think of it in the Vim way.
1 I've tested this in both TextMate and SublimeText and it works as-is, but some editors use \1 instead of $1. Try both and see which your editor uses.
2 I just pulled this regex out of my history. I always tweak regexen while using them, and I can't promise this the final version, so I'm not suggesting it's fit for the purpose described, and especially not with SQL formatted differently from the SQL I was working on, just that it's a specific example of downcasing in regular expressions. YMMV. UAYOR.
Several answers have noted the use of \L. However, \E is also worth knowing about if you use \L.
\L converts everything up to the next \U or \E to lowercase. ... \E turns off case conversion.
(Source: https://www.regular-expressions.info/replacecase.html )
So, suppose you wanted to use rename to lowercase part of some file names like this:
you could do something like:
rename -v 's/^(.*_-_)(.*)(_-_.*.m4a)/$1\L$2\E$3/g' *
In Perl, there's
$string =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
Most Regex implementations allow you to pass a callback function when doing a replace, hence you can simply return a lowercase version of the match from the callback.

How can I substitute regexp matches and map the substitutions in Perl?

echo H#97llo | MagicPerlCommand
were MagicPerlCommand is something like
perl -pnle "s/#(\d+)/chr(\1)/ge"
(but that doesn't work).
Change \1 to $1 in your MagicPerlCommand. The \digit backreference style doesn't t work when the replacement expression is evaluated (i.e. s///e).
That worked for me on Windows and Linux.
As per the j_random_hacker answer, you must use $1 rather than \1.
This is because using the '/e' modifier to the regex means the right hand half is just another normal Perl expression, and not a regex substitution. Since it's Perl, you've got to use Perl's syntax for the bracket reference, and not the usual regex syntax.