Initialized vs uninitialized global variables, in which part of the RAM are the stored? - c++

The problem is that When I define the arrays like this :
float Data_Set_X[15000];
float Data_Set_Y[15000];
float Data_Set_Z[15000];
I get the RAM overflow error which is: .bss will not fit in region RAM Timer-Blink-Test_CM7 C/C++ Problem
When I initilaze at least one of the arrays or three of them , the error will be disappeared.
float Data_Set_X[15000]={0};
float Data_Set_Y[15000];
float Data_Set_Z[15000];
My variables are global.
In linker script file it is written that:
/* Specify the memory areas */
RAM_EXEC (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x24000000, LENGTH = 256K
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x24040000, LENGTH = 256K
/* The startup code goes first into RAM_EXEC */
/* The program code and other data goes into RAM_EXEC */
/* Constant data goes into RAM_EXEC */
/* Initialized data sections goes into RAM, load LMA copy after code */
And there is a separated part of the RAM for /* Uninitialized data section */ according to the linker script.
The RAM size is 1MB and around 800KB is accessible for the user. MCU has dual core and I use the M7 Core. this core can access to a 512KB RAM area as it is mentioned in the Linker Script file. the whole size of these three arrays are 180KB
Here is the linker Script file of my Micro Controller
** File : LinkerScript.ld
** Abstract : Linker script for STM32H7 series
** 256Kbytes RAM_EXEC and 256Kbytes RAM
** Set heap size, stack size and stack location according
** to application requirements.
** Set memory bank area and size if external memory is used.
** Target : STMicroelectronics STM32
** Distribution: The file is distributed as is, without any warranty
** of any kind.
** #attention
** Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
** All rights reserved.
** This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
** the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
** License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
/* Entry Point */
/* Highest address of the user mode stack */
_estack = 0x24080000; /* end of RAM */
/* Generate a link error if heap and stack don't fit into RAM */
_Min_Heap_Size = 0x200 ; /* required amount of heap */
_Min_Stack_Size = 0x400 ; /* required amount of stack */
/* Specify the memory areas */
RAM_EXEC (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x24000000, LENGTH = 256K
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x24040000, LENGTH = 256K
/* Define output sections */
/* The startup code goes first into RAM_EXEC */
.isr_vector :
. = ALIGN(4);
KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Startup code */
. = ALIGN(4);
/* The program code and other data goes into RAM_EXEC */
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.text) /* .text sections (code) */
*(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
*(.glue_7) /* glue arm to thumb code */
*(.glue_7t) /* glue thumb to arm code */
KEEP (*(.init))
KEEP (*(.fini))
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .; /* define a global symbols at end of code */
/* Constant data goes into RAM_EXEC */
.rodata :
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
*(.rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
. = ALIGN(4);
.ARM.extab : { *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } >RAM_EXEC
.ARM : {
__exidx_start = .;
__exidx_end = .;
.preinit_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.preinit_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
.init_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
.fini_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.fini_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
/* used by the startup to initialize data */
_sidata = LOADADDR(.data);
/* Initialized data sections goes into RAM, load LMA copy after code */
.data :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sdata = .; /* create a global symbol at data start */
*(.data) /* .data sections */
*(.data*) /* .data* sections */
. = ALIGN(4);
_edata = .; /* define a global symbol at data end */
/* Uninitialized data section */
. = ALIGN(4);
.bss :
/* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .bss secion */
_sbss = .; /* define a global symbol at bss start */
__bss_start__ = _sbss;
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .; /* define a global symbol at bss end */
__bss_end__ = _ebss;
} >RAM
/* User_heap_stack section, used to check that there is enough RAM left */
._user_heap_stack :
. = ALIGN(8);
PROVIDE ( end = . );
PROVIDE ( _end = . );
. = . + _Min_Heap_Size;
. = . + _Min_Stack_Size;
. = ALIGN(8);
} >RAM
/* Remove information from the standard libraries */
libc.a ( * )
libm.a ( * )
libgcc.a ( * )
.ARM.attributes 0 : { *(.ARM.attributes) }
Thank you!

Then using this linker script the initialized static storage objects will be stored in the RAM memory section as the .data segment is stored there.
The initial values will be stored in the RAM_EXEC memory section. The startup code will have to copy this data from the RAM_EXEC to RAM.
The problem is that something (probably the debug probe or the bootloader) will have to program the RAM_EXEC memory section first
The not initialized static storage objects will be stored in the RAM memory section as the .bss section is located there. The startup code will have to zero those
The best way is to see what is actually in the memory and where. Generate the .map file to see the exact placement (you can increase the size of the RAM to pass the linking. It will not be the valid executable, but you will be able to generate the .map file)


Undefined reference to _fini and __dso_handle when compiling c++ for arm cortex M3

I am trying to compile the c++ code for arm cortex-m3. When I use static variable of any class, which has custom destructors (like std::function<> for example), I get the following errors:
/Applications/ARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/app.dir/src/acc_lis.cpp.obj: in function `unsigned char* std::__copy_move<false, true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::__copy_m<unsigned char>(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char*)':
/Applications/ARM/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/bits/stl_algobase.h:426: undefined reference to `__dso_handle'
/Applications/ARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: /Applications/ARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7-m/nofp/libg.a(lib_a-fini.o): in function `__libc_fini_array':
fini.c:(.text.__libc_fini_array+0x20): undefined reference to `_fini'
/Applications/ARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: app.elf: hidden symbol `__dso_handle' isn't defined
/Applications/ARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value
From what I read, the problem is when c++ is trying to call the destructors after calling exit(), (which I am not calling manually). __dso_handle can be solved by adding -fno-use-cxa-atexit flag, but I have no idea what to do with _fini symbol.
Compiler/Linker flags:
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -std=gnu11 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -Og -fno-move-loop-invariants")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -std=c++11 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -Og -fno-move-loop-invariants")
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-nostartfiles -Xlinker --gc-sections -Xlinker --sort-section -Xlinker alignment --specs=nosys.specs")
SET(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -x assembler-with-cpp")
Linker script (sections part):
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(4);
/* Pre-initialization Code */
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start__ = .);
/* System initialization and the platform initialization (if present)
* should be first */
KEEP(*(.preinit_array_sysinit .preinit_array_sysinit.*))
KEEP(*(.preinit_array_platform .preinit_array_platform.*))
/* Pre-initialization functions (to be executed before C++
* constructors are run) */
KEEP(*(.preinit_array .preinit_array.*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end__ = .);
/* Initialization Code */
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start__ = .);
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end__ = .);
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.text .text.*) /* all remaining code */
*(.rodata .rodata.*) /* read-only data (constants) */
. = ALIGN(4);
__dsp_start__ = . ;
KEEP(*(.dsp .dsp.*)) /* all remaining DSP code */
__dsp_end__ = . ;
. = ALIGN(4);
.ARM.exidx :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_start = .);
*(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_end = .);
. = ALIGN(4);
__data_init__ = .;
/* Place the SystemClock variable needed for CMSIS in a place that is
* compatible with the ROM's placement of this variable so that the
* variable can be used by CMSIS and the ROM's flash write libary */
.systemclock (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
} > DRAM
.data : AT ( __data_init__ )
. = ALIGN(4);
/* This is used by the startup code to initialize the .data section */
__data_start__ = . ;
*(.data_begin .data_begin.*)
*(.data .data.*)
*(.data_end .data_end.*)
/* Place sleep and wakeup routines in retention RAM
* Wakeup_From_Sleep_Application_asm has to followed directly by
* Wakeup_From_Sleep_Application */
. = ALIGN(4);
/* This is used by the startup code to initialize the .data section */
__data_end__ = . ;
.bss (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_start__ = .;
*(.bss_begin .bss_begin.*)
*(.bss .bss.*)
*(.bss_end .bss_end.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_end__ = .;
.noinit (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
__noinit_start__ = .;
*(.noinit .noinit.*)
. = ALIGN(4) ;
__noinit_end__ = .;
} > DRAM
/* Check if there is enough space to allocate the main stack */
._stack (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
. = . + __Main_Stack_Size ;
. = ALIGN(4);
. = __data_init__ + (__data_end__ - __data_start__);
PROVIDE(__flash_end__ = ALIGN(2048));
PROVIDE(__code_size = __flash_end__ - ORIGIN(FLASH));
Based on the libc source for initfini.c, _fini and _init are used for module initialization/deinitialization respectively. As the embedded code is not supposed to exit from the main, __libc_fini_array is not called which in turn does not call _fini(). Unfortunately, parts of stl calls exit() which is defined as:
uint8_t i;
for (i = 0; i < atexit_count; i++) {
restarting the whole problem. When using nosys.specs, there is no _fini function defined, but we can define your own to fix this.
/* Make sure you have C linkage when defining in c++ file */
extern "C"
void _fini()
/* Either leave empty, or infinite loop here */
while (true)
__asm volatile ("NOP");
Furthermore need to provide __fini_array_start and __fini_array_end in a linker script for __libc_fini_array, but that's all there is to it.
Please note that we can skip this problem entirely while lazy-initializing the object by calling operator new instead if we have support for the dynamic allocation, or use std::aligned_storage and placement new to avoid calling destructors alltogether.

How to debug cross-compiled QEMU program with GDB?

I'm having trouble debugging a simple program running in QEMU with GDB. GDB seems unable to find where I am in the program (in that it always displays ?? as my current location), and it never hits any breakpoint I set.
In one terminal, I run QEMU:
$ cat add.c
int main() {
int x = 9;
int v = 1;
while (1) {
int q = x + v;
return 0;
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc add.c -g
$ qemu-system-riscv64 -gdb tcp::1234 -drive file=a.out,format=raw
And in another terminal, I run GDB:
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb a.out
GNU gdb (GDB)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0 --target=riscv64-unknown-elf".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from a.out...
(gdb) target remote :1234
Remote debugging using :1234
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) list
1 int main() {
2 int x = 9;
3 int v = 1;
4 while (1) {
5 int q = x + v;
6 }
7 return 0;
8 }
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1018e: file add.c, line 2.
(gdb) b 5
Breakpoint 2 at 0x1019a: file add.c, line 5.
(gdb) b _start
Breakpoint 3 at 0x10114
(gdb) b 4
Breakpoint 4 at 0x101a8: file add.c, line 4.
(gdb) c
I never hit a breakpoint, even though the program should be looping infinitely. It seems odd that it's displaying 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()...but maybe that's okay?
What am I doing wrong here? How can I step through this program?
I think you are missing a linker script and some startup code - disclaimer: I am a newcomer to riscv.
You will find a lot of information on those two topics on the Internet, but you basically need to specify where your program will be located in RAM, to establish a stack and initialize the frame pointer:
This is required if you want to be able to call functions and declare automatic C variables like a, b, c in your program.
I used the Windows toolchain from Kendryte for the purpose of this example (the Linux version is available here), and a Windows version of qemu retrieved here.
1) Linker script: the example uses a slightly modified example of the default linker script used by riscv64-unknown-elf-ld:
riscv64-unknown-elf-ld --verbose > riscv64-virt.ld
Edit riscv64-virt.ld, and keep only the lines delimited by:
Add a description for the memory layout of the qemu-system-riscv64 virt machine:
/* qemu-system-risc64 virt machine */
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000, LENGTH = 128M
Use ORIGIN(RAM) and LENGTH(RAM) instead of hard-coded values, and provide a __stack_top symbol:
PROVIDE (__executable_start = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", ORIGIN(RAM))); . = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", ORIGIN(RAM)) + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
By the way, there are multiple ways of learning the memory layout of a qemu-system target machine, but I usually look at its Device Tree file:
qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -machine dumpdtb=riscv64-virt.dtb
dtc -I dtb -O dts -o riscv-virt.dts riscv-virt.dtb
The section describing the memory tells us it starts at 0x80000000:
memory#80000000 {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x80000000 0x0 0x8000000>;
/* Script for -z combreloc: combine and sort reloc sections */
/* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copying and distribution of this script, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved. */
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-littleriscv", "elf64-littleriscv",
/* qemu-system-risc64 virt machine */
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000, LENGTH = 128M
/* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
PROVIDE (__executable_start = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", ORIGIN(RAM))); . = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", ORIGIN(RAM)) + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
.interp : { *(.interp) } : { *( }
.hash : { *(.hash) }
.gnu.hash : { *(.gnu.hash) }
.dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
.dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
.gnu.version : { *(.gnu.version) }
.gnu.version_d : { *(.gnu.version_d) }
.gnu.version_r : { *(.gnu.version_r) }
.rela.dyn :
*(.rela.text .rela.text.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
*(.rela.rodata .rela.rodata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.r.*)
*(* .rela.gnu.linkonce.d.*)
*(.rela.tdata .rela.tdata.**)
*(.rela.tbss .rela.tbss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.tb.*)
*(.rela.sdata .rela.sdata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s.*)
*(.rela.sbss .rela.sbss.**)
*(.rela.sdata2 .rela.sdata2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s2.*)
*(.rela.sbss2 .rela.sbss2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*)
*(.rela.bss .rela.bss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.b.*)
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__rela_iplt_start = .);
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__rela_iplt_end = .);
.rela.plt :
.init :
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.init)))
.plt : { *(.plt) }
.iplt : { *(.iplt) }
.text :
*(.text.unlikely .text.*_unlikely .text.unlikely.*)
*(.text.exit .text.exit.*)
*(.text.startup .text.startup.*)
*(.text .stub .text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*)
/* .gnu.warning sections are handled specially by elf32.em. */
.fini :
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.fini)))
PROVIDE (__etext = .);
PROVIDE (_etext = .);
PROVIDE (etext = .);
.rodata : { *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*) }
.rodata1 : { *(.rodata1) }
.sdata2 :
*(.sdata2 .sdata2.* .gnu.linkonce.s2.*)
.sbss2 : { *(.sbss2 .sbss2.* .gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
.eh_frame_hdr : { *(.eh_frame_hdr) *(.eh_frame_entry .eh_frame_entry.*) }
.eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RO { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) *(.eh_frame.*) }
.gcc_except_table : ONLY_IF_RO { *(.gcc_except_table
.gcc_except_table.*) }
.gnu_extab : ONLY_IF_RO { *(.gnu_extab*) }
/* These sections are generated by the Sun/Oracle C++ compiler. */
.exception_ranges : ONLY_IF_RO { *(.exception_ranges
.exception_ranges*) }
/* Adjust the address for the data segment. We want to adjust up to
the same address within the page on the next page up. */
/* Exception handling */
.eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RW { KEEP (*(.eh_frame)) *(.eh_frame.*) }
.gnu_extab : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.gnu_extab) }
.gcc_except_table : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*) }
.exception_ranges : ONLY_IF_RW { *(.exception_ranges .exception_ranges*) }
/* Thread Local Storage sections */
.tdata :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__tdata_start = .);
*(.tdata .tdata.**)
.tbss : { *(.tbss .tbss.* .gnu.linkonce.tb.*) *(.tcommon) }
.preinit_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
.init_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
.fini_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.fini_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
.ctors :
/* gcc uses crtbegin.o to find the start of
the constructors, so we make sure it is
first. Because this is a wildcard, it
doesn't matter if the user does not
actually link against crtbegin.o; the
linker won't look for a file to match a
wildcard. The wildcard also means that it
doesn't matter which directory crtbegin.o
is in. */
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors))
KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.ctors))
/* We don't want to include the .ctor section from
the crtend.o file until after the sorted ctors.
The .ctor section from the crtend file contains the
end of ctors marker and it must be last */
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
KEEP (*(.ctors))
.dtors :
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
KEEP (*(.dtors))
.jcr : { KEEP (*(.jcr)) } : { *(**) *(**) }
.dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
.data :
*(.data .data.* .gnu.linkonce.d.*)
.data1 : { *(.data1) }
.got : { *(.got.plt) *(.igot.plt) *(.got) *(.igot) }
/* We want the small data sections together, so single-instruction offsets
can access them all, and initialized data all before uninitialized, so
we can shorten the on-disk segment size. */
.sdata :
__global_pointer$ = . + 0x800;
*(.srodata.cst16) *(.srodata.cst8) *(.srodata.cst4) *(.srodata.cst2) *(.srodata .srodata.*)
*(.sdata .sdata.* .gnu.linkonce.s.*)
_edata = .; PROVIDE (edata = .);
. = .;
__bss_start = .;
.sbss :
*(.sbss .sbss.**)
.bss :
*(.bss .bss.* .gnu.linkonce.b.*)
/* Align here to ensure that the .bss section occupies space up to
_end. Align after .bss to ensure correct alignment even if the
.bss section disappears because there are no input sections.
FIXME: Why do we need it? When there is no .bss section, we don't
pad the .data section. */
. = ALIGN(. != 0 ? 64 / 8 : 1);
. = ALIGN(64 / 8);
. = SEGMENT_START("ldata-segment", .);
. = ALIGN(64 / 8);
_end = .; PROVIDE (end = .);
/* Stabs debugging sections. */
.stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
.stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
.stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
.stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
.stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
.stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
.comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
/* DWARF debug sections.
Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning
of the section so we begin them at 0. */
/* DWARF 1 */
.debug 0 : { *(.debug) }
.line 0 : { *(.line) }
/* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */
.debug_srcinfo 0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) }
.debug_sfnames 0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) }
/* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */
.debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) }
.debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) }
/* DWARF 2 */
.debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info .gnu.linkonce.wi.*) }
.debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) }
.debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line .debug_line.* .debug_line_end ) }
.debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) }
.debug_str 0 : { *(.debug_str) }
.debug_loc 0 : { *(.debug_loc) }
.debug_macinfo 0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) }
/* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions */
.debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) }
.debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) }
.debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
.debug_varnames 0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
/* DWARF 3 */
.debug_pubtypes 0 : { *(.debug_pubtypes) }
.debug_ranges 0 : { *(.debug_ranges) }
/* DWARF Extension. */
.debug_macro 0 : { *(.debug_macro) }
.debug_addr 0 : { *(.debug_addr) }
.gnu.attributes 0 : { KEEP (*(.gnu.attributes)) }
/DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) *(.gnu_debuglink) *(.gnu.lto_*) }
2) startup.s: (credits: here and here).
.section .init, "ax"
.global _start
.cfi_undefined ra
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, __global_pointer$
.option pop
la sp, __stack_top
add s0, sp, zero
jal zero, main
add.c: (your code)
int main() {
int a = 4;
int b = 12;
while (1) {
int c = a + b;
return 0;
3) compiling/linking, and creating a listing:
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -g -ffreestanding -O0 -Wl,--gc-sections -nostartfiles -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -Wl,-T,riscv64-virt.ld -o add.elf startup.s add.c
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -D add.elf > add.objdump
4) starting qemu in a console:
qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -m 128M -gdb tcp::1234,ipv4 -kernel add.elf
I am not sure that the qemu options you were using: -drive file=a.out,format=raw
are correct, and I think they are not, but I did not spend time checking, and used the options I am usually using: -kernel add.elf
4) starting gdb in another console (I am using here a GDB I compiled with TUI support for mingw64 for my own convenience).
riscv64-elf-gdb --tui add.elf
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
main () at add.c:5
(gdb) p a
$1 = 4
(gdb) p b
$2 = 12
(gdb) p c
$3 = 16
This may have been a little bit long, but I hope this will help.
Please note that the startup code is good enough for your code, but some important initializations are missing, such as copying the data section from flash to RAM (not relevant here), and clearing the .bss section.
Using riscv-gnu-toolchain built with glibc is a much simpler method to debug riscv programs unless you are debugging some system-level program where you must use riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc instead of riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc. For a simple program like your add.c, using user-space qemu-riscv and glibc riscv-gnu-toolchain can save you a lot of trouble. (One can install these tools following the commands listed at the bottom)
By the time I am writing this answer, there are two different versions of the riscv toolchain: one built with newlib which provides riscv64-unknown-elf-* and another with glibc which provides riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-*. There are also two versions of qemu: qemu-system-riscv64 for debugging kernels or bare-metal programs and qemu-riscv64 for debugging user-space programs compiled with libc.
For simple programs like add.c, one may debug it with the second type of the toolchain:
Compile: riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc add.c -o add -g
Run: qemu-riscv64 -L /opt/riscv/sysroot/ -g 1234 add -S
Then launch GDB: riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb add
Inside GDB:
target remote:1234
b main
And the program should break at the main entrance.
(Another option is to statically link the program: riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc add.c -o add -g -static and then qemu-riscv64 -g 1234 add -S should work as well)
I did not find many documents mentioning user-space riscv qemu. All I found were articles talking about how to use qemu to debug OS kernels with RISC-V ISA. For the convenience of other newcomers to riscv like me, I will show in the following how to build the mentioned tools.
qemu (
tar xvJf qemu-5.0.0.tar.xz
cd qemu-5.0.0 # higher versions might have problems
./configure --target-list=riscv64-linux-user,riscv64-softmmu
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
, where riscv64-softmmu gives you qemu-system-riscv64 and riscv64-linux-user gives you qemu-riscv64.
riscv-gnu-toolchain (
git clone
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev libncurses5-dev
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --enable-multilib
sudo make linux # this provides you the glibc set of tools (the ones we need here)
sudo make # this provides you the newlib set of tools

Including .init_array section to Linker script produces unusable output

I try to port a c++ project to RISC-V. The project was already successfully compiled for ARM using IAR Toolchain and for Windows.
For the RISC-V port I have written my own CRT0.S file which does all the initialization and also my own linker script.
With some small demo projects everything is working perfectly.
I can also successfully compile and link the project. The problem is when I add the .init_array section to the linker script the output file increases from about 4k to more than 100k. I added these sections to the linker script:
.preinit_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
} > ram
.init_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array ))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
} > ram
.fini_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.fini_array ))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
} > ram
When I now try to load this ELF file to GDB I just get the error No Registers. When I remove the sections from the linker I can successfully run the code as far as i don't use static objects which are not loaded.
Is there any explanation for this behavior?
I was able to identify the problem. When adding the init array section, some static objects from the standard libraries were added as well. The library was using system calls to the operating system (ebreak). Because we are working on a bare metal system the calls were not caught.
The solution was to exclude the standard library and implement the delete operator manually. Now it is working perfectly.
void operator delete(void *p) noexcept
extern "C" void operator delete(void* p, unsigned long c) noexcept
operator delete(p); // Same as regular delete

Bad align value for a ELF section causes the program to be loaded wrong

I'm currently building a toy OS using a custom linker script to create the binary :
/* base virtual address of the kernel */
. = 0x100000;
* Place multiboot header at 0x10000 as it is where Grub will be looking
* for it.
* Immediately followed by the boot code
.boot :
_load_start = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
/* reserve space for paging data structures */
pml4 = .;
. += 0x1000;
pdpt = .;
. += 0x1000;
pagedir = .;
. += 0x1000;
. += 0x8000;
/* stack segment for loader */
stack = .;
* Kernel code section is placed at his virtual address
.text ALIGN(0x1000) : AT(ADDR(.text) - VIRT_BASE)
.data ALIGN(0x1000) : AT(ADDR(.data) - VIRT_BASE)
.rodata ALIGN(0x1000) : AT(ADDR(.rodata) - VIRT_BASE)
_load_end = . - VIRT_BASE;
.bss ALIGN(0x1000) : AT(ADDR(.bss) - VIRT_BASE)
_bss_end = . - VIRT_BASE;
Since I use virtual memory, I use the AT() directive to make a distinction between the relocation address (the value of the symbol) and the actual physical load address, because virtual memory is not enabled when the binary is loaded. The address I give to AT correspond to the physical address mapped to the virtual relocation address. this works well.
But in some cases, I notice there is a strange shift after my code is loaded in memory. the .text section (which does not include the assembly boot code, only C++ code) is located 8 bytes higher than where it should be. An objdump shows the virtual relocation address is correct in the binary, as well as the load address. The only visible change is in readelf -l :
Elf file type is EXEC (Executable file)
Entry point 0x10003c
There are 3 program headers, starting at offset 64
Program Headers:
Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
LOAD 0x0000e8 0x0000000000100000 0x0000000000100000 0x00c000 0x00c000 R 0x8
LOAD 0x00c0f0 0xffffffff8010c000 0x000000000010c000 0x004032 0x005002 RWE 0x10
GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000000 0x000000 RWE 0x8
Section to Segment mapping:
Segment Sections...
00 .boot
01 .text .text._ZN2io3outEth .data .rodata .bss
The ALIGN of my text section is 0x10 here, whereas it is 0x8 when everything works properly.
Why is this align only present in some cases ? e.g. when I use this kind of C++ static initialization :
struct interrupt_desc
uint16_t clbk_low = 0x0;
uint16_t selector = 0x08;
uint8_t zero = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0xE;
uint16_t clbk_mid = 0x0;
uint32_t clbk_high = 0x0;
uint32_t zero2 = 0x0;
} __attribute__((packed));
interrupt_desc bar[32];
or when I implement these assembly structures for IDT handling, if I put them in the .data section, everything if fine, but if they go to the .text, the align is there again :
[SECTION .data]
[GLOBAL _interrupt_table_register]
[GLOBAL _interrupt_vector_table]
[BITS 64]
align 8
DQ _interrupt_vector_table
%rep 256
DW 0x0000
DW 0x0008
DB 0x00
DB 0x0E
DW 0x0000
DD 0x00000000
DD 0x00000000
And finally, I don't really understand what this align value means and how I can adjust it. Moreover the load address is already 0x10 bytes-aligned, so why does this align changes the effective load address ?
Maybe I fail to understand something important here so any explanation about the internals of ELF is very welcome.
In case anyone wonders, the binary is an ELF64 linked with GNU ld, booted by Grub2 using Multiboot2.
PS: there is nothing wrong with my virtual memory mappings as they work perfectly when the align is 8. also, the shift is present event when I dump physical memory.
also, previously, I used to use Rust for the main code instead of C++. With Rust, this align bug was always present since the implementation of LTO in the compiler, but fine previously.
Thanks for your answers.

Cross g++ compiler linker error

I am using Eclipse to cross compile a g++ project for an ARM processor. I am using the yagarto toolchain in a Windows environment. I have no issues with C projects, but with C++ I keep receiving the errors:
libc.a(lib_a-abort.o): In function `abort':
abort.c:63: undefined reference to `_exit'
libc.a(lib_a-sbrkr.o): In function `_sbrk_r':
sbrkr.c:58 undefined reference to `_sbrk'
libc.a(lib_a-signalr.o): In function `_kill_r':
signalr.c:61: undefined reference to `_kill'
as well as:
undefined reference to `_getpid'
undefined reference to `_write'
undefined reference to `_close'
undefined reference to `_fstat'
undefined reference to `_isatty'
undefined reference to `_lseek'
undefined reference to `_read'
From looking around it looks like I have a linker issue. I tried to add the linker flash.ld. It is from a GCC example for my ARM development kit from Atmel Studio. It is not helping. Is there a linker for g++ somewhere? Do I have another issue?
Here are my build options:
make all
Building target: Foo
Invoking: Cross G++ Linker
arm-none-eabi-g++ -nostartfiles -T C:/Users/kempsa/eclipse_workspace/Foo/flash.ld -o"Foo" ./HALTimer1.o ./Main.o
I have the source files Main.cpp, HALTimer1.cpp and the header file Haltimer.h. The main file only includes the header file. The header file only defines a class for the HALTimer with one variable. I don't believe these affect the error. I believe the error is solely from tying to build a g++ project without the correct linker file.
Here is the content of the linker file:
* \file
* \brief Flash Linker script for SAM.
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
/* Memory Spaces Definitions */
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00400000, LENGTH = 0x00040000 /* flash has two banks, one bank = 256K */
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000 /* sram, 64K */
/* The stack size used by the application. NOTE: you need to adjust */
__stack_size__ = DEFINED(__stack_size__) ? __stack_size__ : 0x2000;
/* Section Definitions */
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sfixed = .;
KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
*(.text .text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*)
*(.glue_7t) *(.glue_7)
*(.rodata .rodata* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)
*(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
/* Support C constructors, and C destructors in both user code
and the C library. This also provides support for C++ code. */
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(4);
__preinit_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
__preinit_array_end = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__init_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array))
__init_array_end = .;
. = ALIGN(0x4);
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o) .ctors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
KEEP (*crtend.o(.ctors))
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(4);
__fini_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(.fini_array))
KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
__fini_array_end = .;
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o) .dtors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
KEEP (*crtend.o(.dtors))
. = ALIGN(4);
_efixed = .; /* End of text section */
} > rom
/* .ARM.exidx is sorted, so has to go in its own output section. */
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_start = .);
.ARM.exidx :
*(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
} > rom
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_end = .);
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .;
.relocate : AT (_etext)
. = ALIGN(4);
_srelocate = .;
*(.ramfunc .ramfunc.*);
*(.data .data.*);
. = ALIGN(4);
_erelocate = .;
} > ram
/* .bss section which is used for uninitialized data */
.bss (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sbss = . ;
_szero = .;
*(.bss .bss.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = . ;
_ezero = .;
} > ram
/* stack section */
.stack (NOLOAD):
. = ALIGN(8);
_sstack = .;
. = . + __stack_size__;
. = ALIGN(8);
_estack = .;
} > ram
. = ALIGN(4);
_end = . ;
Complete compiler output:
Building target: Foo
Invoking: Cross G++ Linker
arm-none-eabi-g++ -nostartfiles -T C:/Users/kempsa/eclipse_workspace/Foo/flash.ld -o"Foo" ./HALTimer.o ./Main.o
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-abort.o): In function `abort':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\stdlib/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/stdlib/abort.c:63: undefined reference to `_exit'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-sbrkr.o): In function `_sbrk_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/sbrkr.c:58: undefined reference to `_sbrk'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-signalr.o): In function `_kill_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/signalr.c:61: undefined reference to `_kill'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-signalr.o): In function `_getpid_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/signalr.c:96: undefined reference to `_getpid'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-writer.o): In function `_write_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/writer.c:58: undefined reference to `_write'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-closer.o): In function `_close_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/closer.c:53: undefined reference to `_close'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-fstatr.o): In function `_fstat_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/fstatr.c:62: undefined reference to `_fstat'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-isattyr.o): In function `_isatty_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/isattyr.c:58: undefined reference to `_isatty'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-lseekr.o): In function `_lseek_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/lseekr.c:58: undefined reference to `_lseek'
c:/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib\libc.a(lib_a-readr.o): In function `_read_r':
C:\msys\1.0\home\yagarto\newlib-build\arm-none-eabi\newlib\libc\reent/../../../../../newlib-1.20.0/newlib/libc/reent/readr.c:58: undefined reference to `_read'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Foo] Error 1
Add the linker options -Wl,--gc-sections and the problem should be resolved