I have loaded a terrain object (basically a mountain) and I am using particles to create a snowfall effect. I would like whenever a particle hits the terrain to stop moving. I was thinking to get the x,z coordinates of the particle and check if for the same coordinates the terrain has a bigger or equal y to the particle (which means that the particle "hit" the terrain). My problem is that I dont know how to get the coordinates of a particular spot of the terrain.
Im making an editor in which I want to build a terrain map. I want to use the mouse to increase/decrease terrain altitude to create mountains and lakes.
Technically I have a heightmap I want to modify at a certain texcoord that I pick out with my mouse. To do this I first go from screen coordinates to world position - I have done that. The next step, going from world position to picking the right texture coordinate puzzles me though. How do I do that?
If you are using a simple hightmap, that you use as a displacement map in lets say the y direction. The base mesh lays in the xz plain (y=0).
You can discard the y coordinate from world coordinate that you have calculated and you get the point on the base mesh. From there you can map it to texture space the way, you map your texture.
I would not implement it that way.
I would render the scene to a framebuffer and instead of rendering a texture the the mesh, colorcode the texture coordinate onto the mesh.
If i click somewhere in screen space, i can simple read the pixel value from the framebuffer and get the texture coordinate directly.
The rendering to the framebuffer should be very inexpensive anyway.
Assuming your terrain is a simple rectangle you first calculate the vector between the mouse world position and the origin of your terrain. (The vertex of your terrain quad where the top left corner of your height map is mapped to). E.g. mouse (50,25) - origin(-100,-100) = (150,125).
Now divide the x and y coordinates by the world space width and height of your terrain quad.
150 / 200 = 0.75 and 125 / 200 = 0.625. This gives you the texture coordinates, if you need them as pixel coordinates instead simply multiply with the size of your texture.
I assume the following:
The world coordinates you computed are those of the mouse pointer within the view frustrum. I name them mouseCoord
We also have the camera coordinates, camCoord
The world consists of triangles
Each triangle point has texture coordiantes, those are interpolated by barycentric coordinates
If so, the solution goes like this:
use camCoord as origin. Compute the direction of a ray as mouseCoord - camCoord.
Compute the point of intersection with a triangle. Naive variant is to check for every triangle if it is intersected, more sophisticated would be to rule out several triangles first by some other algorithm, like parting the world in cubes, trace the ray along the cubes and only look at the triangles that have overlappings with the cube. Intersection with a triangle can be computed like on this website: http://www.lighthouse3d.com/tutorials/maths/ray-triangle-intersection/
Compute the intersection points barycentric coordinates with respect to that triangle, like that: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-rendering-a-triangle/barycentric-coordinates
Use the barycentric coordinates as weights for the texture coordinates of the corresponding triangle points. The result are the texture coordinates of the intersection point, aka what you want.
If I misunderstood what you wanted, please edit your question with additional information.
Another variant specific for a height map:
Assumed that the assumptions are changed like that:
The world has ground tiles over x and y
The ground tiles have height values in their corners
For a point within the tile, the height value is interpolated somehow, like by bilinear interpolation.
The texture is interpolated in the same way, again with given texture coordinates for the corners
A feasible algorithm for that (approximative):
Again, compute origin and direction.
Wlog, we assume that the direction has a higher change in x-direction. If not, exchange x and y in the algorithm.
Trace the ray in a given step length for x, that is, in each step, the x-coordinate changes by that step length. (take the direction, multiply it with step size divided by it's x value, add that new direction to the current position starting at the origin)
For your current coordinate, check whether it's z value is below the current height (aka has just collided with the ground)
If so, either finish or decrease step size and do a finer search in that vicinity, going backwards until you are above the height again, then maybe go forwards in even finer steps again et cetera. The result are the current x and y coordinates
Compute the relative position of your x and y coordinates within the current tile. Use that for weights for the corner texture coordinates.
This algorithm can theoretically jump over very thin tops. Choose a small enough step size to counter that. I cannot give an exact algorithm without knowing what type of interpolation the height map uses. Might be not the worst idea to create triangles anyway, out of bilinear interpolated coordinates maybe? In any case, the algorithm is good to find the tile in which it collides.
Another variant would be to trace the ray over the points at which it's x-y-coordinates cross the tile grid and then look if the z coordinate went below the height map. Then we know that it collides in this tile. This could produce a false negative if the height can be bigger inside the tile than at it's edges, as certain forms of interpolation can produce, especially those that consider the neighbour tiles. Works just fine with bilinear interpolation, though.
In bilinear interpolation, the exact intersection can be found like that: Take the two (x,y) coordinates at which the grid is crossed by the ray. Compute the height of those to retrieve two (x,y,z) coordinates. Create a line out of them. Compute the intersection of that line with the ray. The intersection of those is that of the intersection with the tile's height map.
Simplest way is to render the mesh as a pre-pass with the uvs as the colour. No screen to world needed. The uv is the value at the mouse position. Just be careful though with mips/filtering etv
I've been using the Bullet physics engine with OpenGL to visualise my simulations. I currently have a very simple simulation of a cube that has an initial horizontal and forward velocity that falls down from the sky and collides with the walls of a room that are all slanted at 45 degrees, with the bottom of the wall meeting the floor.
I use getOpenGLMatrix to get the orientation, position, etc. of the cube and map it to OpenGL by making that matrix the Model matrix. However, when I run it and visualise the simulation the cube behaves as expected (rolls down the wall), but it does not "touch" the rendered OpenGL wall (I say touch but of course mean the rendered cube does not appear to come near the rendered wall).
My Bullet cube is 2x2x2 (specified by btBoxShape(btVector3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))).
My OpenGL cube is also 2x2x2, with the origin at 0 and corners 1.0 away in each direction.
The only thing I can think of is that the coordinates in Bullet physics do not map directly to the coordinates of OpenGL (for example, a cube edge of length 1 in Bullet is X pixels, but a cube edge of length 1 in OpenGL is Y pixels). Is this the case? If not, can you think why I might have this issue (obviously I don't expect you to magically know the answer, just wondering if there are any known issues like this).
I implemented frustum culling in my system, it tests the frustum planes on every object's bounding sphere, and it works great. (I find the PlaneVsAabb check unneeded)
However, the bounding sphere of the mesh is adjusted for its bind pose, so when the mesh starts moving (e.g the player attacks with his sword) some vertices could go out of the sphere.
This often results in a mesh getting culled, although there are some vertices that should be rendered (e.g the player's sword that went out of the sphere).
I could think of two possible solutions for this:
For every mesh in every frame, calculate its new bounding sphere based on bone changes. (I have no idea how to start with this...) Could this be too inefficient?
Add a fixed offset for every sphere radius (based on the entire mesh size maybe?), so there could be no chance of the mesh getting culled even when animated.
(1) would be inefficient in real-time yes. However you can do a mixture of both, by computing the largest possible bounding sphere statically i.e. when you load it. Using that in (2) would guarantee a better result than some arbitrary offset you make up.
(1) You can add locators to key elements (e.g. dummy bone on the tip of the sword) and transform their origin while animating. You can done it on CPU on each update and then calculate bounding box or bounding sphere. Or you can precompute bounding volumes for each frame of animation offline. Doom3 uses second approach.
I'm making a skybox in my game. The game has a solar system with some things in it (to start, the sun and the earth, with stars in the background). The player is on one planet in this solar system. The solar system is represented to the player using a skybox, with 2D sprites projected onto the skybox in the corresponding positions. The Skybox is rendered with OpenGL (actually, Java's LWJGL) [1]
First things first, all of the bodies are being tracked in 3D space. I can obtain their coordinates, relative directions, etc. All orbits are defined independently (aka, occur on arbitrary planes). In addition, planets have Quaternion rotations. Rendering the system in full 3D, there are no problems.
Projecting the system to the skybox is another matter entirely. In theory, I figure that I should be able to do it like this;
1. Calculate direction vector of where the player is looking (full rotations are not relevant - the vector just has to point in the right direction).
2. Multiply this direction vector with their planet's orientation (Quaternion) to calculate the "view direction"
3. Calculate direction vector from the planet to the object being viewed
4. Find the rotation between the vectors, and rotate the skybox accordingly.
However, when I feed OpenGL my angles, Gimbal Locking occurs and orbits that should be straight: go all bendy (although rotations around one single axis work fine). In what ways can I attempt to prevent this from happening? I'm at a loss.
[1]: My terrain is actually a flat square voxel grid, and I scale the player's coordinates onto it, then pretend that it is a 3D planet.
I'm doing a 3D asteroids game in windows (using OpenGL and GLUT) where you move in space through a bunch of obstacles and survive. I'm looking for a way to set an image background against the boring bg color options. I'm new to OpenGL and all i can think of is to texture map a sphere and set it to a ridiculously large radius. What is the standard way of setting image bg in a 3d game?
The standard method is to draw two texture mapped triangles, whose coordinates are x,y = +-1, z=0, w=1 and where both camera and perspective matrices are set to identity matrix.
Of course in the context of a 'space' game, where one could want the background to rotate, the natural choice is to render a cube with cubemap (perhaps showing galaxies). As the depth buffering is turned off during the background rendering, the cube doesn't even have to be "infinitely" large. A unit cube will do, as there is no way to find out how close the camera is to the object.