Can't add foreign key users table in mysql Workbench - foreign-keys

I'm having a problem and don't have much time so solve it.
I have thoses tables in my database, one called wall and the other is users.
For the wall table, I can add a foreign like you can see :
But in the users table, I can't and I don't know why. Both tables are empty.
Here you can see the users table :
And this is the error code I get :

I think there is not possible to create foreign key to the same table.
In this SQL you change table 'user' and add to this table foreign key from 'user' table.
If I'm wrong please correct me.
Here is example:
alter table `wall` add constraint `id_user_constraint_name` foreign key (`id_user`) references `users`(id);
If you don't have a 'id_user' column use this sql:
alter table `wall` add column id_user bigint;


Change primary key on manytomany field Django

Is it possible to change primary key of many to many field from default to uuid?
Table is already populated. What is the best way for migration?
You can create a migration that executes raw queries, add a new field to the table in the middle then generate the new UUID.
After that, another set of queries to drop the constraints on ID, add the new constraints to the new UUID field, and lastly drop the old ID field.

how to use foreign-keys with hsql create table?

could someone explain me how to use foreign keys in hsql?
I would like it in an create table, but working alter table is also ok.
I am working without tools, just in eclipse
whats wrong with the hsql code?
name VARCHAR(30),
lastname VARCHAR(30),
email VARCHAR(30),
--FOREIGN KEY (b_id) REFERENCES bookingnumber(b_id)
CREATE TABLE bookingnumber (
ADD FOREIGN KEY (fk_b_id) REFERENCES bookingnumber(b_id);
Perhaps you are trying to link each booking number to a user. In this case, multiple booking numbers may exist for each user. If you want to do this, add a column T_ID to the BOOKINGNUMBER table and created the foreign key on this table.
But your statement is linking each user to a booking number and doesn't have the correct syntax. It needs a column named B_ID in the USER table to work. And the syntax would be like this:
ALTER TABLE user ADD FOREIGN KEY (b_id) REFERENCES bookingnumber(b_id);
I was facing a similar situation and this helped me
CREATE TABLE child(c1 INTEGER, c2 VARCHAR, FOREIGN KEY (c1, c2) REFERENCES parent(p1, p2));
A more detailed explanation can be found at

Which is better? or city.state_id

I have to table with relation.
Which is better in performance? or city.state_id
city.state_id is better anyway. city.state will do another fetch from database.You can avoid this using select_related.If you need only id of foriegn key, no need of select_related here.Just do city.state_id(since foriegn key id will fetch in the query which gives city object).
city.state_id is better than Because It makes only a query instead of two.
BTW, You can use Django Debug Toolbar for debugging queries.
the <field>_id field you see is the database column name
Behind the scenes, Django appends "_id" to the field name to create its database column name. In the above example, the database table for the Car model will have a manufacturer_id column
So this means it doesn't need to make a separate query to retrieve the foreign key instance (See Select a single field from a foreign key for more details).
But this assumes you haven't used select_related or prefetch_related

In Django, how to implement foreign key relations between tables in different mysql dbs

In MySQL, we can have foreign key relationships between tables in different databases. I am finding it difficult to translate this relationship on the respective Django models.
I have read in the docs that cross-db relationships are not supported, but can we override some property/function so that we can make tables be identified as DB.table rather than table?
For example, there is table table1 in DB1 that gets referenced in some table2 in DB2. Django tries (unsuccessfully) to find table1 in DB2, and raises a DatabaseError
Variable Value
charset 'latin1'
exc <class '_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError'>
self <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object at 0x2a87ed0>
args (195,)
db <weakproxy at 0x2a95208 to Connection at 0xdad0>
value ProgrammingError(1146, "Table 'DB2.table1' doesn't exist")
query 'SELECT (1) AS `a` FROM `table1` WHERE `table1`.`ndx` = 195 LIMIT 1'
Almost everything works, except the save method. A push in the right direction would help a lot!
You required Manually Selecting a Database.
Looking on the error you gave, you should do something like this:
qs = table1.objects.using('DB1 ').filter(pk=id)
# just an example
In this example we are explicitly telling Django to locate table1 in DB1.
It seems we cannot do anything to get relationships working between two tables in different mysql DBs. This is by design. Ticket 17875 has some info. We need to write code that works around this.

Open JPA how do I get back results from foreign key relations

Good morning. I have been looking all over trying to answer this question.
If you have a table that has foreign keys to another table, and you want results from both tables, using basic sql you would do an inner join on the foreign key and you would get all the resulting information that you requested. When you generate your JPA entities on your foreign keys you get a #oneToone annotation, #oneToMany, #ManyToMany, #ManyToOne, etc over your foreign key columns. I have #oneToMany over the foreign keys and a corresponding #ManyToOne over the primary key in the related table column I also have a #joinedON annotation over the correct column... I also have a basic named query that will select everything from the first table. Will I need to do a join to get the information from both tables like I would need to do in basic sql? Or will the fact that I have those annotations pull those records back for me? To be clear if I have table A which is related to Table B based on a foreign key relationship and I want the records from both tables I would join table A to B based on the foreign key or
Select * From A inner Join B on A.column2 = B.column1
Or other some-such non-sense (Pardon my sql if it is not exactly correct, but you get the idea)...
That query would have selected all column froms A and B where those two selected column...
Here is my named query that I am using....
#NamedQuery(name="getQuickLaunch", query = "SELECT q FROM QuickLaunch q")
This is how I am calling that in my stateless session bean...
System.out.println("testing 1..2..3");
listQL = emf.createNamedQuery("getQuickLaunch").getResultList();
System.out.println("What is the size of this list: number "+listQL.size());
qLaunchArr = listQL.toArray(new QuickLaunch[listQL.size()]);
Now that call returns all the columns of table A, but it lack's the column's of table B. My first instinct would be to change the query to join the two tables... But that kind of makes me think what is the point of using JPA then if I am just writing the same queries that I would be writing anyway, just in a different place. Plus, I don't want to overlook something simple. So what say you stack overflow enthusiasts? How does one get back all the data of joined query using JPA?
Suppose you have a Person entity with a OneToMany association to the Contact entity.
When you get a Person from the entityManager, calling any method on its collection of contacts will lazily load the list of contacts of that person:
// triggers a query select * from contact c where c.personId = ?
If you want to use a single query to load a person and all its contacts, you need a fetch in the SQL query:
select p from Person p
left join fetch p.contacts
where ...
You can also mark the association itself as eager-loaded, using #OneToMany(lazy = false), but then every time a person is loaded (vie em.find() or any query), its contacts will also be loaded.