I need to write a sentence in Pig Latin form and I am almost done it successfuly except for 1 case and I almost give up
for example :
If my word starts at a\e\o\u\i the word will look like easy -> easyway , apple -> appleway
and if it doesnt start with a letter that I wrote above
it will look like that: box -> oxbay , king -> ingkay
I succeed with the bolded part but in the first part with a\e\o\u\i letter at the beginning , I dont know where to put the w before and need some help with it
This is my code , thanks in advance
#include <iostream>
//Since those are used in ALL function of program, it wont hurt to set it to global
//Else it is considered EVIL to declare global variables
const int maxLine = 100;
char phraseLine[maxLine] = { '\0' };
void pigLatinString();
using namespace std;
void main()
// Displayed heading of program
cout << "* You will be prompted to enter a string of *" << endl;
cout << "* words. The string will be converted into *" << endl;
cout << "* Pig Latin and the results displayed. *" << endl;
cout << "* Enter as many strings as you would like. *" << endl;
//prompt the user for a group of words or press enter to quit
cout << "Please enter a word or group of words. (Press enter to quit)\n";
cin.getline(phraseLine, 100, '\n');
cout << endl;
// This is the main loop. Continue executing until the user hits 'enter' to quit.
while (phraseLine[0] != '\0')
// Display the word (s) entered by the user
cout << "You entered the following: " << phraseLine << endl;
// Display the word (s) in Pig Latin
cout << "The same phrase in Pig latin is: ";
cout << endl;
//prompt the user for a group of words or press enter to quit
cout << "Please enter a word or group of words. (Press enter to quit)\n";
cin.getline(phraseLine, 100, '\n');
void pigLatinString() //phraseLine is a cstring for the word, maxline is max length of line
{ //variable declarations
char tempConsonant[10];
tempConsonant[0] = '\0';
int numberOfConsonants = 0;
char previousCharacter = ' ';
char currentCharacter = ' ';
bool isInWord = 0;
// for loop checking each index to the end of whatever is typed in
for (int i = 0; i < maxLine; i++)
//checking for the end of the phraseline
if (phraseLine[i] == '\0')
{//checking to see if it's in the word
if (isInWord)
{//checking to see that there wasn't a space ahead of the word and then sending the cstring + ay to the console
if (previousCharacter != ' ')
cout << tempConsonant << "ay" << endl;
// this covers the end of the word condition
if (isInWord)
{// covers the condition of index [i] being the space at the end of the word
if (phraseLine[i] == ' ')
// spits out pig latin word, gets you out of the word, flushes the temp consonants array and resets the # of consonants to 0
cout << tempConsonant << "ay";
isInWord = 0;
tempConsonant[0] = '\0';
numberOfConsonants = 0;
cout << phraseLine[i] ;
{//this covers for the first vowel that makes the switch
if (phraseLine[i] != ' ')
{// sets the c string to what is in the phraseline at the time and makes it capitalized
char currentCharacter = phraseLine[i];
currentCharacter = toupper(currentCharacter);
// this takes care of the condition that currentCharacter is not a vowel
if ((currentCharacter != 'A') && (currentCharacter != 'E') &&
(currentCharacter != 'I') && (currentCharacter != 'O') && (currentCharacter != 'U'))
//this sets the array to temporarily hold the consonants for display before the 'ay'
{//this sets the null operator at the end of the c string and looks for the next consonant
tempConsonant[numberOfConsonants] = phraseLine[i];
tempConsonant[numberOfConsonants + 1] = '\0';
{// this sets the boolean isInWord to true and displays the phraseline
isInWord = 1;
cout << phraseLine[i];
cout << phraseLine[i] ;
previousCharacter = phraseLine[i];
You have two conditions to consider. if your word starts with a vowel, just add "way" to the end of the word, else move the first letter and add "ay" to the end.
This is a task that can be made a lot simpler by using std::string instead of C-strings. This is because you are now no longer concerned with exceeding your length or losing the null character. It also allows easier access to the Standard Library algorithms.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string make_pig_latin(const std::string& word) {
std::string vowels("aeiou");
std::string newWord(word);
if (newWord.find_first_not_of(vowels) == 0) {
// Word starts with a consanant
std::rotate(newWord.begin(), newWord.begin() + 1, newWord.end());
newWord += "ay";
} else {
newWord += "way";
return newWord;
int main() {
std::cout << make_pig_latin("apple") << '\n'
<< make_pig_latin("box") << '\n'
<< make_pig_latin("king") << '\n'
<< make_pig_latin("easy") << '\n';
The function above highlights how you can go about structuring your conversion. You just need to know if your word starts with a vowel or not, and take the appropriate action.
I did not get the impression that you have to care about words like 'phone'.
Looking through your code, you should try to do a better job at separating your concerns. Pig Latin is easier done one word at a time, but you have string splitting code and a lot of "not Pig Latin" code in your Pig Latin function. Your main can handle getting input. You should probably have a separate function to break the line up into individual words, using std::vector to hold the words would be best since it can grow on demand and doesn't have to know a specific capacity up front. You then iterate through your array of words and translate them individually. Depending on what your actual requirements are, it's possible that you don't even have to store the translated words, just print them directly to the screen.
Here's the same program, but now it can separate words. Note how the pig latin function doesn't have to change (much, I added upper-case vowels just because I didn't want to bothered converting words) in order for the added functionality to be added.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::string make_pig_latin(const std::string& word) {
std::string vowels("aeiouAEIOU");
std::string newWord(word);
if (newWord.find_first_not_of(vowels) == 0) {
// Word starts with a consanant
std::rotate(newWord.begin(), newWord.begin() + 1, newWord.end());
newWord += "ay";
} else {
newWord += "way";
return newWord;
int main() {
std::string phrase(
"A sentence where I say words like apple box easy king and ignore "
std::istringstream sin(phrase);
std::vector<std::string> words(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(sin), {});
for (auto i : words) {
std::cout << make_pig_latin(i) << ' ';
Away entencesay hereway Iway aysay ordsway ikelay appleway oxbay easyway ingkay andway ignoreway unctuationpay
I am currently self-studying C++ with Schaum's outline book (which covers mostly C contents, or so I've been told, but whatever) and I have encountered some trouble with problem 9.8.
You are supposed to count the number of appearances of every different word in a given c++ string, for which I assumed each word was separated from the next one by a white space, a newline or a dot or coma (followed in these two last cases by another white space).
My code is the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ string s;
cout << "Enter text (enter \"$\" to stop input):\n";
string s2 = s, word;
int ini = 0, last, count_word = 0;
int count_1 = 0, count_2 = 0, count_3 = 0;
cout << "\nThe words found in the text, with its frequencies, are the following:\n";
for (ini; ini < s.length(); )
{ // we look for the next word in the string (at the end of each iteration
// ini is incremented in a quantity previous_word.length()
last = ini;
cout << "1: " << ++count_1 << endl;
{ if (s[last] == ' ') break;
if (s[last] == '\n') break;
if (s[last] == ',') break;
if (s[last] == '.') break;
if (last > s.length()-1 ) break;
cout << "2: " << ++count_2 << endl;
--last; // last gives the position within s of the last letter of the current word
// now me create the word itself
word = s.substr(ini,last-ini+1); //because last-ini is word.length()-1
int found = s2.find(word);
while( found != s2.length() ) // the loop goes at least once
s2.erase(0,found+word.length()); // we erase the part of s2 where we have already looked
found = s2.find(word);
cout << "3: " << ++count_3 << endl;
cout << "\t["<<word<<"]: " << count_word;
s2 = s;
s2.erase(0,ini + word.length()); // we do this so that in the next iteration we don't look for
// the new word where we know it won't be.
if (s[last] == ' ' || s[last] == '\n') ini = last + 1;
if (s[last] == ',' || s[last] == '.') ini = last + 2;
count_word = 0;
When I ran the program nothing was sshown on screen, so I figured out that one of the loops must had been stuck (that is why I defined the variables count_1,2 and 3, to know if this was so).
However, after correctly counting the number of iterations for the fist word to be found, nothing else is printed and all I see is the command prompt (I mean the tiny white bar) and I cannot even stop the program by using ctrl z.
This is a very complicated method for a very simple problem. You can just use a stringstream to extract each word seperated by a white space. You then just take the extracted word and increment the word counter using a std::map<std::string, int>.
My take on this:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::map<std::string, int> word_to_count;
std::string in;
std::getline(std::cin, in);
std::stringstream s(in);
std::string temp_word;
while (s >> temp_word) {
for (const auto& x : word_to_count) {
std::cout << x.first << ": " << x.second << std::endl;
return 0;
hello world hello world test
hello: 2
test: 1
world: 2
Keep in mind this is just one of many possible solutions, so just take this as inspiration :).
I need to write a function that gets a string and count how many words there are in the string and how many letters. And then calculate the average of it.
A word in a string is a sequence of letters and numbers separated by one or more spaces.
First of all I have to check if the string is correct. The string must contain only lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers only.
i didnt menage to count all sort of words correctly and also my function doesnt count the last letter.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 50
float checkString(char string[]) {
float wordCounter = 0;
float letterCounter = 0;
bool isLegit = true;
int i = 0;
while (isLegit) {
if (((string[i] >= 48 && string[i] <= 57) ||
(string[i] >= 65 && string[i] <= 90) ||
(string[i] >= 97 && string[i] <= 122 ))) {
for (int j = 0; j <= strlen(string); j++) {
if ((string[j - 1] != ' ' && string[j] == ' ' &&
string[i + 1] != ' ')
|| j == (strlen(string) - 1)) {
else if (string[j] != ' ') {
cout << string[j];
cout << " The avareage is : " << (letterCounter /
wordCounter) << endl;
isLegit = false;
else {
return -1;
isLegit = false;
cout << "Number of words " << wordCounter << endl;
cout << "Number of letters " <<letterCounter << endl;
int main() {
char string[SIZE];
cout << "please enter a sentence " << endl;
cin.getline(string, SIZE);
Instead of using char[] for strings, I suggest that you use std::string which can grow and shrink dynamically. It's one of the most common types to use in the standard C++ library. You can also make use of stringstreams which lets you put a string inside it and then you can extract the contents of the stringstream using >>, just like when reading from std::cin.
Example with comments in the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> // std::stringstream
#include <string> // std::string
// use std::string instead of a char[]
float checkString(const std::string& string) {
// put the string in a stringstream to extract word-by-word
std::istringstream is(string);
unsigned words = 0;
unsigned letters = 0;
std::string word;
// extract one word at a time from the stringstream:
while(is >> word) {
// erase invalid characters:
for(auto it = word.begin(); it != word.end();) {
// Don't use magic numbers. Put the character literals in the code so
// everyone can see what you mean
if((*it>='0' && *it<='9')||(*it>='A' && *it<='Z')||(*it>='a' && *it<='z')) {
// it was a valid char
} else {
// it was an invalid char, erase it
it = word.erase(it);
// if the word still has some characters in it, make it count:
if(word.size()) {
letters += word.size();
std::cout << '\'' << word << "'\n"; // for debugging
std::cout << "Number of words " << words << "\n";
std::cout << "Number of letters " << letters << "\n";
std::cout << "The average number of letters per word is "
<< static_cast<float>(letters) / words << '\n';
return 0.f; // not sure what you are supposed to return, but since the function
// signature says that you should return a float, you must return a float.
int main() {
checkString(" Hello !!! World, now let's see if it works. ");
I would like to add an additional answer. This answer is based on "more-modern" C++ and the usage of algorithms. You want to solve 3 tasks:
Check, if string is OK and matched to your expectations
Count the number of words in the given string
Count the number of letters
Calculate the ratio of words/letters
For all this you may use existings algorithms from the C++ standard library. In the attached example code, you will see a one-liner for each task.
The statements are somehow very simple, so that I will not explain much more. If there should be a question, I am happy to answer.
Please see here one possible example code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include <cctype>
std::regex re("\\w+");
std::tuple<bool, int, int, double> checkString(const std::string& str) {
// Check if string consists only of allowed values, spaces or alpha numerical
bool stringOK{ std::all_of(str.begin(), str.end(), [](const char c) { return std::isalnum(c) || std::isspace(c); }) };
// Count the number of words
int numberOfWords{ std::distance(std::sregex_token_iterator(str.begin(),str.end(), re, 1), {}) };
// Count the number of letters
int numberOfLetters{ std::count_if(str.begin(), str.end(), isalnum) };
// Return all calculated values
return std::make_tuple(stringOK, numberOfWords, numberOfLetters, static_cast<double>(numberOfWords)/ numberOfLetters);
int main() {
// Ask user to input string
std::cout << "Please enter a sentence:\n";
// Get string from user
if (std::string str{}; std::getline(std::cin, str)) {
// Analyze string
auto [stringOk, numberOfWords, numberOfLetters, ratio] = checkString(str);
// SHow result
std::cout << "\nString content check: " << (stringOk ? "OK" : "NOK") << "\nNumber of words: "
<< numberOfWords << "\nNumber of letters: " << numberOfLetters << "\nRatio: " << ratio << "\n";
return 0;
Of course there are many more other possible solutions. But, because of the simplicity of this solution, I showed this variant.
For my code, I am trying to create a class with two functions that:
Display a cstring where each word is reversed
Display an entire cstring reversed
My two test sentences are "Hi There" and "To Be", so the output is:
erehT iH
eB oT
iH erehT
oT eB
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class cStringType {
char sentenceInput[80]; //Member variable
void reverse_sentence(); //Member function
void reverse_words(); //Member function
}; //Bottom of cStringType
int main()
cStringType sentence1, sentence2;
//Objects declared of cStringType
cout << "Please enter a sentence!\n" << endl;
cin.get(sentence1.sentenceInput, 79, '\n');
cin.ignore(80, '\n');
cout << "\nPlease enter another sentence!\n" << endl;
cin.get(sentence2.sentenceInput, 79, '\n');
cout << "\nThe first sentence reversed: ";
cout << endl;
cout << "The second sentence where each word is reversed: ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The first sentence where each word is reversed: ";
cout << endl;
cout << "The second sentence reversed: ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
void cStringType::reverse_sentence()
char reverse_sentence;
//Reverse entire sentence using loop
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(sentenceInput) / 2; i++)
//Reverse the sentence using the length of the
//variable in the class
reverse_sentence = sentenceInput[i];
//First get the user input
//Set your variable equal to the variable in the class
sentenceInput[i] = sentenceInput[strlen(sentenceInput) - i - 1];
//Then reverse the characters and word order
//Starts from the last character in the array
//and goes backwards to 0
sentenceInput[strlen(sentenceInput) - i - 1] = reverse_sentence;
//Set the variable equal to the result
//sentenceInput is now the reverse of the user input in main
cout << sentenceInput << endl;
//Output of the new sentence
void cStringType::reverse_words()
int beginning, end, j = 0;
char reverse_words;
//Reverse each word separately using loop
for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(sentenceInput); i++)
//Get the length of the sentence in the class
if (sentenceInput[i] == ' ' || sentenceInput[i] == '\0')
//Check for spaces or null characters
//This allows only the letters of each word to be
//reversed, not the entire sentence
for (beginning = j, end = i - 1;
beginning < (i + j) / 2; beginning++, end--)
//j is the beginning of the array; increases
//i is the end of the array; decreases
reverse_words = sentenceInput[beginning];
//Set a variable equal to the first
//word in the original user input
sentenceInput[beginning] = sentenceInput[end];
//Set the first letter of a word equal to
//the last letter of a word
sentenceInput[end] = reverse_words;
//Set the result equal to the variable
//sentenceInput is now the user input where each
//word is reversed
j = i + 1;
cout << sentenceInput << endl;
//Output of the new sentence
When I try to run the code, the output becomes something like this:
Please enter a sentence!
Hi There
Please enter another sentence!
To Be
The first sentence reversed: erehT iH
The second sentence where each word is reversed: oT eB
The first sentence where each word is reversed: There Hi
The second sentence reversed: Be To
I tried fixing it, but to no avail. The output is never correct.
Is there some way to fix this issue? Or better yet, to simplify the code? I believe the issue is with the code in the function.
The main problem with your code is that it's using the same buffer for both transformations. In other words: you are reversing the words in the same string which you've already reversed entirely. So you need to have another copy of the original string to do these independently.
Regarding simplifying your code you need to define a function that would reverse a string given a pointer and size or begin and end pointers. Then you can use this function on your entire string or on every word you find while searching for a space character:
char *begin = sentenceInput; //points to the beginning of the word
char *end = sentenceInput + strlen(sentenceInput);
for (char *it = begin; it != end; ++it)
if (*it == ' ') {
reverse(begin, it);
begin = it + 1;
reverse(begin, end); //reverse the last word
The reverse function can be either std::reverse, which can be used in the above code and on the entire string as follows:
std::reverse(sentenceInput, sentenceInput + strlen(sentenceInput))
or you can create a similar function like this:
void reverse(char *begin, char *end)
--end; //point to the last character instead of one-past-last
while (begin < end)
std::swap(*begin++, *end--);
I would suggest using stack for it, it is a natural way of looking at it.
#include <stack>
and then the function would be like that
void cStringType::reverse_words()
int beginning, end, j = 0;
char reverse_words;
stack<char> lastWord;
//Reverse each word separately using loop
for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(sentenceInput); i++)
//Get the length of the sentence in the class
if (sentenceInput[i] == ' ' || sentenceInput[i] == '\0')
//Check for spaces or null characters
//This allows only the letters of each word to be
//reversed, not the entire sentence
//we want to print the last word that was parsed
//we print in the reverse order the word by taking off the stack char by char
cout<< lastWord.top();
cout<<" ";
//if the letter is not space or end of string then push it on the stack
j = i + 1;
cout << sentenceInput << endl;
//Output of the new sentence
I'm looking for a method to limit the visible user input using std::cin.
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Enter your planet:\n";
string planet;
std::cin >> planet; // During the prompt, only "accept" x characters
What the user sees if they enter earth or any other word exceeding 4 characters before pressing enter:
Enter your planet:
This is assuming the character limit is 4, note that the 'h' is missing. The console does not display any other character once it has exceeded the character limit. and this is before you press the enter key.
Kinda like typing in an input box like password fields, but it only allows 5 characters, so typing any other character goes unnoticed
A better analogy would be the maxlength attribute for text input in HTML.
That can't be achieved portably, because OS consoles aren't part of C++ standard. In windows, you could use <windows.h> header - it provides console handles etc., but since you didn't specify OS you are using, the is no point in posting windows-only code here (since it might not meet your needs).
Here is (not perfect) code that will limit visible input of the user:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
COORD last_pos;
std::string input;
int keystroke;
int max_input = 10;
int input_len = 0;
HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
std::cout << "Input (max 10) characters, press ENTER to prompt:" << std::endl;
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &info);
last_pos = info.dwCursorPosition;
keystroke = _getch();
//declare what characters you allow in input (here: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space)
if(std::isalnum(keystroke) || keystroke == ' ')
if(input_len + 1 > max_input)
std::cout << char(keystroke);
input += char(keystroke);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &info);
last_pos = info.dwCursorPosition;
else if(keystroke == 8) //backspace
if(input_len - 1 >= 0)
COORD back_pos {short(last_pos.X-1), last_pos.Y};
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, back_pos);
std::cout << ' ';
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, back_pos);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &info);
last_pos = info.dwCursorPosition;
else if(keystroke == 13) //enter
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "You entered: " << std::endl
<< input << std::endl;
After a few days of experimenting, I found another solution that seems to be quite easy to grasp as it is somewhat beginner level and without requiring any knowledge of windows programming.
The conio.h library function _getch() could easily be replaced with the getchar() function;
I'm not saying the previous answer was not okay, but this solution is sort of aimed towards beginners with only basic knowledge of c++
char ch;
string temp;
ch = _getch();
while(ch != 13)// Character representing enter
if(ch == '\b'){ //check for backspace character
if(temp.size() > 0) // check if string can still be reduced with pop_back() to avoid errors
cout << "\b \b"; //
temp.pop_back(); // remove last character
else if((temp.size() > 0) || !isalpha(ch))// checks for limit, in this case limit is one
{ //character and also optional checks if it is an alphabet
cout << '\a'; // for a really annoying sound that tells you know this is wrong
}else {
temp.push_back(ch); // pushing ch into temp
cout << ch; // display entered character on screen
ch = _getch();
This could probably use some tweaks, because it's definitely not perfect, but I think it is easy enough to understand, at least I hope so
My job is write a program what converts a sentence into lower and upper case.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int current;
string sent;
cout << "Please enter a sentence: ";
cin >> sent;
for (int i = 0; i < sent.length(); i++)
current = (int) sent[i];
cout << "Your sentence in all lower case: "<< sent;
cout << endl;
if (current >= 65 && current <= 90)
current += 32;
sent[i] = (char) current;
cout << "Your sentence in all upper case: " << sent;
return 0;
The output should be:
Please enter a sentence: I Eat Apples!
Sentence in all lower case: i eat apples!
Sentence in all upper case: I EAT APPLES!
However I keep getting a lowercase "i" for the lower case and the upper case I get an upper case I, how come my code doesn't print out the full sentence? I don't get what I did wrong or where the wrong doing is.
The input operator >> separates on white-space (space, newline, tab, etc.). If you want to read a whole line use std::getline:
cout << "Please enter a sentence: ";
getline(cin, sent);
On an unrelated note, please don't use magic numbers like 65 or 32. If you mean characters then use the actual character literals like 'A' or 'a' - 'A' (please note that e.g. 'a' - 'A' is not valid in all encodings, it works in ASCII which is the most common encoding, but it's really not portable). This is also assuming this is a school assignment, otherwise you should be using e.g. std::toupper and some suitable standard algorithm function.
You should have two loops. One loop will be used to convert all letters of the sentence to the lower case and the other loop will be used to convert all letters of the sentence to the upper case.
Also to enter a sentence you should use standard function std::getline. And you need to include header <string>.
For example
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string sentence;
cout << "Please enter a sentence: ";
getline( cin, sentence );
cout << "Your sentence in all lower case: ";
for ( string::size_type i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++ )
char c = sentence[i];
if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' )
c |= ' ';
cout << c;
cout << endl;
cout << "Your sentence in all upper case: ";
for ( string::size_type i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++ )
char c = sentence[i];
if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )
c &= ~' ';
cout << c;
cout << endl;
return 0;
The program output might look like
Please enter a sentence: I Eat Apples!
Your sentence in all lower case: i eat apples!
Your sentence in all upper case: I EAT APPLES!
Pay attention to using the blank character ' ' instead of magic number 32 to convert letters to lower or upper case. This allows to apply the approach also to EBCDIC characters.
You could substitute the loops for range based for loops. For example
for ( char c : sentence )
if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) c |= ' ';
cout << c;
cout << endl;
your code is quite strange to convert to upper/lower case, there are algorithms int STL to do that easily in C++ . Check out --> How to convert std::string to lower case?
And also , as others mentioned, use getline to get your line from an input stream
Hope this help =)
The extraction operator >> considers spaces (whitespace, tabs, newline etc.) as terminating the value being extracted.
Therefore writing:
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
If we input This is a string only This will be extracted.
To get a whole line, you could use the function std::getline by including <string> that takes an input stream as first argument, a string as second argument and optionally a delimiter as third argument:
std::string sentence;
std::cout << "Please enter a sentence: ";
std::getline(std::cin, sentence);
To convert all the characters to uppercase or lowercase, there exists a library that you can use <cctype>, it has std::toupper and std::tolower among others.
This can easily be accomplished by using a loop:
std::string sentence_upper(sentence);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != sentence_upper.length(); ++i) {
sentence_upper[i] = std::toupper(sentence_upper[i]);
Or if you have a C++11 compliant compiler you can use range-based for loop:
std::string sentence_upper(sentence);
for (auto &ch : sentence_upper)
ch = std::toupper(ch);
Putting it all together:
int main()
// Get input from user
std::string sentence;
std::cout << "Please enter a sentence: ";
std::getline(std::cin, sentence);
// Create new string, convert to upper
std::string sentence_upper(sentence);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != sentence_upper.length(); ++i) {
sentence_upper[i] = std::toupper(sentence_upper[i]);
// Output converted string
std::cout << "Your sentence in upper case:\n";
std::cout << sentence_upper << '\n';