I am unable to make the QFileSystemModel go along with the ListView. All the examples and documentation that I found would use QFileSystemModel with the TreeView (which works fine), but this is not what I need.
I do not want to use FolderListModel QML type either because I want to add extra roles to my model later and edit/delete files and folders from the application.
I used DelegateModel to be able to set an other root index. For some reason, my files are correctly displayed for a fraction of a second and then the view jumps to the root of my filesystem. I'm not sure what happens, maybe the indexes are invalidated somehow.
Below is a sample of my code:
QFileSystemModel *fsm = new QFileSystemModel(&engine);
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("displayFileSystemModel", fsm);
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("rootPathIndex", fsm->index(fsm->rootPath()));
ListView {
width: 300
height: 400
model: DelegateModel {
model: displayFileSystemModel
rootIndex: rootPathIndex
delegate: Rectangle {
width: 200; height: 25
Text {
text: model.filePath
Component.onCompleted: {
What am I doing wrong?
So, apparently QFileSystemModel uses a separate thread to populate itself and shoots a directoryLoaded signal once the the thread has finished to load the path.
I tried connecting my view to only set the root index once the path has been properly loaded by adding the following code to my listview
Connections {
target: displayFileSystemModel
function onDirectoryLoaded(path) { delegatemodel.rootIndex = rootPathIndex }
However, this does not solve the problem. A dirty workaround was to set a timer to try set the rootIndex after a period of time.
Timer {
interval: 100
running: true
onTriggered: delegatemodel.rootIndex = examPathIndex
And this "solves" the problem but of course is far from a satisfactory solution. Any idea?
Turns out every time the model is updated (and the directoryLoaded signal is triggered), the view resets. Even trying to reassign the rootIndex every time new data is loaded doesn't work.
edit: added some clarification
Using QML 5.14
It seems the model attribute of TableView does not want to display a QList<int>, or any variation of int, be it qint8, qint32, etc. I can make it work with unsigned QList<uint>, however I need to keep the negative range of values in my application.
I've found that the information is making it to the qml layer, because when i call:
console.log("cfs.amounts is " + cfs.amounts)
console.log("model is " + model)
console.log("modellength is " + model.length)
I actually am getting the expected console output of:
qml: cfs.amounts is 11,12
qml: model is 11,12
qml: modellength is 2
I've ensured the TableView is functional by directly passing it data, i.e. model: [11, 22] and it displays correctly, i.e. it displays the indexes 0, 1. However I can't get it to display anything at all when I pass it the cfs.amounts, which is a QList<int> in c++. So according to the console.log, the model data is there, it is correct, it's getting passed from c++ to qml without issues, and the length is good -- the TableView is just failing to display it.
The only thing I can think of, is that the TableView is silently failing to display arrays of signed integers. However I may also be completely wrong, because I can't get a Repeater item to recognize it in its model, neither. I've searched but I can't find any bug reports on this subject. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to get the qml model to recognize the passed QList<int> ? This is all in QML 5.14.
#include "QObject"
#include "QList"
class CashFlowSchedule : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QList<int> amounts READ amounts)
CashFlowSchedule() {};
QList<int> amounts() { return {11,12}; }
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import cpps 1.0
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
CashFlowSchedule { id: cfs }
TableView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: cfs.amounts
delegate: Text { text: index }
Component.onCompleted: {
console.log("cfs.amounts is " + cfs.amounts)
console.log("model is " + model)
included in the main.cpp
#include "cashflowschedule.h"
qmlRegisterType<CashFlowSchedule>("cpps", 1, 0, "CashFlowSchedule");
QList<int> is not one of the official supported C++ types used for models (see the list here). A bug report exists to clarify the documentation on that point. A QVariantList is a good alternative to use.
I have created a ListView in QML, and I want to be able to implement something like an active item, using an QAbstractListModel as the model that the QML uses. To be more specific, I am using a generic object model, as described in the answer to this question. However, in my QML delegate I have something like this:
id: itemDlgt
id: rec
width: 50
height: 50
color: "#645357"
property bool itemActive: false
AbstractItem //AbstractItem is the class that my object model uses. Its only property is a boolean value
id: s
anchors.fill: parent
s.status = !s.status
itemActive= s.status // using this to trigger onItemActiveChanged
if (itemActive == true)
rec.color = "#823234"
rec.color = "#645357"
What I want to do, is have only one item in the ListView to hold a true value at a time. As soon as another item is clicked, I want to set the AbstractItem of the previously selected item to false, then set the AbstractItem of the new item to true.
Of course, I could use something like this:
id: view
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: myAbstractModel
delegate: itemDlgt
spacing: 5
focus: true //using focus could allow to highlight currently selected item,
//by using ListView.isCurrentItem ? "blue": "red"
But this doesn't seem to work with a QAbstractListModel, since neither arrow keys, nor clicking on an item seems to highlight the current item.
In addition, I want that item to be highlighted again, in the event that the ListView is forced to reset itself from the c++ side, when I use beginResetModel() and endResetModel(). If I were using a QAbstractListModel as described in Qt Documentation, I would be able to do that easily, by saving the index of the selected item, and storing it until a new item was selected. In other words, something like this:
//somewhere in QAbstractListModel's subclass .h file
int x; // temporary storage for keeping currently selected item
//QAbstractListModel's subclass .cpp file
changeCurrentItem(int index) // function that gets called when user selects an item
//Checking if x has a value, If not, I simply set the
//needed item's value to true, and then set x to the value of index.
//Else do the following...
x = index;
But I was facing several issues when I was using that, which is the reason why I decided to use a generic object model, which seems to be more flexible.
Finally, I want to be able to send a signal to the c++ side of the code whenever the currently selected item changes, which is trivial with a MouseArea, but I know not of a method to do that using the ListView's focus property, should that be an option.
To make long things short, this is my question in a few words:
Am I missing something in regards to QML code, that would allow me to highlight the currently selected item, while also being able to keep it active after reseting ListView, and being able to send a signal to c++ when it changes?
If not, is there a way to implement a function inside my generic object model, that keeps track of the currently selected item, so that I can highlight it?
If using the ListView's currentIndex property is the goto approach.
Simply set the color in the delegate via:
color: index == view.currentIndex ? "blue": "red"
And don't forget that in order for this to work, you must set the active index, it doesn't work by magic, and by default it will be -1, so no item will be highlighted:
//in the delegate mouse area
onClicked: view.currentIndex = index
The same applies to keyboard events too, you will have to tell the view what to do with the events, so you can have the up and down keys increment and decrements the current index.
There is another approach, which is more applicable if you want to detach the active item functionality from any view, and have it at item level:
property ItemType activeItem: null
function setActiveItem(item) {
if (activeItem) activeItem.active = false
activeItem = item
activeItem.active = true
The focus property only specifies whether an item has keyboard event focus or not.
If you want to signal on the the index change, use onCurrentIndexChanged
I have a global singleton "Settings" which holds application settings. When I try to run the following code I get a QML CheckBox: Binding loop detected for property "checked":
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: {
Settings.someSetting = checked;
It is obvious why this error occurs, but how can I correctly implement this functionality without a binding loop? E.g. I want to save the current checked state of the checkbox in the settings singleton.
I am using Qt 5.4 and Qml Quick 2.
Don't bind it. Because the check box does not fully depend on Setting.someSetting.
When a user clicked the checkbox, the CheckBox.checked is changed by itself. At the same time, the property binding is no longer valid. Settings.someSetting cannot modify the CheckBox after it is clicked by user. Therefore, the checked: Settings.someSetting binding is wrong.
If you want to assign an initial value to the check box when the component is ready, use Component.onCompleted to assign it:
CheckBox {
id: someSettingCheckBox
Component.onCompleted: checked = Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: Settings.someSetting = checked;
If you are working on a more complex scenario, the Setting.someSetting may be changed by some other things during runtime and the state of the check box is required to be changed simultaneously. Catch onSomeSettingChanged signal and explicitly changed the check box. Submit the value of someSettingCheckBox to Settings only when the program/widget/dialog/xxx finished.
CheckBox { id: someSettingCheckBox }
//within the Settings, or Connection, or somewhere that can get the signal.
onSomeSettingChanged: someSettingCheckBox.checked = someSetting
I prefer this solution
// Within the model
Q_PROPERTY(bool someSetting READ getSomeSetting WRITE setSomeSetting NOTIFY someSettingChanged)
void SettingsModel::setSomeSetting(bool checkValue) {
if (m_checkValue != checkValue) {
m_checkValue = checkValue;
emit someSettingChanged();
// QML
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: Settings.someSetting = checked
The trick is you protect the emit with an if check in the model. This means you still get a binding loop but only a single one, not an infinite one. It stops when that if check returns false thereby not emitting to continue the loop. This solution is very clean, you do not get the warning, and yet you still get all the benefits of the binding.
I want to talk about the limitations of the other solutions presented
CheckBox {
Component.onCompleted: checked = Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: Settings.someSetting = checked;
In this solution you lose your binding. It can only have a default setting on creation and be changed by the user. If you expand your program such that other things change the values in your model, this particular view will not have a way to reflect those changes.
Settings {
id: mySettings
onSomeSettingChanged: checkBox.checked = someSetting
CheckBox {
id: checkBox
onCheckedChanged: mySettings.someSetting = checked
This solution was mentioned to address these problems but never written out. It is functionally complete. Model changes are reflected, the user can change the data, and there are no binding loops because there are no bindings; only two discrete assignments. (x: y is a binding, x = y is an assignment)
There are a couple problems with this. The first is that I think its ugly and inelegant, but that is arguably subjective. It seems fine here but if you have a model representing 10 things in this view, this turns into signal spaghetti. The bigger problem is that it does not work well with delegates because they only exist on demand.
MyModel {
id: myModel
// How are you going to set the check box of a specific delegate when
// the model is changed from here?
ListView {
id: listView
model: myModel.namesAndChecks
delegate: CheckDelegate {
id: checkDelegate
text: modelData.name
onCheckStateChanged: modelData.checkStatus = checked
You can actually do it. I've made up custom QML signals and connections to do it, but the code complexity makes me want to hurl, and even worse you could possibly be forcing creation of a delegate when it is not necessary.
If you don't want to make a binding loop - don't make a binding, use a proxy variable, for example. Other simple solution can be to check the value:
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked !== Settings.someSetting) {
Settings.someSetting = checked;
You can also make two-way binding to resolve this issue:
CheckBox {
id: checkBox
Binding { target: checkBox; property: "checked"; value: Settings.someSetting }
Binding { target: Settings; property: "someSetting"; value: checkBox.checked }
Sometimes it is useful to separate input and output values in control. In this case control always displays real value and it can also show a delay to the user.
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onClicked: Settings.someSetting = !checked
I am using Qt Quick 2 and would like a QML image to be updated when the source is change via clicked on the image. But can't get that to happen.
There have been a few similiar questions but those solutions have not brought any joy in my case. Both images are added to the solution and I can set the image to either. Just can't update the image after changing the source.
Thanks in advance
Image {
id : two_player_button
x: 24
y: 105
cache : false
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
z: 1
sourceSize.height: 0
sourceSize.width: 0
source: "resources/base/players_2.png"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
source: "resources/base/players_2_hl.png"
I have also tried updating it via the parent.
Found my own mistake finally:
needed to be
two_player_button.source = "resources/base/players_2_hl.png"
Just saying
source = "resources/base/players_2_hl.png"
would also not have worked and sets the parent source.
I'm trying to implement a BB10 settings menu, looking like the one in the Calendar app for example. The question here is, which components should I use? Using a ListView with an XML model looks great, but is incompatible with translation. Using a C++ model looks overkill for a simple menu with a couple of entries…
There's probably an established pattern somewhere, but I can't find it.
Screenshot of the Calendar app settings view
What you want is the expendable content property of the title bar:
I would create a QML object that you can re-use for each entry with properties for title and image.
So for example, something perhaps like this:
Container {
property alias title:title.Text
signal click()
TextView {
id: title
text: "[title goes here]"
gestureHandlers: [
TapHandler {
onTapped: {
Then in your settings page you would use it like a normal object:
Page {
Container {
SettingEntry {
title: "General"
onClick: {
//open general page
SettingEntry {
title: "Invitation Settings"
The above is obviously very simplified, you would want to include an icon image, add translation code and add visual adjustments like filling the width and padding.
It should however give you a good idea of where to start.
I also included a gesturehandler and signal to show you how to handle events such as a click.