Can I edit cronjobs using my Django application? - django

I am creating a Django application for school project. I want to schedule jobs (every (work)day on 9:00 and 17:00).
I am trying to do it with Celery right now, but I stuck very hard on it, and as the deadline is in sight, I want to use alternative options: just a cronjob. I think just the cronjob works fine, but the user should be able to edit the times of the cronjobs using the Django web application (so not logging in to SSH, edit the crontab manually).
Is this possible? Can't find anything about it on the internet.

You need django-celery-beat plugin that adds new models to the django admin named "Periodic tasks" where you can manage cron schedule for your tasks.
As an alternate, if you really do not want to run a background tasks, you can create django management commands and use a library like python-crontab to add/modify/remove cron jobs in the system.


Running a background task involving a third-party service in Django

The use-case is this: we need to pull in data from a third-party service and update the database with fresh records, every week. The different ways I have been able to explore have been
either creating a custom django-admin command
or running a background task using Celery (and probably ELK for logging)
I just want to know which way is more feasible and simpler? And if there's another way that I can explore. What I want is monitoring the task for the first few runs then just relying on the logs.

Scheduling task from Django admin Panel

I want to schedule a task in Django which would run at a paticular time every day.I am thinking of using celery to schedule the tasks so I wanted to know is there anyway through celery-beat I could execute the task through admin panel that is make it active or inactive and give the time at which I want to execute task through my admin site.Instead of writing this in my code
crontab(day_of_week="0,6", hour="0,12", minute=15)
I want to pass it through my admin panel so that in future if I want to execute my task at some other time I could change it directly through admin panel instead of changing my code.
You will need to implement that on your own or use a third-party project. Luckily, someone already created something like that:
This extension enables you to store the periodic task schedule in the
The periodic tasks can be managed from the Django Admin interface,
where you can create, edit and delete periodic tasks and how often
they should run.

Django setting up a scheduled task without Cron

I know there are many questions asking about this, especially this one: Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?.
But what I want to understand is, how does a scheduled task inside Django actually works?
My simplistic way to think about it is that there's an infinite loop somewhere, something like this (runs every 60 seconds),
import time
interval=60 #60 seconds
while True:
Question: where do you put this infinite loop? Is there some part of the Django app that just runs in the background alongside the rest of the app?
Django doesn't do scheduled tasks. If you want scheduled tasks, you need a daemon that runs all the time and can launch your task at the appropriate time.
Django only runs when a http request is made. If no one makes a http request for a month, django doesn't run for a month. If there are 45 http requests this second, django will run 45 times this second (in the absence of caching).
You can write scripts in the django framework (called management commands) that get called from some outside service (like cron). That's as close as you'll get to what you want. If that's the case, then the question/answer you reference is the place to get the how tos.
Probably on a unixy system, cron is the simplest outside service to work with. On recent linux systems, cron has a directory /etc/cron.d into which you can drop your app's cron config file, and it will not interfere with any other cron jobs on the system. No editing of existing files necessary.

Alternative to django-celery to perform asynchronous task in Django?

In my admin I have a form allowing to upload a file to fill the DB.
Parsing and filling the DB take a long time, so I'd like to do it asynchronously.
As recommended by several SO users I tried to install python-celery, but I can't manage to do it (I'm on Webfaction).
Is there any simple, easy-to-install alternative?
If webfaction supports cron jobs you can create your own pseudo broker. You could save your long running tasks to the db and in a 'tasks' table, this would allow you to return a response to the user instantaneously. Then there could be a cron that goes through very frequently and looks for uncompleteled tasks and processes them.
I believe this is what django mailer does
Try Gearman along with it's python client library
It's very easy to setup and run gearman. Try few examples.

Django and services

I'm building a simple website with django that requires constant monitoring of text-based data from another website, that's the way it have to be.
How could I run this service on my web-host using django? would I have to start a separate app and run it via SSH, so it updates the database used by django, or are there any easier/better way?
You could use celery to schedule a job that would read data from that other website and do whatever you want with it.
As an alternative to celery, you could also create a cron job that executes a custom django-admin command. That would give you full access to your django install and ORM. The downside is that cron's smallest time resolution is 1 minute, so if you need it to be real-time, you're not going to be able to do that.
If you do need realtime, then creating a python daemon might be a better option.