Running django developing server in a docker container - django

So I'm trying to run Django developing server on a container but I can't access it through my browser. I have 2 containers using the same docker network, one with postgress and the other is Django. I manage to ping both containers and successfully connect 2 of them together and run ./ runserver ok but can't curl or open it in a browser
Here is my Django docker file
FROM alpine:latest
COPY ./requirements.txt .
ADD ./parking/ /parking
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps python3-dev gcc py3-pip postgresql-dev py3-virtualenv musl-dev libc-dev linux-headers
RUN virtualenv /.env
RUN /.env/bin/pip install -r /requirements.txt
WORKDIR /parking
EXPOSE 8000 5432
The postgres container I pulled it from docker hub
I ran django with
docker run --name=django --network=app -p -it dev/django:1.0
I ran postgres with
docker run --name=some-postgres --network=app -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123 -e POSTGRES_DB=parking postgres
Any help would be great. Thank you

I think you forget to add the command to run your application at the and of the dockerfile, when you run this image it just start the virtualenv and install all python dependencies at the requirements.txt, but the django application was not started. You need put at the end something like
CMD "python parking/ runserver"
this will make your container still running at the choosed port and make you application accessible at

Okay so I manage to figure it out, I have looked at #leonardo-alves-dos-santos answer and I come to the conclusion that I run CMD "python parking/ runserver" . Now I can access my Django app with Django container port and from docker network


Flask application with nginx and gunicorn on AWS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Are a WSGI server and HTTP server required to serve a Flask app?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have simple Flask application (simply shows "Hello world"), I would like to deploy it on AWS Elastic BeanStalk. Multiple tutorial show deployment with nginx and gunicorn.
1) I don't understand why we need to use nginx, gunicorn is already a web-server to replace Flask build-in web server.
2) Tutorials show how to build two Docker containers: one for Flask and gunicorn and another for nginx. Why do I need two containers, can I package all in one? With two containers I cannot use Single Container Docker, I need to use Multicontainer Docker.
Any thoughts?
Usually in this trio nginx is used as reverse proxy.
It is possible to package flask+gunicorn+nginx in the same docker container:
For example:
FROM python:3.6.4
# Software version management
ENV NGINX_VERSION=1.13.8-1~jessie
# Environment setting
# Flask demo application
COPY ./app /app
RUN pip install -r /app/requirements.txt
# System packages installation
RUN echo "deb jessie nginx" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN wget -O - | apt-key add -
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx=$NGINX_VERSION
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Nginx configuration
RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf
# Gunicorn installation
RUN pip install gunicorn==$GUNICORN_VERSION gevent==$GEVENT_VERSION
# Gunicorn default configuration
COPY /app/
EXPOSE 80 443
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Docker Django image running but not found on localhost

I am trying to run a Django docker image. The image itself is running in the command line without any errors. However when I go to the URL my image is hosted at, the web page is not found.
Below is my docker file I used to build the image
FROM python:3.6
MAINTAINER c15523957
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get -y install libgdal-dev
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
COPY requirements.txt /usr/src/app/
COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]
Below is the command used to run the image
docker run -it -p8001:8000 c15523957/backendimage7
The console logs the message
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
December 11, 2018 - 15:05:03
Django version 2.1.3, using settings 'backendproject.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
However when I go to the browser the web page is not found.
Note: When I run the Django application without the Docker image the webpage is seen. This is done with
python runserver
I was using docker toolbox for windows. Instead of local dcker toolbox binds to the address . So by going to port ....
I was able to access my web page

Django build is taking so much time in jenkins?

I am using jenkins for continuous integration from gitlab and continuous deployment. My "execute shell" consist of the following commands .
source /my_env/bin/activate # Activate the virtualenv
cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Operations_central
#pip install -r requirements.txt # Install or upgrade dependencies
python makemigrations
python migrate # Apply South's database
sudo service nginx restart
fuser -n tcp -k 8088
gunicorn applicationfile.wsgi:application --bind=myserverip:portno`

Can't see django site being run in docker container on localhost

I have a django app that I will need to deploy on Amazon's EC2 Container Service. In the meantime, in order to test the deployment, I am trying to deploy it in a docker container locally first, but even when running a simple demo django application, I am unable to see the page at localhost:8000.
Here is my setup.
Create a docker machine:
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox testmachine
After this I set up my environment:
$ eval "$(docker-machine env testmachine)"
I set up a Dockerfile for my test container:
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install python-pip -y
RUN pip install django
RUN mkdir django_test
RUN cd django_test && \ startproject django_test .
Then I call
$ docker build -t dockertest .
... builds successfully
$ docker run -d -i -t -p 8000:8000 dockertest
$ docker attach cbef144ac068eb61b0c3e032448cc207c8f0384a9a67a710df6d9beb26d2ab32
root#cbef144ac068:/# cd django_test
root#cbef144ac068::/django_test# python runserver
This successfully starts the server at of the container.
However, when I try to go to localhost:8000 in my browser, I get a "This webpage is not available." What am I missing?
Turns out I was looking at the wrong IP.
To figure out the correct IP, I ran:
$ docker-machine ls
testmachine * virtualbox Running tcp://
I then loaded in my browser, and it worked like a charm.

Django Migrate from Google Managed VM Dockerfile - How?

I'm working on a simple implementation of Django hosted on Google's Managed VM service, backed by Google Cloud SQL. I'm able to deploy my application just fine, but when I try to issue some Django commands within the Dockerfile, I get errors.
Here's my Dockerfile:
RUN virtualenv /venv -p python3.4
ENV PATH /venv/bin:$PATH
# Install dependencies.
ADD requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /app/requirements.txt
# Add application code.
ADD . /app
# Overwrite the settings file with the PROD variant.
ADD my_app/ /app/my_app/
RUN python migrate --noinput
# Use Gunicorn to serve the application.
CMD gunicorn --pythonpath ./my_app -b :$PORT --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=my_app.settings my_app.wsgi
# [END docker]
Pretty basic. If I exclude the RUN python migrate --noinput line, and deploy using the GCloud tool, everything works fine. If I then log onto the VM, I can issue the migrate command without issue.
However, in the interest of simplifying deployment, I'd really like to be able to issue Django commands from the Dockerfile. At present, I get the following error if the statement is included:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/cloudsql/my_app:us-central1:my_app_prod_00' (2)")
Seems like a simple enough error, but it has me stumped, because the connection is certainly valid. As I said, if I deploy without issuing the command, everything works fine. Django can connect to the database, and I can issue the command manually on the VM.
I wondering if the reason for my problem is that the sql proxy (cloudsql/) doesn't exist when the Dockerfile is being deployed. If so, how do I get around this?
I'm new to Docker (this being my first attempt) and newish to Django, so I'm unsure of what the correct approach is for handling a deployment of this nature. Should I instead be positioning this command elsewhere?
There are two steps involved in deploying the application.
In the first step, the Dockerfile is used to build the image, which can happen on your machine or on another machine.
In the second step, the created docker image is executed on the Managed VM.
The RUN instruction is executed when the image is being built, not when it's being run.
You should move to the CMD command, which is run when the image is being run.
CMD python migrate --noinput && gunicorn --pythonpath ./my_app -b :$PORT --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=my_app.settings my_app.wsgi