Selecting data from Postgres foreign table via oracle_fdw does not use the index on Oracle side - foreign-data-wrapper

in short: we are facing a problem that full table scan is performed on remote Oracle DB instead of using the index.
Postgres 12.3 in an enriched docker container with oracle base client, connecting to a remote Oracle DB in version 19c. The accessed table has 2M entries.
The installed oracle_fdw is in version 2.30.
It seems that a select on a foreign table is not using the index of the foreign table. We want to select data in the foreign table depending on data in local tables. We tried different methods like joining or subselects, but the index on the foreign table is not used. We tried to generate immutable data with a function and this actually worked. For this single id the statement returns in 12ms and the explain plan shows that the index is used.
'SELECT id FROM local_table';
SELECT r.* FROM remote_table r WHERE IN (SELECT f_ single ());
"Insert on another_local_table (cost=10000.00..10010.00 rows=1 width=5981) (actual time=11.855..11.855 rows=0 loops=1)"
" -> Foreign Scan on remote_table r (cost=10000.00..10010.00 rows=1 width=5981) (actual time=11.095..11.793 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output:"
" Oracle query: SELECT /*fcb71071ce9258eac9244f42c3067c30*/ r3."ID"FROM " REMOTE_TABLE " r3 WHERE (r3."ID" = '2351923')"
" Oracle plan: SELECT STATEMENT"
" Oracle plan: INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PK_REMOTE_TABLE (condition "R3"."ID"='2351923')"
"Planning Time: 5.128 ms"
"Execution Time: 11.998 ms"
But it acutally is not working, if we return multiple rows with the function as seen here:
'SELECT id FROM local_table';
SELECT r.* FROM remote_table r WHERE IN (SELECT f_ multi ());
"Insert on another_local_table (cost=10022.26..20451397.84 rows=1000 width=5981) (actual time=264112.346..264112.346 rows=0 loops=1)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=10022.26..20451397.84 rows=1000 width=5981) (actual time=17482.841..264112.267 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output: "
" Inner Unique: true"
" Hash Cond: (( = (f_multi()))"
" -> Foreign Scan on remote_table r (cost=10000.00..20446000.00 rows=2043600 width=5981) (actual time=319.042..263161.299 rows=1981851 loops=1)"
" Output:"
" Oracle query: SELECT /*ceeb047d793530c693667f5f6fada4d8*/ r3."ID FROM " REMOTE_TABLE" r3"
" Oracle plan: SELECT STATEMENT"
" -> Hash (cost=19.77..19.77 rows=200 width=32) (actual time=419.881..419.881 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output: (f_multi())"
" Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB"
" -> HashAggregate (cost=17.77..19.77 rows=200 width=32) (actual time=419.878..419.878 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output: (f_multi())"
" Group Key: f_multi()"
" -> ProjectSet (cost=0.00..5.27 rows=1000 width=32) (actual time=419.867..419.870 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output: f_multi()"
" -> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=419.744..419.745 rows=1 loops=1)"
"Planning Time: 4.804 ms"
" Functions: 11"
" Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true"
" Timing: Generation 1.896 ms, Inlining 3.663 ms, Optimization 82.373 ms, Emission 333.437 ms, Total 421.368 ms"
"Execution Time: 264114.529 ms"
In this case, the statements takes about 4 min to return even for one row. The explain plan shows that a Full Table Scan is performed.
Why is the index not used? What can we do to force the usage of the index?
If more information about the setup or the tables is needed, we will update the question.
We tracked down the needs to basically this (the WHERE statement seems not to be forced down to Oracle):
SELECT r.* FROM remote_table r
INNER JOIN local_table l
ON =;
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

That is because the PostgreSQL optimizer transforms the query into a join, and oracle_fdw does not support parameterized paths, which could make the foreign scan on the inner side of a nested loop join efficient.
In the first case, the optimizer knows that the IN list must contain a single value and transforms the query to a simple equality condition.
You might have more success with two queries: one that queries the result of f_multi(), and a second one with a constant IN list constructed from the results of the first query.


No Of Queries Hitting Redshift tables in a Time Frame

How can I know the number of queries hitting a table in a particular time frame and what are those queries
Is it possible to get those stats for live tables hitting a redshift table?
This will give you the number of queries hitting a redshift table in a certain time frame:
FROM stl_wlm_query w
LEFT JOIN stl_query q
ON q.query = w.query
AND q.userid = w.userid
join pg_user u on u.usesysid = w.userid
-- Adjust your time frame accordignly
WHERE w.queue_start_time >= '2022-04-04 10:00:00.000000'
AND w.queue_start_time <= '2022-04-05 22:00:00.000000'
AND w.userid > 1
-- Set the table name here:
AND querytxt like '%my_main_table%';
If you need the actual queries text hitting the table in a certain timeframe, plus the queue and execution time and the user (remove if not needed):
w.total_queue_time / 1000000 AS queue_seconds,
w.total_exec_time / 1000000 exec_seconds
FROM stl_wlm_query w
LEFT JOIN stl_query q
ON q.query = w.query
AND q.userid = w.userid
join pg_user u on u.usesysid = w.userid
-- Adjust your time frame accordignly
WHERE w.queue_start_time >= '2022-04-04 10:00:00.000000'
AND w.queue_start_time <= '2022-04-05 22:00:00.000000'
AND w.userid > 1
-- Set the table name here:
AND querytxt like '%my_main_table%'
ORDER BY w.queue_start_time;
If by "hitting a table you mean scan then they system table stl_scan lists all the accesses to a table and lists the query number that causes this scan. By writing a query to aggregate the information in stl_scan you can look at it by time interval and/or originating query. If this isn't what you mean you will need to clarify.
I don't understand what is meant by 'stats for live tables hitting a redshift table?'. What is meant by a table hitting a table?

Django PostgreSQL double index cleanup

We've got this table in our database with 80GB of data and 230GB of Indexes. We are constrained on our disk which is already maxed out.
What bothers me is we have two indexes that look pretty darn similar
CREATE INDEX tracks_trackpoint_id ON tracks_trackpoint USING btree (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tracks_trackpoint_pkey ON tracks_trackpoint USING btree (id)
I have no idea what's the history behind this, but the first one seems quite redundant. What could be the risk of dropping it ? This would buy us one year of storage.
You can drop the first index, it is totally redundant.
If your tables are 80GB and your indexes 230GB, I am ready to bet that you have too many indexes in your database.
Drop the indexes that are not used.
Careful as I am, I disabled the index to benchmark this, and the query seems to fallback nicely on the other index. I'll try a few variants.
appdb=# EXPLAIN analyze SELECT * FROM tracks_trackpoint where id=266082;
Index Scan using tracks_trackpoint_id on tracks_trackpoint (cost=0.57..8.59 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=0.013..0.013 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id = 266082)
Total runtime: 0.040 ms
(3 rows)
appdb=# UPDATE pg_index SET indisvalid = FALSE WHERE indexrelid = 'tracks_trackpoint_id'::regclass;
appdb=# EXPLAIN analyze SELECT * FROM tracks_trackpoint where id=266082;
Index Scan using tracks_trackpoint_pkey on tracks_trackpoint (cost=0.57..8.59 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=0.013..0.013 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id = 266082)
Total runtime: 0.036 ms
(3 rows)

Query to retrieve neighbors is too slow

I have a set of Django ORM models representing a directed graph, and I'm trying to retrieve all the adjacent vertices to a given vertex ignoring edge direction:
class Vertex(models.Model):
class Edge(models.Model):
orig = models.ForeignKey(Vertex, related_name='%(class)s_orig', null=True, blank=True)
dest = models.ForeignKey(Vertex, related_name='%(class)s_dest', null=True, blank=True)
# ... other data about this edge ...
The query Vertex.objects.filter(Q(edge_orig__dest=v) | Q(edge_dest__orig=v)).distinct() returns the correct result, but in my case it takes far too long to execute.
Typically for my application there will be around 50-100 vertices at any given time, and around a million edges. Even reducing it to only 20 vertices and 100000 edges, that query takes about a minute and a half to execute:
for i in range(20):
vxs = list(Vertex.objects.all())
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(100000)):
Edge(orig = random.sample(vxs,1)[0], dest = random.sample(vxs,1)[0]).save()
v = vxs[0]
def f1():
return list( Vertex.objects.filter(
Q(edge_orig__dest=v) | Q(edge_dest__orig=v)).distinct() )
t1 = timeit.Timer(f1)
print( t1.timeit(number=1) ) # 84.21138522100227
On the other hand, if I split the query up into two pieces I can get the exact same result in only a handful of milliseconds:
def f2():
q1 = Vertex.objects.filter(edge_orig__dest=v).distinct()
q2 = Vertex.objects.filter(edge_dest__orig=v).distinct()
return list( {x for x in itertools.chain(q1, q2)} )
t2 = timeit.Timer(f2)
print( t2.timeit(number=100)/100 ) # 0.0109818680600074
This second version has issues though:
It's not atomic. The list of edges is almost guaranteed to change between the two queries in my application, meaning the results won't represent a single point in time.
I can't perform additional processing and aggregation on the results without manually looping over it. (e.g. If I wanted Vertex.objects.filter(Q(edge_orig__dest=v) | Q(edge_dest__orig=v)).distinct().aggregate(avg=Avg('some_field')))
Why does the second version run so much faster than the first one?
How can I do this, and is there a way to get the first one to run fast enough for practical use?
I'm currently testing with Python 3.5.2, PostgreSQL 9.5.6, and Django 1.11, although if this is an issue with one of those I'm not stuck with them.
Here is the SQL generated by each query, as well as Postgres's explan:
The first one:
Vertex.objects.filter(Q(edge_orig__dest=v) | Q(edge_dest__orig=v))
SELECT DISTINCT "app_vertex"."id"
FROM "app_vertex"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "app_edge" ON ("app_vertex"."id" = "app_edge"."orig_id")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "app_edge" T4 ON ("app_vertex"."id" = T4."dest_id")
WHERE ("app_edge"."dest_id" = 1061
OR T4."orig_id" = 1061)
HashAggregate (cost=8275151.47..8275151.67 rows=20 width=4)
Group Key:
-> Hash Left Join (cost=3183.45..8154147.45 rows=48401608 width=4)
Hash Cond: ( = app_edge.orig_id)
Filter: ((app_edge.dest_id = 1061) OR (t4.orig_id = 1061))
-> Hash Right Join (cost=1.45..2917.45 rows=100000 width=8)
Hash Cond: (t4.dest_id =
-> Seq Scan on app_edge t4 (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Hash (cost=1.20..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on app_vertex (cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
-> Hash (cost=1541.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Seq Scan on app_edge (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
The second ones:
SELECT DISTINCT "app_vertex"."id"
FROM "app_vertex"
INNER JOIN "app_edge" ON ("app_vertex"."id" = "app_edge"."orig_id")
WHERE "app_edge"."dest_id" = 1061
HashAggregate (cost=1531.42..1531.62 rows=20 width=4)
Group Key:
-> Hash Join (cost=848.11..1519.04 rows=4950 width=4)
Hash Cond: (app_edge.orig_id =
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on app_edge (cost=846.65..1449.53 rows=4950 width=4)
Recheck Cond: (dest_id = 1061)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on app_edge_dest_id_4254b90f (cost=0.00..845.42 rows=4950 width=0)
Index Cond: (dest_id = 1061)
-> Hash (cost=1.20..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on app_vertex (cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
#khampson's version also takes a minute-and-a-half to run, so it's also a no-go.
Vertex.objects.raw( ... )
SELECT DISTINCT "app_vertex"."id"
FROM "app_vertex"
JOIN "app_edge" ON ("app_vertex"."id" = "app_edge"."orig_id")
JOIN "app_edge" T4 ON ("app_vertex"."id" = T4."dest_id")
WHERE ("app_edge"."dest_id" = 1061
OR T4."orig_id" = 1061);
HashAggregate (cost=8275347.47..8275347.67 rows=20 width=4)
Group Key:
-> Hash Join (cost=3183.45..8154343.45 rows=48401608 width=4)
Hash Cond: ( = app_edge.orig_id)
Join Filter: ((app_edge.dest_id = 1061) OR (t4.orig_id = 1061))
-> Hash Join (cost=1.45..2917.45 rows=100000 width=12)
Hash Cond: (t4.dest_id =
-> Seq Scan on app_edge t4 (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Hash (cost=1.20..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on app_vertex (cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=4)
-> Hash (cost=1541.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Seq Scan on app_edge (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=8)
The query plans for those two queries are radically different. The first (slower) one isn't hitting any indexes, and is doing two left joins, both of which result in way, way more rows being processed and returned. From what I interpret of the intention of the Django ORM syntax, it doesn't sound like you would truly want to do left joins here.
I would recommend considering dropping down into raw SQL in this case from within the Django ORM, and hybridize the two. e.g. if you take the first one, and transform it to something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT "app_vertex"."id"
FROM "app_vertex"
JOIN "app_edge" ON ("app_vertex"."id" = "app_edge"."orig_id")
JOIN "app_edge" T4 ON ("app_vertex"."id" = T4."dest_id")
WHERE ("app_edge"."dest_id" = 1061
OR T4."orig_id" = 1061);
Two questions there: How does that version perform, and does it give you the results you're looking for?
For more info on raw queries, check out this section of the Django doc.
Response to comment from OP:
The query plan for the query I suggested also shows that it's not hitting any indexes.
Do you have indexes on both tables for the columns involved? I suspect not, especially since for this specific query, we're looking for a single value, which means if there were indexes, I would be very surprised if the query planner determined a sequential scan were a better choice (OTOH, if you were looking for a wide range of rows, say, over 10% of the rows in the tables, the query planner might correctly make such a decision).
I propose another query could be:
# Get edges which contain Vertex v, "only" optimizes fields returned
edges = Edge.objects.filter(Q(orig=v) | Q(dest=v)).only('orig_id', 'dest_id')
# Get set of vertex id's to discard duplicates
vertex_ids = {*edges.values_list('orig_id', flat=True), *edges_values_list('dest_id', flat=True)}
# Get list of vertices, excluding the original vertex
vertices = Vertex.objects.filter(pk__in=vertex_ids).exclude(
This shouldn't require any joins and shouldn't suffer from the race conditions you mention.

Improving query speed: simple SELECT with LIKE

I have inherited a large legacy codebase which runs in django 1.5 and my current task is to speed up a section of the site which takes ~1min to load.
I did a profile of the app and got this:
The culprit in particular is the following query (stripped for brevity):
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "entities_entity" WHERE (
"entities_entity"."date_filed" <= '2016-01-21' AND (
UPPER("entities_entity"."entity_city_state_zip"::text) LIKE UPPER('%Atherton%') OR
UPPER("entities_entity"."entity_city_state_zip"::text) LIKE UPPER('%Berkeley%') OR
-- 34 more of these
UPPER("entities_entity"."agent_city_state_zip"::text) LIKE UPPER('%Atherton%') OR
UPPER("entities_entity"."agent_city_state_zip"::text) LIKE UPPER('%Berkeley%') OR
-- 34 more of these
which basically consist on a big like query on two fields, entity_city_state_zip and agent_city_state_zip which are character varying(200) | not null fields.
That query is performed twice (!), taking 18814.02ms each time, and one more time replacing the COUNT for a SELECT taking up an extra 20216.49 (I'm going to cache the result of the COUNT)
The explain looks like this:
Aggregate (cost=175867.33..175867.34 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=17841.502..17841.502 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on entities_entity (cost=0.00..175858.95 rows=3351 width=0) (actual time=0.849..17818.551 rows=145075 loops=1)
Filter: ((date_filed <= '2016-01-21'::date) AND ((upper((entity_city_state_zip)::text) ~~ '%ATHERTON%'::text) OR (upper((entity_city_state_zip)::text) ~~ '%BERKELEY%'::text) (..skipped..) OR (upper((agent_city_state_zip)::text) ~~ '%ATHERTON%'::text) OR (upper((agent_city_state_zip)::text) ~~ '%BERKELEY%'::text) OR (upper((agent_city_state_zip)::text) ~~ '%BURLINGAME%'::text) ))
Rows Removed by Filter: 310249
Planning time: 2.110 ms
Execution time: 17841.944 ms
I've tried using an index on entity_city_state_zip and agent_city_state_zip using various combinations like:
CREATE INDEX ON entities_entity (upper(entity_city_state_zip));
CREATE INDEX ON entities_entity (upper(agent_city_state_zip));
or using varchar_pattern_ops, with no luck.
The server is using something like this:
qs = queryset.filter(Q(entity_city_state_zip__icontains = all_city_list) |
Q(agent_city_state_zip__icontains = all_city_list))
to generate that query.
I don't know what else to try,
I think problem in "multiple LIKE" and in UPPER("entities_entity ...
You can use:
WHERE entities_entity.entity_city_state_zip SIMILAR TO '%Atherton%|%Berkeley%'
Or something like this:
WHERE entities_entity.entity_city_state_zip LIKE ANY(ARRAY['%Atherton%', '%Berkeley%'])
About Raw SQL query in Django:
How do I execute raw SQL in a django migration
I watched a course in Pluralsight that addressed a very similar issue. The course was "Postgres for .NET Developers" and this was in the section "Fun With Simple SQL", "Full Text Search."
To summarize their solution, using your example:
Create a new column in your table that will represent your entity_city_state_zip as a tsvector:
create table entities_entity (
date_filed date,
entity_city_state_zip text,
csz_search tsvector not null -- add this column
Initially you might have to make it nullable, then populate the data and make it non-nullable.
update entities_entity
set csz_search = to_tsvector (entity_city_state_zip);
Next, create a trigger that will cause the new field to be populated any time a record is added or modified:
create trigger entities_insert_update
before insert or update on entities_entity
for each row execute procedure
Your search queries can now query on the tsvector field rather than the city/state/zip field:
select * from entities_entity
where csz_search ## to_tsquery('Atherton')
Some notes of interest on this:
to_tsquery, in case you haven't used it is WAY more sophisticated than the example above. It allows and conditions, partial matches, etc
it is also case-insensitive, so there is no need to do the upper functions you have in your query
As a final step, put a GIN index on the tsquery field:
create index entities_entity_ix1 on entities_entity
using gin(csz_search);
If I understand the course right, this should make your query fly, and it will overcome the issue of a btree index's inability to work on a like '% query.
Here is the explain plan on such a query:
Bitmap Heap Scan on entities_entity (cost=56.16..1204.78 rows=505 width=81)
Recheck Cond: (csz_search ## to_tsquery('Atherton'::text))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on entities_entity_ix1 (cost=0.00..56.04 rows=505 width=0)
Index Cond: (csz_search ## to_tsquery('Atherton'::text))

Slow PostgreSQL query not using index

I have a simple Django site, using a PostgreSQL 9.3 database, with a single table storing user accounts (e.g. name, email, address, phone, active, etc). However, my user model is fairly large, and has around 2.6 million records. I noticed Django's admin was a little slow, so using django-debug-toolbar, I noticed that almost all queries ran in under 1 ms, except for:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "myapp_myuser" WHERE "myapp_myuser"."active" = true;
which took about 7000 ms. However, the active column is indexed using Django's standard db_index=True, which generates the index:
CREATE INDEX myapp_myuser_active
ON myapp_myuser
USING btree
Checking out the query with EXPLAIN via:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "myapp_myuser" WHERE "myapp_myuser"."active" = true;
Aggregate (cost=109305.45..109305.46 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=7342.973..7342.974 rows=1 loops=1)
Output: count(*)
-> Seq Scan on public.myapp_myuser (cost=0.00..102638.16 rows=2666916 width=0) (actual time=0.035..4765.059 rows=2666337 loops=1)
Output: id, created, category_id, name, email, address_1, address_2, city, active, (...)
Total runtime: 7343.031 ms
It appears to not be using the index at all. Am I reading this right?
Running just SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "myapp_myuser" completed in about 500 ms. Why such a disparity in run times, even though the only column being used is indexed?
How can I better optimize this query?
You're selecting a lot of columns out of a wide table. So this might not help, even though it does result in a bitmap index scan.
Try a partial index.
create index on myapp_myuser (active) where active = true;
I made a test table with a couple million rows.
explain analyze verbose
select count(*) from test where active = true;
"Aggregate (cost=41800.79..41800.81 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=500.756..500.756 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Output: count(*)"
" -> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.test (cost=8085.76..39307.79 rows=997200 width=0) (actual time=126.233..386.834 rows=1000000 loops=1)"
" Output: id, active"
" Filter:"
" -> Bitmap Index Scan on test_active_idx1 (cost=0.00..7836.45 rows=497204 width=0) (actual time=123.398..123.398 rows=1000000 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: ( = true)"
"Total runtime: 500.794 ms"
When you write queries that you hope will use a partial index, you need to match the expression and WHERE clause. Using WHERE active is true is valid in PostgreSQL, but it doesn't match the WHERE clause in the partial index. That means you'll get a sequential scan again.