Regex Capturing Group in Hugo - regex

Recently I wanted to switch my static site generator from Jekyll to Hugo. I really like Hugo, but unfortunately, the usage of some functions often bothered me.
consider the code below,
{{ $my_var := `id="demo"` }}
{{ $my_slice := (findRE `id=\"(.*)\"` $my_var 1) }}
{{ index $my_slice 0 }}
expected result
In the above example, I want to get the value of the group.
Please note that what is really needed is a regular representation to get the group, not a tricky use of other functions (such as replace to replace the id=" with a blank or something like that)
regex test website:
Please help me, I really spent a lot of time searching but still nothing. I found someone with the same question in Hugo-discourse, but it's been a year and still no answer.

The easiest way to do this is with replaceRE, where $1 is your group number.
{{ $my_var := `id="demo"` }}
{{ $result := replaceRE `id=\"(.*)\"` "$1" $my_var }}
{{ $result }} → "demo"

Thanks to #modInfo for the inspiration, I decided to expand the answer of replaceRE
by order
{{ $my_var := `id="demo"` }}
{{ $result := replaceRE `id=\"(.*)\"` "$1" $my_var }}
{{ $result }} → "demo"
name group
{{ $my_var := `id="demo2"` }}
{{ $result := replaceRE `id=\"(?P<my_id>.*)\"` "$my_id" $my_var }}
{{ $result }} → "demo2"
more example
{{ $my_var := `<h2 id="#demo+1-3%./2\"></h2>` }}
{{ $id := replaceRE `.*id=\"(?P<my_id>([:#a-z0-9+\-%./\\])*)\">(<a href=\"(?P<my_href>[:#a-z0-9+\-%./\\]*)\">.*)?` "$my_id" $my_var }}
{{ $id }} → #demo+1-3%./2\
{{ $href := replaceRE `.*id=\"(?P<my_id>([:#a-z0-9+\-%./\\])*)\">(<a href=\"(?P<my_href>[:#a-z0-9+\-%./\\]*)\">.*)?` "$my_href" $my_var }}
{{ $href }} →


Why truncatechars won't works properly?

{{ noticia.imagem_chamada }} returns "abc.jpg".
{{ noticia.imagem_chamada|truncatechars:4 }} returns nothing!
You have a typo: trucantechars should be truncatechars
You make a typo.
For example:
{{ value|truncatechars:7 }}
If value is "Joel is a slug", the output will be "Joel i…".
For more click here
You can use the slice filter:
{{ noticia.imagem_chamada|slice:":-4" }}
You can check more here

Text template not working with some words

I am building a CLI to generate code for an homemade API framework (right now to generate the controller part).
To do so, I am using template, but I saw that the template is generating nothing (an empty file), when I use words such as package or func in the template.
I want to build the following template:
package controllers
{{- range .Methods }}
{{ if eq .Name "Create" }}
func ({{ firstChar $.ModelName }}c {{ title $.ModelName }}Controller) Get{{ title $.ModelName }}(c *gin.Context) {
{{ $.ModelName }}, err := store.Find{{ title $.ModelName }}ById(c, c.Param("id"))
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(http.StatusNotFound, helpers.ErrorWithCode("{{ $.ModelName }}_not_found", "The {{ $.ModelName }} does not exist", err))
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, {{ $.ModelName }})
{{ else if eq .Name "Get" }}
{{ else if eq .Name "GetAll" }}
{{ else if eq .Name "Update" }}
{{ else if eq .Name "Delete" }}
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
Do you have any idea of how to make template working?
It's now working, I just add template.Must before template.New and it's now working like a charm.
path := filepath.Join("templates", "controller.tmpl")
body, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("model").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(string(body)))
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, selectedMethods)
src, _ := format.Source(buf.Bytes())

Consul-Template filter if not match

Is there a way to use consul template to filter if something is not a match?
Something like
{{services NOT "#east-aws"}}
I'm not finding it in the repository readme
Ok, figured it out.
{{ range services }}
{{ if ne .Name "name-of-service" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Golang pagination

I need to implement pagination. Actually I have pages array, page param and per_page variable.
In my code:
pages_count := math.Floor(float64(len(pages)) / float64(per_page))
then in template I need something like (pseudocode):
{{ if .page - 2 > 0 }}
{{ $start_page := .page - 2 }}
{{ else }}
{{ $start_page := 1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .page + 2 >= .pages_count }}
{{ $finish_page := .page + 2 }}
{{ else }}
{{ $finish_page := .pages_count }}
{{ end }}
{{ for $i := $start_page; $i <= $finish_page; ++$i }}
<li {{ if $i == .page }} class="current_page" {{ end }}>
{{ end }}
How to implement this correctly?
When I work with Java templates (e.g. Velocity), I find that the kinds of template logic you are asking about lead to over-complex templates. The same applied in Go.
My solution is to move logic into the view-model layer and keep the templates rather dumb. This means that the controller and view model have to do a bit more work precomputing the kinds of values that your template shows. The view model is consequently larger - but it's just simple data and is easy to unit-test.
In your specific example, you would keep the for-loop that builds up the <li> list. Everything above the <ul> open tag can be handled in the view model. So the template would just work with some precomputed data.

html/template if range index clause

I've got this template that parses multiple items of a slice onto the page. It does that really well.
However, I now want to use the very same template to parse a single value of the slice, based on the range index. The slice is used in multiple files so I can't just .Execute it like Slice[1:2]
{{ $bpi := .Index}}
{{ range $i, $elmt := .Slice }}
{{ if $bpi.Equals $i }}
<div>{{ .SliceContent }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
From what I've read is that the template isn't ment for computation, but if you've got a range index and if-statements in the html/template package it seems to me that I must be doing something wrong. I can write a FuncMap ofcourse, no problemo. But it doesn't seem right to me given these facts.
I am using something like this to conditionally include a default image or the first from a supplied slice of pictures. So I think this will provide you with the basis to do what you want. I check the slice has values, pulling the Nth item using the {{index .Slice n}} syntax as follows:
{{ $idx := 2}}
{{if .Pictures}}
<img src="{{if .Pictures}}{{index .Pictures $idx}}{{end}}" alt="supplied first picture">
<img src="" alt="default picture">
Therefore you can do the following:
{{ $bpi := .Index}}
{{ if .Slice }}
{{ index .Slice $bpi }}
{{ end }}