Find Dot Separated Words in a String - regex

I need to parse a log file to pick out strings that match the following case-insensitive pattern: <--- Okay
libname.* <--- Not okay
For those with SAS experience, I'm trying to get SAS dataset names out of a large log.
All strings are space-separated. Some examples of lines:
NOTE: The data set LIBNAME.DATA has 428 observations and 15 variables.
MPRINT(MYMACRO): create table = var2)) as select distinct var1, var2 as
MPRINT(MYMACRO): format=date. from where ^missing(var1) and ^missing(var2) and
What I've tried
This PERL regular expression:
In SAS code:
data test;
line = 'words and stuff';
test = prxmatch('/^(?!.*[.*]{2})[a-z0-9*_:-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9;_:-]+)+$/mi', line);
This will work when the line only contains this exact string, but it will not work if the line contains other strings.
Thanks, Blindy!
The regex that worked for me to parse SAS datasets from a log is:
data test;
prxID = prxparse('/(?!.*[.*]{3})[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]+(?:\.[a-z0-9_]+)/mi');
call prxsubstr(prxID, line, position, length);
dataset = substr(line, position, length);
This will still pick up some SQL select statements but that is easily solvable through post-processing.

You anchored your expression at the beginning, simply remove the first ^ and you're set.

You can get by just locating the following landmark text in a log file line.
... data set <LIBNAME>.<MEMNAME> ...
If the data set name is in the log you can presume it was correctly formed.
data want;
length line $1000;
infile LOG_FILE lrecl=1000 length=L;
input line $VARYING. L;
* literally "data set <name>" followed by space or period;
rx = prxparse('/data set (.*?)\.(.*?)[. ]/');
if prxmatch(rx,line) then do;
length libname $8 memname $32;
libname = prxposn(rx,1,line);
memname = prxposn(rx,2,line);
line_number = _n_;
keep libname memname line_number;
Some adjustment would be needed if the data set names are name literals of the form '<anything>'N
There are also a plethora of existing SAS Log file parsers and analyzers out on the web that you can utilize.

The lookahead at the start prevents matching .. but the pattern by itself will not match that, as the character classes are repeated 1 or more times and do not contain a dot.
If you don't want to match ** as well, and the string should not start with *, you can add that to a character class [*.] together with the dot, and take it out of the first character class.
In that case, you could omit the positive lookahead and the anchor:
Regex demo
As the pattern does not contain any anchors, you could omit the m flag.


Why is the last character getting removed after applying tranwrd function

I want to replace certain values in my json file (in this example null values with empty quotation marks.) My solution is working correctly but, for some mysterious reason, the last character of the json file is deleted. Regardless of the last character, the code always deletes it - I have also tried with a different json file that ends in curly braces.
What is causing this and more importantly how can I prevent this?
data testdata_;
input var1 var2 var3;
format _all_ commax10.1;
3.1582 0.3 1.8
21 . .
1.2 4.5 6.4
proc json out = 'G:\test.json' pretty fmtnumeric nosastags keys;
export testdata_;
data _null_;
infile 'G:\test.json';
file 'G:\test.json';
_infile_ = tranwrd(_infile_,'null','""');
put _infile_ ;
To see how the contents change, first run the code until "data null" statement and check the file content, then run the last statement.
Data _null_ has it correct; don't write to the same file. SAS offers this option, but in the modern day it's almost always the wrong answer, due to how SAS supports this and the fact that storage is sufficiently cheap and fast.
In this case, it looks like it's a relatively easy fix, but you probably should do as suggested and write to a new file anyway - there will be other issues.
data testdata_;
input var1 var2 var3;
format _all_ commax10.1;
3.1582 0.3 1.8
21 . .
1.2 4.5 6.4
proc json out = 'H:\temp\test.json' pretty fmtnumeric nosastags keys;
export testdata_;
data _null_;
infile 'H:\temp\test.json' end=eof;
file 'H:\temp\test.json';
input #;
putlog _infile_;
_infile_ = tranwrd(_infile_,'null','"" ');
len = length(_infile_);
put _infile_ ;
if eof then put _infile_;
There's two changes. One, I use '"" ' instead of '""' in the tranwrd; that's because otherwise you end up with slightly odd results with new lines being added. If your JSON parser doesn't like "" ,, then you may want to instead have two tranwrd, one for null, and one for null, or something similar (or use a regular expression). But what's important is the number of characters needs to match in the input and the output. If you can't handle that (like the extra spaces are problematic) then you're left with "write a new file".
Two, I look for the end of the file, then intentionally write out a second line there. That avoids the issue you're having with the bracket, as it avoids having the EOF being written out before the bracket. I'm not 100% sure I know why you need that - but you do.
Another option, which might make more sense, is to only write the lines that have the bracket.
data _null_;
infile 'H:\temp\test.json' sharebuffers;
file 'H:\temp\test.json';
input #;
putlog _infile_;
if find(_infile_,'null') then do;
_infile_ = tranwrd(_infile_,'null','"" ');
put _infile_;
I added sharebuffers because that should make it run a bit faster. Note that I also remove one space - something weird about how SAS does this seems to otherwise remove a space from the following line otherwise. No idea why, probably something weird with EOL characters.
But again - don't do any of this unless there's no other option. Write a new file.
One strange thing is that the PROC JSON always writes a text file that uses LF as the end of line characters.
So you might be able to get your overwriting of the file to work if add these caveats:
Use TERMSTR=LF on the INFILE statement.
Use SHAREDBUFFERS on the INFILE statement.
Replace the string with the same number of bytes with the TRANWRD() function and not put a space as the last character on the line.
I would also search for ': null' instead of just 'null' to reduce risk of replacing those characters in some other string in the file.
data _null_;
infile json SHAREBUFFERS termstr=lf ;
file json ;
input ;
_infile_ = tranwrd(_infile_,': null',': ""');
put _infile_;

How to remove special ASCII characters?

I am trying to remove special character from the string.
"Mumbai rains live updates: IMD predicts heavy rainfall for next 24 hours �"
data demo1 (keep=headline2 headline3 headline4 headline5);
set kk.newspaper_append_freq_daily1;
headline3=tranwrd(headline2,"�"," ");
You can use kpropdata function.
From doc:
Removes or converts unprintable characters.
Code example:
%let in=kk.newspaper_append_freq_daily1;
%let out=demo1;
data &out;
set &in;
array cc (*) _character_;
do i=1 to dim(cc);
cc(_N_)=kpropdata(cc(i),"TRUNC", 'utf-8');
In code I've used array statement to iterate over all character columns in table.
compress should also handle this if you keep a whitelist of characters rather than trying to exclude a blacklist - e.g.
clean_text = compress(dirty_text,'','kw');
The k modifier keeps characters instead of removing them, and w adds all printable characters to the list.

SAS like operator in data step not working

I want to substitute a value based on if a value contains a particular phrase.
data have;
if col1:='Comm' then col1='Commercial';
Basically if col1 contains the word 'Comm', then replace the entire string with Commercial.
But it is not replacing.
=: is not a like or contains operator. Rather, it is the begins-with operator. In your case, it is looking for the exact prefix 'Comm' when reading a string from left-to-right. Use index() instead to find a specific set of words or substrings within a string. Here are some examples:
data _null_;
length word $25.;
put 'String: Communications';
String = 'Communications';
if(String =: 'Comm') then put 'The string starts with "Comm"';
put 'String: Global Communications';
String = 'Global Communications';
if(String =: 'Glob') then put 'The string starts with "Glob" and not "Comm"';
if(index(String, 'Comm') ) then put 'The string contains "Comm"';
I think the begins with opertain is =: and linked to a where clause. Use substr (col1,1,4).

I wants to remove list of character string from the original string in SAS

I want to remove "LIMITED", "LTD", "CORPORATION", "GMBH", "AG", "SDN", "BHD", "INC" string from my Customer_Name variable.
I tried with compress function in SAS like
Customer_Name1=compress(Customer_Name, 'LIMITED', 'LTD', 'GMBH');
But i am getting error -
The COMPRESS function call has too many arguments.
Please suggest way to solve it.
I would use a regular expression to perform this. Store the words to be removed in a macro variable, then use call prxchange to search within name and remove them. The words are separated by |, which signifies or in regular expression language.
data have;
input name $20.;
a ltd
b limited
c corporation
d corp
e gmbh
f test
g ag
i sdn
j bhd
aggregate ag
income inc
data want;
set have;
regex = prxparse("s/\b(&vals.)\b//i"); /* /b signifies a word boundary, so it will remove the whole words only */
call prxchange(regex,-1,name);
drop regex;

SAS: How to delete word between two specific position?

Hell_TRIAL21_o World
Good Mor_Trial9_ning
How do I remove the _TRIAL21_ and _TRIAL9_?
What I did was I find the position of the first _ and the second _. Then I want to compress from the first _ and second _. But the compress function is not available to do so. How?
x = index(string, '_');
if (x>0) then do;
y = x+1;
z = find(string, '_', y);
Text= " Hell_TRIAL21_o World Good Mor_Trial9_ning"
var= catx("",scan(text,1,"_"),"__",scan(text,3,"_"),"_", scan(text,5,"_"))
Note that the length of variable var may not be desirable to your case.Remember to adjust accordingly.
PERL regular expressions are a good way of identifying these sort of strings. call prxchange is the function that will remove the relevant characters. It requires prxparse beforehand to create the search and replace parameters.
I've used modify here to amend the existing dataset, obviously you may want to use set to write out to a new dataset and test the results first.
data have;
input string $ 30.;
Hell_TRIAL21_o World
Good Mor_Trial9_ning
data have;
modify have;
regex = prxparse('s/_.*_//'); /* identify and remove anything between 2 underscores */
call prxchange(regex,-1,string);
Or to create a new variable and dataset, just use prxchange (which doesn't require prxparse).
data want;
set have;
new_string = prxchange('s/_.*_//',-1,string);