I am trying to execute a query with secondary Index as following
val valMap = new ValueMap()
.withString(":v_source_transaction_id", "843f45ad-cb1d-4f41-9ede-366c9304e447")
//search is defined then extract dates from search.. else continue with simple logic.
val keyConditionExpression = """source_transaction_id =
| :v_source_transaction_id""".stripMargin
val spec = new QuerySpec()
.withProjectionExpression("source_transaction_id, transaction_date")
case class DataItems(transaction_date: String)
val itemList = new ListBuffer[DataItems]
val items = table.getIndex("gsi-settlement").query(spec)
val iterator = items.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val next = iterator.next()
itemList += DataItems(next.getString("transaction_date"))
here gsi settlement is the secondary index and source transaction id is primary key and I am getting the following error:
[AmazonDynamoDBException: Query condition missed key schema element: source_transaction_id
Try this :
val keyConditionExpression = """source_transaction_id = :v_source_transaction_id""".stripMargin
Currently your keyConditionExpression coming up as
source_transaction_id =
Error : AmazonDynamoDBException: Query condition missed key schema element: source_transaction_id is suggesting that you are missing the GSI key in your query
I'm retrieving data to list and I need to make 2 different intents. "Activities" needs to start "e" intent and rest starts "i" intent.
binding.listview.adapter = MyAdapter(this, personArrayList)
binding.listview.isClickable = true
parent, view, position, id ->
val name = name[position]
val activities = activities[position]
val activityTime = activityTime[position]
val description = description[position]
val imageID = imageID[position]
val i = Intent(this, DescriptionActivity::class.java)
val e = Intent(this, ProfileScreen::class.java)
i.putExtra("name", name)
i.putExtra("activityTime", activityTime)
i.putExtra("imageID", imageID)
i.putExtra("description", description)
Maybe second list is an option, but im looking to make this work in one list for now.
I am from SQL background and very new to Dynamodb. I have a single table like this:
| dbId | genId | colData | deviceId | updateOn | params |
| | | | | | |
Here dbId is primary key and genId is sort key. I have created two local secondary indexs in deviceId and updateOn. In SQL I can query from the table:
String dbId = "151/2020-21";
int deviceId = 1001;
long updOn = 1608456211308;
String query = "select * from tableName where dbId = '"+dbId+"' and deviceId != "+deviceId+" and updateOn > " + updOn;
In DynamoDb my keyConditionExpression is : dbId = :dbId and updateOn > :updateOn and deviceId != :deviceId. It gives me error :
DynamoDbException: Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Syntax error; token: "!", near: "deviceId !="
I removed the '!' to this : dbId = :dbId and updateOn > :updateOn and deviceId = :deviceId. It gives me error:
DynamoDbException: Conditions can be of length 1 or 2 only
How can I perform my desired query in Dynamodb? How should I design my Dynamodb table (I mean, primary key, indexes etc) so that I get the same sql like result?
Now, reason you are facing error 'Conditions can be of length 1 or 2 only' is because you are specifying 3 conditions within KeyConditionExpression. Please specify only partition key and sort key.
Lastly, you don't need to create a LSI for this purpose. You can perform same operation on original table or need to add Global Secondary Index, Which can help you to achieve the query on two conditions only.
As mentioned, the attribute included in "KeyConditionExpression" should be your hash key only, matching your base table schema. If you want to query on all Then this not possible because there will be no sort key in any case as recommended by AWS Doc's.
When it comes to query() in dynamoDb, it is recommended to specify only the partition key and sort key in KeyConditionExpression.
So if you want to perform the query() with more conditions, you should consider FilterExpression. E.g:
const params = {
TableName: 'table-name',
KeyConditionExpression: 'pk = :pk AND sk = :sk',
FilterExpression: 'dbId = :dbId and updateOn > :updateOn and deviceId != :deviceId',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':pk': '12345',
':sk': 'lorem-ipsum',
':dbId': '0987654321',
':updateOn': '2022-06-25',
':deviceId': '123',
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const result = await docClient.query(params).promise();
I have a hash table in ocaml and I want to store this entire hash table as value field in a Berkeley DB. So I am trying to Marshal the hash table using Marshal.to_string. This returns a string but when I try to unmarshal the same string using Marshal.from_string, an Exception is thrown.
Any ideas on what the issue here is?
You have to annotate the type of the value you're unmarshaling. Like so (in top-level):
type t = (string, string) Hashtbl.t;;
let key = "key" in
let t_original : t = Hashtbl.create 1 in
Hashtbl.add t_original key "value";
let t_marshalled = Marshal.to_string t_original [] in
let t_unmarshalled : t = Marshal.from_string t_marshalled 0 in
assert ((Hashtbl.find t_original key) = (Hashtbl.find t_unmarshalled key));;
How can I add a dynamic key to an anonymous List such as the mydatetime below:
DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Parse(datepickerval, ukCulture.DateTimeFormat);
var qid = (from p in db.Vw_INTERACTPEOPLE
select p
var AvilList = new List<object>();
var ddate = myDateTime.DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3) + "Jul" + myDateTime.Day;
foreach (var q in qid)
{// Availability
Name = q.Fullname,
here >>> ddate = "Some Test"
As adam says above there is no way to do this using Lists, however since the Slickgrid is expecting a Json return, I simply built the string in .net then returned it via the JavaScriptSerializer serializer, then in the code behind simply used eval to de-serialize back into an array.
I have a query
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id and e.salary > 5000
and how i can convert this to jpa
right now i have:
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(root.get("employees").get("id"));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
I simplified both examples by removing ordering and grouping
can anyone tell me how i can modifie my jpa code to get same reslults like from my sql query
thanks in advance
You're not far from the result. The problem is that, AFAIK, you can't add any restriction on the on clause, using JPA. So the query wil have to be rewritten as
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d
LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id
where (e.id is null or e.salary > 5000)
Here is the equivalent of this query not tested):
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Join<Department, Employee> employee = root.join("employees", JoinType.LEFT);
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(employee.get("id"));
builder.gt(employee.get("salary"), 5000)));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);