I am using the Python Zeep library to call Maximo web services and able to fetch the WSDL without any issues. When I am trying to query using one of the method in Web service, it is throwing error
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
multiasset_wsdl = "http://maximoqa.xyz.com:9080/meaweb/services/MULTIASSET?wsdl"
work_order = 'NA0000211'
# set the session
session = Session()
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(Username, Password)
session.verify = False
transport = Transport(session=session)
settings = Settings(strict=False ,force_https = False)
maximo_multiasset_client = Client(multiasset_wsdl, transport=transport, settings=settings
multiasset_type_factory = maximo_multiasset_client.type_factory('ns0')
mult_asset_query = multiasset_type_factory.QueryMULTIASSETType(
baseLanguage = "?",
creationDateTime = tt.get_now(),
maximoVersion = "?",
maxItems = "1",
messageID = "?",
rsStart = "0",
transLanguage = "EN",
uniqueResult = False,
MULTIASSETQuery = multiasset_type_factory.MULTIASSETQueryType
operandMode = multiasset_type_factory.OperandModeType('AND'),
orderby = "?",
WHERE = f"WONUM='{work_order}'",
print('Calling Query MultiAsset')
query_response = maximo_multiasset_client.service.QueryMULTIASSET(mult_asset_query)
Appreciate any help on this issue.
I am attempting (and can successfully do so) to connect to an API and loop through several iterations of the API call in order to grab the next_page value, put it in a list and then call the list.
Unfortunately, when this is published to the PBI service I am unable to refresh there and indeed 'Data Source Settings' tells me I have a 'hand-authored query'.
I have attempted to follow Chris Webbs' blog post around the usage of query parameters and relative path, but if I use this I just get a constant loop of the first page that's hit.
The Start Epoch Time is a helper to ensure I only grab data less than 3 months old.
iterations = 10000, // Number of MAXIMUM iterations
url = "https://www.zopim.com/api/v2/" & "incremental/" & "chats?fields=chats(*)" & "&start_time=" & Number.ToText( StartEpochTime ),
FnGetOnePage =
(url) as record =>
Source1 = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url, [Headers=[Authorization="Bearer MY AUTHORIZATION KEY"]])),
data = try Source1[chats] otherwise null, //get the data of the first page
next = try Source1[next_page] otherwise null, // the script ask if there is another page*//*
res = [Data=data, Next=next]
GeneratedList =
()=>[i=0, res = FnGetOnePage(url)],
each [i]<iterations and [res][Data]<>null,
each [i=[i]+1, res = FnGetOnePage([res][Next])],
each [res][Data])
If Source1 exists, but [chats] may not, you can simplify
= try Source1[chats] otherwise null
= Source1[chats]?
Plus it you don't lose non-lookup errors.
Chris Web Method
should be something closer to this.
Headers = [
BaseUrl = "https://www.zopim.com", // very important
Options = [
RelativePath = "api/v2/incremental/chats",
Headers = [
Query = [
fields = "chats(*)",
start_time = Number.ToText( StartEpocTime )
Response = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, Options),
Result = Json.Document(Response) // skip if it's not JSON
Here's an example of a reusable Web.Contents function
helper function
from: <https://github.com/ninmonkey/Ninmonkey.PowerQueryLib/blob/master/source/WebRequest_Simple.pq>
Wrapper for Web.Contents returns response metadata
for options, see: <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/web-contents#__toc360793395>
Details on preventing "Refresh Errors", using 'Query' and 'RelativePath':
- Not using Query and Relative path cause refresh errors:
- You can opt-in to Skip-Test:
- Debugging and tracing the HTTP requests
- MaybeErrResponse: Quick example of parsing an error result.
- Raw text is returned, this is useful when there's an error
- now response[json] does not throw, when the data isn't json to begin with (false errors)
= (
base_url as text,
optional relative_path as nullable text,
optional options as nullable record
as record =>
headers = options[Headers]?, //or: ?? [ Accept = "application/json" ],
merged_options = [
Query = options[Query]?,
RelativePath = relative_path,
ManualStatusHandling = options[ManualStatusHandling]? ?? { 400, 404, 406 },
Headers = headers
bytes = Web.Contents(base_url, merged_options),
response = Binary.Buffer(bytes),
response_metadata = Value.Metadata( bytes ),
status_code = response_metadata[Response.Status]?,
response_text = Text.Combine( Lines.FromBinary(response,null,null, TextEncoding.Utf8), "" ),
json = Json.Document(response),
IsJsonX = not (try json)[HasError],
Final = [
request_url = metadata[Content.Uri](),
response_text = response_text,
status_code = status_code,
metadata = response_metadata,
IsJson = IsJsonX,
response = response,
json = if IsJsonX then json else null
tests = {
WebRequest_Simple("https://httpbin.org", "json"), // expect: json
WebRequest_Simple("https://www.google.com"), // expect: html
WebRequest_Simple("https://httpbin.org", "/headers"),
WebRequest_Simple("https://httpbin.org", "/status/codes/406"), // exect 404
WebRequest_Simple("https://httpbin.org", "/status/406"), // exect 406
WebRequest_Simple("https://httpbin.org", "/get", [ Text = "Hello World"])
FinalResults = Table.FromRecords(tests,
type table[
status_code = Int64.Type, request_url = text,
metadata = record,
response_text = text,
IsJson = logical, json = any,
response = binary
I am getting one email per instance that fails status checks. I want to get one email for all status checks.
Here is my code:
import boto3
import smtplib
client = boto3.client("ec2")
clientsns = boto3.client("sns")
status = client.describe_instance_status(IncludeAllInstances = True)
#failed_instances = []
for i in status["InstanceStatuses"]:
# failed_instances.append(i[{'Instance'})]
in_status = i['InstanceStatus']['Details'][0]['Status']
sys_status = i['SystemStatus']['Details'][0]['Status']
# check statuses failed instances
if ((in_status != 'passed') or (sys_status != 'passed')):
msg = f'The following instances failed status checks, {i["InstanceId"]}'
Try something like this:
import boto3
import botocore
from boto3 import Session
def get_tag(tags, key='Name'):
if not tags: return ''
for tag in tags:
if tag['Key'] == key:
return tag['Value']
return ''
client = boto3.client("ec2")
conn = boto3.resource('ec2')
#instances = conn.instances.filter()
instances = conn.instances.filter(
Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}])
filter_for = {
"running": [{"Name": "instance-state-name", "Values": ["running"]}],
ec2instance = client.describe_instance_status(IncludeAllInstances = True, Filters=filter_for["running"])
failed_instances = []
for i in ec2instance["InstanceStatuses"]:
in_status = i['InstanceStatus']['Details'][0]['Status']
sys_status = i['SystemStatus']['Details'][0]['Status']
# check statuses failed instances
if ((in_status != 'passed') or (sys_status != 'passed')):
if len(failed_instances)>0:
# new_line = '\n'
# msg = f'The following instances failed status checks:{new_line} {new_line.join(failed_instances)}'
# #msg = f'The following instances failed status checks, {failed_instances}'
# clientsns.publish(TopicArn='arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:462518063038:test',Message=msg)
for j in failed_instances:
instance = [x for x in list(instances) if x.id == j][0]
instance_name = get_tag(instance.tags)
print (instance_name, instance.id, instance.instance_type)
I have created a ecommerce site. Now i want to integrate payment method. By adding SSLCommerce to my site, all payment method will be taken care of in Bangladesh. But I don't know how can I add it to my Django app. Please help!
They said something session. But I did not get it. Here is thier github repo https://github.com/sslcommerz/SSLCommerz-Python?fbclid=IwAR0KkEH3H-AOwaWneQy0POGkTw6O3vvL9NiRM4amflyQEt54_W1g1rgYB48
There is a wrapper library called "sslcommerz-lib". To use it, you'll first need an account on their sandbox environment. After completing the registration, collect your user credentials from email.
First install the package with pip install sslcommerz-lib
Import the library on your module from sslcommerz_lib import SSLCOMMERZ
Instantiate an object of the SSLCOMMERZ class with sandbox user credentials
sslcz = SSLCOMMERZ({ 'store_id': <your_store_id>, 'store_pass': <your_password>, 'issandbox': True })
Build a dictionary with some info about the transaction and customer. In a real application, most of these data will be collected from user input.
data = {
'total_amount': "100.26",
'currency': "BDT",
'tran_id': "tran_12345",
'success_url': "", # if transaction is succesful, user will be redirected here
'fail_url': "", # if transaction is failed, user will be redirected here
'cancel_url': "", # after user cancels the transaction, will be redirected here
'emi_option': "0",
'cus_name': "test",
'cus_email': "test#test.com",
'cus_phone': "01700000000",
'cus_add1': "customer address",
'cus_city': "Dhaka",
'cus_country': "Bangladesh",
'shipping_method': "NO",
'multi_card_name': "",
'num_of_item': 1,
'product_name': "Test",
'product_category': "Test Category",
'product_profile': "general",
Get the api reponse
response = sslcz.createSession(data)
After doing chores like updating db etc, redirect the user to 'GatewayPageURL' from the response we got earlier -
from django.shortcuts import redirect
return redirect(response['GatewayPageURL'])
SSLCOMMERZ - Python (sslcommerz-lib)
Note: If you're using this wrapper with our sandbox environment issandbox is true and live issandbox is false. (Details: Test Or Sandbox Account).
settings = { 'store_id': 'testbox', 'store_pass': 'qwerty', 'issandbox': True }
sslcommerz = SSLCOMMERZ(settings)
pip install sslcommerz-lib
Authentication Keys
You can find your store_id and store_pass at the API Documentation Page. Create an account on SSLCOMMERZ, log in and visit this link: https://developer.sslcommerz.com/registration/
Create a Initial Payment Request Session
from sslcommerz_lib import SSLCOMMERZ
settings = { 'store_id': 'testbox', 'store_pass': 'qwerty', 'issandbox': True }
sslcz = SSLCOMMERZ(settings)
post_body = {}
post_body['total_amount'] = 100.26
post_body['currency'] = "BDT"
post_body['tran_id'] = "12345"
post_body['success_url'] = "your success url"
post_body['fail_url'] = "your fail url"
post_body['cancel_url'] = "your cancel url"
post_body['emi_option'] = 0
post_body['cus_name'] = "test"
post_body['cus_email'] = "test#test.com"
post_body['cus_phone'] = "01700000000"
post_body['cus_add1'] = "customer address"
post_body['cus_city'] = "Dhaka"
post_body['cus_country'] = "Bangladesh"
post_body['shipping_method'] = "NO"
post_body['multi_card_name'] = ""
post_body['num_of_item'] = 1
post_body['product_name'] = "Test"
post_body['product_category'] = "Test Category"
post_body['product_profile'] = "general"
response = sslcz.createSession(post_body) # API response
# Need to redirect user to response['GatewayPageURL']
Vaidate payment with IPN
from sslcommerz_lib import SSLCOMMERZ
settings = { 'store_id': 'test_testemi', 'store_pass': 'test_testemi#ssl', 'issandbox': True }
sslcz = SSLCOMMERZ(settings)
post_body = {}
post_body['tran_id'] = '5E121A0D01F92'
post_body['val_id'] = '200105225826116qFnATY9sHIwo'
post_body['amount'] = "10.00"
post_body['card_type'] = "VISA-Dutch Bangla"
post_body['store_amount'] = "9.75"
post_body['card_no'] = "418117XXXXXX6675"
post_body['bank_tran_id'] = "200105225825DBgSoRGLvczhFjj"
post_body['status'] = "VALID"
post_body['tran_date'] = "2020-01-05 22:58:21"
post_body['currency'] = "BDT"
post_body['card_issuer'] = "TRUST BANK, LTD."
post_body['card_brand'] = "VISA"
post_body['card_issuer_country'] = "Bangladesh"
post_body['card_issuer_country_code'] = "BD"
post_body['store_id'] = "test_testemi"
post_body['verify_sign'] = "d42fab70ae0bcbda5280e7baffef60b0"
post_body['verify_key'] = "amount,bank_tran_id,base_fair,card_brand,card_issuer,card_issuer_country,card_issuer_country_code,card_no,card_type,currency,currency_amount,currency_rate,currency_type,risk_level,risk_title,status,store_amount,store_id,tran_date,tran_id,val_id,value_a,value_b,value_c,value_d"
post_body['verify_sign_sha2'] = "02c0417ff467c109006382d56eedccecd68382e47245266e7b47abbb3d43976e"
post_body['currency_type'] = "BDT"
post_body['currency_amount'] = "10.00"
post_body['currency_rate'] = "1.0000"
post_body['base_fair'] = "0.00"
post_body['value_a'] = ""
post_body['value_b'] = ""
post_body['value_c'] = ""
post_body['value_d'] = ""
post_body['risk_level'] = "0"
post_body['risk_title'] = "Safe"
if sslcz.hash_validate_ipn(post_body):
response = sslcz.validationTransactionOrder(post_body['val_id'])
print("Hash validation failed")
Get the status or details of a Payment Request by sessionkey
from sslcommerz_lib import SSLCOMMERZ
settings = { 'store_id': 'testbox', 'store_pass': 'qwerty', 'issandbox': True }
sslcz = SSLCOMMERZ(settings)
sessionkey = 'A8EF93B75B8107E4F36049E80B4F9149'
response = sslcz.transaction_query_session(sessionkey)
Get the status or details of a Payment Request by tranid
from sslcommerz_lib import SSLCOMMERZ
settings = { 'store_id': 'testbox', 'store_pass': 'qwerty', 'issandbox': True }
sslcz = SSLCOMMERZ(settings)
tranid = '59C2A4F6432F8'
response = sslcz.transaction_query_tranid(tranid)
Using the below code its possible to update the start up policy of ntpd service in an ESXi server,
con = connect.SmartConnect(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd)
content = con.RetrieveContent()
cv = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(
container=content.rootFolder, type=[vim.HostSystem], recursive=True)
for child in cv.view:
child.configManager.serviceSystem.UpdatePolicy(id='ntpd', policy='on')
There is no clue in the service
(vim.host.Service) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
key = 'ntpd',
label = 'NTP Daemon',
required = false,
uninstallable = false,
running = false,
ruleset = (str) [
policy = 'off',
sourcePackage = (vim.host.Service.SourcePackage) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
sourcePackageName = 'esx-base',
description = 'This VIB contains all of the base functionality of
vSphere ESXi.'
But how to mark the NTP Client Enabled check box for ESXi using Pyvmomi?
VMware version - 6.0.0
I'm trying to create a SalesOrder via WebServices but it always fails due to missing mandatory fields.
I'm sending the following fields.
The error message does not specify the missing fields
I'm using vTiger 6.0.0
How can I figure it out
salesOrder.subject = fullDescription
salesOrder.sostatus = "delivered"
salesOrder.account_id ='11x28'
salesOrder.bill_street = shipping.address.street
salesOrder.bill_city = shipping.address.city
salesOrder.bill_state = shipping.address.state
salesOrder.bill_code = shipping.address.postalCode
salesOrder.bill_country = shipping.address.postalCode
salesOrder.ship_street = shipping.address.street
salesOrder.ship_city = shipping.address.city
salesOrder.ship_state = shipping.address.state
salesOrder.ship_code = shipping.address.postalCode
salesOrder.ship_country = shipping.address.postalCode
salesOrder.invoicestatus = "Created"
salesOrder.productid = selectedServices[0].id
salesOrder.quantity = 1
salesOrder.listprice = selectedServices[0].unit_price
salesOrder.comment= ""
salesOrder.tax1 = ""
salesOrder.tax2 = "10.000"
salesOrder.tax3 = "6.000"
salesOrder.pre_tax_total = "876.00"
salesOrder.currency_id = "21x1"
salesOrder.conversion_rate = "1.000"
salesOrder.tax4 = ""
salesOrder.duedate = "2014-12-12"
salesOrder.carrier = "FedEx"
salesOrder.pending = ""
salesOrder.txtAdjustment = "-21.00000000"
salesOrder.salescommission = "5.000"
salesOrder.exciseduty = "0.000"
salesOrder.hdnGrandTotal = "995.16000000"
salesOrder.hdnSubTotal = "876.00000000"
salesOrder.hdnTaxType = "group"
salesOrder.hdndiscountamount = "0"
salesOrder.hdnS_H_Percent = "21"
salesOrder.discount_percent = "25.000"
salesOrder.discount_amount = ""
salesOrder.terms_conditions = "- Unless "
salesOrder.enable_recurring = "0"
I was missing the LineItems. Please notice that it has to be CamelCase
"LineItems": [
"productid": "25x142",
"listprice": "299.00000000",
"quantity": "1"
you missed the mandatory field "Assigned TO"