how ro interact with a program's ui using another program to preform a brute force attack? [closed] - c++

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Closed 2 years ago.
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first of all this isn't for illegal purposes. rather for educational resons.
I made a program that basically ask for a username and a password and store them, and i can insert them later in a text box ui to "login". (Im using windows)
now i have a second program that is suppose to perform a brute force attack by trying a bunch of combinations of letters and numbers untill it cracks the password...
now my question is: is it possible (on windows) to interact with the ui of a program using another program ? and how ?
thanks !

it possible (on windows) to interact with the ui of a program using another program ? and how ?
Yes, this is possible. The technology to use is called UI Automation. It will work with any application that uses a UI implemented using standard windowing systems (classic Win32, Windows Forms, WPF, WinUI).
It may not work for custom UI frameworks. If UI Automation doesn't work, nothing else will, unless there is a custom automation interface.


How to make a form in c++ from scratch without winforms? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make desktop application with cpp and make a completely new form and I don't want to use winforms or any external addons just cpp.
When presenting output to screen you almost always have to call some kind of system call at some point. So the next closest thing to winforms is probably the winapi, but you could try some kind of graphical library for example sdl2 or sfml which encapsulates these calls with their own api. But you wouldn't have all these nice native windows buttons and tabviews and scrollbars and textboxes and ... only some basic shapes, images and pixel buffers

Creating and Saving objects in C++ [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a game using C++ / SDL / OpenGL and Box2D and I was wondering if I can create objects and save them to use later.
To be more precise, I want to create a map this way :
When I click somewhere in the window, it creates an object of my choice (a wall, a ground, etc..) and it will save it into a file that I can use to display the map.
It would save me much time as I will not have to set the x and y positions, length, rendering and all this shit manually and open debugger each time, then re-adjusting, etc..
So, can I do this and if so, how can I do it ?
This question is insanely vague.
Long answer: YES, you can turn your game into a map editor, there is no "built-in" way to do that. You will have to write all editor/serialization logic yourself. You should use a game engine like Unity or Unreal if you want to achieve this kind of features/Behaviour out of the box.
Short anwser: WHY BOTHER doing so, knowing awesome map editors like "Tiled" exists exactly for this purpose, and lots of binding to read maps exists in numerous languages on github.

Setup Openframework in Codeblock in Windows [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to configure OpenFramework IDE in my codeblock. I want to build an app which prints the line on screen.
If the only thing you want is to just print a line of text you can use std::cout that prints to basic output onto your console window when the application runs. This is the most basic and easiest way to solve this.
If need to do something more complex than that, like program with GUI instead of console app, I would suggest you to use something other than OpenFrameworks, like f.e. Qt, that has a support for things like this. OpenFrameworks has the capability of doing all that, it just isn't it's main goal. You can download various addons that implement things like UI elemenets, but they are usually pretty simple.
Edit: I've just realized that by line you probably didn't mean a line of text...
Well, OpenFrameworks has no longer an Code Blocks support, you can still though download an older version from

What is the best or most efficient way to develop a GUI in C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know that there are WYSIWYG editors available for GUI development, but are those the best way?
I know that in HTML if you use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver, what it produces will work but it will produce bad code that causes the program to not be as efficient as it could be.
Is it the same deal with C++ and other compiled languages?
Edit: I'll be developing for Windows 7. I probably wont be needing anything fancy like progress bars, just basic things like buttons, tick boxes, and a place to display output. It will just be running CMD commands based on what the user has selected before running it and displaying CMDs output in the program.
I guess the question I specifically wanted answered is whether it is best to "hand code" the GUI like you would in HTML, or if WYSIWYG editors are the way to go.

Window - Lock Program Background [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to lock a program in background by adding a service to background. The user needs to input password to use the program.
sc create newservice binpath = "C:\Users\User\Test.exe"
The problem is, I am not sure that How can I write the program.
First, what programming language can I use? Cmd, C++ or others?
Second, how can I write this exe?
I have heard this from my friend, but I am not sure how to write this.
Any help will be appreciated.
First note, background process not must be service.
Second note, if you wish wrote service, take in account Vista and above session isolation. Also service may run in another account.
Third note. How do you 'trap' browser? Code injection? Finding by process name/ window name? .... Many counterattacks exists, so this is not trivial thing.
Forth note, What if stop service or close/kill your process?
Fifth note, how do you wish store passwords? If as plain text, every skilled person obstruct your app. If encrypted, more code you must wrote...
Sixth note, nobody on wrote code for wish without you.