Fortran character(:), dimension(:) vs character, dimension(:,:) - fortran

I was trying to copy contents of a file to a string array and I couldn't manage to fully copy the file (it was only copying the first characters in every line). I feel like something is wrong with my syntax and its possible to do it with character, dimension(:,:) but it worked with character(:), dimension(:).
This doesn't work as expected:
character, allocatable :: list(:,:)
integer :: i, line_count, line_length
open(1, "input.txt", status="old", action="read")
line_count = count_file_lines(1) ! function that returns integer
line_length = longest_line_length(1) ! function that returns integer
allocate(list(line_count, line_length))
do i = 1, line_count
read(1, *) list(i,:)
end do
This works as expected:
character(:), allocatable :: list(:)
integer :: i, line_count, line_length
open(1, "input.txt", status="old", action="read")
line_count = count_file_lines(1) ! function that returns integer
line_length = longest_line_length(1) ! function that returns integer
allocate(character(line_length) :: list(line_count))
do i = 1, line_count
read(1, *) list(i)
end do
I've tried switching indexes in the first example and it still didn't work. I understand that the first example is a rank 2 character array but what is the array in the second example? Maybe they both are the same type of array and I got the indexing wrong for the first one. Can someone clarify this?

In the first example you have a 2D array of single characters, of character strings of size 1. In the other example you have a 1D array of longer character strings. See Difference between "character*10 :: a" and "character :: a(10)" for the difference.
The readstatement regards each of the character in the 2D array as a separate variable it tries to read. That is why it appears storing only the first character each time. The list-directed format * you are using is not good enough for reading a character array.
You can actually read a line to a character array, but you have to read it as an array and use the appropriate format
read(1, '(*(a))') str(i,:)
You are responsible to make sure that three are enough characters on each line of your file for your arrays.
You must also be careful when printing the content, which you do not show.
Be aware that using unit 1 for your files is poor form. Unit numbers below 10 are often pre-connected by the compiler to standard input, standard output, standard error and possibly other files.


How to read a file in fortran by using a while loop?

I am trying to read a text file using a Fortran code. I have a file with 1999 rows and the number of columns vary with each row. Can someone please tell me how one can code such a problem. This is my code for reading a 4*2 text file but I am using do loops which I can't use in my current case.
PROGRAM myread2
INTEGER :: row,col,max_rows,max_cols
OPEN(UNIT=11, file='text.txt')
DO row = 1,4
READ(11,*) a(row), b(row)
PRINT *, a(1)
PRINT *, a(4)
PRINT*, b(4)
The best way of reading a file like this depends on how you want to store the data. I'm going to use a ragged array as it's probably simplest, although other container types may be better suited depending on your requirements.
Fortran doesn't have ragged arrays natively, so first you need to define a type to hold each row. This can be done as
type :: RowData
integer, allocatable :: cols(:)
end type
type(RowData), allocatable :: rows(:)
When this container is filled out, the value in the i'th column of the j'th row will be accessed as
value = rows(j)%cols(i)
We can then write a program to read the file, e.g.
type :: RowData
integer, allocatable :: cols(:)
end type
type(RowData), allocatable :: rows(:)
integer :: no_rows
integer :: i
open(unit=11, file='text.txt')
no_rows = count_lines(11)
do i=1,no_rows
rows(i)%cols = read_row(11)
Now we just need to write the functions count_lines, which counts the number of lines in the file, and read_row, which reads a line from the file and returns the contents of that line as an array of integers.
Following this question, count_lines can be written as
! Takes a file unit, and returns the number of lines in the file.
! N.B. the file must be at the start of the file.
function count_lines(file_unit) result(output)
integer, intent(in) :: file_unit
integer :: output
integer :: iostat
output = 0
iostat = 0
do while (iostat==0)
read(file_unit, *, iostat=iostat)
if (iostat==0) then
output = output+1
end function
Writing read_row, to parse a line of unknown length from a file, can be done by following this question.

How can I create a function in Fortran, that reads from file and works with it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing character strings of different lengths to functions in Fortran
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a bunch of files, which contain numbers in rows. I need to write a function, that
reads from file for the first time to find amount of elements in file;
allocates an array and reads numbers from file into array;
returns an array
My function gets a string - name of the file - as an input.
So, the function that I wrote is:
function arrays_proc(name) result(arr)
character(len=128), intent(in) :: name
integer :: i, tmp, ios
character(len=30) :: line
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: arr
open(unit=09, file=name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios /= 0) stop "error opening file"
tmp = 0
read(09, '(A)', iostat=ios) line
if (ios /= 0) exit
tmp = tmp + 1
end do
do i=1, tmp
read(09, '(A)') arr(i)
end do
end function arrays_proc
Then, in the main program I write
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable :: points, potent
points = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_mesh.txt'))
potent = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_pot.txt'))
When I run my program, I get instant "error opening file".
I assume the problem is with names of files or how I put them in my function.
Anyway, I hope someone can help me
When compiling your code with a minimal program, GFortran prints the following warnings:
4 | points = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_mesh.txt'))
| 1
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument ‘name’ (15/128) at (1)
5 | potent = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_pot.txt'))
| 1
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument ‘name’ (14/128) at (1)
Trying to print the value of name inside arrays_proc shows that it is filled with garbage. So, guided by the warnings, you can try to change the length of the name parameter to *, which allows a string of any length to be used as input.
With that change, the function manages to open the files.
See also: Passing character strings of different lengths to functions in Fortran

Passing an allocated array from a SUBTROUTINE to the main program in Fortran

There are several threads with similar titles of mine, but I do not believe they are the same. One was very similar fortran pass allocated array to main procedure, but the answer required Fortran 2008. I am after a Fortran 90/95 solution.
Another very good, and quite similar thread is Dynamic array allocation in fortran90. However in this method while they allocate in the subroutine, they don't ever appear to deallocate, which seems odd. My method looks on the surface at least to be the same, yet when I print the array in the main program, only blank spaces are printed. When I print in the subroutine itself, the array prints to screen the correct values, and the correct number of values.
In the following a MAIN program calls a subroutine. This subroutine reads data into an allocatable array, and passes the array back to the main program. I do this by using small subroutines each designed to look for specific terms in the input file. All of these subroutines are in one module file. So there are three files: Main.f90, input_read.f90 and filename.inp.
It seems then that I do not know how to pass an array that is allocatable in program Main.f90 as well as in the called subroutine where it is actually allocated, sized, and then deallocated before being passed to program Main. This perhaps sounds confusing, so here is the code for all three programs. I apologize for the poor formatting when I pasted it. I tried to separate all the rows.
Program main
use input_read ! the module with the subroutines used for reading filename.inp
implicit none
REAL, Allocatable :: epsilstar(:)
INTEGER :: natoms
call Obtain_LJ_Epsilon(epsilstar, natoms)
print*, 'LJ Epsilon : ', epsilstar
END Program main
Next is the module with a subroutine (I removed all but the necessary one for space), input_read.f90:
module input_read
Subroutine Obtain_LJ_Epsilon(epsilstar,natoms)
! Reads epsilon and sigma parameters for Lennard-Jones Force-Field and also
! counts the number of types of atoms in the system
INTEGER :: error,line_number,natoms_eps,i
CHARACTER(120) :: string, next_line, next_next_line,dummy_char
CHARACTER(8) :: dummy_na,dummy_eps
INTEGER,intent(out) :: natoms
LOGICAL :: Proceed
real, intent(out), allocatable :: epsilstar(:)
error = 0
line_number = 0
Proceed = .true.
! Find key word LJ_Epsilon
line_number = line_number + 1
Read(10,'(A120)',iostat=error) string
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
print*, "Error, stopping read input due to an error reading line"
IF (string(1:12) == '$ LJ_epsilon') THEN
line_number = line_number + 1
ELSE IF (string(1:3) == 'END' .or. line_number > 2000) THEN
print*, "Hit end of file before reading '$ LJ_epsilon' "
Proceed = .false.
! Key word found, now determine number of parameters
! needing to be read
natoms_eps = -1
dummy_eps = 'iii'
do while ((dummy_eps(1:1) .ne. '$') .and. (dummy_eps(1:1) .ne. ' '))
natoms_eps = natoms_eps + 1
read(10,*) dummy_eps
enddo !we now know the number of atoms in the system (# of parameters)
epsilstar = 0.0
! Number of parameters found, now read their values
if(Proceed) then
do i = 1,line_number-1
read(11,*) ! note it is not recording anything for this do loop
do i = 1,natoms_eps
read(11,*) dummy_char
read(dummy_char,*) epsilstar(i) ! convert string read in to real, and store in epsilstar
PRINT*, 'LJ_epsilon: ', epsilstar ! printing to make sure it worked
END Subroutine Obtain_LJ_Epsilon
end module input_read
And finally the input file: filename.inp
# Run_Type
# Run_Name
# Pressure
# Temperature
# Number_Species
# LJ_epsilon
# LJ_sigma
And again, I can't figure out how to pass the allocated epsilstar array to the main program. I have tried passing an unallocated array to the subroutine from the main.f90, allocating it inside, passing it back, and deallocating it in the main.f90, but that did not work. I have tried it as the code currently is... the code works (i.e. is bug free) but it does not pass epsilstar from the subroutine where it correctly finds it and creates an array.
It turns out that the mistake I made was in deallocating the array in the subroutine before passing it to the main program. By NOT deallocating, the array was sent back fine. Also, I do not deallocate in the main program either.

Read signed exponential

I am having trouble reading exponential from a text file using Fortran.
The entry in the text file looks like the following
0.02547163e+06-0.04601176e+01 0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3
And the code that I am using looks like the following
read(iunit,'(ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,I2)') dummy1, dummy2, Thermo_DB_Coeffs_LowT(iS,1:3),temp
The error I am getting is
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during floating point read
How can I read these values?
Well here is what I usually do when it is too painful to hand edit the file...
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: Line
INTEGER :: Fin, Trailing_Int, I
Ingest_All_Rows: DO WHILE(.TRUE.)
READ(...) Line ! Into a character-string
<if we get to the end of the file, then 'EXIT Ingest_All_Rows'>
Start =1
Single_Row_Ingest: DO I = 1, 6
Fin = SCAN(Line,'eE')+3 !or maybe it is 4?
IF(I ==6) Fin = LEN_TRIM(Line)
READ(Line(Start:Fin),*) Element(I) !fron the string(len-string) to the double.
Line = Line((Fin+1):)
IF(I ==6) Trailing_Int = Element(6)
ENDDO Single_Row_Ingest
<Here we shove the row's 5 elements into some array, and the trailing int somewhere>
ENDDO Ingest_All_Rows
You will have to fill in the blanks, but I find that SCAN and LEN_TRIM can be useful in these cases

How to pass arrays of strings from both C and Fortran to Fortran?

I am trying to pass an array of strings from C to a Fortran subroutine as well as from Fortran to that same Fortran subroutine. I have managed to pass single strings (i.e. 1D character arrays) successfully from both C and Fortran. However, I'm having trouble with arrays of strings. I am using ISO C binding on the Fortran side, and ideally I'd like this to be as seamless as possible on the calling side.
I have read some related questions and answers. Some, (i.e. this and this) are simply "Use ISO C" without further details, which doesn't help much. This answer was very helpful (similar answer to a different question), but only works for single strings, where it seems that the c_null_char is recognized in the single Fortran string. I can't figure out what to do for the array case without having two separate routines.
What I currently have is a C routine which I want to pass the array of strings (string) from:
#include <iostream>
extern "C" void print_hi_array(char input_string[][255]);
using namespace std;
int main() {
char string[3][255] = {"asdf","ghji","zxcv"};
return 0;
And, a similar Fortran routine:
program main
implicit none
call print_hi_array( (/"asdf", "ghji", "zxcv"/) )
end program
Thus far, this is what I have for the receiving end:
subroutine print_hi_array(input_string) bind(C)
use iso_c_binding, only: C_CHAR, c_null_char
implicit none
character (kind=c_char, len=1), dimension (3,255), intent (in) :: input_string
character (len=255), dimension (3) :: regular_string
character (len=255) :: dummy_string
integer :: i,j,k
write (*,*) input_string
do j = 1 , 3
dummy_string(:) = c_null_char
k = 1
do i = 1 + (j-1)*255, j*255,1
if (input_string(i) .ne. c_null_char) then
write (*,*) "i ",i,j, input_string(i)
dummy_string(k:k) = input_string(i)
k = k +1
regular_string(j) = dummy_string
write (*,*) regular_string
end subroutine print_hi_array
This works for the C function; I get this output:
j= 1
i 1 1 a
i 2 1 s
i 3 1 d
i 4 1 f
j= 2
i 256 2 g
i 257 2 h
i 258 2 j
i 259 2 i
j= 3
i 511 3 z
i 512 3 x
i 513 3 c
i 514 3 v
asdf ghji zxcv
However, when it's done through Fortran I get nonsense out:
asdfghjizxcv#O,B�#(P,B�]B]6(P,B�# .......
It seems there is no c_null_char in this approach.
So, how can I write a Fortran subroutine to take in arrays of strings from both C and Fortran?
Fortran uses spaces to fill the rest of the string if it is declared longer than its stored text. It is not zero delimited, the declared length is stored in a hidden variable. It does not contain c null char and therefore you are reading some garbage (buffer overflow). What Fortran should print when tlit prints a string with \000 is undefined by the standard and depends on the implementation.
In particular, you are also passing a character(4) array with dimension 3 to a subroutine that expects much more data (255 chars, though I am not shure about the index order). Only pointers are passed so I think it can not be checked.
It is possible to define the length of the strings in the array constructor this way:
[character(255) :: "a","ab","abc"]
I see actually two ways to do that. Either, you write a loop in C and pass the strings one by one to Fortran, as you already did it before. Alternatively, if you want to pass the entire array and you want to handle the Fortran and the C arrays with the same routine, you will have to make an appropriate copy of your C-string array. Below a working, but not too much tested example:
extern "C" void print_array_c(int nstring, char input_string[][255]);
using namespace std;
int main() {
char string[3][255] = {"asdf","ghji","zxcv"};
print_array_c(3, string);
return 0;
Please note that I also pass the number of the strings, so that the example can handle arrays with various sizes. (The length of the strings is, however, assumed to be 255 characters.) On the Fortran size, one would need a routine to convert it Fortran strings. One possible visualization could be:
module arrayprint_module
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer, parameter :: STRLEN = 255
!> The printing routine, works with Fortran character arrays only.
subroutine print_array(strings)
character(len=STRLEN), intent(in) :: strings(:)
integer :: ii
do ii = 1, size(strings)
write(*,*) ii, strings(ii)
end do
end subroutine print_array
!> Converts C string array to Fortran string array and invokes print_array.
subroutine print_array_c(nstring, cptr) bind(C)
integer(c_int), value :: nstring
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: cptr
character(kind=c_char), pointer :: fptr(:,:)
character(STRLEN), allocatable :: fstrings(:)
integer :: ii, lenstr
call c_f_pointer(cptr, fptr, [ STRLEN, nstring ])
do ii = 1, nstring
lenstr = cstrlen(fptr(:,ii))
fstrings(ii) = transfer(fptr(1:lenstr,ii), fstrings(ii))
end do
call print_array(fstrings)
end subroutine print_array_c
!> Calculates the length of a C string.
function cstrlen(carray) result(res)
character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: carray(:)
integer :: res
integer :: ii
do ii = 1, size(carray)
if (carray(ii) == c_null_char) then
res = ii - 1
end if
end do
res = ii
end function cstrlen
end module arrayprint_module
Please note, that the array you pass from C must be contigous for this to work and I assumed that the character(kind=c_char) is compatible with the fortran character type, which usually it should be.
One approach which I've come up with is to modify the calling Fortran routine to also use ISO C binding:
program main
use iso_c_binding, only: C_CHAR
implicit none
character (kind=c_char, len=255), dimension (3) :: input_string
input_string = (/ "asdf", "ghji", "zxcv" /)
call print_hi_array(input_string)
end program