I am doing a program to learn template classes and dynamic_cast uses.
It uses a template class (A) to make a list of B class pointers. On the loop, it checks for each pointer if it points to a C object, and then execute its Print() method.
The code below should output "C CALL" two times, but it only outputs "Start!". What am I missing?
#include <vector>
template<typename widget_type>
class A
std::vector<widget_type*> value;
virtual ~A() {}
void Add(void* val)
widget_type* target = (widget_type*)val;
class B
virtual ~B() {}
class C : B
void Print()
std::cout << "C CALL\n";
class D : B
int main()
std::cout << "Start!\n";
A<B>* index = new A<B>;
C* c1 = new C;
D* d1 = new D;
C* c2 = new C;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
B* val = index->value[i];
C* target = dynamic_cast<C*>(val);
if (target)
Is it possible to call run() with p without concerning different class they are(for example class cast on a void*) and different implementation of run() in each class?
class A
void func()
//new B
//new C
//new D
//*p points to the instance of one of B,C,D
// some pointer *p
class B
void run(int i);
class C: public B
void run(int i);
class D: public B
void run(int i);
This works:
#include <iostream>
class B
virtual int run(int i);
class A
int func(B* obj, int i)
return obj->run(i);
class C: public B
virtual int run(int i){ return 2*i;}
class D: public B
virtual int run(int i){ return 3*i;}
int main(){
A a;
C obj1;
D obj2;
B* ptr1 = &obj1;
B* ptr2 = &obj2;
std::cout << a.func(ptr1, 3) << "\n";
std::cout << a.func(ptr2, 3) << "\n";
In the virtual method create() in the derived class Derived, I return a struct of type HelpDerived. However, since I had to set the return type of the method to HelpBase, I found that I need to cast the returned object back to the type HelpDerived.
The following is an example of my case.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase create() override;
HelpBase Derived::create() {
HelpDerived d;
d.a = 1;
d.b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived derived = dynamic_cast<HelpDerived &>(based);
std::cout << derived.a << std::endl;
When I run the code abve, I get the error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_cast'
what(): std::bad_cast
Abort trap: 6
What have I misunderstood about objects and casting in C++? Why does this method not work?
What can I do to fix the problem?
I think you'd better return a pointer to avoid object slicing in your create function.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase* create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase* create() override;
HelpBase* Derived::create() {
HelpDerived* d = new HelpDerived;
d->a = 1;
d->b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived* derived = dynamic_cast<HelpDerived *>(based);
std::cout << derived->a << " " << derived->b << std::endl;
delete derived;
I've replaced dynamic cast by static cast and it worked for me almost fine.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase create() override;
HelpBase Derived::create() {
HelpDerived d;
d.a = 3;
d.b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived derived = static_cast<HelpDerived &>(based);
std::cout << derived.a << std::endl;
std::cout << derived.b << std::endl;
Note that a value is correct, while b is junk. This is because for derived constructor has not been called.
In general, casting from base class to derived is not recommended, as derived may have more data members, than base class.
Recommended reading: https://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/upcasting_downcasting.php
i need to call the overidden function inside B class through C class but it gives "Base" as a output rather than "Derived". when I call this code part classC.getTargetB().example(); i need to get "Derived" as a output. how can i reach my goal in the code.
class A {
A() {};
virtual void example() { std::cout << "Base" << std::endl; }
class B :public A {
std::string name;
B() {};
B(std::string n) { name = n; }
void example() override { std::cout << "Derived" << std::endl; }
class C {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> ptr;
std::shared_ptr<A> targetBobject;
void setB(std::shared_ptr<A> target) {
targetBobject = target;
A getTargetB() {
return *targetBobject;
int main()
A example;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> parent;
C classC;
std::shared_ptr<B> ptr1 = std::make_shared<B>("B1");
std::shared_ptr<B> ptr2 = std::make_shared<B>("B2");
//parent.at(0)->example(); this gives 'Derived' as a output
classC.getTargetB().example();// gives 'Base' as a output
I have two classes A,B which inherit from an abstract base class Abs. I would like to create an initialization list containing both of them. I would like to iterate on that list with a foreach loop.
class Abs {
virtual ~Abs() = default;
virtual void f() = 0;
class A : public Abs {
virtual void f() override;
class B : public Abs {
virtual void f();
int main() {
A a;
B b;
const Abs& a_abs = a;
const Abs& b_abs = b;
for (const auto& abs : {a_abs, b_abs})
return 0;
The compilation of the for loop fails with:
error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Abs’
Why is it trying to allocate an Abs type?
How can I overcome that?
Thank you :)
there were a few things wrong with your code:
you should have a public destructor/constructor
B doesn't inherit from Abs therefore in can't be converted to Abs
i don't know if you can get what you want with references but with pointers you can. please use smart pointer this is just a prof of concept
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
class Abs {
virtual ~Abs() = default;
virtual void f() const = 0;
class A : public Abs {
virtual void f() const {
std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
class B : public Abs {
virtual void f() const {
std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
int main() {
A* a = new A();
B* b = new B();
const Abs* a_abs = dynamic_cast<const Abs *>(a);
const Abs* b_abs = dynamic_cast<const Abs *>(b);
for (const auto* abs : {a_abs, b_abs})
delete a;
delete b;
return 0;
I have a need to clone a derived class given only a reference or pointer to the base class. The following code does the job, but doesn't seem elegant, because I'm putting boilerplate code into many derived classes C, D, E that are siblings of B (not shown) that just calls the default copy constructor of each. Isn't that what the default copy constructor is for, if only it could be virtual?
Is there a better way?
Making a virtual assignment operator would be wrong, as I don't want C to assign to B, B to D, etc, just clone B, C, D or E.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A {
virtual ~A() {}
virtual A* clone()=0;
class B : public A {
int i;
virtual A* clone() {
cout << "cloned B" << endl;
return new B(*this);
virtual ~B() { cout << "destroyed b" << endl; }
int main() {
A* a = new B();
A* aa = a->clone();
delete a;
delete aa;
return 0;
You could always stick all the cloning logic into its own class in the middle of the hierarchy:
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
Derived* clone() const override {
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const&>(*this));
And then:
class B : public CloneCRTP<B, A>
int i;
virtual ~B() { cout << "destroyed b" << endl; }
No more boilerplate.
You can rely on the CRTP idiom.
It follows a minimal, working example:
struct B {
~virtual ~B() { }
virtual B* clone() = 0;
template<class C>
struct D: public B {
B* clone() {
return new C{*static_cast<C*>(this)};
struct S: public D<S> { };
int main() {
B *b1 = new S;
B *b2 = b1->clone();
delete b1;
delete b2;
To achieve clone that works as with covariant return type, there is a need for some more complicated CRTP:
class Shape {
// virtual
virtual Shape* do_clone() const = 0;
virtual ~Shape() {}
// non-virtual
Shape* clone() const {
return do_clone();
// ...
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
// virtual
Base* do_clone() const override {
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const&>(*this));
// non-virtual
Derived* clone() const {
return static_cast<Derived*>(do_clone());
class Rectangle: public CloneCRTP<Rectangle, Shape> { /*...*/ };
class Triangle: public CloneCRTP<Triangle, Shape> { /*...*/ };
int main() {
Rectangle* r1 = new Rectangle{};
// getting the proper type from clone:
Rectangle* rcopy = r1->clone();
delete rcopy;
delete r1;
Triangle t1{};
// getting the proper type from clone:
Triangle* tcopy = t1.clone();
delete tcopy;
Code: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/339458f8b45299c3
I do it in a generalized way.
template <class Class>
class CloneInterface {
Class* copy() const { return new Class{static_cast<Class const&>(*this)}; }
virtual Class* clone() const { return this->copy(); }
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
Derived* copy() const { return new Derived{static_cast<Derived const&>(*this)}; }
Base* clone() const override { return this->copy(); }
class Base : public CloneInterface<Base> {
int a = 0;
virtual ~Base() {}
void print() { std::cout << "Base: a = " << a << '\n'; }
class A : public CloneCRTP<A, Base> {
int b = 1;
void print() { std::cout << "A: b = " << b << '\n'; }
int main() {
auto b = new Base();
auto b_clone = b->clone();
auto b_copy = b->copy();
b->print(); // Base print()
b_clone->print(); // Base print()
b_copy->print(); // Base print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto a = new A();
auto a_clone = a->clone(); // returns Base*
auto a_copy = a->copy(); // returns A*
a->print(); // A print()
a_clone->print(); // Base print(), because clone returns pointer to the base class
a_copy->print(); // A print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto c = static_cast<Base*>(a);
auto c_clone = c->clone(); // returns Base*, but A* inside
auto c_copy = c->copy(); // returns Base*, that is really Base
c->print(); // Base print()
c_clone->print(); // Base print()
c_copy->print(); // Base print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto a_clone_restored = static_cast<A*>(c_clone);
auto a_copy_restored = static_cast<A*>(c_copy); // Invalid
a_clone_restored->print(); // A print()
a_copy_restored->print(); // A print()
delete b;
delete b_clone;
delete b_copy;
delete a;
delete a_clone;
delete a_copy;
return 0;
This approach allows to reuse crtp definition in all hierarchies that require clone functionality.
Code: https://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/269a2427fd2f919b