ResumeThread takes over a minute to resume - c++

I'm using SuspendThread / ResumeThread to modify the RIP register between the calls through GetThreadContext / SetThreadContext. It allows me to execute arbitrary code in a thread in another process.
So this works, but sometimes ResumeThread takes about 60 seconds to resume the target thread.
I understand that I'm somewhat abusing the API through this usage, but is there any way to speed this up? Or something I should look at that might indicate a bad usage?
The target thread is a sample program that loops over itself.
uint64_t blarg = 1;
while (true) {
std::cout << blarg << std::endl;
if (blarg == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
blarg = 0;
The Suspend / Resume sequence is very simple as well:
void hijackRip(uint64_t targetAddress, DWORD threadId){
HANDLE targetThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, threadId);
NTSTATUS suspendResult = SuspendThread(targetThread);
CONTEXT threadContext;
memset(&threadContext, 0, sizeof(threadContext));
threadContext.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL;
BOOL getThreadContextResult = GetThreadContext(targetThread, &threadContext);
threadContext.Rip = targetAddress;
BOOL setThreadContextResult = SetThreadContext(targetThread, &threadContext);
DWORD resumeThreadResult = ResumeThread(targetThread);
Again, this works, I can redirect execution correctly, but only 30 / 60 seconds after executing this function.


ESP-IDF How to ckeck if task is already running?

I have a job that should be ran with minimum interval of 5 seconds. Trigger that starts this job can be executed in any moment and in any frequency.
What is the best way to solve such a case in RTOS environment?
I want to make a function that creates a task if it does not exist. Existing task should wait for minimum interval to pass before doing anything. While it is waiting, function that should create it should skip the creation of a new task.
What is the right way to check if task was created but didn't finish yet?
Should I use tasks at all in this case?
Code example below:
uint32_t last_execution_timestamp = 0;
TaskHandle_t *task_handle = NULL;
bool task_done = true;
static void report_task(void *context)
if (esp_timer_get_time() / 1000 < last_execution_timestamp + CONFIG_MIN_INTERVAL)
ESP_LOGI(stateTAG, "need to wait for for right time");
int time_to_wait = last_execution_timestamp + CONFIG_MIN_INTERVAL - esp_timer_get_time() / 1000;
vTaskDelay(time_to_wait / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
// do something...
task_done = true;
void init_report_task(uint32_t context)
if (!task_done)
ESP_LOGI(stateTAG, "TASK already exists");
ESP_LOGI(stateTAG, "Creating task");
xTaskCreate(&report_task, "report_task", 8192, (void *)context, 4, task_handle);
task_done = false;
eTaskGetState can be used to check if a task is already running, but such a solution can be susceptible to races. For example your task is technically still "running" when it's in fact "finishing", i.e. setting task_done = true; and preparing for exit.
A better solution could be to use a queue (or a semaphore) and have the task run continuously, waiting for the messages to arrive and processing them in a loop.
Using a semaphore, you can do xSemaphoreTake(sem, 5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); to wait for either a wake-up condition or a timeout of 5 seconds, whichever comes first.
== EDIT ==
if there is no events task should wait. Only if event happens it should run the job. It should run it immediately if there was no execution in past 5 seconds. If there was an execution it should wait until 5 seconds since last execution and only then run it
You can achieve that by carefully managing the semaphore's ticks to wait. Something like this (untested):
TickType_t nextDelay = portMAX_DELAY;
TickType_t lastWakeup = 0;
const TickType_t minDelay = 5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
for (;;) {
bool signalled = xSemaphoreTake(sem, nextDelay);
TickType_t now = (TickType_t)(esp_timer_get_time() / (portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000));
if (signalled) {
TickType_t ticksSinceLastWakeup = now - lastWakeup;
if (ticksSinceLastWakeup < minDelay) {
// wakeup too soon - schedule next wakeup and go back to sleep
nextDelay = minDelay - ticksSinceLastWakeup;
lastWakeup = now;
nextDelay = portMAX_DELAY;
// do work ...

Wait until a variable becomes zero

I'm writing a multithreaded program that can execute some tasks in separate threads.
Some operations require waiting for them at the end of execution of my program. I've written simple guard for such "important" operations:
class CPendingOperationGuard final
InterlockedIncrementAcquire( &m_ullCounter );
InterlockedDecrementAcquire( &m_ullCounter );
static bool WaitForAll( DWORD dwTimeOut )
// Here is a topic of my question
// Return false on timeout
// Return true if wait was successful
static volatile ULONGLONG m_ullCounter;
Usage is simple:
void ImportantTask()
CPendingOperationGuard guard;
// Do work
// ...
void StopExecution()
if(!CPendingOperationGuard::WaitForAll( 30000 )) {
// Handle error
The question is: how to effectively wait until a m_ullCounter becames zero or until timeout.
I have two ideas:
To launch this function in another separate thread and write WaitForSingleObject( hThread, dwTimeout ):
while(InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease( &m_ullCounter, 0, 0 ))
But it will "eat" almost 100% of CPU time - bad idea.
Second idea is to allow other threads to start:
while(InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease( &m_ullCounter, 0, 0 ))
Sleep( 0 );
But it'll switch execution context into kernel mode and back - too expensive in may task. Bad idea too
The question is:
How to perform almost-zero-overhead waiting until my variable becames zero? Maybe without separate thread... The main condition is to support stopping of waiting by timeout.
Maybe someone can suggest completely another idea for my task - to wait for all registered operations (like in WinAPI's ThreadPools - its API has, for instance, WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks to perform waiting for ALL registered tasks).
PS: it is not possible to rewrite my code with ThreadPool API :(
Have a look at the WaitOnAddress() and WakeByAddressSingle()/WakeByAddressAll() functions introduced in Windows 8.
For example:
class CPendingOperationGuard final
static bool WaitForAll( DWORD dwTimeOut )
ULONGLONG Captured, Now, Deadline = GetTickCount64() + dwTimeOut;
DWORD TimeRemaining;
Captured = InterlockedExchangeAdd64((LONG64 volatile *)&m_ullCounter, 0);
if (Captured == 0) return true;
Now = GetTickCount64();
if (Now >= Deadline) return false;
TimeRemaining = static_cast<DWORD>(Deadline - Now);
while (WaitOnAddress(&m_ullCounter, &Captured, sizeof(ULONGLONG), TimeRemaining));
return false;
static volatile ULONGLONG m_ullCounter;
Raymond Chen wrote a series of blog articles about these functions:
WaitOnAddress lets you create a synchronization object out of any data variable, even a byte
Implementing a critical section in terms of WaitOnAddress
Spurious wakes, race conditions, and bogus FIFO claims: A peek behind the curtain of WaitOnAddress
Extending our critical section based on WaitOnAddress to support timeouts
Comparing WaitOnAddress with futexes (futexi? futexen?)
Creating a semaphore from WaitOnAddress
Creating a semaphore with a maximum count from WaitOnAddress
Creating a manual-reset event from WaitOnAddress
Creating an automatic-reset event from WaitOnAddress
A helper template function to wait for WaitOnAddress in a loop
you need for this task something like Run-Down Protection instead CPendingOperationGuard
before begin operation, you call ExAcquireRundownProtection and only if it return TRUE - begin execute operation. at the end you must call ExReleaseRundownProtection
so pattern must be next
if (ExAcquireRundownProtection(&RunRef)) {
when you want stop this process and wait for all active calls do_operation(); finished - you call ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease (instead WaitWorker)
After ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease is called, the ExAcquireRundownProtection routine will return FALSE (so new operations will not start after this). ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease waits to return until all calls the ExReleaseRundownProtection routine to release the previously acquired run-down protection (so when all current(if exist) operation complete). When all outstanding accesses are completed, ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease returns
unfortunately this api implemented by system only in kernel mode and no analog in user mode. however not hard implement such idea yourself
this is my example:
enum RundownState {
v_complete = 0, v_init = 0x80000000
template<typename T>
class RundownProtection
LONG _Value;
_NODISCARD BOOL IsRundownBegin()
return 0 <= _Value;
LONG Value, NewValue;
if (0 > (Value = _Value))
NewValue = InterlockedCompareExchangeNoFence(&_Value, Value + 1, Value);
if (NewValue == Value) return TRUE;
} while (0 > (Value = NewValue));
return FALSE;
void ReleaseRP()
if (InterlockedDecrement(&_Value) == v_complete)
void Rundown_l()
InterlockedBitTestAndResetNoFence(&_Value, 31);
void Rundown()
if (AcquireRP())
RundownProtection(RundownState Value = v_init) : _Value(Value)
void Init()
_Value = v_init;
class OperationGuard : public RundownProtection<OperationGuard>
friend RundownProtection<OperationGuard>;
HANDLE _hEvent;
void RundownCompleted()
OperationGuard() : _hEvent(0) {}
if (_hEvent)
ULONG WaitComplete(ULONG dwMilliseconds = INFINITE)
return WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, dwMilliseconds);
ULONG Init()
return (_hEvent = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0)) ? NOERROR : GetLastError();
} g_guard;
ULONG CALLBACK PendingOperationThread(void*)
while (g_guard.AcquireRP())
Sleep(1000);// do operation
return 0;
void demo()
if (g_guard.Init() == NOERROR)
if (HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, PendingOperationThread, 0, 0, 0))
MessageBoxW(0, 0, L"UI Thread", MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK);
why simply wait when wait until a m_ullCounter became zero not enough
if we read 0 from m_ullCounter this mean only at this time no active operation. but pending operation can begin already after we check that m_ullCounter == 0 . we can use special flag (say bool g_bQuit) and set it. operation before begin check this flag and not begin if it true. but this anyway not enough
naive code:
//worker thread
if (!g_bQuit) // (1)
// MessageBoxW(0, 0, L"simulate delay", MB_ICONWARNING);
InterlockedIncrement(&g_ullCounter); // (4)
// do operation
InterlockedDecrement(&g_ullCounter); // (5)
// here we wait for all operation done
g_bQuit = true; // (2)
// wait on g_ullCounter == 0, how - not important
while (g_ullCounter) continue; // (3)
pending operation checking g_bQuit flag (1) - it yet false, so it
worked thread is swapped (use MessageBox for simulate this)
we set g_bQuit = true; // (2)
we check/wait for g_ullCounter == 0, it 0 so we exit (3)
working thread wake (return from MessageBox) and increment
g_ullCounter (4)
problem here that operation can use some resources which we already begin destroy after g_ullCounter == 0
this happens because check quit flag (g_Quit) and increment counter after this not atomic - can be a gap between them.
for correct solution we need atomic access to flag+counter. this and do rundown protection. for flag+counter used single LONG variable (32 bit) because we can do atomic access to it. 31 bits used for counter and 1 bits used for quit flag. windows solution use 0 bit for flag (1 mean quit) and [1..31] bits for counter. i use the [0..30] bits for counter and 31 bit for flag (0 mean quit). look for

How do I interrupt xcb_wait_for_event?

In a separate thread (std::thread), I have an event loop that waits on xcb_wait_for_event. When the program exits, I'd like to shut things down nicely by interrupting (I have a solution that sets a thread-local variable, and checkpoints in the loop throw an exception), and then joining my event thread into the main thread. The issue is xcb_wait_for_event; I need a way to return from it early, or I need an alternative to the function.
Can anyone suggest a solution? Thanks for your help!
I believe I've come up with a suitable solution. I've replaced xcb_wait_for_event with the following function:
xcb_generic_event_t *WaitForEvent(xcb_connection_t *XConnection)
xcb_generic_event_t *Event = nullptr;
int XCBFileDescriptor = xcb_get_file_descriptor(XConnection);
fd_set FileDescriptors;
struct timespec Timeout = { 0, 250000000 }; // Check for interruptions every 0.25 seconds
while (true)
FD_SET(XCBFileDescriptor, &FileDescriptors);
if (pselect(XCBFileDescriptor + 1, &FileDescriptors, nullptr, nullptr, &Timeout, nullptr) > 0)
if ((Event = xcb_poll_for_event(XConnection)))
return Event;
Making use of xcb_get_file_descriptor, I can use pselect to wait until there are new events, or until a specified timeout has occurred. This method incurs negligible additional CPU costs, resting at a flat 0.0% (on this i7). The only "downside" is having to wait a maximum of 0.25 seconds to check for interruptions, and I'm sure that limit could be safely lowered.
A neater way would be to do something like this (the code snippet is extracted from some code I am currently working on):
void QXcbEventQueue::sendCloseConnectionEvent() const {
// A hack to close XCB connection. Apparently XCB does not have any APIs for this?
xcb_client_message_event_t event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
event.response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE;
event.format = 32;
event.sequence = 0;
event.window = m_connection->clientLeader();
event.type = m_connection->atom(QXcbAtom::_QT_CLOSE_CONNECTION);[0] = 0;
xcb_connection_t *c = m_connection->xcb_connection();
xcb_send_event(c, false, m_connection->clientLeader(),
XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&event));
xcb_flush(c); }
For _QT_CLOSE_CONNECTION use your own atom to signal an exit and in my case clientLeader() is some invisible window that is always present on my X11 connection. If you don't have any invisible windows that could be reused for this purpose, create one :)
With this you can terminate the thread with xcb_wait_for_event when you see this special event arriving.

C++ timer_create() does not create new thread

What I am trying to achieve is to use a timer, which starts new thread each minute at exact the same time.
So far it did the job, but unfortunately if the thread execution delays more 1 min, then a new thread is NOT created and instead - the timer waits til the previous thread finishes and then executes the new one, which is not my aim.
How may I instruct the timer to fire a new thread every time, without waiting previous to finish?
What I used:
itimer.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 60;
itimer.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
tt = time(NULL);
tt += 60; //next minute
tm_t = localtime(&tt);
tm_t->tm_sec = 0;
time_t vv = mktime(tm_t);
itimer.it_value.tv_sec = vv;
memset (&sigev, 0, sizeof (struct sigevent));
sigev.sigev_value.sival_int = 666;
sigev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
sigev.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
sigev.sigev_notify_function = threadFunction;
if (timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev, &timer) < 0){
exit (errno);
if (timer_settime(timer, TIMER_ABSTIME, &itimer, NULL) < 0){
exit (errno);
If you read the sigevent(7) manual page you will see that for SIGEV_THREAD the function is called "as if" it were the start function of a new thread. The system may start a new thread, or the system may use a single thread to handle all timer events (which fits your description), or something completely different altogether.
If you want to make sure a new thread is created unconditionally, then you should make a wrapper function that creates a thread, and make sigev_notify_function point to that wrapper function.

Have a timer restart every 100ms in C / C++

I am working with a application where the requirement is execute a function after every 100ms.
Below is my code
// Do something that might take more than 100ms of time
void TimeOut_CallBack(int w)
struct itimerval tout_val;
int ret = 0;
/* Configure the timer to expire after 100000 ... */
tout_val.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
tout_val.it_value.tv_usec = 100000; /* 100000 timer */
/* ... and every 100 msec after that. */
tout_val.it_interval.tv_sec = 0 ;
tout_val.it_interval.tv_usec = 100000;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tout_val,0);
return ;
Function TimeOut_CallBack ( ) is called only once and then on checkOCIDs( ) function must be executed after a wait of 100ms continuously.
Currently, The application is going for a block as checkOCIDs( ) function takes more than 100ms of time to complete and before that the Timer Out is triggered.
I do not wish to use while(1) with sleep( ) / usleep( ) as it eats up my CPU enormously.
Please suggest a alternative to achieve my requirement.
It is not clear whether the "check" function should be executed while it is in progress and timer expires. Maybe it would be ok to you to introduce variable to indicate that timer expired and your function should be executed again after it completes, pseudo-code:
static volatile bool check_in_progress = false;
static volatile bool timer_expired = false;
void TimeOut_CallBack(int w)
// ...
if (check_in_progress) {
timer_expired = true;
// spawn/resume check function thread
// ...
void checkThreadProc()
check_in_progress = true;
do {
timer_expired = false;
} while(timer_expired);
check_in_progress = false;
// end thread or wait for a signal to resume
Note, that additional synchronization may be required to avoid race conditions (for instance when one thread exists do-while loop and check_in_progress is still set and the other sets timer_expired, check function will not be executed), but that's depends on your requirements details.