How OAuth authorization works via API - flask

It is clear how to get a token from Google(or any other OAuth provider). But I do not understand where shoud I do it - server part or client part.
For example: I have a backend on Flask with unified API for Android, iOS and web(js/react) apps.
Where do I need to get a token? On the client (Android for example) part and send it to server or in my Flask app after request from client? Where should I get data from provider? How at all works interaction between client and server while using OAuth?
Would be pleased for some explanations or links on some guides

Your UIs will manage redirecting the user to authenticate - after which the UI is given an access token to call the API with.
The OAuth provider is the entry point for authentication and issues an access token afterwards.
The API uses the access token to identify the user and authorize access to resources.
A good way to understand OAuth is the HTTP messages - my blog post highlights these, and they are largely the same for SPAs and mobile.
There are also some code samples on my blog which you can run, in case useful.


How to send requests to Cloud Run only from the app?

Subscription based iOS app I'm building uses Cloud Run service invoked via HTTPS request.
How can I make sure that the request can only be invoked by app owners(from the app)?
I've looked at Google Sign-In authentication, but I don't think it is applicable in my case as only those subscribed to the app should have the access, not just those with Gmail account.
I think without a Google Sign-in involved, your question has nothing to do with Cloud Run and can be generalized as:
How to send requests to to a backend app only from its mobile app?
So I'll answer that.
You'll find out that you need some form of "authentication" to prove that you're on a mobile app as a "user". To achieve that, you need some form of sign-in.
You may try to ship a secret (like a token or private key) in the application and use that to authenticate, but this will be susceptible to:
exfiltration of the private they from the application bundle through reverse engineering
applying a man-in-the-middle attack to the HTTPS request (and therefore the token) by trusting a root CA on the device and using e.g. mitmproxy to decrypt the request as plaintext.
In reality, there's no way to fully secure iOS/Android <=> backend communication that. Even the largest apps like Twitter, Instagram etc have their APIs reverse engineered all the time and invoked from non iOS/Android clients as the requests can be spoofed.
If you want to authenticate your existing users, you should figure out how these people login to your app. This could be simple username:password in Authentication: Basic [...] header, or something more complicated like OAuth2 which is what apps like Facebook, Twitter implement under the covers for their mobile apps.
Then you would validate that Authentication header in your Cloud Run application code yourself.
So again, I don't think this is a problem specific to Cloud Run, or any cloud provider.
If your goal is for your API to only be called when your users are authenticated in your app, I would recommend implementing one of the two solutions described on this page:
Using Google Sign-in or Firebase Authentication

Facebook Places Search using Client Token

This page claims that you can access the Places Graph functionality without having a logged-in user:
You make your calls using a Client Token (from the client), and an App Access Token (from the server).
The documentation regarding Client Tokens says:
The client token is an identifier that you can embed into native mobile binaries or desktop apps to identify your app. The client token isn't meant to be a secret identifier because it's embedded in apps.
This sounds like exactly what I want--I am trying to build a website that allows users to search for Facebook places. I need to be able to build the list using an AJAX request from the client side.
I can't for the life of me find any documentation on using the Client Token to make such a request.
Please note that I cannot use an App Token because this will be deployed to a website, and Facebook specifically says not to use App Tokens in that context.
I've tried using the Client Token directly as the access_token, but then I get Invalid OAuth access token.
How can I use the Client Token to make a Places Graph API call directly to Facebook's API from the client's browser?
Note: I realize that I could send the request to my own server, then relay that request from my server to Facebook, but that is not an optimal solution for me.
In case anyone is still struggling with this like I was. You just need to use the appId and client token joined with a pipe. So "appId|clientToken".

Web API authentication using OAuth 2.0 token and Azure Active Directory (Without Authentication Server)

Is there a way to authenticate the Microsoft or google OAuth token in active directory without using an authentication server?
Here is the scenario:
A client app gets an Microsoft access_token from some external service.
Client app will make a call to some secured web API and pass that access_token along with the request header
If the access_token passed by client is valid then API will provide response to the client.
Is there a way to validate that access_token on API side?
My normal understanding about OAuth 2.0 is there needs to be an authentication server to which both the client and API would talk to as shown in the figure below:
But if the token is provided by some external service, Can we use it to validate our web API. Are there any ways to implement such authentication?
You can learn more about AAD Signing Keys and handling Key Rollover using this page: Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory
Validation of the token, once you have the signing key, can be done using existing libraries like OWIN. You can also try following instructions like this (although it seems the document isn't 100% complete yet): Manually validating a JWT access token in a web API
This library is also available, but I think OWIN is supposed to have replaced it in general.
Also check out this blog post, which has a pretty great deep dive into token validation.

Django Oauth Toolkit Application Settings

Django Oauth Toolkit docs don't describe the redirect uris, authorization grant type, or client type fields when registering your application.
The tutorial says to set client type to confidential, grant type to password, and leave uris blank.
What do the other options do?
e.g. What is client type public vs confidential? What do the grant type password, credentials, authorization, implicit do? And what are the redirect uris for?
I have found sparse information about them but no actual explanations as they pertain to django rest framework and django oauth toolkit.
You'll get answer to all your questions once you read about Oauth2 Protocol from here
But I'll try to answer your questions in brief:
I'll be using the words client and Resource Server frequently. In Oauth2 protocol, client means the system which accesses resources, data or service. (It could be your mobile app or javascript app consuming REST API's of your API Backend (or Resource Server) . If you have implemented Facebook login in your mobile/JS apps, chances are, your API backend requests Facebook for user's information. In that case your API backend is being a client and Facebook is Resource Server)
Client Types:
Client type is either confidential or public depending on whether that client can keep it's client_secret a secret. (For example, an AngularJS app cannot keep it's client_secret hidden, since anyone can do "Inspect Element" in a browser and search for it, so such a client has to be registered as public.)
Authorization Grant Types:
There are four kinds of Authorization Grant Types in Oauth2 protocol.
Authorization Code:
In this grant type, the client requests for an authorization code first, then exchanges that authorization code for an access token. It's a two step procedure. Use this if the client is an outsider (more on it in Resource-owner password based).
Usually used along with public client_type. Instead of a two-step procedure above, the client gets access token in one go.
Resource-owner password based:
This is used when there is a high degree of trust between client and Resource Server. This is the case between your API backend and your Mobile app. (There is high degree of trust between your API backend and Javascript app too, but since it cannot keep it's client_secret a secret, you have to use Implicit Grant type with it). Facebook or Google etc. will never give you this kind of Authorization Grant because, for them, your API backend is an outsider.
Client Credentials:
It is least commonly used. Please read about it in above mentioned document.
Redirect URI's:
Now, as far as Redirect URI's are concerned, they are needed only in Authorization Code or Implicit grant types (Not sure about Client Credentials one, somebody please enlighten me on this in comments).
Redirect URI is given so that the Resource Server knows where to send the access token. Imagine if you are implementing Facebook login. In that case you will go to and register your application (like you did with django-oauth-toolkit), while registering your application, you will specify a Redirect URI.
Specifying a Redirect URI is a way of saying. "Hey Facebook, send the access token on this URI". So if you set Redirect URI something like, Facebook will redirect to your specified Redirect URI at the end of Oauth2 process and give Access Token in the form of GET parameter, like

It is possible (and/or a good idea) to reuse OAuth tokens between apps?

I'm working on an iPhone app that uses xAuth to login to Twitter. The app also communicates with my own web service. Rather than maintain a user model inside the web service, I'd like to just allow anyone who's already authenticated via Twitter to make requests.
The high-level use case is this: the user logs into and interacts with Twitter through the app. They can also interact with my web service through the app. The web service itself never interacts with Twitter. Instead of maintaining a separate authentication system on my side, I'd like the server to say "OK, if Twitter says you're #joshfrench then you can have access."
I'm not sure how I should validate requests on the server side, though. How would I pass some proof of authentication from the mobile client to my web service? Can I send along the existing Twitter token and verify it from the server? Or somehow sign the request with my Twitter app's credentials? Is this even a valid use of OAuth?
If you store your twitter app key and secret on both he iphone app and your server, and then somehow transmit the user's oauth token (also called "access token") key/secret from the iphone app to the server, then you can do the same type of api calls from the server.
consumer =, app_secret, …)
access_token =, user_key, user_secret)
response = access_token.get('/stuff.xml')
So, is it Okay to transmit that info from the app to the server? If you do it securely, and it's within the user's expectation for how the app behaves, then it's a perfectly fine use of oauth.
It's possible that it's not allowed by Twitter's terms of service -- I could imagine there being something that says you can't transfer a user's access secret across the network, or some such thing. (total wild speculation, I don't think it's particularly likely that that's the case)