How to update thumbnail in Azure Video Indexer? - video-indexer

Is there a way to update the thumbnail for a video in Azure Video Indexer? It looks like it randomly assigns a default thumbnail for the video that is uploaded - Looking for a way to update it either from Video Indexer UI or via an API.

the thumbnail you see in the right pane (in the character list) is called "best face" thumbnail, there is no API in which you can change the thumbnail to a different one.
if you rename the character you will be able to see all the thumbnails that is related to this character under customization page in people tab VideoIndexer Customization
there you can delete thumbnail of the character (but even this will not change the "best face")


What is the best way to generate video thumbnails?

I am creating an application with Vue.js and Django.
I am getting a list of videos from AWS S3 and I am displaying it in the frontend. Now I need to create thumbnails for these videos?
I want to know what is the best practice to generate the thumbnails?
Should I:
Should I generate thumbnails on the frontend side each time it receives videos?
Should I generate thumbnails on the backend side each time videos are requested?
Should I generate thumbnails on the backend and save them in the storage and then send them when the videos are requested?
Currently, I am finding solutions on how to generate thumbnails on the frontend or how to save them but no one is discussing which is the best way to do it.
preload= metadata shows a thumbnail automatically in browser, I would avoid complexity of storing the thumbnails all together, unless it is needed.
For some platforms/browsers (for example, iOs Safari)
won't show you a thumbnail.
You can workaround it, by adding to src timestamp (#t=0.001):

Django: Galleries Admin Photo Upload

I have a website that is using Django's admin interface to facilitate non-developers adding content to the site. The site has an Events page (and associated model), and each Event can have an associated photo gallery.
I'm thinking that photo galleries should have their own model. There is a table in the database which associates image paths with their Event.
What I need is a way to upload images. Preferably a multiple-file upload solution since there could be dozens of images per event. I want these images to be recorded correctly in their table and added to the file system in the correct location on the server.
I was originally thinking that the upload feature should be included on the Event admin page to make it easier for content contributors, but maybe it would be easier to keep a separate photo gallery admin and have them select the Event the photos are associated with from there?
I've read through a lot of similar questions and blog posts, but nothing that seems to be quite exactly what I'm looking for. I'm currently attempting to adapt some of the information I've seen, but I'd really appreciate suggestions. Thanks for any help on this!
You can create Some model with foreign key to Event, and ManyToMany to your Images, as I understand your question.
At first upload necessary images to some Image model and than add them to Some model with some Event

Media Library not listing any media items when browsed from Image Field of an item in content editor in sitecore

Media Library not listing any media items when browsed from Image Field of an item in content editor.
Steps to reproduce:
Create an item from Content Tree
Browse for an image from Image field.
Media Library UI displayed without previously uploaded images.
Expected : Media Library should display all media items available.
Inconsistency observed on multiple attempts(occasionally loads with a delay of 20 seconds - Is there any solution/fix to reduce this delay?)
Network is not an issue
User is having all the necessary roles and permissions.
Issue observed in all the browsers.
Version: Sitecore.NET 7.1 (rev. 130926)
Any help would be appreciated in knowing the root cause for Media Library not listing the media items.
Please see below attached screenshot -
Make sure your indexes have been built. The Sitecore 7.1 image UI uses the search API to display content, so if the indexes haven't been updated/build properly it will not show any data.
You can rebuild your indexes by logging into the desktop, click the Sitecore button in the bottom left, go to Control Panel and select Indexing. Click the Index Manager and follow the wizard to rebuild.
Have you specified a data source in the media field? That version of Sitecore has a known bug where such sources doesn't work. If so, ask Sitecore support for the workaround patch for this.
In Sitecore.Speak.ItemWebApi set allowanonymousaccess to true for the site name="shell"
This resolved the issue.
We have to enable the Sitecore.Speak.ContentSearch.Solr.config if using SOLR.

Storing multiple images for an item in Sitecore

I want to store multiple images for an item (e.g. images of a building) and I need to create a image viewer control in the ASP.NET website as well.
What are good options to save and retrieve images from Sitecore? If there is an Image list kind of control that would be ideal in my scenario.
Is it a good option to use the "Attachment" field type? If anyone has code examples, please share.
The Sitecore Field Suite open source module contains an "Image Field" control that allows you to attach multiple images to a content item. Unlike a normal multilist, the Image List allows authors to see the images they are attaching directly in the Content Editor, which can be very helpful in choosing and arranging Carousel items.
Blog post introducting the Field Suite:
FIeld Suite on Sitecore Marketplace:

Django image insertion in Admin

I am building a small side project - a simple news site. I want to use the Django Admin for uploading articles and allow access to non-coders so as they can publish articles a la Wordpress or such. I have added some functionality to the admin, first trying out TinyMCE and Dojo rich text editors. However, these do not come with the ability to insert an image into an article from a file (just urls).
I really only want some light text formatting in the text area plus the ability to upload and insert images from the users's harddrive directly into the article. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
If you are already using django-tinymce, you can integrate django-filebrowser with it. See django-tinymce's documentation.
There is also a commercial choice which looks good, but I have never tested it.