Configserver ModSecurity: How to block an ip IF it hits a certain url more than N times? - mod-security

We have the problem of hackers trying to submit forged payment requests. They return the url /checkout?fail=1 when their attempts fails.
Using modsec, How can we block their ip IF they visit that url more than 3 times?


URL Redirect with Regex in Google Optimize

I have a website and I'd like to redirect traffic based on a dynamic product ID in the url.
This I'm doing with help of Google Optimize Redirect Test. Setup is based on a Regex to actually fetch the Original page which I want to redirect to an other page. should redirect to
How can i setup the regex so that I can use the 18 digit product ID as an identifier?
I alread tried to setup a regex like
https:\/\/domain\.de\/en\/products($|\?.*) plus trying to add the expression (\d{18}) but failed in putting it in the right position.

AWS Load Balancer health check fails for url with #

I have set up my EC2 load balancer health check to point to a url with a # in it like /#/applications
When I ssh into the box and curl the url I get a Response code of 200.
However the load balancer gives this error:
Health checks failed with these codes: [400]
If I change the health check URL to be / then the load balancer say it is fine.
I am suspecting it could be a url encoding issue. Are there any restrictions on what characters are allowed in the URL ?
# is not a valid character in the request URI. The # symbol marks the beginning of the URL fragment.
When you access a URL with #, the URI is truncated by the browser at the # before it is sent to the server. Servers never see this -- it's for client-side use only.
It is thus invalid in a health check and the server is correct to reject it as 400 Bad Request. Access a URL on your site with a fragment from a browser and you will notice that the # is not logged by the web server because the browser doesn't send it.
If for some reason you're actually needing a url-encoded #, that would be written as %23 but I would not expect this to be what you are looking for.

How to use CGI to Determine if URL Request is using HTTPS?

I am trying to switch our site from HTTP to HTTPS. In some scenarios, we need the site to use HTTP and at other times, HTTPS. I inted to use CGI to determine whether the request is HTTP or HTTPS.
As far as I can tell, the JSON requests must match the original protocol request. If you request, HTTP:// you must call JSON with HTTP:// /file.JSON. If you request, HTTPS:// you must call JSON with HTTPS://
Normally, I would use CGI variables to tell me whether the request is HTTP or HTTPS. I can test for CGI.HTTPS to see if it is on or off. I can check CGI.SERVER_PORT too see if it is 80 or 443. I can check CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE to see if it is 0 or 1.
When I view our web site in every browser, I can dump the CGI variables and get what I expect 100% of the time.
When a few other people in our office and outside our office make the same request, they get CGI variable values that suggest their request is NOT secure. CGI.HTTPS will show off. CGI.SERVER_PORT will show 40. CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE will show 0. Every other indicator will show that the site is secure in every browser, but the CGI variable values say it's not secure.
The site behaves flawlessly 100% for everyone for dev and stage. Only in live, which is behind a load balancer, does this issue exist (for some people).
Is this a load balancer issue? Is this certificate settings issue? Why are my CGI variables lying to me? How can I work around this issue?

Single Sign On in FF or Chrome creates 502 NGINX Error while IE works

I have a Django, NGINX setup that integrates with Single-Sign-On. Recently we had to change domain names, and are using Akamai to spoof the new URL, while the old domain still resolved to our loadbalancer.
SSO attempts to log in are successful in IE but in Chrome or Firefox there is instead a 502 error.
When IE logs in there is a post from that generates a 302.
When its firefox or Chrome, there are 3 consecutive posts from that each creates a 502. The first 2 posts have identical timestamps and the 3rd is 3-4 seconds later. For both Firefox and Chrome, upon refreshing the user finds they are actually logged in.
Any advice on what is causing this? Why are there 3 logs of posts from the SSO server? Why would IE (not edge, but IE) work while Chrome and FF fail?
For future seekers here is the resolution:
SSO creates a huge URL string, which first hits the server in its HTTP buffer. My NGINX and uWSGI http buffers were at default levels, around 4kb each. But the Okta SSO was creating URLs that were something like 20KB in their own right. I had to expand the HTTP buffers for both pieces of software to prevent chopping that string into bits. The error message was an unhelpful 500 error, but was resolved with expanded buffers. In short, keep in mind that SSO adds a lot to an HTTP header.

Jmeter test case to capture load balancer server redirect?

I have a system I want to test that first hits a Tomcat application which is essentially a load balancing redirect.
So the first url that is requested is
That URL redirects the browser to the next available server configured such as:
In my JMeter test case, after the http://load.balance.server/redirector/ request, I created a 'Regular Expression Extractor' to extract the IP address from the URL.
Then the next entry is going to be:
But when the RegEx extractor runs, it only returns load.balance.server from the initial request, not target.server.[4,5,6] from the redirected request like I want.
Thus, the subsequent ${HOST} entries for the http-requests are pointing to load.balance.server not to target.server.[4,5,6] so the test is failing.
Can someone help me capture the target redirected IP for testing such as testing a load-balanced cluster?
Put regexp extractor as child of http sampler that has a redirect response
uncheck follow redirect in sampler
Check headers in regexp extractir
Check your regexp , what is it ?