g++ linker not finding .so file despite it being there [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Run-time linking to dynamic libraries not on LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(1 answer)
What's the difference between -rpath and -L?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
This is the g++ command running as reported by make:
g++ -o "../build/HeatMethod" obj/Debug/HeatMethod/GradientLerp.o obj/Debug/HeatMethod/MRS.o obj/Debug/HeatMethod/heat_method.o -L../libraries/glfw-3.2.1/bin -L/usr/local/opt/libunwind-headers/include -L../libraries/vulkansdk-linux/ -L../libraries/shaderc/build/libshaderc -L../libraries/googletest/build/lib -L../libraries/benchmark/build/src -L../build -L../libraries/GeographicLib/BUILD/src -lstdc++fs -O0 -ldl -export-dynamic -lstdc++fs -O0 -ldl -pg -export-dynamic ../build/libCoreVulkanEngine.a -lglfw -lunwind -lvulkan -lshaderc_combined -lpthread -lfreetype -lharfbuzz -lcairo -lgtest -lbenchmark -lGeographic
Might be somewhat verbose but focus on the fact that -L../libraries/GeographicLib/BUILD/src is specified in the command.
The linker fails with the following error:
./HeatMethod: error while loading shared libraries: libGeographic.so.19: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Well, here are the directory contents:
ls libraries/GeographicLib/BUILD/src/
CMakeFiles cmake_install.cmake libGeographic.so libGeographic.so.19 libGeographic.so.19.1.0 Makefile
The file it claims does not exist is defined inside the directory specified in the command, why cannot it find it?
Cleaned directory through make -C Generated/ clean (Generated is where the makefile is)
Someone helped me get things working by doing:
LD_PRELOAD="/home/makogan/vkengine/libraries/GeographicLib/BUILD/src/libGeographic.so" ./HeatMethod


make command error: ld cannot find libraries that exist

I'm running make and ld will not find libraries that I have verified to exist using dnf provides '*/libpthread.so' for example. I get the following error code:
g++ -fopenmp -static -lpthread -o bayescan_2.1 start.o beta.o dirichlet.o RJupdates.o MHupdates.o likelihood.o read_write.o anyoption.o
/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread
/bin/ld: cannot find -lm
/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl
/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread
/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:4: bayescan_2.1] Error 1
These libraries all are found in /usr/lib64 on my chair's computing cluster. However the ld.so.conf file does not include a path that only goes to /usr/lib64 and I don't have admin permissions to create a new .conf file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/.
Is there any way I can force make to search for the libraries in /usr/lib64?
Here is the actual Makefile in question:
# BayeScan makefile
bayescan_2.1: start.o beta.o dirichlet.o RJupdates.o MHupdates.o likelihood.o read_write.o anyoption.o
g++ -fopenmp -static -lpthread -o bayescan_2.1 start.o beta.o dirichlet.o RJupdates.o MHupdates.o likelihood.o read_write.o anyoption.o
start.o: start.cpp errors.cpp anyoption.h global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c start.cpp errors.cpp
beta.o: beta.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c beta.cpp
dirichlet.o: dirichlet.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c dirichlet.cpp
RJupdates.o: RJupdates.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c RJupdates.cpp
MHupdates.o: MHupdates.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c MHupdates.cpp
likelihood.o: likelihood.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c likelihood.cpp
read_write.o: read_write.cpp errors.cpp global_defs.h
g++ -fopenmp -c read_write.cpp errors.cpp
anyoption.o: anyoption.cpp anyoption.h
g++ -fopenmp -c anyoption.cpp
rm *.o bayescan_2.1
Turns out ld was trying to find static libraries with the -static flag. Removing this flag from the Makefile fixed the issue.
Simply add -L/usr/lib64 to the link command. See Directory Options in the GCC manual:
Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
If you can't or don't want to edit the Makefile, you can supply additional search directories through an environment variable
The value of LIBRARY_PATH is a colon-separated list of directories, much like PATH. When configured as a native compiler, GCC tries the directories thus specified when searching for special linker files, if it cannot find them using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX. Linking using GCC also uses these directories when searching for ordinary libraries for the -l option (but directories specified with -L come first).
For example, run this in your shell before invoking make:
$ export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64"

Mingw flag order [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I use mingw32 to compile some C++ code. After trying some things and a lot of search I have a questions : The flags orders seems very important thought I found barely nothing that explain that on the internet. For exemple :
g++ main.cpp -L/lib -I/include -lmingw32 -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -Wall
-g -o main.exe -> Compile
g++ main.cpp -L/lib -I/include -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -Wall
-g -o main.exe -> Not compile
g++ main.cpp -L/lib -I/include -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -lmingw32 -Wall
-g -o main.exe -> Compile
I can understand why -lSDL2main need -lSDL2 first but so why the place of -lmingw32 is not important ?
I explain : from what I know of compilation process .cpp come first, -l indicate clearly libraries (last step of compilation). So why if I put main.cpp to the end it's continue compilation process and finish with error from the library. What mingw use if he don't have any source file, he just compile lib ?
It's not the order of the fags, it's the order of the libraries. The last libraries should be the ones that everyone requires, then the second to last is the one that the last doesn't need, etc.
Why libmingw32 is not required is probably because the SDL libraries don't need it.

Adding json library to clang libtooling project

I am writing a RecursiveASTVisitor using clang libtool.
Right now I'm trying to read in a json file and have downloaded the json library from https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
I have copied over the folder "include/json" to my project path "llvm/tools/clang/include"
When compiling using the ninja command, the include command isn't throwing any error include "json/json.h"
However, when I try entering a line of code Json::Value root, it throws a linking error..
Full error log:
ninja -v
[1/1] : && /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++ -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wcovered-switch-default -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Werror=date-time -std=c++11 -fcolor-diagnostics -fno-common -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-nested-anon-types -g -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names tools/clang/tools/extra/myASTChecker/CMakeFiles/MyASTChecker.dir/MyASTChecker.cpp.o -o bin/MyASTChecker lib/libLLVMSupport.a lib/libclangTooling.a lib/libclangASTMatchers.a lib/libclangFormat.a lib/libclangFrontend.a lib/libclangDriver.a lib/libLLVMOption.a lib/libclangParse.a lib/libLLVMMCParser.a lib/libclangSerialization.a lib/libclangSema.a lib/libclangEdit.a lib/libclangAnalysis.a lib/libLLVMBitReader.a lib/libLLVMProfileData.a lib/libclangToolingCore.a lib/libclangAST.a lib/libclangRewrite.a lib/libclangLex.a lib/libclangBasic.a lib/libLLVMCore.a lib/libLLVMMC.a lib/libLLVMSupport.a -lcurses -lpthread -lz -lm -Wl,-rpath,#executable_path/../lib && :
FAILED: bin/MyASTChecker
: && /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++ -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wcovered-switch-default -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Werror=date-time -std=c++11 -fcolor-diagnostics -fno-common -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-nested-anon-types -g -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names tools/clang/tools/extra/myASTChecker/CMakeFiles/MyASTChecker.dir/MyASTChecker.cpp.o -o bin/MyASTChecker lib/libLLVMSupport.a lib/libclangTooling.a lib/libclangASTMatchers.a lib/libclangFormat.a lib/libclangFrontend.a lib/libclangDriver.a lib/libLLVMOption.a lib/libclangParse.a lib/libLLVMMCParser.a lib/libclangSerialization.a lib/libclangSema.a lib/libclangEdit.a lib/libclangAnalysis.a lib/libLLVMBitReader.a lib/libLLVMProfileData.a lib/libclangToolingCore.a lib/libclangAST.a lib/libclangRewrite.a lib/libclangLex.a lib/libclangBasic.a lib/libLLVMCore.a lib/libLLVMMC.a lib/libLLVMSupport.a -lcurses -lpthread -lz -lm -Wl,-rpath,#executable_path/../lib && :
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"Json::Value::Value(Json::ValueType)", referenced from:
MyASTFrontendAction::CreateASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance&, llvm::StringRef) in MyASTChecker.cpp.o
"Json::Value::~Value()", referenced from:
MyASTFrontendAction::CreateASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance&, llvm::StringRef) in MyASTChecker.cpp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
What am I missing or should be doing instead??
When compiling using the ninja command, the include command isn't throwing any error include "json/json.h"
When you copy paste the header files into a folder that's already in the compiler's include search path. You won't get issues in #include "json/json.h" because yeah the file is there and you haven't used anything from it yet so it's just some function, class declarations which will be ignored.
However, when I try entering a line of code Json::Value root, it throws a linking error.
Now, when wrote Json::Value root; what happened was that you called the constructor for Json::Value which is declared in the included header files, but is implemented in the source files. Hence, the compiler is not able to find that implementation of the constructor and is complaining about it.
It might have worked the whole Json parser library was implemented in the included header files. As then the compiler would have found the declaration with the definition.
What you really want to do is have the include files in the compiler's include search directory and then a compiled library file of json parser, which you link to your ASTVisitor.
First of all, I will discourage copy pasting json parsers include files into clang's include directory. Instead, you can do two things here:
Paste your include files in a general include directory like /usr/local/include
Add your include directory to CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.
Once you have that include files setup done, you will want to have the json parser from github compiled and then link your recursiveASTVisitor to it.
I see that jsonparser you linked has a cmakelist file which is really helpful if you just want to let it do the job.
once you clone the repo, do as they say to compile their library.
mkdir -p build/debug
cd build/debug
After this you can call sudo make install this will copy the include files in a proper include directory which is indexed for search by your OS and also do the same for the compiled library. After this linking to your library is as simple as
CFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags opencv`
LIBS = `pkg-config --libs opencv`
% : %.cpp
g++ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $# $<
if you using MAKEFILE to compile your ASTVisitor (make ASTvisitor.cpp). OR
target_link_library(target jsoncpp)
if you are using a CMAKELIST to compile your ASTVisitor

Understanding LD under MSYS2

I'm trying to compile the simavr project from https://github.com/buserror/simavr on Windows 10 using MSYS2 and mingw-w64.
After editing the makefiles to enable the MSYS clauses (Which are commented out by default), and changing the order of 2 include files, I can get the project to compile. I do however encounter an error in the linking step.
The output is
C:/Programs/msys64/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/5.3.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lsimavr
Editing the makefile to print the ${LDFLAGS}, yield the following.
-L/lib -L/local/lib -L/c/Users/University/GitHub/simavr/simavr/../simavr/obj-i686-w64-mingw32 -lsimavr -lelf -lws2_32
Looking in the folder "obj-i686-w64-mingw32" mentioned in the build script, the file "libsimavr.a" is present. If I copy the file to the msys lib folder the linking step works fine.
The folder structure of the project is as follows:
simavr root (Where i run the makefile from, located in /c/Users/University/GitHub)
As far as I can tell, LD should be able to link properly without me copying the file manually. What am I missing here?
The final command before the linker error.
cc -MMD -Werror -O2 -Wall -g -I/usr/local/include -DNO_COLOR -o obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.elf obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.o -L/lib -L/local/lib -L/c/Users/University/GitHub/simavr/simavr/../simavr/obj-i686-w64-mingw32 -lsimavr -lelf -lws2_32
Edit 2:
Cleaning the include paths of MSYS folders:
cc -MMD -Werror -O2 -Wall -g -DNO_COLOR -o obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.elf obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.o -L/c/Users/University/GitHub/simavr/simavr/../simavr/obj-i686-w64-mingw32 -lsimavr -lelf -lws2_32
C:/Programs/msys64/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/5.3.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lsimavr
Passing CC=gcc to make:
gcc -MMD -Werror -O2 -Wall -g -DNO_COLOR -o obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.elf obj-i686-w64-mingw32/run_avr.o -L/c/Users/University/GitHub/simavr/simavr/../simavr/obj-i686-w64-mingw32 -lsimavr -lelf -lws2_32
C:/Programs/msys64/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/5.3.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lsimavr
Edit 3:
Output of the find command:
$ find /c/Users/University/GitHub/simavr -name 'libsimavr.a'
Note that previous entries have been made using the git bash prompt, not the one from msys2. However, running the same commands in the msys2 prompt or the mingw prompt from msys2 yields the same results.
Using mingw-w64 toolchain to build project you MUST remove from CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS/CPPFLAGS all paths with /usr, /local, /lib, /include as this paths can contain headers and libs from MSYS2 itself. Second, try pass "CC=gcc" to makefile.

C++ Symbol lookup error in shared library when accessing boost bind

I am trying to add multithreading into my library, so I am working on creating a thread executor for my library. For this I am using boost threads.
This is the error I am getting when running a test case that links to the library:
symbol lookup error: libmylibexample.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZTVN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE
This is the line of code in my shared library that is causing the error:
MyNameSpace::Producer producer = MyNameSpace::Producer();
threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&MyNameSpace::Producer::run, &producer));
I am compiling the library using autotools and libtool. The code compiles fine. I then create a test case that I am trying to reference the library. Here is the compilation order for compiling the test case:
g++ -I. -I../include -g -O2 -MT runTest-runTest.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/runTest-runTest.Tpo -c -o runTest-runTest.o `test -f 'runTest.cc' || echo './'`runTest.cc
and this is my linking stage:
mv -f .deps/runTest-runTest.Tpo .deps/runTest-runTest.Po
/bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -g -O2 ../libmylibexample/libmylibexample.la -o runTest runTest-runTest.o -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_regex -lboost_thread-mt -lfftw3 -ltiff
libtool: link: g++ -g -O2 -o .libs/runTest runTest-runTest.o ../libmylibexample/.libs/libmylibexample.so -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_regex -lboost_thread-mt -lfftw3 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtiff.so
One of my colleagues suggested initializing some boost templates relating to threading to help the shared library to load the symbol from the boost_thread library. I am not entirely certain the best method to do this and if this it the right way of making things get loaded.
So to wrap things up: The error appears to involve not being able to load a symbol defined in libboost_thread from my shared library.
As the error indicates, you need to link libmylibexample with libboost_thread.