Is there a way to assert a "not" condition using tSQLt? - unit-testing

I am new to using tSQLt and struggling a bit with the available assert functions. The tSQLt.AssertEmptyTable method is great, but how do you apply a "not" condition to this, i.e. I want to assert that a table contains data?

That depends on what you actually want to test. Do you want to validate the content of the rows and columns in that table or just that it has one or more rows?
If the former, then tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable will allow you to compare the contents of one table (e.g. a #expected table populated with the values you are expecting) with the table under test EXEC tSQLt.tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable '#expected', 'my_table';. One useful feature of this assertion is that only the columns in #expected are validated. So if #expected has ten columns but my_table as twelve, only the contents of those ten columns are checked, the other two will be ignored by this assertion. This can be useful, for example, when those two columns are auto-populated and so harder to test e.g. an IDENTITY column and a GETDATE() default. Obviously, if #expected has columns that do not exist on my_table the test will fail anyway.
If you just want to check that there is any data at all in the table you can do something like IF NOT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table) > 0 EXEC tSQLt.Fail 'my_table contains no data'


BigQuery MERGE statement billing more bytes than editor shows

I have a very large (3.5B records) table that I want to update/insert (upsert) using the MERGE statement in BigQuery. The source table is a staging table that contains only the new data, and I need to check if the record with a corresponding ID is in the target table, updating the row if so or inserting if not.
The target table is partitioned by an integer field called IdParent, and the matching is done on IdParent and another integer field called IdChild. My merge statement/script looks like this:
declare parentList array<int64>;
set parentList = array(select distinct IdParent from dataset.Staging);
merge into dataset.Target t
using dataset.Staging s
-- target is partitioned by IdParent, do this for partition pruning
t.IdParent in unnest(parentList)
and t.IdParent = s.IdParent
and t.IdChild = s.IdChild
when matched and t.IdParent in unnest(parentList) then
set t.Column1 = s.Column1,
t.Column2 = s.Column2,
...<more columns>
when not matched and IdParent in unnest(parentList) then
insert (<all the fields>)
values (<all the fields)
So I:
Pull the IdParent list from the staging table to know which partitions to prune
limit the partitions of the target table in the join predicate
also limit the partitions of the target table in the match/not matched conditions
The total size of dataset.Target is ~250GB. If I put this script in my BQ editor and remove all the IdParent in unnest(parentList) then it shows ~250GB to bill in the editor (as expected since there's no partition pruning). If I add the IdParent in unnest(parentList) back in so the script is exactly like you see it above i.e. attempting to partition prune, the editor shows ~97MB to bill. However, when I look at the query results, I see that it actually billed ~180GB:
The target table is also clustered on the two fields being matched, and I'm aware that the benefits of clustering are typically not shown in the editor's estimate. However, my understanding is that that should only make the bytes billed smaller... I can't think of any reason why this would happen.
Is this a BQ bug, or am I just missing something? BigQuery doesn't even say "the script is estimated to process XX MB", it says "This will process XX MB" and then it processes way more.
That's very interesting. What you did seems totally correct.
It seems BQ query planner could interpret your SQL correctly and know the partition pruning is provided, but when it executes. it failed to do so.
try removing t.IdParent in unnest(parentList) from both when matched clauses to see if the issue still happens, that is,
declare parentList array<int64>;
set parentList = array(select distinct IdParent from dataset.Staging);
merge into dataset.Target t
using dataset.Staging s
-- target is partitioned by IdParent, do this for partition pruning
t.IdParent in unnest(parentList)
and t.IdParent = s.IdParent
and t.IdChild = s.IdChild
when matched then
set t.Column1 = s.Column1,
t.Column2 = s.Column2,
...<more columns>
when not matched then
insert (<all the fields>)
values (<all the fields)
It would be a good idea to submit a bug to BigQuery if it couldn't be resolved.

Sqlite Query to remove duplicates from one column. Removal depends on the second column

Please have a look at the following data example:
In this table, I have multiple columns. There is no PRIMARY KEY, as per the image I attached, there are a few duplicates in STK_CODE. Depending on the (min) column, I want to remove duplicate rows.
According to the image, one stk_code has three different rows. Corresponding to these duplicate stk_codes, value in (min) column is different, I want to keep the row which has minimum value in (min) column.
I am very new at sqlite and I am dealing with (-lsqlite3) to join cpp with sqlite.
Is there any way possible?
Your table has rowid as primary key.
Use it to get the rowids that you don't want to delete:
DELETE FROM comparison
WHERE rowid NOT IN (
SELECT rowid
FROM comparison
This code uses rowid as a bare column and a documented feature of SQLite with which when you use MIN() or MAX() aggregate functions the query returns that row which contains the min or max value.
See a simplified demo.

PowerBI custom combined column with Text.Combine and with embeded conditions leading to the insertion of different strings

I created a custom column in PowerBI, which concatenate columns.
I have the following:
However, I would like to have a specific text which change based on whether or not data is present in columns. I need to check if there is data in four columns. If there is data, a specific string of character should be inserted, if there is not, no data should be inserted.
I am trying to insert the outcome of the "IF"s, but there is some complexity, I have tried this, but this is not working, Power BI is telling me "Token Eof expected" :
If [Lapino] <> null or [Lapinou] <> null or [Werwolf] <> null or [Ciocolato] then
else Text.Combine({[Nip],"BruttoCativo",[Nap],[Noup]},"_")
I believe this is as simple as changing your If to lowercase if. M code is case-sensitive.

Power query append multiple tables with single column regardless column names

I have the following query in M:
= Table.Combine({
Is it possible to get it working without prior changing column names?
I want to get something similar to SQL syntax:
select item from Tab1 union all
select Column1 from Tab2
If you need just one column from each table then you may use this code:
= Table.FromList(List.Distinct(Tab1[item])
& List.Distinct(Tab2[Column1]))
If you use M (like in your example or the append query option) the columns names must be the same otherwise it wont work.
But it works in DAX with the command
=UNION(Table1; Table2)
It's not possible in Power Query M. Table.Combine make an union with columns that match. If you want to keep all in the same step you can add the change names step instead of tap2 like you did with Table.SelectColumns.
This comparison of matching names is to union in a correct way.
Hope you can manage in the same step if that's what you want.

How to substitute NULL with value in Power BI when joining one to many

In my model I have table AssignedToUser that don't contain any NULL values.
Table TotalCounts contains number of tasks for each User.
Those two table joined on UserGUID, and table TotalCounts contains NULL value for UserGUID.
When I drop everything in one table there is NULL value for AssignedToUser.
How can I substitute value NULL for AssignedToUser for "POOL".
Under EditQuery I tried to Create additional column
if [AssignedToUser] = null then "POOL" else [AssignedToUser]
But that didnt help.
Thanks Alexis.
I have created FullAssignedToUsers table, but when I try to make a relationship with TotalCounts on UserGUID - it doesnt like it.
Data in new a table looks like this:
File .ipbx can be accessed here:
I believe the problem here is that your join has UserGUID values that are not in your AssignedToUsers table.
To correct this, one possibility is to replace your AssignedToUsers table with one that contains all the UserGUID values from the TotalCounts table.
FullAssignedToUsers =
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID]))
The should get you the full outer join. You can then create the custom column like you described in the table and use that column in your visual.
You'll probably want to break the relationships with the original AssignedToUsers table and create relationships with the new one instead.
If you don't want to take that extra step, you can do an ISBLANK inside your new table formula.
FullAssignedToUsers =
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID])),
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID])))
Note: This is equivalent to doing a right outer join merge on the AssignedToUsers table in the query editor and then replacing the nulls with "POOL". I'd actually recommend approaching it that way instead.
Another way to approach it is to pull the AssignedToUser column over to the TotalCounts table in a custom column and use that column in your visual instead.
AssignedToUsers =
This is equivalent to doing a left outer join merge on the TotalCounts table in the query editor, expanding the AssignedToUser column, then replacing nulls with "POOL" in that column.
In Dax missing values are Blank() not null. Try this: