I have a Eigen::Matrix2Xf where row are X and Y positions and cols act as list index
I would like to have the sum of the columns (rowwise) where some column condition is true, here some example code:
Eigen::Vector2f computeStuff(Eigen::Matrix2Xf & values, const float max_norm){
const auto mask = values.colwise().norm().array() < max_norm;
return mask.select(values.colwise(), Eigen::Vector2f::Zero()).rowwise().sum();
But this code does not compile complaining about the types of the if/else matrices, what is the correct (and computationally faster) way to do it?
Also I know that there are similar question with an answer, but they create a new Eigen::Matrix2Xf with the filtered values given the mask, this code is meant to run inside a #pragma omp parallel for so the basic idea is to do not create a new matrix for maintaining cache coherency
The main problem with your code is that .select( ... ) needs at least one of its arguments to have the same shape as the mask. The arguments can be two matrices or a matrix and a scalar or vice-versa, but in all cases the matrices have to be shaped like the mask.
In your code mask is a row vector but values is a 2 by x matrix. One way to handle this is to just replicate the row vector into a two row matrix:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <iostream>
Eigen::Vector2f computeStuff(Eigen::Matrix2Xf& values, const float max_norm) {
auto mask = (values.colwise().norm().array() < max_norm).replicate(2, 1);
return mask.select(values, 0).rowwise().sum();
int main() {
Eigen::Matrix2Xf mat(2,4);
mat << 1, 4, 3, 2,
1, 2, 4, 3;
auto val = computeStuff(mat, 5);
std::cout << val;
return 0;
In the above mask will be:
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1
i.e. the row 1 1 0 1 duplicated once. Then mask.select(values, 0) yields
1 4 0 2
1 2 0 3
so the result will be
which i think is what you want, if I am understanding the question.
I'm trying to gather 2 matrices computed on different processes, i'm using the mpi allgatherv function to do so but I'm surprised by the results.
In the example I'm working on, the shape of the matrices is (20,80) and I would like to gather them into one matrix with (40,80) shape; with the matrix computed by process 0 stored in the 20 first rows.
Here is a sample of the code I'm using (nbRegimes is 0 in the example):
boost::mpi::communicator world;
int rank = world.rank();
std::vector< ArrayXXd> phiOutLoc(nbRegimes);
for (int iReg = 0; iReg < nbRegimes; ++iReg)
phiOutLoc[iReg].resize(nScenarioCur * nDimension, nbPoints);
... computation and storage into phiOutLoc[iReg] ...
//gathering results
ArrayXXd storeGlob(nScenarios * nDimension, nbPoints);
for (int iReg = 0; iReg < nbRegimes; ++iReg)
boost::mpi::all_gatherv<double>(world, phiOutLoc[iReg].data(), phiOutLoc[iReg].size(), storeGlob.data());
For instance, here is the beginning of the first row of phiOutLoc[iReg] computed on process 0 and process 1 :
rank 0
0 -353509 -366699 -379888 -393077 -406267 -419456 -432646 ...
rank 1
0 -399021 -413908 -428795 -443683 -458570 -473457 -488345 ...
Those rows should be stored respectively in the index 0 row of storeGlob and in the index 20 row;
if I understood the all_gatherv function behaviour correctly.
Howewer the index 0 row of storeGlob looks like this :
storeGlob row 0:
0 -366699 -393077 -419456 ... 0 -413908 -443683 -473457
and the index 20 row of storeGlob :
storeGlob row 20:
-353509 -379888 -406267 -432646 ... -399021 -428795 -458570 -488345
The index 0 row of storeGlob is filled with the even indices of the first rows of phiOutLoc[iReg] matrices.
The odd indices are stored in the index 20 row.
I can't really understand why the gathering is done that way.
Is this behaviour normal and is there a way to gather the two matrices the way I would like?
I would like to turn a matrix of non-negative integers to a binary matrix. For example, given the following input matrix:
2 3
0 1
It should the following output matrix:
1 1
0 1
I think this is similar to a map operation, so pseudocode-wise this operation is equivalent to mapElements(x -> (x > 0) ? 1 : 0) or simply mapNonZeroes(x -> 1).
A possible approach is to unfurl the non-zero elements of the matrix to triplets with the value set to 0/1 and rebuild the matrix from the triplets. Is there a better way to do this?
For me what worked is to directly access the nz_values storage field, and map the values myself.
public void normalizeMatrix(DMatrixSparseCSC m) {
for (int i = 0; i < m.nz_length; i++) {
m.nz_values[i] = Math.min(m.nz_values[i], 1.0);
I have a vector that size is 1 by 500 that its type integer. Given a invertible probability is P. For each element in the vector, I will create a random number, if the random number is smaller than P, then the element is inverted. For example, I have
vec= [1 0 0 1 0 1]
random= [0.1 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.2]
vec_new=[0 0 0 0 1 0]
For first element vec[0]=1 and random[0]=0.1<P=0.5 then vec_new[0]=invert of vec[0]=0, and so on
I implemented it, however, I think my code is not so fast, could you see and give me how to speed up the invert part in C++? Currently, I used
This is my code
//Assume vec=[1 0 0 1 0 1]
vector<int> vec_new;
for(int i=0;i<vec.size();i++)
if(ranom_number<P)//random_number is within 0 to 1
vec[i]=(vec[i]+1)%2;//Invert vec;
could you see and give me how to speed up the invert part in C++?
vec[i] = !static_cast<bool>(vec[i]);
If you only have two possible values though (0 and 1) you may wish to work with bool dirrectly.
Inversion can be expressed as a single operation v[i] = 1 - v[i]. I don't think that's the bottleneck. The vector is small (<4KB) and the RNG may very well be the slowest part of the loop.
Also, I'd be surprised if this part of the program is a bottleneck. Getting 500 random numbers may be the slowest part of the loop, but that's relative - it's still very fast.
The one thing that's probably suboptimal is the use of floating point numbers. Don't generate a number between 0.0 and 1.0. Generate an integer between 0 and N, and check if it's smaller than N*P.
Consider a [4x8] matrix "A" and [1x8] matrix "B". I need to check if there exists a value "X" such that
[A]^T * [X] = [B]^T exists for any x >= 0 { X is a [4X1] matrix, T = transpose }
Now here is the trick/tedious part. The matrix A always has 1 as its diagonal. A11,A22,A33,A44 = 1 This matrix can be considered as two halves with first half being the first 4 columns and the second half being the second 4 columns like something below :
1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 0 1
A = -1 1 -1 0 0 1 0 0
-1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0
-1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0
Each row in the first half can have either two or three -1's and if it has two -1's then that corresponding row in the second half should have one "1" or if any row has three -1's the second half of the matrix should have two 1's. The overall objective is to have the sum of each row to be 0.
Now B is a [1x8] matrix which can also be considered as two halves as follows:
B = -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Here there can be either one, two, three or four -1's in the first half and there should be equal number of 1's in the second half. It should be done in combinations For example, if there are two -1's in the first half, they can be placed in 4 choose 2 = 6 ways and for each of them there will be 6 ways to place the 1's in the second half which has a total of 6*6 = 36 ways. i.e. 36 different values for B's if there are two -1's in the first half. The placement of 1's in the matrix A should also be the same way. The way I could think of doing this is to consider a valarray or something of that sort and make the matrices A and B but I don't know what to do.
Now for every A, I've to test it with every combinations of B to see if there exists
[A]^T * [X] = [B]^T
I'm trying to prove a result that I got I need to know if such an X would exist or not. I'm very confused on implementing this. Any suggestions are welcome. This would come under linear programming concept in math. I want it either in C++ or in Matlab. Any other languages are also acceptable but I'm familiar with only these two. Thanks in advance.
Here is my answer for this problem :
%# Generating all possible values of vector B
%# permutations using dec2bin (start from 17 since it's the first solution)
vectorB = str2double(num2cell(dec2bin(17:255)));
%# changing the sign in the first half, then check that the total is zero
vectorB(:,1:4) = - vectorB(:,1:4);
vectorB = vectorB(sum(vectorB,2)==0,:);
%# generate all possible variation of first/second halves
z = -[0 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 1 1]; n = -sum(z,2);
h1 = {
[ ones(4,1) z(:,1:3)] ;
[z(:,1:1) ones(4,1) z(:,2:3)] ;
[z(:,1:2) ones(4,1) z(:,3:3)] ;
[z(:,1:3) ones(4,1) ] ;
h2 = arrayfun(#(i) unique(perms([zeros(1,4-i) ones(1,i)]),'rows'), (1:2)', ...
%'# generate all possible variations of complete rows
rows = cell(4,1);
for r=1:4
rows{r} = cell2mat( arrayfun( ...
#(i) [ repmat(h1{r}(i,:),size(h2{n(i)-1},1),1) h2{n(i)-1} ], ...
(1:size(h1{r},1))', 'UniformOutput',false) );
%'# generate all possible matrices (pick one row from each to form the matrix)
sz = cellfun(#(M)1:size(M,1), rows, 'UniformOutput',false);
[X1 X2 X3 X4] = ndgrid(sz{:});
matrices = cat(3, ...
rows{1}(X1(:),:), ...
rows{2}(X2(:),:), ...
rows{3}(X3(:),:), ...
rows{4}(X4(:),:) );
matrices = permute(matrices, [3 2 1]); %# 4-by-8-by-104976
A = matrices;
clear matrices X1 X2 X3 X4 rows h1 h2 sz z n r
options = optimset('LargeScale','off','Display','off');
for i = 1:size(A,3),
for j = 1:size(vectorB,1),
X = linprog([],[],[],A(:,:,i)',vectorB(j,:)');
if(size(X,1)>0) %# To check that it's not an empty matrix
if((size(find(X < 0),1)== 0)) %# to check the condition X>=0
if (A(:,:,i)'* X == (vectorB(j,:)'))
I got it with the help of stackoverflow folks. The only problem is the linprog function throws a lot of exceptions in every iteration along with the answers produced. The exception is:
(1)Exiting due to infeasibility: an all-zero row in the constraint matrix does not have a zero in corresponding right-hand-side entry.
(2) Exiting: One or more of the residuals, duality gap, or total relative error has stalled: the primal appears to be infeasible (and the dual unbounded).(The dual residual < TolFun=1.00e-008.
What does this mean. How can I overcome this?
It is not clear from your question if you are familiar with system linear equations and their solution, or it is what you are trying to "invent". See also here for Matlab-specific explanation.
If you are familiar with that, you should be more clear in your question about what makes your problem different.