I want to select Account attribute in this query
example : SELECT Description, Disabled, Domain, FullName, Lockout, Name, SID FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Domain = '<domainName>'
I'm trying to get
SELECT PartComponent FROM Win32_GroupUser WHERE GroupComponent=`"Win32_Group.Domain='xxx',Name='xxx'`""
I am trying to fetch attribute in partcomponent attribute but I can't get any result from the partcomponent
I want to get the data from table using this query:
select clientId, Count(countryID) from table groupBy countryID;
which gives me the count of country corresponding to clientId. Normally we fetch into the List<Object>.
How i can fecth these details into a Map<clientId, countryCount> with clientId as key and countryCount as value?
I'm learning APEX 5
I have a control named X_CONTROL, where I want to populate his content with an SQL query.
To do that, I need the ID primary key from a table, which should be the ID of the row selected on a Select List control named MY_LIST_CONTROL.
MY_LIST_CONTROL has a list of values taken from a column of the table "MyTable", which is not the ID primary key.
I tried to populate X_CONTROL with this SQL
Select ID from MyTable where ColumnName=:MY_LIST_CONTROL
It doesn't work, and should not work because ColumnName is not "unique", like ID is.
So, the question is, how do I recover, with SQL, the ID of the selected row which correspond to the selected value in MY_LIST_CONTROL.
It should be SQL, because APEX 5 demands an SQL query to populate the X_CONTROL.
I have set up a simple example here on apex.oracle.com:
Whenever a Department is selected (item P32_DEPTNO), its Location is copied into the second item (P32_LOC).
This is done by a dynamic action on P32_DEPTNO defined as follows:
Event: Change
Selection Type: Item(s)
Item(s): P32_DEPTNO
TRUE Action:
Action: Set Value
Set Type: SQL Statement
SQL Statement:
select loc
from dept
where deptno = :P32_DEPTNO
Items to Submit: P32_DEPTNO
if i have Table
contactName STRING(300) NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (userId)
and secondary index
ON Users (
and i select record by:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE eMail = 'test#test.com' AND isActive = TRUE
spanner will automatically look at index, take userId and give me a record ?.
or i need to create
ON Users (
and first take userId by:
SELECT userId from Users#{FORCE_INDEX=ActiveUsersByEMail_01} WHERE eMail = 'test#test.com' AND isActive = TRUE
and then i take a record by:
`SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userId = '${userId}'``
Question is automatically use or not spanner secondary indices for standard select if condition match secondary index keys?
You should use FORCE_INDEX as Cloud Spanner will only choose an index in rare circumstances as stated here. You can use the STORING clause to add data directly to the index, allowing you to read the data directly from the index to avoid the second call. This is suggested for common query patterns in your application.
In github i ask same question and It turned out that this is easily done (without creating additional index) by:
SELECT * from Users#{FORCE_INDEX=ActiveUsersByEMail} WHERE eMail = 'test#test.com' AND isActive = TRUE
At this time the search is going on index and row come with all fields
Is there any way to add many customers to one group at once on opencart? Its too much of a work to add 7500 customers to different groups by one by one.
If you need to add all customers to one group while you know the group ID, you can execute this SQL query in your preferred MySQL administration tool:
INSERT INTO <DB_PREFIX>customer_to_group (customer_id, group_id)
SELECT customer_id, <GROUP_ID>
FROM <DB_PREFIX>customer
Replace <DB_PREFIX> with your DB table name prefix (or none if you are not using it).
Replace <GROUP_ID> by the numeric representation of the group you want the customers to be assigned to.
You can use a similar approach if you want to insert only few customers - but again you need to know their ID's or email addresses (i.e. some unique value that could identify each customer):
INSERT INTO <DB_PREFIX>customer_to_group (customer_id, group_id)
SELECT customer_id, <GROUP_ID>
FROM <DB_PREFIX>customer
WHERE customer_id IN (<ID1>, <ID2>, <ID3>, '<ID...>')
INSERT INTO <DB_PREFIX>customer_to_group (customer_id, group_id)
SELECT customer_id, <GROUP_ID>
FROM <DB_PREFIX>customer
WHERE email IN ('email#address.1', 'email#address.2', 'email#address.3', '...')
Let's say you want to assign only those customers living in USA (where the country ID is <COUNTRY_ID>):
INSERT INTO <DB_PREFIX>customer_to_group (customer_id, group_id)
SELECT c.customer_id, <GROUP_ID>
FROM <DB_PREFIX>customer c
LEFT JOIN <DB_PREFIX>customer_address ca ON ca.customer_id = c.customer_id
WHERE ca.country_id = <COUNTRY_ID>
GROUP BY c.customer_id
I am running the following FQL via the php sdk:
"posts" : "SELECT post_id, actor_id, message, type FROM stream WHERE type = '80' AND message != '' AND filter_key in (SELECT filter_key FROM stream_filter WHERE uid='588853265' AND type='newsfeed') AND is_hidden = 0 ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 50",
"actors" : "SELECT uid,name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT actor_id FROM #posts)",
"links" : "SELECT owner, url FROM link WHERE link_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM #posts)"
I get results as expected for posts and for actors but not for links (results are empty). I believe the problem is that the link table uses a normal ID but my 'posts' from 'stream' show the ID in the format: USERID_LINKID.
I have played around with substr() and strlen() to get it to work with no luck.
There doesn't seem to be a way to get a link_id from a stream post. Your query is getting the id of the post, but not the link.
However, I don't think you need it. Get rid of the #links sub-query and add attachment to the SELECT statement in your #posts sub-query. You can get the link url at attachment->media->url.
One other critique: You might want to add additional sub-queries for #actors. The actor_id returned by the stream table can be a user, page, or group. Your FQL only resolves users. You'll end up with unknown IDs for links posted by groups and pages.