Can't change OpenCV video capture resolution - c++

The problem I am having is that I am unable to change the resolution of an OpenCV video capture. The resolution is always 640x480, no matter what. The code I'm using is written in C++ and I'm using opencv 3.4.8. I've created a super simple program with which to do this and it just doesn't seem to work no matter what I try.
Here is the code in its entirety:
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
VideoCapture cap(0);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920);
// open the default camera, use something different from 0 otherwise;
// Check VideoCapture documentation.
if (!
return 0;
for (;;)
Mat frame;;
if (frame.empty()) break; // end of video stream
imshow("this is you, smile! :)", frame);
if (waitKey(10) == 27) break; // stop capturing by pressing ESC
// the camera will be closed automatically upon exit
// cap.close();
return 0;
When I run the above code frame is always 640x480.
I've tried changing the resolution with cap.set() to smaller and higher resolutions. I am using an ImageSource camera and I know that the resolutions I am attempting to use are supported by the camera and I can view video at those resolutions in another program.
I've tried using different cameras/webcams.
I've tried explicitly changing the backend API when I create the VideoCapture object - i.e. VideoCapture cap(0, CAP_DSHOW). I tried DSHOW, FFMPEG, IMAGES, etc.
I've tried running the same program on different computers.
The result is always the same 640x480 resolution.
Is there something simple I am missing? Every other post I can seem to find on SO just points toward using the cap.set() to change the width and height.

It depends on what your camera backend is. As the documentation says:
Each backend supports devices properties (cv::VideoCaptureProperties)
in a different way or might not support any property at all.
Also mentioned in this documentation:
Reading / writing properties involves many layers. Some unexpected
result might happens along this chain. Effective behaviour depends
from device hardware, driver and API Backend.
It seems your camera backend is not supported by OpenCV Video I/O module.
Note: I also met such kind of cameras, some of them different resolutions are working with different numbers. For example, you may catch desired resolution by trying VideoCaptur(-1) , VideoCapture(1) , VideoCapture(2) ...

Turns out the error was in the "if(!" line that I was trying to use to check if cap had successfully initialized.
I was under the impression open was just returning true if the video capture object was open or false otherwise. But it actually releases the video capture object if it is already open and then it re-opens it.
Long story short that means that the cap.set() calls that I was using to change the resolution were being erased when the object was re-opened with At which point the resolution was set back to the default of 640x480.
The method I was looking for is cap.isOpened(), which simply returns true or false if the object is open. A simple, silly mistake.


OpenCV: Difference between cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH or CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) and resize()

I am working on OpenCV (4.3.0) and trying to understand how I can change the resolution of the image.
To my understanding there are 2 ways that I can do this,
Using "cap.set()" function
cv::VideoCapture cap(0)
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320);//Setting the width of the video
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);//Setting the height of the video
Using "resize()" function,
int up_width = 600;
int up_height = 400;
Mat resized_up;
resize(image, resized_up, Size(up_width, up_height), INTER_LINEAR);
I wanted to understand if they both are the same or if they are different. What are the exact differences between them?
cap means capability of a camera. we set the required resolution before capturing from camera. If the resolution is supported only then we get a valid frame from the camera. For example a webcam might support some fixed number of resolutions like 1280x720, 640x480 etc and we can only set the cam for those resolutions.
resize is an interpolation (bilinear or bicubic or anyohter)function which resizes(upscale or downscale) a frame to any desired size.
Here is one of your question's answer. CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH and CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT are some of capture properties. Documentation says:
Reading / writing properties involves many layers. Some unexpected
result might happens along this chain. Effective behaviour depends
from device hardware, driver and API Backend.
So if your camera backend matches with the opencv supported backends, then you will be able to change the resolution of your camera (if your camera configuration supports different resolution). For example a camera can support 640x480 and 1920x1080 at the same time. If opencv backend support this camera backend you can switch the resolution configurations by the code:
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080);
What about resize ?
resize() is totally different than the concept we talked above. Video properties are based on hardware, if you use a camera with 640x480 resolution. It means that camera sensor has specified perceptron cells inside for each pixel. However, resize deal with the resulted image via on software. What resize is doing is that interpolating(manipulating) image's height and width. Otherwords, it looks like you are looking at somewhere very close(zoom in) or very far(zoom out).

using OpenCV to capture images, not video

I'm using OpenCV4 to read from a camera. Similar to a webcam. Works great, code is somewhat like this:
cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH , 1600);
cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1200);
while (true)
cv::Mat mat;
// wait for some external event here so I know it is time to take a picture...
cap >> mat;
Problem is, this gives many video frames, not a single image. This is important because in my case I don't want nor need to be processing 30 FPS. I actually have specific physical events that trigger reading the image from the camera at certain times. Because OpenCV is expecting the caller to want video -- not surprising considering the class is called cv::VideoCapture -- it has buffered many seconds of frames.
What I see in the image is always from several seconds ago.
So my questions:
Is there a way to flush the OpenCV buffer?
Or to tell OpenCV to discard the input until I tell it to take another image?
Or to get the most recent image instead of the oldest one?
The other option I'm thinking of investigating is using V4L2 directly instead of OpenCV. Will that let me take individual pictures or only stream video like OpenCV?

OpenCV displays the image triplicated in a single frame

I am trying to build an application to simply get, save and show some frames from my camera, a DMK 41BU02 (you can consult the specifications of the device in the following link: datasheet)
My code is as simple as that:
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int, char**)
String path="~/proof.jpg";
VideoCapture cap(1); // /dev/video0 is the integrated webcam of my laptop, while /dev/video1 is the DMK41BU02 camera
cvNamedWindow( "Video", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
if(!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1;
Mat frame;
cap >> frame;
imwrite(path, frame);
imshow("Video", frame);
return 0;
The code compiles and executes whithout any problem, but the error arrives when the image is shown on the window or saved in the jpg file, because I get something like the following jpg, where the image is triplicated in the frame:
Resulting image of the code shown above
Some aspects to remark:
The code executes normally and returns normal images when working
with the integrated webcam of my laptop.
The DMK41BU02 camera works normally and returns normal images when working with another application, such as fswebcam or VLC.
The camera datasheet says it is compatible with OpenCV.
I have also tried the code with an infinite loop, as I know the first frame grabbed can be blank or with some type of error, but the problem is still there.
I have had some issues installing the camera drivers, but I think they're all resolved.
The laptop is a 32-bit machine with Ubuntu installed on it. Here you can see the output of uname -a: Linux AsusPC 3.11.0-18-generic #32~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 20 17:54:21 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I have no idea of how to debug this problem and, of course, I don't know where the error could be. Could you give me any hint, please?
Thank you very much.
UPDATE: I forgot to post the weird outputs that the application writes in the terminal at the very beginning of the program:
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
libv4l2: error set_fmt gave us a different result then try_fmt!
HIGHGUI ERROR: libv4l unable convert to requested pixfmt
libv4l2: error set_fmt gave us a different result then try_fmt!
init done
opengl support available
I've had the exact same problem. The issue is within openCV itself, or more so; how cap_v4l.hpp (in the highgui module) and cap_libv4l.hpp are implemented.
The issue here is that OpenCV appearantly uses a wrong video type or channel type to read the data. Try playing arround with the different types (yuyv variants, etc) inside the opencv lib.
For some magical reason the cap_v4l.hpp is the code thats actually used by opencv and the code in cap_lib4l is not used, but seems to support more vide formats (It could be switched arround, i'm not sure about that).
Switching these files and recompiling opencv did improve stuff for me.
Since after the call to cap>>frame you have three channel (type=16), your capture is unaware that your camera is monochrome. Use grab-retrieve pairs instead since retrieve specifies number of channels.
bool VideoCapture::grab()
bool VideoCapture::retrieve(Mat& image, int channel=0)
Here is example code that also shows how to set camera parameters. You can also try to set some camera parameters that explicitly declare monochrome mode. If everything else fails you can always cut one image out of your triple with
Rect rect(0, 0, frame.cols/3, frame.rows);
Mat true_img = frame(rect).clone();
However, I kind of like what happens in your case. You have a natural frame queue and can analyze motion an possibly structure by looking at what happens in three consecutive frames.

Video from 2 cameras (for Stereo Vision) using OpenCV, but one of them is lagging

I'm trying to create Stereo Vision using 2 logitech C310 webcams.
But the result is not good enough. One of the videos is lagging as compared to the other one.
Here is my openCV program using VC++ 2010:
#include <opencv\cv.h>
#include <opencv\highgui.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
VideoCapture cap1;
VideoCapture cap2;;
cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1040.0);
cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 920.0);;
cap2.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1040.0);
cap2.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 920.0);
Mat frame,frame1;
for (;;)
Mat frame;
cap1 >> frame;
Mat frame1;
cap2 >> frame1;
transpose(frame, frame);
flip(frame, frame, 1);
transpose(frame1, frame1);
flip(frame1, frame1, 1);
imshow("Img1", frame);
imshow("Img2", frame1);
if (waitKey(1) == 'q')
return 0;
catch (cv::Exception & e)
cout << e.what() << endl;
How can I avoid the lagging?
you're probably saturating the usb bus.
try to plug one in front, the other in the back(in the hope to land on different buses),
or reduce the frame size / FPS to generate less traffic.
I'm afraid you can't do it like this. The opencv Videocapture is really only meant for testing, it uses the simplest underlying operating system features and doesn't really try and do anything clever.
In addition simple webcams aren't very controllable of sync-able even if you can find a lower level API to talk to them.
If you need to use simple USB webcams for a project the easiest way is to have an external timed LED flashing at a few hertz and detect the light in each camera and use that to sync the frames.
I know this post is getting quite old but I had to deal with the same problem recently so...
I don't think you were saturating the USB bus. If you were, you should have had an explicit message in the terminal. Actually, the creation of a VideoCapture object is quite slow and I'm quite sure that's the reason of your lag: you initialize your first VideoCapture object cap1, cap1 starts grabbing frames, you initialize your second VideoCapture cap2, cap2 starts grabbing frames AND THEN you start getting your frames from cap1 and cap2 but the first frame stored by cap1 is older than the one stored by cap2 so... you've got a lag.
What you should do if you really want to use opencv for that is to add some threads: one dealing with left frames and the other with right frames, both doing nothing but saving the last frame received (so you'll always deal with the newest frames only). If you want to get your frames, you'll just have to get them from theses threads.
I've done a little something if you need here.

Setting frame size of QuickCam Pro 3000 with OpenCV?

I'm using OpenCV 2.4.6 to grab images with my old Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 webcam. Using VideoCapture::set( CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, ... ) I'm not able to set the value of the width (idem for the height). set(...) always returns false.
Is it normal?
P.S. I'm on Linux (kubuntu) and it seems to use V4L.
It seems that your camera was not initialized properly. The following code works for me.
using namespace cv;
VideoCapture capture(0);
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width);
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height);
I experimented with it a bit and found the following issues:
capture.set returns 0 if capture was not initialized.
capture.set returns 0 if camera is busy (another process using it).
It is not guaranteed that calling VideoCapture::set will change camera resolution to your desired resolution. For example, with my Logitech HD Pro Webcam C290, setting resolution to 640x480 and 1920x1080 works. But when I try 1024x768, VideoCapture::set returns true, but actual resolution is set to 960x720. So, check the actual resolution after reading a frame.