Where to configure websockets with an application load balancer on AWS EC2? - amazon-web-services

According to the AWS documentation, "WebSockets and Secure WebSockets support is available natively and ready for use on an Application Load Balancer."
However, when I select Application Load Balancer in EC2, I don't have any option other than HTTP and HTTPS:
I would like to use the secure websocket protocol (wss://) which I believe would be over TLS:8888.
How can I input this option?

The solution was to use HTTPS for the listener protocol, even though the browser is making requests to wss://.
For port number, configuring both the listener and environment instance to port 8888 works.


How to set up a GCP Global External HTTP(S) LoadBalancer for gRPC?

I have created a google cloud load balancer: configuration.
The backend is an unmanaged instance group. For example, it consists of one VM. The gRPC service is deployed on the VM (port 443). gRPC health checks are successful. But the gRPC client cannot connect to the service. I can't find a solution to this problem.
The last thing I found in the documentation:
If you use HTTP/2, you must use TLS. HTTP/2 without encryption is not
Could this be a solution and I just need to secure the gRPC connection with SSL/TLS?
You need to enable TLS on the Load Balancer and also between the Load balancer and your backend VM

How to set up a GCP LoadBalancer for mixed HTTPS and gRPC traffic

I am trying to make sense of the GCP LoadBalancer for the use case of mixed HTTPS and gRPC backend. The LoadBalancer documentation seems to indicate that you can/should use the HTTP(S) LoadBalancer, as that "includes HTTP/2". For backend services I appear to be able to specify a named "grpc" port and set it to be number 7000, but if I use the gcloud command to view my backend services:
gcloud compute backend-services list --format=json
My service is shown to use portName "grpc" (correct) with port "80" (incorrect). This even though I was prompted that the instance group had named ports, and I could (and did) choose "grpc:7000".
On the frontend side, I can only select ports 80 and 8080 for HTTP, or 443 for HTTPS. No mention of HTTP/2, but I guess "HTTPS includes HTTP/2".
Am I right in that I cannot use the layer 7 LoadBalancer at all for my scenario? The documentation is not very explicit on ports, and if I search the Web for gRPC I get loads of stories on LoadBalancing Kubernetes-hosted apps.
In order to use gRPC you need to use HTTP/2
To use gRPC with your Google Cloud Platform applications, you must proxy requests end-to-end over HTTP/2. To do this with an HTTP(S) load balancer:
Configure an HTTPS load balancer.
Enable HTTP/2 as the protocol from the load balancer to the backends.
HTTP/2 and HTTPS are not one and the same, however H2 (HTTPS/2) can only work over HTTPS. But by default H2 is not enabled you need to enable it.
To use gRPC with your Google Cloud Platform applications, you must proxy requests end-to-end over HTTP/2. To do this with an HTTP(S) load balancer:
Configure an HTTPS load balancer.
Enable HTTP/2 as the protocol from the load balancer to the backends.
See: https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https/ for further information.

Secure Web Socket (wss) using AWS Load Balancer

I have a small nodejs application containing a web socket server.
The app is hosted inside an ecs container so it is basically a docker image running on an ec2 instance.
The web socket works as expected over ws://. I use port 5000 for this.
In order to use it on my SSL secured website (https), i need to use a secured web socket connection over wss://.
To archive that I've created a certificate on aws (like many times before) and after I create a load balancer.
I tried an application load balancer, a network load balancer and the classic load balancer (previous generation).
I read a few answers here on StackOverflow and followed the instructions as well as some tutorials found using google.
I tried a lot without success. Of course, this takes a lot of time because the creation of a load balancer and other resources takes quite a bit of time.
How I create a load balancer on aws pointing to my instance with wss://. Could someone please provide an example or instructions?
The solution posted
https://anandhub.wordpress.com/2016/10/06/websocket-ebs/ appears to work well.
Rather than selecting https and http, select the 'SSL' on port 443 and 'TCP' on your applications port (eg 5000)
You'll need to load your key/certificate via AWS and the loadbalancer will handle the secure part. I suspect you can not take advantage of 'sticky' features of the LB with this method.

Websockets with AWS and Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to get my websockets working with Amazon Web Service and Elastic Beanstalk (ELB).
I set up a proxy protocol according to:
I've opened up all inbound traffic to my load balancer and other security groups on all ports, for all IPs.
I also kept the load balancer listerner as HTTP on port 80.
My websocket connection gives the following error when trying to connect on port 80:
failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
And this error on port 8080:
failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Would appreciate suggestions, I'm stuck at this point.
After configuring EC2 Security group your application will work with public IP.
But you still will get issue with using EB URL.
To solve this issue, you have to change EB configuration.
Go to EB environment page
In Load Balancing section change protocol from HTTP to TCP.
Now you can click EB URL.
I was also looking for possible workaround for this issue, but it's quite easy irrespective of what platform language you are using to develop websocket program on AWS EC2, as am using Node.js nginx in my case, this should work for all supporting platforms.
Configure Security Group
In the AWS console, open the EC2 tab.
Select the relevant region and click on Security Group.
You should have an elasticbeanstalk-default security group if you
have launched an Elastic Beanstalk instance in that region for your
click on Actions button at top, and select Edit inbound rules.
here in Type column select All TCP, or you can set some Custom TCP
rule as well to listen at your websocket port.
And that's it!
Note: If something is not working, check the "Events" tab in the Beanstalk application / environments and find out what went wrong.
AWS has launched new Application Load Balancer that supports web sockets. Change your ELB to Application Load Balancer and that will fix your issue.
You should create reverse proxy for Nginx server. You can include this config file in you .ebextensions folder to make Nginx support WS.
Also in the EBS's load balancer configuration change the protocol from HTTP to TCP.
Refer this blog to set up secure WebSocket.
This is a very old post but having searched around for answers on this I have found two things you need to do to get websockets on a custom port working with AWS EB.
Under the configuration of your EB environment. Go to Software and add an environment variable there. Make sure this is a case sensitive match with your code.
Again under the configuration of your EB environment. Go to Load Balancer and add the custom port as a listener.
Make sure you save the new listener under the config and on reload it should be routing websocket traffic on a custom port

Using Primus.io (websockets) behind AWS Elastic Load Balancer

I am trying to setup an Elastic load balancer to route requests to a cluster of node.js servers running Primus.io with sockjs to manage real time communications.
I have set up the load balancer to listen with the following configuration:
HTTPS 8084 -> HTTPS 8084 (The port used on my node.js servers)
SSL 443 -> TCP 80
My understanding is that the only way to get websockets to work through ELB is via SSL->TCP, hence the above configuration.
I have correctly enabled the new proxy protocol for ELB as described here:
When trying to connect to the server from a client an HTTPS request is initially sent and then from what I can gather it should be upgraded to websockets. But the request is simply failing when I send it to the loadbalancer address.
If I send the initial Primus connection request to the ip of a single nodejs server like so:
var primus = new Primus('https://ip.address.of.single.server:8084');
The request is correctly returned and is upgraded to websockets correctly.
When I switch the ip address to that of the balancer, it fails and the initial https request to the node.js server returns nothing. I assume this means that the websocket transfer could not be established, but to be honest I have little experience in this area so could be completely wrong.
Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
Do you have clustered your NodeJS-instances? For example, if you use SocketIO you should use a clustered session store. Actually, I'm also currently investigating the same with SockJS running on top of Vertx.
The problem behind is Amazon ELB won't respect any forwards in the past (in opposite to Sticky Session on top of HTTP) which means that a connections via TCP level can be forwarded at any cluster's node. Yes, one tcp channel would be okay. But frameworks like SocketIO do a little bit more to support sessions (does not exist in WebSockets) and multiple transport layers (http, polling, sockets, and so on).