AWS Route 53 Connected to S3 Status Web Host - amazon-web-services

So, I've created a website (removing from post)
I registered it with Route 53.
Registered Domain - Established Hosted Zone
Established 2 Record Sets one of and one for
Record Set Details for one of the paths
But when I go to ping or - I don't get a response.
When I go to a DNS checker site - it fails all DNS servers.
I've been all over the place trying to get this to work, concerningly, it did work at one time, but then failed. I have deleted the hosted zone twice and rebuilt it. I have NOT touched the named servers.
setup 2 buckets, named appropriately. and
Both have two files on them. Block public is unchecked.
Static Web hosting is enabled.
Selected both files and set to Actions --> Make Public
Testing on their own with these addresses:
**edited - I had to remove the direct S3 Web hosting as once posted here they got hammered with hits.
I did try one other thing:
Route 53 --> Traffic Policies --> Create Traffic Policy -->
DNS Type a: IP address in IPv4 format to Endpoint Type S3 website endpoint Value
This does not appear to have rectified the situation, unfortunately. And they want to charge $10 a month to direct it with www. prefix - which doesn't make any kind of sense, so I didn't do that.
Any advice or help that can be rendered would be helpful! I've covered most of the ground with Amazon and videos setting up domain to S3 to no avail.

Something seems off with your DNS records:
Domain registered 2 days ago, should have NS listed in all regions. Leave the S3 for the time being and focus here. If DNS record can not resolve , S3 will not work.
Make sure that DNS entry for NS (name Servers) is set to:
It looks like it might have been removed and are expiring.


I'm getting ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED from my website

I have a domain that I got from NameCheap:
I configured the domain in AWS with Route53, CloudFront and S3.
I uploaded the static website to the relevant S3 bucket.
When I try to reach my website, I get the following error: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
Although, when I reach the website through S3 static website hosting it's working:
Any ideas?
I have one A record that traffics to <id>
I have one NS record that traffics to 4 NS URLs.
I have one SOA record.
I have one CNAME record.
ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED usually refers to a DNS problem.
You already verified that S3 URL is working correctly.
Now, verify that Cloudfront is working correctly by pasting the Cloudfront URL in your browser (<id> or something similar).
If both of them are working, means that your problem is indeed DNS (and therefore Route53) related.
Use any DNS Lookup page to see if your domain ( is correctly set up.
With the information given that's the best we can do, if you share your Route53 Hosted Zones we could see if anything is wrong
If you bought - you dont need to create a new zone for (you can, but its not required - this is called DNS delegation). You just need to create a record named inside as an A or CNAME to your destination.
When i use dig to test the DNS i get the following results:
dig shows A records
dig shows A records - and appears to be its own DNS delegation zone (was that deliberate)?
dig does not return any records - this is why you cant resolve your site.
I think the solution for you is to create the records in the zone and ignore the zone you created. If your trying to use the zone (and its been setup properly in you would just create the www record.

Issue with Google Cloud Platform(GCP) DNS zones and openshift

I have followed the instructions at for setting up an openshift trial.
All steps I managed to get working excpet for DNS steps mentioned.
I created a zone my-new-zone for my subdomain in GCP and pointed DNS NS's to google (ns-cloud-d[1-4] and I am able to interact with my openshift just fine.
However, in so doing, all of my other DNS entries for no longer function.
I tried creating a second zone my-zone in GCP for and added those preexisting entries there, but they came up with different GCP DNS NS servers (ns-cloud-a[1-4]
How can I fix this so that I can access the openshift and also access my original sites?
Note: I can destroy and recreate the openshift cluster as needed at this point, but I need to know the correct steps for getting the DNS right.
Additional clarifications:
Note 1. I thought I had included above but apparently left out this detail: [mysite].com DNS entries were maintained at When I got to step 6 in the linked instructions, I had to call because I could not understand how to proceed. I was told I could not use separate NS servers for the subdomain and they asked if I wanted to point the NS servers for my domain to the GCP servers indicated. I agreed and they repointed the NS servers. At that point I tried to add my DNS entries to GCP to restore access to my primary sites, and am not understanding how to do so. GCP will not allow me to change the zone name from clusters.[mysite].com to [mysite].com. It looked like all I needed to do was add another zone for [mysite].com, so I did so, not expecting the second zone would use totally different nameservers.
PROBLEM: DNS does not work for primary domain after setting up OpenShift on GCP. My website is down, my email is down, all of my sites are down.
Objective/Goal: Restore DNS service for primary domain entries AND have OpenShift working correctly.
$ nslookup www.[mysite].com
** server can't find www.[mysite].com: SERVFAIL
As for why I created a subdomain, I already had my domain set up at I was following step 2 which says "2. Create a public hosted zone for your domain or subdomain in your GCP project. See Creating public zones in the GCP documentation. Use an appropriate root domain, such as, or subdomain, such as" And then I called when I got to step 6 as I did not know how to proceed at that point. Please see note 1 above.
I suggest to create zone in your root domain, once created, add "A record" using your root domain then add "cname record" for subdomain. Once done, get the nameserver and place it in your domain registrar. Make sure to add other necessary record to the zone that you created in order for other service to work like email. Propagation will take at least 24 to 48 hours depends on DNS server.

IP Address not found on route 53 domain

I'm starting out on AWS and try to host a website on the platform. The S3 bucket and its content is set up and i'm able to access the website via the url s3 is providing.
Permissions and properties are set to accept public traffic and that the bucket is used to host a website. The index document is correct.
Now i want traffic to be redirected to my domain, but it shows the error "IP address could not be found"
I tested this issue on 4 different devices across multiple browsers (including Chrome, Safari and Firefox).
Bucket, domain and hosted zone do have the same name and as AWS recommends, I asked my previous provider if they transferred the dns services to the new provides (in this case route 53) and they did.
I waited longer than 48 hours after settings everything up before writing this so all services should be working by now - but they don't.
The image shows the dns records of route 53.
I am grateful for any help.
By running a DIG command to get the NS value of your domain it returns a SERVFAIL indicating that the configured nameservers for your domain do not contain the record for you domain.
The next step is to run a whois which indicates your configured nameservers are below:
As you're trying to use a Route 53 public hosted zone you will need to update your domain registrar to use the nameservers found under the NS record of the public hosted zone.
Follow the instructions here for your specific domain.

Static website on S3 with route 53 - Site can't be reached

I have hosted a static website on S3 with suitable bucket policy set. Viewing the "endpoint" in another tab works perfectly fine. After this I created a Hosted zone in route 53 to give it a desirable human readable address.
After creating the hosted zone, I have two records in my newly created hosted zone, One being of type NS and the other being of type SOA. So far so good. I go ahead to create a new record set.
I add the name as desired, enter type as 'A' - IPv4 Address tick yes for Alias, where in the drop down (Alias Target) i can see my previously created bucket endpoint.
I set the routing policy to be simple and Evaluate Health Target set to no. The record set is created successfully. However when i enter this name in another tab, I get the "Site can't be reached". I try and test the record set using the functionality provided by AWS. Here the response code i get is "NOERROR" which i assume is a positive response. Am I missing something here.
I have also referred to this video. Am I missing something. Also, I have not created the Hosted Zones myself.
A hosted zone is not the same as domain. You have to update the NS values for your domain registrar to point to the NS values as generated by Route53.
From the docs:
When you create a hosted zone, Amazon Route 53 automatically creates a
name server (NS) record and a start of authority (SOA) record for
the zone. The NS record identifies the four name servers that you give
to your registrar or your DNS service so that DNS queries are routed
to Amazon Route 53 name servers.
After you update the settings with your domain registrar to include
the Amazon Route 53 name servers, Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS
queries for the hosted zone even if you don't have a functioning
NS transfer may take from 1 to 24 hours, depending on the registrar.
I faced the same issue. I bought domain through AWS Route 53, created simple index.html page and uploaded to bucket and set bucket for Static website hosting ,added public policy. created second bucket and redirect to, created aliases everything , read through documents everything. But nothing worked.
Until, i realized that my redirect bucket was not set for public read access. I set it too Read bucket permissions for Everyone. (Note my primary bucket already has public access.) and i could load my website using my domain name.
Now, I have read through AWS document again just to see if I missed this step of setting up public access for redirection bucket. and all other steps to setup static website.
if you check Step 2.3: Configure Your Website Redirect, it is not mention that we need to set public access.
POINT- AWS Documentation is not clear. One need to have public access to redirect bucket too.

Switching from Godaddy to AWS, switching DNS provider

I'm working on transferring my website from godaddy, to AWS. I completed all the steps with the domain transfer, e.g. unlock domain, approve the transfer on both sides. And then I cancelled my Godaddy hosting. Now I have set up the AWS hosted zones, and I'm stuck on switching DNS services.
One of the steps is to enter the NS values on Route53 into the DNS provider on godaddy, but since I cancelled my hosting service I no longer have any way to access my DNS provider.
I'm wondering what to do in this situation. Is it possible to access the DNS provider directly? I waited for the TTL to expire before posting this because I thought that would fix my issues, but it did not.
If you transferred the domain registration to Route 53, you are following a set of instructions that doesn't match what you are trying to accomplish.
In Route 53...
Under "Hosted Zones," select your domain. Make a note of the 4 name servers assigned.
Then, under "Registered Domains," select your domain.
The name servers shown here need to match the 4 name servers that were assigned to your Hosted Zone.
Click Add/Edit Name Servers to modify them. They are probably still pointing to the Go Daddy (something like "" if I remember correctly) name servers.
It sounds like what you were reading was instructions for moving your DNS hosting to Route 53, without doing a domain transfer, which is change of the registrar of record. Changing DNS hosting, only, would not have involved unlocking and approving as you described. Registrar and hosting are two completely separate services, but providers often bundle them together, leaving users often unaware of the distinction.