I have the need to gather which application has focus. For this, my approach is to: list windows, get the one with focus, and finally, check which process and application shows it. If there were some: getWindowWithFocus(), it would be fantastic.
The program is implemented in C++, but could interface with objective-C if needed.
The program will run with root privileges.
The list of windows listed must include all users applications.
The returned window allows to get properties, such as it process and if it has UI-focus.
Ideally, no 3rd party tool is used, only standard libraries (STL, Unix APIs and macOS APIs, eventually Qt/Boost).
Must support HSierra to Big-Sur.
I managed to list all windows, but now I am struggling in detecting if a window has or not the focus.
The question:
Which API function can be used to check if a window has focus or not? Any sample?
Any better approach to this problem?
Previous research:
I created a POC/sample which list all windows, including some of it properties.
DISCLAIM: this is a POC, just for demonstration, and miss required code quality for proper projects. For example, CFObjects are not released with the consequent memory leak.
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <CoreGraphics/CGWindow.h> // CoreGraphics
#include <iostream>
int main()
CFArrayRef ref = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGNullWindowID, 0);
CFIndex nameCount = CFArrayGetCount( ref );
std::cout << "NumCounts: " << nameCount << " windows" << std::endl;
for( int i = 0; i < nameCount ; ++i )
std::cerr << " -------- " << std::endl;
CFDictionaryRef dict = (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( ref, i );
auto printKeys = [](const void* key, const void* value, void* context)
std::cerr << " ";
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(dict, printKeys, nullptr);
// Process PID can be extracted with key:kCGWindowOwnerPID
Here is an example, based on this solution, wrapped in C++ (well, actually mostly C).
The only found problem with it is, it must run in main thread, which is not convenient, but this is another topic.
#include "focus_oc_wrapper.hpp"
#include <thread>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
FocusDetector::AppFocus focus;
//std::thread threadListener(&FocusDetector::AppFocus::run, &focus); //Does not works
//if (threadListener.joinable())
// threadListener.join();
namespace FocusDetector
struct AppFocusImpl;
struct AppFocus
AppFocusImpl* impl=nullptr;
AppFocus() noexcept;
void run();
#include "focus_oc_wrapper.hpp"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import "focus_oc.h"
namespace FocusDetector
struct AppFocusImpl
OCAppFocus* wrapped=nullptr;
AppFocus::AppFocus() noexcept: impl(new AppFocusImpl)
impl->wrapped = [[OCAppFocus alloc] init];
if (impl)
[impl->wrapped release];
delete impl;
void AppFocus::run()
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
[NSApp setDelegate:impl->wrapped];
[NSApp run];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface OCAppFocus : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
NSRunningApplication *currentApp;
#property (retain) NSRunningApplication *currentApp;
#implementation OCAppFocus
#synthesize currentApp;
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self
name:NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification object:nil];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
- (void)activeAppDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
self.currentApp = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:NSWorkspaceApplicationKey];
NSLog(#"App: %#", [currentApp localizedName]);
NSLog(#"Bundle: %#", [currentApp bundleIdentifier]);
NSLog(#"Exec Url: %#", [currentApp executableURL]);
NSLog(#"PID: %d", [currentApp processIdentifier]);
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "10.13" CACHE STRING "Minimum OS X deployment version")
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -framework CoreFoundation -framework AppKit")
set ( TESTCPP main.cpp focus_oc_wrapper.mm )
add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${TESTCPP} )
This is a Juce project. It should show an .exe gui.
It showed " filenook.exe has triggered a breakpoint." after "start debugging"
in this line
jassert (success);
Download Juce framework here:
Whole project link:
#pragma once
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
#include "PluginProcessor.h"
using namespace std;
class FilebookAudioProcessorEditor : public AudioProcessorEditor
FilebookAudioProcessorEditor (FilebookAudioProcessor&);
void paint (Graphics&) override;
void resized() override;
// This reference is provided as a quick way for your editor to
// access the processor object that created it.
FilebookAudioProcessor& processor;
TextEditor* text;
File myFile;
void openFileInEditor();
#include "PluginProcessor.h"
#include "PluginEditor.h"
using namespace std;
void FilebookAudioProcessorEditor::openFileInEditor()
if (myFile.existsAsFile()) {
FilebookAudioProcessorEditor::FilebookAudioProcessorEditor (FilebookAudioProcessor& p)
: AudioProcessorEditor (&p), processor (p)
setSize (400, 300);
text = new TextEditor ("Editor");
addAndMakeVisible (text);
text->setMultiLine (true);
text->setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (true);
myFile = ("C:\\filetest.txt");
openFileInEditor ();
void FilebookAudioProcessorEditor::paint (Graphics& g)
// (Our component is opaque, so we must completely fill the background with a solid colour)
g.fillAll (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId));
g.setColour (Colours::white);
g.setFont (15.0f);
g.drawFittedText ("Hello World!", getLocalBounds(), Justification::centred, 1);
void FilebookAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
text->setBounds (10,10,getWidth()-20,getHeight()-20);
JUCE is a partially open-source cross-platform C++ application framework, used for the development of desktop and mobile applications. JUCE is used in particular for its GUI and plug-ins libraries.
I am developing a ROS Qt GUI application and I face a problem on ROS Hydro (I had the same problem while working on ROS Fuerte). My project does not recognize my library like image_transport.h. I added it to the beginning of the qnode.hpp file but it did not solve the problem.
My major problem:
/home/attila/catkin_ws/src/arayuz/src/qnode.cpp:-1: error: undefined reference to `image_transport::ImageTransport::ImageTransport(ros::NodeHandle const&)'
This is the code that generates the error:
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "ros/network.h"
#include "string"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "sstream"
#include "../include/arayuz/qnode.hpp"
namespace enc=sensor_msgs::image_encodings;
static const char WINDOW[ ]="Kinect";
namespace arayuz {
QNode::QNode(int argc, char** argv ) :
QNode::~QNode() {
if(ros::isStarted()) {
ros::shutdown(); // explicitly needed since we use ros::start();
bool QNode::init() {
if ( ! ros::master::check() ) {
return false;
ros::start(); // explicitly needed since our nodehandle is going out of scope.
ros::NodeHandle n;
// Add your ros communications here.
image_transport::ImageTransport it(n);
imagesub = it.subscribe("/kinectCamera", 1,&QNode::chatterimage,this);
return true;
bool QNode::init(const std::string &master_url, const std::string &host_url) {
std::map<std::string,std::string> remappings;
remappings["__master"] = master_url;
remappings["__hostname"] = host_url;
if ( ! ros::master::check() ) {
return false;
ros::start(); // explicitly needed since our nodehandle is going out of scope.
ros::NodeHandle n;
// Add your ros communications here.
image_transport::ImageTransport it(n);
imagesub = it.subscribe("/kinectCamera",1,&QNode::chatterimage,this);
return true;
void QNode::chatterimage(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
Q_EMIT chatterimageupdate();
void QNode::run() {
while ( ros::ok() ) {
std::cout << "Ros shutdown, proceeding to close the gui." << std::endl;
Q_EMIT rosShutdown(); // used to signal the gui for a shutdown (useful to roslaunch)
In order to link against ROS libraries you need to add the dependency to your package.xml file:
and to your CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
Just adding the header to your compilation isn't sufficient: the error message states that you successfully compiled the code but it failed to link the executable. You will also need to find the library implementing the image_transport code and link it to your executable. I have no idea of ros but here is a link which seems to describe how to build code using this library.
Update 1: I have recently found out that WT communicates using TCP (HTTP), if that helps anyone.
The title says it all, is it possible to run 2 different WT applications or projects on the same port? I know WT has come control over how the application is hosted with its start up parameters as follows. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and the parameters below are entered in the debugging->command arguments box as follows:
--http-address= --http-port=8080 --deploy-path=/hello --docroot=.
The above parameters will require that the user opens a web page at
So I though, hey what if I host another project with the below parameters
--http-address= --http-port=8080 --deploy-path=/world --docroot=.
so then I would need to connect to
The above actually does not work, it only hosts the first application that connects, and the second will not connect until the first shuts down. So this brings me here. Are there any other ways to run multiple WT applications on the same port?
Thank you in advance for any help!
Yes, you can achieve that but you will need to create your own WRun and use addEntryPoint. This is actually mentioned in the tutorial and goes as follows:
Inside WRun()
WRun() is actually a convenience function which creates and configures a WServer instance. If you want more control, for example if you have multiple “entry points”, or want to control the server starting and stopping, you can use the WServer API directly instead.
Here you have an example, both applications are the Hello World application, but notice that they have different titles and different messages on the buttons and when you press them. You can find another implementation of WRun on src/http/Serve.C and src/Wt/WServer.
#include <Wt/WApplication>
#include <Wt/WBreak>
#include <Wt/WContainerWidget>
#include <Wt/WLineEdit>
#include <Wt/WPushButton>
#include <Wt/WText>
#include <Wt/WException>
#include <Wt/WLogger>
#include <Wt/WServer>
class HelloApplication : public Wt::WApplication
HelloApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env, const std::string& title);
Wt::WLineEdit *nameEdit_;
Wt::WText *greeting_;
void greet();
HelloApplication::HelloApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env, const std::string& title)
: Wt::WApplication(env)
root()->addWidget(new Wt::WText("Your name, please ? "));
nameEdit_ = new Wt::WLineEdit(root());
Wt::WPushButton *button = new Wt::WPushButton("Greet me.", root());
root()->addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
greeting_ = new Wt::WText(root());
button->clicked().connect(this, &HelloApplication::greet);
void HelloApplication::greet()
{ greeting_->setText("Hello there, " + nameEdit_->text());
class GoodbyeApplication : public Wt::WApplication{
GoodbyeApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env, const std::string& title);
private: Wt::WLineEdit *nameEdit_;
Wt::WText *greeting_;
void greet();
GoodbyeApplication::GoodbyeApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env, const std::string& title)
: Wt::WApplication(env)
root()->addWidget(new Wt::WText("Your name, please ? "));
nameEdit_ = new Wt::WLineEdit(root());
Wt::WPushButton *button = new Wt::WPushButton("Say goodbye.", root());
root()->addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
greeting_ = new Wt::WText(root());
button->clicked().connect(this, &GoodbyeApplication::greet);
void GoodbyeApplication::greet()
greeting_->setText("Goodbye, " + nameEdit_->text());
Wt::WApplication *createApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env)
return new HelloApplication(env, "First app");
Wt::WApplication *createSecondApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env)
return new GoodbyeApplication(env, "Second app");
int YourWRun(int argc, char *argv[], Wt::ApplicationCreator createApplication, Wt::ApplicationCreator createSecondApplication)
try {
// use argv[0] as the application name to match a suitable entry
// in the Wt configuration file, and use the default configuration
// file (which defaults to /etc/wt/wt_config.xml unless the environment
// variable WT_CONFIG_XML is set)
Wt::WServer server(argv[0],"");
// WTHTTP_CONFIGURATION is e.g. "/etc/wt/wthttpd"
server.setServerConfiguration(argc, argv, WTHTTP_CONFIGURATION);
// add a single entry point, at the default location (as determined
// by the server configuration's deploy-path)
server.addEntryPoint(Wt::Application, createApplication);
server.addEntryPoint(Wt::Application, createSecondApplication,"/second");
if (server.start()) {
int sig = Wt::WServer::waitForShutdown(argv[0]);
std::cerr << "Shutdown (signal = " << sig << ")" << std::endl;
if (sig == SIGHUP)
WServer::restart(argc, argv, environ);
} catch (Wt::WServer::Exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
return 1;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
return 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return YourWRun(argc, argv, &createApplication, &createSecondApplication);
Compile it with
g++ -g -o two_helloworlds two_helloworlds.cc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lwthttp -lwt -lboost_random -lboost_regex -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_date_time
and execute with
./two_helloworlds --docroot . --http-address --http-port 8080
on localhost:8080 you will access one of the applications and on localhost:8080/second you will access the other.
I have a C++ file that runs Obj-C stuff also but the Obj-C stuff does not seem to be getting ran (it compiles fine) but I get an error saying that the stuff obj-c is suppose to do (in this case register for growl) did not get ran.
#import "growlwrapper.h"
#implementation GrowlWrapper
- (NSDictionary *) registrationDictionaryForGrowl {
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Upload"], GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL,
[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Upload"], GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT
, nil];
void showGrowlMessage(std::string title, std::string desc) {
std::cout << "[Growl] showGrowlMessage() called." << std::endl;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate: #""];
notifyWithTitle: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:title.c_str()]
description: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:desc.c_str()]
notificationName: #"Upload"
iconData: nil
priority: 0
isSticky: YES
clickContext: nil
[pool drain];
int main() {
showGrowlMessage("Hello World!", "This is a test of the growl system");
return 0;
#ifndef growlwrapper_h
#define growlwrapper_h
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <Growl/Growl.h>
using namespace std;
void showGrowlMessage(std::string title, std::string desc);
int main();
#interface GrowlWrapper : NSObject <GrowlApplicationBridgeDelegate>
Any idea why it is not being ran?
You are setting your growl delegate to an empty string instead of an instance of your GrowlWrapper class.
I'm using boost::date_time in my project. When date is not valid it thorws std::out_of_range C++ exception. In Qt's gui application on windows platform it becomes SEH exception, so it doesn't catched with try|catch paradigm and programm dies. How can I catch the exception platform independently?
std::string ts("9999-99-99 99:99:99.999");
ptime t(time_from_string(ts))
// doesn't work on windows
If somebody didn't understand, I wrote another example:
Qt pro file:
VERSION = 1.0.0
CONFIG += debug_and_release build_all
TARGET = QExceptExample
SOURCES += exceptexample.cpp \
HEADERS += exceptexample.h
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
#include <stdexcept>
class PushButton;
class QMessageBox;
class ExceptExample : public QMainWindow
public slots:
void throwExcept();
QPushButton * throwBtn;
#include "exceptexample.h"
throwBtn = new QPushButton(this);
connect(throwBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(throwExcept()));
void ExceptExample::throwExcept()
QMessageBox::information(this, "info", "We are in throwExcept()",
throw std::out_of_range("ExceptExample");
QMessageBox::information(this, "hidden", "Windows users can't see "
"this message", QMessageBox::Ok);
#include "exceptexample.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
ExceptExample e;
return app.exec();
Adding answer from the comments:
aschelper wrote:
Is your Qt library compiled with C++
exception support enabled? Sometimes
they're not, which causes problems.
hoxnox (OP) answered:
#aschelper I reconfigured Qt with
-exceptions option. It fixed situation. If you'll post the answer
I'll mark it as right.