How to use a mutable Param pyomo? - pyomo

I'm trying to make Param mutable with initializer zero but when I tried to read the Param in the constraint its doesn't understand what is reading, the only way that I found to read is using .value but when the problem finishes declaring the whole constraint. the solver found the first solution but when I defined the new param value, it doesn't change the value of the param. I know if I am doing bad the declared or I haven't found the correct white to do that.
As a solver im using CPLEX
This is the way i defined the Param:
model.s_value = pe.Param(mutable=True, initialize=0)
But if I use the Param as a normal Param is a constraint promo sent this message:
ValueError: Constraint 'def_constraint[0]' encountered a strict inequality expression ('>' or '<'). All constraints must be formulated using using '<=', '>=', or '=='.
I think is because when pyomo tired to read the param that sends an object like this:
pyomo.core.base.param.IndexedParam object at 0x1939C6A0
After declaring all the variable I put the solver inside a for and there I redefine the value of the Param:
model.s_value.value= new_value
Please. Someone can explain to me who can I use correctly the mutable Param and how can I iterate the model.

This is a simple example of changing the value of a mutable parameter. You didn't post a full set of executable code above, so it is difficult to figure out what is going on. If this below doesn't answer your question, request you update (edit) your post above with a minimal reproducible example.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
m.x = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
m.p = pyo.Param(mutable=True, initialize = 10)
# the problem
m.OBJ = pyo.Objective(expr=m.x)
m.c1 = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.x >= m.p)
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk')
# solve it...
results = solver.solve(m)
m.display() # x=10
# change the mutable parameter
m.p = 5
# re-solve it
results = solver.solve(m)
m.display() # x=5


Evaluate constraint expression as boolean

I want to evaluate if a constraint is respected or not in Pyomo when the values of the variables contained in constraint expression are known.
Use case: We know that one particular constraint sometimes makes the problem infeasible, depending on the value of the variable. Instead of sending the problem to the solver to test if the problem is feasible, converting the constraint expression to a boolean type would be enough to determine if the constraint is the culprit.
For the sake of providing a feasible example, here would be the code:
from pyomo.environ import ConcreteModel, Var, Constraint
model = ConcreteModel()
model.X = Var()
def constraint_rule(model):
return model.X <= 1
model.a_constraint = Constraint(rule=constraint_rule)
Now, let's try to work with the expression to evaluate:
# Let's define the expression in this way:
expression = constraint_rule(model)
# Let's show that the expression is what we expected:
The previous statement should print X <= 1.0.
Now, the tricky part is how to evaluate the expression.
if expression == True:
creates an TypeError Exception (TypeError: Cannot create an EqualityExpression where one of the sub-expressions is a relational expression: X <= 1.0).
The last example doesn't work because constraint_rule doesn't return a boolean but a Pyomo expression.
Finally, I know that something like
def evaluate_constraint_a_expression(model):
return value(model.X) <= 1
would work, but I can't assume that I will always know the content of my constraint expression, so I need a robust way of evaluating it.
Is there a clever way of achieving this? Like, evaluating the expression as a boolean and evaluating the left hand side and right hand side of the expression at the same time?
The solution is to use value function. Even if it says that it evaluates an expression to a numeric value, it also converts the expression to a boolean value if it is an equality/inequality expression, like the rule of a constraint.
Let's suppose that the model is defined the way it is in the question, then the rest of the code should be:
from pyomo.environ import value
if value(expression) == True:
where expression is defined as written in the question.
However, be advised that numeric precision in Python using this method can be different than the one provided by the solver. Therefore, it is possible that this method will show that a constraint is infeasible while it is just a matter of numeric imprecision of under 1e-10. So, while it is useful in finding if most constraints are feasible, it also generates some false positives.

Django, Queryset exists, but accessing [0] results in index error

creator_payouts = self.filter(paid=False)
processed_user_ids = []
if not creator_payouts.exists(): // here I check the existence
for creator_payout in creator_payouts:
creator_payouts.update(paid=True) // maybe this does something?
created_for__lte=creator_payouts[0].created_for // error here
I'm getting index error at creator_payouts[0] at the end of the code above.
Why am I getting the error, especially I rule out the empty list case by creator_payouts.exists() condition above
Well when you update the creator_payouts, then the database is updated with paid=True. As creator_payouts it a lazy queryset and and when you call creator_payouts[0] to evaluate it, it gets empty queryset. So you need to store the intial values somewhere with forceful evaluation. Like this:
if not creator_payouts.exists(): // here I check the existence
for creator_payout in creator_payouts:
# or store the first creator_payout in a variable here
unpaid_creator_payouts_list = list(creator_payouts) # force evaluation
created_for__lte=unpaid_creator_payouts_list[0].created_for // or use the first stored payout_creator in previous loop
Or run the update operation after CreatorRecord filter.
creator_payouts is queryset. If want get first better try creator_payouts.first() instead of creator_payouts[0].

Writing a for loop with an IntegerField rather than an int

I'm trying to create a for loop for creating a dynamic number of objects in Otree, which extends Django (I know, crazy idea, but bear with me). Unfortunately the latest version of otree will throw compile time errors if you attempt to use integers in your code. So for example, the following code:
num_decs = 8
for d in range(1, num_decs + 1):
locals()['dec_r'+str(r)+'_'+str(d)]= models.CharField(choices=[Constants.choice1_name, Constants.choice2_name],widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal(),blank=False,initial='blank')
Will throw the following error (as opposed to a warning, which occurred with previous versions of Otree):
(otree.E111) NonModelFieldAttr: Player has attribute "d", which is not a model field, and will therefore not be saved to the database.
I imagine that the best way to resolve this would be to declare d in the for loop as an IntegerField object and then cast it as an int using the int() method as follows:
num_decs = models.IntegerField(initial=8)
d = models.IntegerField(default=0)
for d in range(1, num_decs.__int__() + 1):
But I receive an error that IntegerField lacks a int() method. What should I do to cast an IntegerField as an int for a for loop? Thanks!
For those of you who are out and about using Otree, I have a solution!
Add the following code to the end of your for loop:
del d
del num_decs
And you shouldn't have any problems :)

Set up model in CPLEX using Python API

In fact, I'm trying to implement the very simple model formulation:
min sum_i(y_i*f_i) + sum_i(sum_j(x_ij*c_ij))
s.t. sum_i(x_ij) = 1 for all j
x_ij <= y_i for all i,j
x_ij, y_i are binary
But I simply cannot figure out how the Python API works. They suggest creating variables like this:
model.variables.add(obj = fixedcost,
lb = [0] * num_facilities,
ub = [1] * num_facilities,
types = ["B"] * num_facilities)
# Create one binary variable for each facility/client pair. The variables
# model whether a client is served by a facility.
for c in range(num_clients):
model.variables.add(obj = cost[c],
lb = [0] * num_facilities,
ub = [1] * num_facilities,
types = ["B"] * num_facilities)
# Create corresponding indices for later use
supply = []
for c in range(num_clients):
for f in range(num_facilities):
# Constraint no. 1:
for c in range(num_clients):
assignment_constraint = cplex.SparsePair(ind = [supply[c][f] for f in \
val = [1] * num_facilities)
model.linear_constraints.add(lin_expr = [assignment_constraint],
senses = ["L"],
rhs = [1])
For this constraints I have no idea how the variables from above are refered to since it only mentions an auxiliary list of lists. Can anyone explain to me how that should work? The problem is easy, I also know how to do it in C++ but the Python API is a closed book to me.
The problem is the uncapacitated facility location problem and I want to adapt the example file
EDIT: One idea for constraint no.2 is to create one-dimensional vectors and use vector addition to create the final constraint. But that tells me that this is an unsupported operand for SparsePairs
for f in range(num_facilities):
index = [f]
value = [-1.0]
for c in range(num_clients):
open_constraint = cplex.SparsePair(ind = index, val = value) + cplex.SparsePair(ind = [supply[c][f]], val = [1.0])
senses = ["L"],
rhs = [0])
The Python API is closer to the C Callable Library in nature than the C++/Concert API. Variables are indexed from 0 to model.variables.get_num() - 1 and can be referred to by index, for example, when creating constraints. They can also be referred to by name (the add method has an optional names argument). See the documentation for the VariablesInterface here (this is for version 12.5.1, which I believe you are using, given your previous post).
It may help to start looking at the most simple examples like (and read the comments). Finally, I highly recommend playing with the Python API from the interactive Python prompt (aka the REPL). You can read the help there and type things in to see what they do.
You also might want to take a look at the docplex package. This is a modeling layer built on top of the CPLEX Python API (or which can solve on the cloud if you don't have a local installation of CPLEX installed).

Concatenate queryset in django

I want to concatenate two queryset obtained from two different models and i can do it using itertools like this:
ci = ContributorImage.objects.all()
pf = Portfolio.objects.all()
cpf = itertools.chain(ci,pf)
But the real fix is paginating results.If i pass a iterator(cpf, or our concatenated queryset) to Paginator function, p = Paginator(cpf, 10), it works as well but fails at retrieving first page page1 = with an error which says:
TypeError: object of type 'itertools.chain' has no len()
What can i do in case like this ?
The itertools.chain() will return a generator. The Paginator class needs an object implementing __len__ (generators, of course do not support it since the size of the collection is not known).
Your problem could be resolved in a number of ways (including using list to evaluate the generator as you mention) however I recommending taking a look at the QuerySetChain mentioned in this answer:
I think it fits exactly to your problem. Also take a look at the comments of that answer - they are really enlightening :)
I know it's too late, but because I encountered this error, I would answer to this question.
you should return a list of objects:
ci = ContributorImage.objects.all()
pf = Portfolio.objects.all()
cpf = itertools.chain(ci,pf)
cpf_list = list(cpf)