Catalina MacOS on VMWare Expanding Storage - macos-catalina

I was trying to download XCode and it says it needs more space, I went and expand the storage and this message pop up
When I entered the VM, it still only have 40GB, what do I do?

Nevermind, I found out what I should do, I had to run this line of command in the terminal in the VM.
sudo diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk0s2 60G


bq command not found

I am currently working on windows machine. Installed WSL to be able to work in Linux env.
Installed the Google Cloud SDK and am able to run gsutil and gcloud commands.
However, while trying to run bq, I get the bq command not found error.
Can someone help me here?
"bq" is one of the default Cloud SDK components, and gets installed by default.
Please check with the command "gcloud components list" to confirm if "bq" is available.
If not, maybe somehow your installation got corrupted. Please try re-installing to fix this issue.
Otherwise, try running these commands, see how the path for all are set and same like "/usr/bin" in the given example. This may reveal some path setting related issues which need to be fixed.
I've run into a similar issue when working on a Windows environment. I have found that calling bq.cmd helps to get the BigQuery commands to execute.
So running:
bq.cmd ls
instead of running:
bq ls
To list datasets in your current project.
In WSL2, install the Google Cloud CLI with this command as shown in the documentation.
curl | bash
Then restart your WSL installation. The bq command works at both a Windows command prompt and a WSL terminal.

GCP VM not installing nVidia driver properly

I have created the VM using GCP Console in browser.
While creating VM, I selected the VM Image as "c2-deeplearning-pytorch-1-8-cu110-v20210619-debian-10". Also, I selected GPU as T4.
VM gets created and started and it shows green icon in browser.
Then I try to connect from "gcloud compute ssh " and it asks if I want to install nVidia Driver and I do Y, then it gives error for lock file and driver is not installed as:
This VM requires Nvidia drivers to function correctly. Installation
takes ~1 minute. Would you like to install the Nvidia driver? [y/n] y
Installing Nvidia driver. install linux headers:
linux-headers-4.19.0-16-cloud-amd64 E: dpkg was interrupted, you must
manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
Nvidia driver installed.
I try to verify if driver is installed by running python code as:
import torch
torch.cuda.is_available() #returns False.
Anybody else faced this issue?
This is the correct way to install NVIDIA driver on a GCP instance:
cd /
sudo apt purge nvidia-*
cd /
sudo wget
sudo sh
Adjust your config accordingly as it pops options in the terminal
Solution to my problem was:
Run manually : sudo dpkg --configure -a
Disconnect from machine.
Connect again using SSH. Select Y again when asked to install nVidia Driver.
It works then.
Make sure you are running as root. I know this sounds silly, but if you use their notebook instances the default user is not root and if you try to ssh into the instance and run something like gpustat etc or run custom code, you might get errors like NVIDIA drivers are not loaded or such.
If you make sure your user (which is called jupyter in the default case) is in the sudoers then all will work fine.
It is often very complicated to install or reinstall GPU drivers on GCP instances. Make sure you actually need to reinstall before you attempt other solutions.

VirtualBox error "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine"

I have a virtual machine with Windows XP with a clean installation. I set it as immutable to create a differential machine, so I create a new virtual machine, select the immutable hard disk and create a new snapshot in the new virtual machine folder.
However, when I try to start the virtual machine I get this error:
"failed to open a session for the virtual machine".
Código Resultado:
IProgress {c20238e4-3221-4d3f-8891-81ce92d9f913}
What is the problem? until now I can use differential virtual machines without problems. I have installed the last version or VirtualBox v4.3.4 and the problem persists.
If I set the hard driver as normal and I create a new virtual machine and select this hard drive I don't have any problem.
EDIT: I use the same virtual disk and do the same steps in another computer and it works fine. I think that the problem is the VirtualBox of my computer with the problem, but I try to uninstall the program and reinstall it and the problem persists, so I don't know how to solve the problem.
EDIT 2: if I set the virtual harddrive as multiattached instead of immutable, then it works fine. In my case is enough, but I know that it would be work as immutable because it was work until now and it works in another computer.
I try to create a new user in windows to try if the problem if with the configuration of my account, but the problem persists. So I think that some general configuration of VirtualBox has been corrupted and I am not be able to repair it.
I would like to know if there is any solution to use a immutable hard drive, because I would like to solve the problem with VirtualBox, although by the moment the multiattached hard disk is enough.
I had the same issue, I tried editing the VM but it wasn't letting me save it. So I tried the following:
Tried editing the VM to change RAM/CPU etc, but it wasn't letting me save it
Deleted the vm (not the data) and tried adding it again, didn't fix it
Tried moving the vbox file to another directory and import it, but it didn't let me move the vbox file so I realized there's a virtualbox process running that's holding a lock on it. So I killed that process and started it again and my VM booted
Killing VM process dint work in my case.
Right click on the VM and click on "Discard Saved State".
This worked for me.
For windows users
I had the same issue, and this trick works for me
Goto control panel
Open Uninstall program
Click on turn windows features on or off
Scroll down and find the hyper-V folder.
Uncheck the Hyper-V.
Apply changes and restart your system.
Now here you go... Open your virtual box and start the os you want.
Hope this helps..
Updating VirtualBox to newest version fixed my issue.
If you are in Windows and the error message shows VT-x is not available make sure Hyper-V is disabled in Windows components.
maybe it is caused by privilege, please try this:
#sudo chmod 755 /Applications
#sudo chmod 755 /Applications/
Something that I tried and work for me is simply you create a new virtual machine and you use the existing virtual hard disk file and everything is like you left it.
On Ubuntu, this can also be caused by incorrect permissions. I chmod 755 Logs/ which fixed the issue.
In my case I gave administrator privilege to Virtualbox and it solved my problem.
i.e., run run as administrator on windows 10
In may case, "VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" was broken. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.
For MAC users
After some research, this worked for me:
Quit VirtualBox
Right click "Applications" folder
Click on "Get Info"
Change "Everyone" Permission to "Read Only"
Open VirtualBox, and now it should work.
Normally this error occurs when it try to load the previous state. This happened in Mac Virtual box.
I tried after restarting the virtual box but again also i've encountered this issue.
Right Click on the operating system in the virtual box and then Click on the Discard Saved State.. .This fixed the issue.
try this
sudo update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key
and restart your system, when restart it shows option and select Mok key and you will work fine.
The only thing that solved the issue for me is to unmount the second hard disk on my laptop.
My current setup contains 1 HDD on SATA0 port and 1 SSD on SATA1 port. I've the OS and Oracle VirtualBox installed on the SSD drive.
When I deleted the partition on the HDD, the issue was solved.
This solved my problem:
open a cmd with admin privilige
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Error gone and VMs are working again.
This worked for me:
In the Oracle VM Manager - right click on your virtual maching (for example kali linux).
In the menu choose "discard saved state".
Then press discard and restart your virtual machine.
Ubuntu based system, solution that worked for me...
Delete virtualbox and download the latest deb package from the virtualbox website.

Vagrant reset my VM and now I am frightened I lost my work

I have a horrible situation and I hope you can help.
This morning, the terminal opened in my VM hanged, I tried to access Virtualbox and it went unresponsive. I killed Virtualbox manually and typed vagrant up. Vagrant (vagrant ssh) booted on a VM that pretty much seems the default one and I am terrified that all my work has been lost.
Typing vmboxmanage list vms shows:
wasp_1375609265" {29663113-786b-4b8a-adc8-2edecf06bcff}
which is the same UUID I find on the .vagrant file.
I am on a Mac OSX Montain Lion, the version of vagrant I am using is 1.0.6 and Virtualbox is 4.2.16.
Is there any way I can access the image at the previous state it had before I manually killed it? I can't believe that vagrant or Virtualbox purposely overwrote the image with a default one
It turned out that I am an idiot and the image was not lost. For some reasons Virtualbox saved it with a cryptic name and vagrant reverted to the default vagrant box wasp_32... when I run it again. I found the image I was looking for simply running all the *.vmdk I found under ~/VirtualBox VMs.
After that I followed the instructions I found here to make vagrant booting the correct image

Vagrant, VirtualBox built-in or no?

Trying to get set up with Vagrant but getting the error:
The "VBoxManage" command or one of its dependencies could not be found.
Please verify VirtualBox is properly installed. You can verify everything
is okay by running "VBoxManage --version" and verifying that the VirtualBox
version is outputted.
Just confused because the Vagrant documentation states:
"The getting started guide will use Vagrant with VirtualBox, since it is free, available on every major platform, and built-in to Vagrant."
Don't want to install VirtualBox separately if its supposed to be included when I installed Vagrant. Running OSX 10.8 if it's relevant, guessing I just need to install VirtualBox? If that's the case, what do they mean in the documentation when they say it's "built-in"?
Installing VirtualBox is required if you plan on using VirtualBox with Vagrant. I'm guessing they meant that the VirtualBox integration is built-in?
Recently, they've abstracted out the VirtualBox specific code and are working on allowing for multiple providers. I believe VMWare is now supported in addition to VirtualBox.
I had this message but my problem was different. I use Vmware_fusion as the provider. Vagrant was not able to detect what provider I am using.It assumed that I am using VirtualBox. Had this issue fixed by calling vagrant up provider flag. Here is the full command
vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion