VisualStudio - Fatal error LNK1168: cannot open myfile.exe for writing - c++

Sometime, while I try to compile my project, VisualStudio show me this error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1168: cannot open C:\Path\myfile.exe for writing
and It not allowes me to compile the project.
It seems that myfile.exe is open and running in background yet, although I closed it. I opened Win TaskManager but the file is not shown in the list of process running.
This error persists and the only solution I found is reboot the system, but it's a tedious way that give me crazy because this error recurs often.
Some ideas to resolve it? Someone had the same error before?

I had this error already many times. Though your myfile.exe is not shown in TaskManager, It is present in background yet. If you open the cmd as administator and type:
tasklist | FIND "myfile.exe"
You can see your process running.
So at this point type the command:
taskkill /IM myfile.exe /F
in order to force the process kill.
Now, if you try to compile your project again, you'll see the compiler is ok and the error is resolved.
Surely it's possible that this error will occur again, so I suggest you to create a .bat file that run the kill command, so you can resolve the problem quickly.

regarding: LNK1168
Microsoft has a web page dedicated to this error:
The first thing on the linked page is:
The linker can’t write to filename.
The rest of the page discusses the details of why the linker cannot write to the file.


VS Code Error when compiling C++ Program: 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I attempted to follow through on VS Code's method on making C++ code work on their editor. I did this successfully on my laptop but when I tried compiling it, I was met with the error:
* Executing task: C/C++: g++.exe build active file
Starting build...
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\g++.exe -fdiagnostics-color=always -g "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.cpp" -o "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.exe"
'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Build finished with error(s).
* The terminal process failed to launch (exit code: -1).
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
This is the entire error message plus extra things in my editor.
If I try and copy and paste the command in the message into Windows Power Shell, it actually works (New .exe file appeared in the correct directory and runs without fault).
These are my environment variables for User, and these are my System variables.
I've tried uninstalling and re-installing and changing the paths around. I'm new to C++ programming and how compilers work in general, but I'm not sure why VS Studio says it doesn't recognize cmd among others it could've not recognized.
Why is it giving me this error?
Edit: I believe I didn't include a return 0; line in the program. Correcting this did not fix the issue.
I am not sure what I poked into place or if I just was too incompetent to realize something, however adding %SystemRoot%\system32 to my PSModulePath environment variables somehow fixed the issue, and since that action I have yet to replicate the compile error.
I don't know if adding that variable to my environments permanently fixed it or VS Studio needed a moment to process some things. Thanks anyways!

C++ Builder 10.3.3 [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Could not open .\Win32\Debug\TabbedApplication.exe (program still running?)

In C++Builder 10.3.3, when running my application, it stops the process and pops up with an error:
Unable to create process: Access denied
I don't know why this happens, and for the life of me I can't figure out what it is talking about.
I tried to build the solution to see if the error was occurring there, and it appears this is the case. After building the solution, the compiler stops the process and a fatal error pops up:
[ilink32 Error] Fatal: Could not open.\Win32\Debug\TabbedApplication.exe (program still running?)
Does anyone know what this error means, and how to fix it?
I added a new target platform in my project in the right
I added windows 64 bit and it worked
hope it helps
I've been getting this messages for months (even with previous verions of RAD studio) and i haven't found a solution yet.
I have used a process explorer and the process is not running but if i close and reopen the IDE the file is not locked anymore.
So i think the problem it's related with the "debugger" that stills is locking the file even when the IDE stopped the debugging process.
I have tried even the "unlocker" utility but it doesn't detect any process is locking the file ...
For know we have to wait until the debugger release the file.
These is the configuration i have tried in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\20.0\Debugging\Embarcadero Debuggers\Evaluators
[dedfault] REG_SZ dcc32260.dll
com32x.dll REG_SZ -1
dcc32260.dll REG_SZ 0

LNK1168: cannot open debug\file.exe for writing

I have qt project but if I edit my code, Qt creator throws out this error
:-1: error: LNK1168: cannot open debug\GettingStarted.exe for writing
I'm not able even to delete the debug folder (i.e. as an administrator). I have to log off and then come back. What is the problem and how can I solve it?
Go to the task manager Ctrl+Alt+Del.
look for the name of your running application in your case GettingStarted.exe.
right click --> end process or just press Suppr . This will kill the running process.
Go back to your code and run the application again
In my simple case (Qt only, no external libs, same error LNK1168) the Task manager showed nothing useful to kill.
Only total reboot has helped and error is gone.
All the methods mentioned here has not helped except reboot. There is no any ProjectName.exe in Task Manager.
You can go to C:\Users\user-name\source\repos\ProjectName\Debug\ folder and rename ProjectName.exe. You can't delete this file at that time, but It can be renamed. It can only be deleted after reboot.
I know this is an old thread but I was stumbling in the same problem also. Finding it in task manager is tricky, and I started to grow tired of having to restart my PC every time this happened.
A solution would be to download Process Explorer and there you can search for running tasks. In my case I was having the following error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1168: cannot open C:Out\Build\VS12_app\Debug\platform_test.exe for writing [C:Build\VS12_app\platform_test.vcxproj]
I searched for C:Out\Build\VS12_app\Debug\platform_test.exe in Process Explorer, killed it and I was able to compile.

Fatal error RC1212

I try to build one project (huge but not finished program, not mine but I guess I should be one of the guys who will try finish it).
Actually when I build it in Debug mode, everything seems like okay, but when I switch into Release mode an error appears:
fatal error RC1212: invalid option - /z argument missing substitute font name
I trying to change options into Project properties->C++->General->Debug Information Format but it doesn't help.
Never saw such error before. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you!

"Cannot Open a.exe" Error in C++

I'm trying to compile my C++ program, but when I press the "Build" button, it displays the following error message:
cannot open output file a.exe: Invalid
argument collect2: ld returned 1 exit
This is not the first time it has done this. It seems to do this most when I have been editing the same project a lot and building it often, almost as if something has been flooded, or overloaded, or something.
I had fixed it before, I believe, by restarting my PC, but I can't afford to keep restarting my PC every time this occurs.
I thought this was just a one-time problem, but it has continued to happen and so I thought I'd look for more help on this.
I found another SO question that I thought had the same error message/problem as I had. However, when I tried the solutions listed on afore-linked question, nothing helped.
Has anyone else had this issue? Or does anyone know how I can fix this issue (besides restarting my computer every time)?
I am developing in jGrasp also, if that helps any.
EDIT: I just wanted to add that I thought it might be that my previous executable was still running in the background, but even if I close my IDE, it still won't let me delete the executable, because it says it is still running.
I checked my process explorer to see if the a.exe was still running, but there's absolutely nothing in my processes that has to do with jGrasp or a.exe
I guess your executable is still running. It's the only reason I think about... I guess the best is to check on your task manager (process Explorer is your friend ;)).
In Visual Studio Code, go to Settings -> Search for "clear previous" in the search bar and check on the box named "clear previous output". :)
It is happening because your previous output is already running in the background. And VS Code offers a feature to close that on every run.
EDIT: it's nothing to do with collect2.exe.
Do you get any other error text, like for example 'permission denied errors' etc.
It is beacause the .exe is still running. If you're on Windows use the command line del -f a.exe and if you're on linux use rm -rf ./a.out
I have the same problem, was worried for hours. I disabled my avg antivirus and it worked.