What's the RSS filter function? - dpdk

I'm looking some doc about RSS filter funciton. NIC is Intel I210 and driver is e1000. I found some functions about RSS filter. Like:
eth_igb_start => igb_filter_restore => igb_rss_filter_restore => igb_config_rss_filter
igb_config_rss_filter will write RSS configure(rss reta, rss key and rss protocol) to NIC register.
My question is what's the different between igb_config_rss_filter and igb_rss_configure? Can you share some doc about DPDK filter?

igb_config_rss_filter is used by the flow filter function. For example, if you create a flow filter rule, this function will be invoked.
igb_rss_configure is used to config RSS function.


i40e XL710 send packets failed on dpdk19.11, report TX descriptor 219 is not done(port=0 queue=0)

dpdk version : dpdk-19.11
firmware-version: 6.80 0x80003cfb 1.2007.0
Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver
0000:05:00.1 'Ethernet Controller XL710 for 40GbE QSFP+ 1583' drv=vfio-pci unused=i40e,igb_uio
I used rte_eth_tx_prepare before rte_eth_tx_burst, and rte_eth_tx_prepare returns ok;
I enable TSO offload.
I found the following mailing list, but the issue seems to be inconclusive : http://mails.dpdk.org/archives/dev/2017-August/073154.html
[Based on the updates from the comments]
Based on the limited logs, the issue lies within MBUF descriptor fields after the update of tx_prepare. Hence easiest ways to compare the TX fields of mbuf before and after making the flags changes. Please follow the steps
Use DPDK API rte_pktmbuf_dump and dump the packet contents before calling tx_prepare for 16B.
After tx_prepare invoke DPK API rte_pktmbuf_dump for 16B
After update of TSO (SW or HW offload), dump the packet contents for 16B using rte_pktmbuf_dump
Compare the MBUF fields, especially for TX offloads for anomalies.
If FAST_MBUF_FREE is enabled, n_ref should be 1.
If segments are used, n_seg should not be greater than MAX_SEG supported by NIC
Total pkt_len should be equal to the sum of all data_len of each chained segment
Offload NIC should support flags used.
Note: there is a minimal reason why a TX descriptor will fail for a valid device_configure.
[Update] based on the suggestion, it is updated as thanks for the remainder!I used rte_pktmbuf_dump and found that m->nb_segs value is not correct when tcp retransmits. .

Service Discovery Protocol: Check for multiple Services at once

I followed the instructions on https://people.csail.mit.edu/albert/bluez-intro/x604.html to check for a specified Bluetooth service of a device. I can succesfully check for the Serial Port Profile.
From Bluetooth traces, I noticed that some devices search for multiple services at the same time. Is it possible to extend the source code from the website mentioned above to get this functionality? I tried
search_list = sdp_list_append( NULL, &svc_uuid_1 );
search_list = sdp_list_append( NULL, &svc_uuid_2 );
but this seems not to work, it does not really 'append' the UUID in the search_list but does overwrite it.
Moreover, the traces show that one single SDP request does cover SPP, RFCOMM and L2CAP. Can profiles and protocols be mixed in SDP request?
Additionally, I'm confused by the following snippet, also from website above:
// specify that we want a list of all the matching applications' attributes
uint32_t range = 0x0000ffff;
attrid_list = sdp_list_append( NULL, &range );
What exactly is range? What options does it offer? Unfortunately, I couldn't find any explanations in Bluetooth core documentation v4.2.

Python2.7 --Reconstruct packets to print html

Using wireshark, I could see the html page I was requesting (segment reconstruction). I was not able to use pyshark to do this task, so I turned around to scapy. Using scapy and sniffing wlan0, I am able to print request headers with this code:
from scapy.all import *
def http_header(packet):
if http_packet.find('GET'):
return GET_print(packet)
def GET_print(packet1):
ret = packet1.sprintf("{Raw:%Raw.load%}\n")
return ret
sniff(iface='wlan0', prn=http_header, filter="tcp port 80")
Now, I wish to be able to reconstruct the full request to find images and print the html page requested.
What you are searching for is
IP Packet defragmentation
TCP Stream reassembly
see here
provides best effort ip.defragmentation via defragment([list_of_packets,]) but does not provide generic tcp stream reassembly. Anyway, here's a very basic TCPStreamReassembler that may work for your usecase but operates on the invalid assumption that a consecutive stream will be split into segments of the max segment size (mss). It will concat segments == mss until a segment < mss is found. it will then spit out a reassembled TCP packet with the full payload.
Note TCP Stream Reassembly is not trivial as you have to take care of Retransmissions, Ordering, ACKs, ...
according to this answer tshark has a command-line option equivalent to wiresharks "follow tcp stream" that takes a pcap and creates multiple output files for all the tcp sessions/"conversations"
since it looks like pyshark is only an interface to the tshark binary it should be pretty straight forward to implement that functionality if it is not already implemented.
With Scapy 2.4.3+, you can use
sniff([...], session=TCPSession)
to reconstruct the HTTP packets

WS02 CEP Siddhi Queries

New to Siddhi CEP. Other than the regular docs on WS02 CEP can someone point to a good tutorial.
Here are our requirements. Point out some clues on the right ways of writing such queries.
Have a single stream of sensor device notification ( IOT application ).
Stream input is via REST-JSON and output is also to be formatted to REST-JSON. ( Hope this is possible on WS02 CEP 3.1)
Kind of execution plan required:
- If device notification reports usage of Sensor 1, then monitor to see if within 5 mins if device notification reports usage of Sensor 2 also. If found then generate output stream reporting composite-activity back on REST-JSON.
- If such composite-activity is not detected during a time slot in morning, afternoon and evening then generate warning-event-stream status on REST-JSON. ( So how to find events which did not occur in time )
- If such composite-activity is not found within some time slots in morning, afternoon and evening then report failure1-event-stream status back on REST-JSON.
This should work day on day, so how will the previous processed data get deleted in WSO2 CEP.
The queries can be as follows (these are draft queries and may require slight modifications to get them running)
To detect sensor 1, and then sensor 2 within 5 minutes (assuming sensorStram has id, value) you can simply use a pattern like following with the 'within' keyword:
from e1=sensorStream[sensorId == '1'] -> e2=sensorStream[sensorId == '2']
select 'composite activity detected' as description, e1.value as sensor1Value, e2.value as sensor2Value
within 5 minutes
insert into compositeActivityStream;
To detect non occurrences (id=1 arrives, but no id=2 within 5 minutes) we can have following two queries:
from sensorStream[sensorId == '1']#window.time(5 minutes)
select *
insert into delayedSensor1Stream for expired-events;
from e1=sensorStream[sensorId == '1'] -> nonOccurringEvent = sensorStream[sensorId == '2'] or delayedEvent=delayedSensor1Stream
select 'id=2 not found' as description, e1.value as id1Value, nonOccurringEvent.sensorId as nonOccurringId
having (not(nonOccurringId instanceof string))
insert into nonOccurrenceStream;
This will detect non-occurrences immediately at the end of 5 minutes after the arrival of id=1 event.
For an explanation of the above logic, have a look at the non occurrence sample of cep 4.0.0 (the syntax is a bit different, but the same idea)
Now since you need to periodically generate a report, we need another query. For convenience i assume you need a report every 6 hours (360 minutes) and use a time batch window here. Alternatively with the new CEP 4.0.0 you can use the 'Cron window' to generate this at specific times which is better for your use case.
from nonOccurrenceStream#window.timeBatch(360 minutes)
select count(id1Value) as nonOccurrenceCount
insert into nonOccurrenceReportsStream for expired-events;
You can use http input/output adaptors and do json mappings with json builders and formatters for this use case.

Windows Audio Endpoint API. Getting the names of my Audio Devices

My main goal at the moment is to get detailed information about all of the local machine's Audio Endpoint Devices. That is the objects representing the audio peripherals. I want to be able to choose which device to record from based on some logic (or eventually allow the user to manually do so).
Here's what I've got so far. I'm pretty new to c++ so dealing with all of these abstract classes is getting a bit tricky so feel free to comment on code quality as well.
//Create vector of IMMDevices
UINT endpointCount = NULL;
std::vector<IMMDevice**> IMMDevicePP; //IMMDevice seems to contain all endpoint devices, so why have a collection here?
for (UINT i = 0; i < (endpointCount); i++)
IMMDevice* pp = NULL;
(*pCollection).Item(i, &pp);
IMMDevicePP.assign(1, &pp);
My more technical goal at present is to get objects that implement this interface: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd371414(v=vs.85).aspx
This is a type that is supposed to represent a single Audio Endpoint device whereas the IMMDevice seems to contain a collection of devices. However IMMEndpoint only contains a method called GetDataFlow so I'm unsure if that will help me. Again the goal is to easily select which endpoint device to record and stream audio from.
Any suggestions? Am I using the wrong API? This API definitely has good commands for the actual streaming and sampling of the audio but I'm a bit lost as to how to make sure I'm using the desired device.
WASAPI will allow you to do what you need so you're using the right API. You're mistaken about IMMDevice representing a collection of audio devices though, that is IMMDeviceCollection. IMMDevice represents a single audio device. By "device", WASAPI does't mean audio card as you might expect, rather it means a single input/output on such card. For example an audio card with analog in/out + digital out will show up as 3 IMMDevices each with it's own IMMEndpoint. I'm not sure what detailed info you're after but it seems to me IMMDevice will provide you with everything you need. Basically, you'll want to do something like this:
Create an IMMDeviceEnumerator
Call EnumAudioEndpoints specifying render, capture or both, to enumerate into an IMMDeviceCollection
Obtain individual IMMDevice instances from IMMDeviceCollection
Device name and description can be queried from IMMDevice using OpenPropertyStore (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370812%28v=vs.85%29.aspx). Additional supported device details can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370794%28v=vs.85%29.aspx.
IMMDevice instances obtained from IMMDeviceCollection will also be instances of IMMEndpoint, use QueryInterface to switch between the two. However, as you noted, this will only tell you if you've got your hands on a render or capture device. Much easier to only ask for what you want directly on EnumAudioEndpoints.
About code quality: use x->f() instead if (*x).f(), although it's technically the same thing the -> operator is the common way to call a function through an object pointer
Don't use vector::assign, apparently that replaces the contents of the entire vector on each call so you'll end up with a collection of size 1 regardless of the number of available devices. Use push_back instead.
After enumerating your IMMDevices as Sjoerd stated it is a must to retrieve the IPropertyStore
information for the device. From there you have to extract the PROPVARIANT object as such:
HRESULT keyResult = (*IMMDeviceProperties[i]).GetAt(p, &key);
HRESULT propVariResult = (*IMMDeviceProperties[i]).GetValue(key, &propVari);
according to these documents:
And finally to navigate the large PROPVARIANT structure in order to get the friendly name of the audio endpoint device simply access the pwszVal member of the PROPVARIANT structure as illustrated here:
All about finding the right documentation!