How can I use SetCurrentConsoleFontEx with fonts loaded by AddFontMemResourceEx? - c++

My main goal is to set the console font to Unifont using windows API functions. I can successfully do this by calling AddFontResource with the filename. I would rather use AddFontMemResourceEx because then I can load the font from a Resource.
I tested a variety of calls to load the font, and here are the results:
AddFontResource(filename); //works
AddFontResourceEx(filename, FR_PRIVATE, NULL); //does not work
AddFontResourceEx(filename, FR_NOT_ENUM, NULL); //works
AddFontMemResourceEx(valid_pointer, data_size, NULL, &font_count); //does not work
I tested these with two fonts, Unifont, and Fira Code (the only other font I could find that would display on the terminal).
I wrote this program to cut out possible issues with loading the font as a resource.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
int main() {
std::string filename = "unifont-13.0.04.ttf";
std::wstring fontname = L"Unifont";
auto fileSize = std::filesystem::file_size(filename);
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::binary);
char* data = new char[fileSize];, fileSize);
DWORD loadedFonts = 0;
AddFontMemResourceEx(reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(data), fileSize, NULL, &loadedFonts);
cfi.cbSize = sizeof(cfi);
cfi.nFont = 0;
cfi.dwFontSize.X = 0;
cfi.dwFontSize.Y = 16;
cfi.FontFamily = FF_DONTCARE;
cfi.FontWeight = FW_NORMAL;
wcscpy_s(cfi.FaceName, fontname.c_str());
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FALSE, &cfi);
std::wcout << "I found " << loadedFonts << " fonts.";
delete[] data;
With unifont, AddFontMemResourceEx will set loadedFonts to two, indicating it did find and load two fonts, and did not fail.
Worth noting, the HANDLE returned by SetCurrentConsoleFontEx is entirely useless for doing anything except calling RemoveFontMemResourceEx, which you don't even need to do in most cases because the fonts will be unloaded when the process ends.
Why does SetCurrentConsoleFontEx work with AddFontResource but not with AddFontMemResourceEx?

From the doc,
This function allows an application to get a font that is embedded in
a document or a webpage. A font that is added by AddFontMemResourceEx
is always private to the process that made the call and is not
For other content, please refer to zett42's answer,
You are calling AddFontResourceEx() with FR_PRIVATE flag, which means
the font is available only to your process.
Unfortunately, the console window is not part of your process
(GetWindowThreadProcessId() lies in this regard!). It is hosted by a
system process ("csrss.exe" before Win 7, "conhost.exe" since then).


SystemParametersInfo sets background to solid color rather than actually setting the picture

I have tried all of the solution specified on these posts:
How to change the windows 10 wallpaper with C++?
How to change desktop background using VC++
SystemParametersInfo sets wallpaper completly black (using SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER)
And i still cant seem to be able to get it working.... heres my code:
const wchar_t* path = L"C:\\imagge.png";
bool result = SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, (void*)path, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE);
std::cout << result;
Also if i specify a path that aint valid it still prints 1(true) when it clearly states on docs SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER bit that it should return 0(false) if theirs a problem
Also i have tried calling printing out GetLastError(); and it returns 0....
Note When the SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER flag is used, SystemParametersInfo
returns TRUE unless there is an error (like when the specified file
doesn't exist).
IInspectable suggested using IDesktopWallpaper interface
And i got it working!
Heres my code:
int main() {
std::wstring x = L"C:\\Users\\danie\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\pixelArt\\Sample.png";
IDesktopWallpaper* p;
if(SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DesktopWallpaper), 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, __uuidof(IDesktopWallpaper), (void**)&p))) {
ad = p->SetWallpaper(NULL, x.c_str());
return 0;

How to load file font into RAM using C/C++ and SDL2?

Accordingly to the ''best practices'' I have learned, we should load the resources we need to our programs into RAM, avoiding unnecessary requests to user's hard drive. Using SDL2, I always free image files after loading them into RAM. (File -> Surface -> Texture -> Free File/Surface). So, if I other application changes the file, my program ignores it, as the file is not in use by it anymore.
Now in lesson 16 I am learning to use the Add-on SDL_ttf.
However, using SDL_ttf addon I could not find a way to free the font.ttf file, loading it into RAM too. I can only see it through a pointer. It seems to me that the file keeps being read each time I render a text.
How can I load it into RAM, so the rendering calls a RAM position, instead of the file in HD?
Full code
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
int G = 255;
int main (void) {SDL_SetMainReady();
int SCREEN_WIDTH = 800;
int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;
bool QUIT_APPLICATION = false;
SDL_Event union_Event_manager;
SDL_Color str_White_colour = {255,255,255,255};
SDL_Window * ptr_Window = nullptr;
SDL_Surface * ptr_Text_Surface = nullptr;
SDL_Surface * ptr_Main_surface = nullptr;
SDL_RWops * ptr_str_rwops = nullptr;
TTF_Font * ptr_Font = nullptr;
ptr_Main_surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(ptr_Window);
ptr_str_rwops = SDL_RWFromFile("FreeMono.ttf", "r");
ptr_Font = TTF_OpenFontIndexRW(ptr_str_rwops, 1, 72, 0);
ptr_Text_Surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(ptr_Font, "Hello World", str_White_colour);
while(SDL_PollEvent(&union_Event_manager) != 0 ){
if (union_Event_manager.type == SDL_QUIT) {QUIT_APPLICATION = true;}
SDL_BlitSurface(ptr_Text_Surface, NULL, ptr_Main_surface, NULL);
// if called before any rendering, the app crashes, as supposed to.
// So, how free the **file** and keep using its content from RAM?
ptr_Font = nullptr;
ptr_str_rwops = nullptr;
ptr_Text_Surface = nullptr;
ptr_Main_surface = nullptr;
ptr_Window = nullptr;
return (0);}
Failure 1:
Create a structure to hold information from file.
TTF_Font str_Font; // Error in compilation ''incomplete type''
str_Font = *ptr_Font;
ptr_Font = nullptr;
ptr_Font = &str_Font;
Reason to failure:
I misunderstood how the file works. The structure only holds information about the file, not the media itself.
This approach is useless, and crash the program just after freeing the pointer (the rendering tries to dereference a nullptr).
Failure 2:
Use built in function to free resource.
ptr_Font = TTF_OpenFontIndexRW(SDL_RWFromFile("FreeMono.ttf", "r"), 1, 72, 0);
Reason to failure:
I do not understand why, as the second argument (non-zero) specifies it should free the resource after usage. It also happens in the completed source code above, where I merely separated the functions in two lines.
Failure 3:
Create structure to hold information about pointer.
ptr_str_rwops = SDL_RWFromFile("FreeMono.ttf", "r");
str_rwops = *ptr_str_rwops;
SDL_RWclose(ptr_str_rwops); // crashes the program
ptr_str_rwops = nullptr;
ptr_str_rwops = &str_rwops; // useless: file still in use.
Reason to failure:
The structure RWops seems to not hold the file, only information about it. So it is the sum of failure 1 and 2.
Failure 4:
Tried to load file as object.
ptr_LoadObject = (TTF_Font*)SDL_LoadObject("FreeMono.ttf");
ptr_str_rwops = SDL_RWFromFile((const char *)ptr_LoadObject, "r");
Reason to failure:
This function works with shared operational system files. Wrong usage of function.
Update 2019-04-05
Failure 5
Tried to make a copy of file directly into RAM useing memcpy
long int func_discover_file_size(char* file){
long int var_file_size = 0;
FILE * ptr_file = nullptr;
ptr_file = fopen(file, "rb");
fseek(ptr_file , 0L , SEEK_END);
var_file_size = ftell(ptr_file);
return var_file_size;
/*END func_discover_file_size*/}
int main (void) {
/*cut unrelated code*/
void * ptr_load_file = nullptr;
void * ptr_File_copy = nullptr;
long int var_file_size = 0;
/*cut unrelated code*/
var_file_size = func_discover_file_size("FreeMono.ttf");
// works fine and returns correct size of file.
ptr_File_copy = (char*) calloc (1, var_file_size);
// memory allocation works fine (tested)
ptr_load_file = fopen("FreeMono.ttf", "rb");
// file loaded correctly. Test with FOR LOOP shows content of file in console.
memcpy(ptr_File_copy, ptr_load_file, var_file_size);
// program crashes in line above
Reason to failure:
It looks like I do not know how to correctly use memcpy. I tried many many casts to function and pointers (void, char), tried to change type of pointers to char, void, FILE, tried to output to a third pointer...
Now I am looking for a good soul to enlight my ways... :-p
note: C tagged because SDL
While freetype (which SDL_ttf uses) will not read font more than once (which it can't, since its API doesn't provide seek functionality), SDL_ttf will not close file/RWops until font closes. You can achieve what you've described via manually loading file into memory buffer and using that memory as RWops to feed data to SDL_ttf, e.g. (no error checking, no free, etc. - this is just an example):
/* 'slurp' file (read entire file into memory buffer)
* there are multiple ways to do so
SDL_RWops *file_rw = SDL_RWFromFile("font.ttf", "rb");
Sint64 file_sz = file_rw->size(file_rw);
void *membuf = malloc(file_sz);
file_rw->read(file_rw, membuf, 1, file_sz);
/* use memory buffer as RWops */
SDL_RWops *mem_rw = SDL_RWFromConstMem(membuf, file_sz);
TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFontRW(mem_rw, 1, font_size);
/* free(membuf) when you're done with the font */
The secondary question about memcpy can be solved in the following way:
memcpy copies a file object, not its contents. In order to read from it:
Use fread function to read from FILE*: fread(ptr_File_copy, 1,
var_file_size, ptr_load_file) instead of memcpy.

Request image from X11 compositing WM in C or C++

I need to request and retrieve an image of a window from the X server or the WM (I believe the WM does the actual compositing). I need to be able to get an image of the window even if it is obscured by another window or located on another workspace (but still mapped). I need to use C or C++ and would like to use XCB or Xlib. I think I also have Gtk+ development tools installed but it's been a while since I used them.
I have tried using xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap() with no success (XCB errors).
I tried using the render extension to render the window to a picture which produced no errors, but I still needed to get the image loaded into my program's memory.
I tried to use xcb_get_image to get the picture which, IIRC, failed (bad resource I believe).
I tried to copy the picture to a pixmap and use xcb_get_image on that. I was able to download what appeared to be an image, but it looked more like random regions of the screen than the actual window.
In short, I'm just making guesses at this point.
I'm having a difficult time finding organized and complete documentation. The most recent publications I can find on X11, XCB, or Xlib is from 1994 (The O'Reilly book on Xlib and/or X11R6) which I doubt has much, if anything, valid on these extensions. Most of the man pages and online documentation has a lot of "TODO: explain this" and/or function descriptions like "deliver a request to the X server". Any help that anyone can provide will be of use to me.
I'm currently running compiz for my WM and emerald for window decorations and nothing else standard in terms of a "desktop environment". I'm working on some utility applications for a custom desktop that I plan to release when they are ready. I would like whatever I make to work with some other WMs but, if it requires special codepaths for each, I can add the others down the line.
EDIT: I originally had added a non-working example here, and then a stripped down working example, which has all been moved to an answer as suggested in the comments.
I now have a working example that I will post here:
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xcb/xproto.h>
#include <xcb/composite.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s windowId\n", argv[0]);
xcb_window_t req_win_id = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL);
xcb_generic_error_t *err = NULL, *err2 = NULL;
xcb_composite_query_version_cookie_t comp_ver_cookie = xcb_composite_query_version(connection, 0, 2);
xcb_composite_query_version_reply_t *comp_ver_reply = xcb_composite_query_version_reply(connection, comp_ver_cookie, &err);
if (comp_ver_reply)
if (comp_ver_reply->minor_version < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "query composite failure: server returned v%d.%d\n", comp_ver_reply->major_version, comp_ver_reply->minor_version);
else if (err)
fprintf(stderr, "xcb error: %d\n", err->error_code);
const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup(connection);
xcb_screen_iterator_t screen_iter = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup);
xcb_screen_t *screen =;
// request redirection of window
xcb_composite_redirect_window(connection, req_win_id, XCB_COMPOSITE_REDIRECT_AUTOMATIC);
int win_h, win_w, win_d;
xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t gg_cookie = xcb_get_geometry(connection, req_win_id);
xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *gg_reply = xcb_get_geometry_reply(connection, gg_cookie, &err);
if (gg_reply) {
win_w = gg_reply->width;
win_h = gg_reply->height;
win_d = gg_reply->depth;
} else {
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "get geometry: XCB error %d\n", err->error_code);
// create a pixmap
xcb_pixmap_t win_pixmap = xcb_generate_id(connection);
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap(connection, req_win_id, win_pixmap);
// get the image
xcb_get_image_cookie_t gi_cookie = xcb_get_image(connection, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, win_pixmap, 0, 0, win_w, win_h, (uint32_t)(~0UL));
xcb_get_image_reply_t *gi_reply = xcb_get_image_reply(connection, gi_cookie, &err);
if (gi_reply) {
int data_len = xcb_get_image_data_length(gi_reply);
fprintf(stderr, "data_len = %d\n", data_len);
fprintf(stderr, "visual = %u\n", gi_reply->visual);
fprintf(stderr, "depth = %u\n", gi_reply->depth);
fprintf(stderr, "size = %dx%d\n", win_w, win_h);
uint8_t *data = xcb_get_image_data(gi_reply);
fwrite(data, data_len, 1, stdout);
It was a case of overdoing it. I got the idea that I should use Xrender from somewhere and started pulling tons of data from that extension that I didn't really need. But the real problem I had was that the pixmap given to xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap should not be created first, but rather I just needed the new id for it. It turns out that it is really as simple as I expected it to be. All you need is the Window ID and the size, do some checks to make sure composite is there and a good version (>=0.2 in this case), and call xcb_composite_redirect_window, xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap (with a generated pixmap id), and xcb_get_image (+reply,data_len,data) in that order, and you have the image.

AddFontResource + SetCurrentConsoleFontEx are not changing a console font

I'm trying to change a console font to a custom one, but this specific code piece doesn't seem to acomplish anything, even though this is what I came up while trying to find a solution around the Internet. I tested just the SetCurrentConsoleFontEx with this custom font by installing and adding it to the console with regestry by hand, and it's been functioning properly.
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
std::cout << "Default font" << std::endl;
HANDLE m_stdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
AddFontResourceEx(L"Iosevka.ttf", FR_PRIVATE, 0);
ZeroMemory(&cfie, sizeof(cfie));
cfie.cbSize = sizeof(cfie);
cfie.dwFontSize.Y = 21;
lstrcpyW(cfie.FaceName, L"Iosevka");
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(m_stdOut, false, &cfie);
std::cout << "Custom font" << std::endl;
return 0;
You are calling AddFontResourceEx() with FR_PRIVATE flag, which means the font is available only to your process.
Unfortunately, the console window is not part of your process (GetWindowThreadProcessId() lies in this regard!). It is hosted by a system process ("csrss.exe" before Win 7, "conhost.exe" since then).
See: Windows Command-Line: Inside the Windows Console
To make the font available to the console, you have to remove the FR_PRIVATE flag or install the font permanently.

How do you run external programs with parameters without the cmd window showing up in Windows?

I just asked a question earlier today because I wanted to run an executable file that takes parameters from my C++ code and it wasn't working.
It works now, but I'm still having problems since I thought I was going the right way about this, but it seems like what I want to accomplish can't be done the way I'm approaching it...
This is my corrected code from my other question:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main (){
system("\"\"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\pdftotext\" -layout \"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\week 4.pdf\"\"");
which is me running "pdftotext -layout myfile.pdf" as if I was running it from a CMD window.
The thing is, I don't actually want the cmd to show up since I have a GUI interface on top of it and I want to display a nicer progress bar instead of seeing the windows pop-up for every file I need to parse.
I looked around and either I don't understand what I'm reading since I'm relatively new to C++, or I just didn't find what I was looking for. I found that using CreateProcess, I should be able to do this, but after copying some code I found somewhere else, the cmd window pops-up anyway.
I'd like it if someone could give me the name of a function I could use to accomplish something like this or if someone could give some example code for this small case in the code I posted since I'm not sure I understand everything as I should, being new to C++ and all.
Edit: As requested in a comment, the code for CreateProcess that I tried is what I found at this url:
Which is (with my own parameters that I think should go there):
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
size_t ExecuteProcess(std::wstring FullPathToExe, std::wstring Parameters, size_t SecondsToWait)
size_t iMyCounter = 0, iReturnVal = 0, iPos = 0;
DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
std::wstring sTempStr = L"";
/* - NOTE - You should check here to see if the exe even exists */
/* Add a space to the beginning of the Parameters */
if (Parameters.size() != 0)
if (Parameters[0] != L' ')
Parameters.insert(0,L" ");
/* The first parameter needs to be the exe itself */
sTempStr = FullPathToExe;
iPos = sTempStr.find_last_of(L"\\");
sTempStr.erase(0, iPos +1);
Parameters = sTempStr.append(Parameters);
/* CreateProcessW can modify Parameters thus we allocate needed memory */
wchar_t * pwszParam = new wchar_t[Parameters.size() + 1];
if (pwszParam == 0)
return 1;
const wchar_t* pchrTemp = Parameters.c_str();
wcscpy_s(pwszParam, Parameters.size() + 1, pchrTemp);
/* CreateProcess API initialization */
memset(&siStartupInfo, 0, sizeof(siStartupInfo));
memset(&piProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(piProcessInfo));
siStartupInfo.cb = sizeof(siStartupInfo);
if (CreateProcessW(const_cast<LPCWSTR>(FullPathToExe.c_str()),
pwszParam, 0, 0, false,
&siStartupInfo, &piProcessInfo) != false)
/* Watch the process. */
dwExitCode = WaitForSingleObject(piProcessInfo.hProcess, (SecondsToWait * 1000));
/* CreateProcess failed */
iReturnVal = GetLastError();
/* Free memory */
pwszParam = 0;
/* Release handles */
return iReturnVal;
int main(void){
ExecuteProcess(L"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\pdftotext", L"-layout \"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\week 4.pdf\"", 0);
I'm a little bit overwhelmed since it uses some things I've never used before, but I think I understand the core (keyword: think). It doesn't solve my problem, though, because the cmd shows up and by retesting it I actually noticed that the cmd doesn't even run the .exe and doesn't give me an error message.
I hope this bit of code helps... I didn't want to look into it further since it seemed like I wasn't even going in the right direction.
Use CreateProcess instead of system.
the code for CreateProcess that I tried is what I found at this url:
The code is a mess, I'd advise to avoid that url in future.
At the end of "CreateProcess" article is a link named "Creating Processes", which contains simpler example that is easier to read. Use it as a starting point.
After adding the following lines for siStartupInfo, cmd window won't pop up any more with my own test *.exe.
siStartupInfo.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
siStartupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
siStartupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
siStartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
But I have another problem. As I try to run some other executable, whose command line would be
TEST.exe <input-file> output-file
in a cmd window, WaitForSingleObject() return 258, and GetLastError() return 1813 ("The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.").
See system() and CreateProcess() / CreateProcessW() for more details.
Any ideas would be highly appreciated!
The only way I found how to execute an external program is:
system("start C:\file path\ file");
The only problem is that the file or directory can't have spaces.