AWS SQS - how to limit processing queue per minute - amazon-web-services

in AWS SQS how to limit processing queue per minute?
we have a scenario that we need to limit the calls to 3rd party API to be max 10 calls per minute. so our solution is to make that call Async using AWS SQS and Lambda function. but we know that we can apply delay to each queue but are there a way to limit queue per minute (max 10 receive queue per minute)?

If you review the Trigger detail for your lambda function, you will see two very interesting values Batch size and Batch window, by default you will see that the value in size is 10, to be able to place different values you must remove the detail and add it again for the SQS queue, you could perhaps adjust the Batch Window so that it fulfills what you want to do.
As the source indicates, lambda will wait according to the time you indicate, adjusting that value in theory could make it fit within the minute, I hope it helps you.


SQS → Lambda Problem With maximumBatchingWindow

Our intention is to trigger a lambda when messages are received in an SQS queue.
we only want one invocation of the lambda to run at a time (maximum concurrency of one)
We would like for the lambda to be triggered every time one of the following is true:
There are 10,000 messages in the queue
Five minutes has passed since the last invocation of the lambda
Our consumer lambda is dealing with an API with limited API calls and strict concurrency limits. The above solution ensures we never encounter concurrency issues and we can batch our calls together, ensuring we never consume too many API calls.
Here is our serverless.yml configuration
name: sqs-consumer
handler: handlers.consume_handler
reservedConcurrency: 1 // maximum concurrency of 1
- sqs:
arn: !GetAtt
- SqsQueue
- Arn
batchSize: 10000
maximumBatchingWindow: 300
timeout: 900
Type: 'AWS::SQS::Queue'
QueueName: sqs-queue
VisibilityTimeout: 5400 # 6x greater than the lambda timeout
The above does not give us the desired behavior. We are seeing our lambda triggered every 1 to 3 minutes (instead of 5). It indeed is using batches because we’ll see multiple messages being processed in a single invocation, but with even just one or two messages in the queue at a time it doesn’t wait 5 minutes to trigger the lambda.
Our messages are extremely small, so it's not possible we're coming anywhere close to the 6mb limit.
We would expect the only time the lambda is triggered to be when either 10,000 messages have accumulated in the queue or five minutes have transpired since the previous invocation. Instead we are seeing the lambda invoked anywhere in between every 1 to 3 minutes with a batch size that never even breaks 100, much less 10,000.
The largest batch size I’ve seen it invoke the lambda with so far has been 28, and sometimes with only one message in the queue it’ll invoke the function when it’s only been one minute since the previous invocation.
We would like to avoid using Kinesis, as the volume we’re dealing with truly doesn’t warrant it.
Reply from AWS Support:
As per the Case ID 10802672001, I understand that you have an SQS
event source mapping on Lambda with a batch size of 500 and batch
Window of 60 seconds. I further understand that you have observed the
lambda function invocation has fewer messages than 500 in a batch and
is not waiting for batch window time configured while receiving the
messages. You would like to know why lambda is being invoked prior to
meeting any of the above configured conditions and seek our assistance
in troubleshooting the same. Please correct me if I misunderstood your
query by any means.
Initially, I would like to thank you for sharing the detailed
correspondence along with the screenshot of the logs, it was indeed
very helpful in troubleshooting the issue.
Firstly, I used the internal tools to check the configuration of your
lambda function "sd_dch_archivebatterydata" and observed that there
is no throttling in the lambda function and there is no reserved
concurrency configured. As you might already be aware that Lambda is
meant to scale while polling from SQS queues and thus it is
recommended not to use reserving concurrency, as it is going against
the design of the event source. On checking log screenshot shared by
you, I observed there were no errors.
Regarding your query, please allow me to answer them as follows:
Please understand here that Batch size is the maximum number of messages that lambda will read from the queue in one batch for a
single invocation. It should be considered as the maximum number of
messages (up to) that can be received in a single batch but not as a
fixed value that can be received at all times in a single invocation.
-- Please see "When Lambda invokes the target function, the event can contain multiple items, up to a configurable maximum batch size" in
the official documentation here [1] for more information on the same.
I would also like to add that, according to the internal architecture of how the SQS service is designed, Lambda pollers will
poll the messages from the queue using the "ReceiveMessage" API
calls and invokes the Lambda function.
-- Please refer the documentation [2] which states the following "If the number of messages in the queue is small (fewer than 1,000), you
most likely get fewer messages than you requested per ReceiveMessage
call. If the number of messages in the queue is extremely small, you
might not receive any messages in a particular ReceiveMessage
response. If this happens, repeat the request".
-- Thus, we can see that the number of messages that can be obtained in a single lambda invocation with a certain batch size depends on the
number of messages in an SQS queue and the SQS service internal
Also, batch window is the maximum amount of time that the poller waits to gather the messages from the queue before invoking the
function. However, this applies when there are no messages in the
queue. Thus, as soon as there is a message in the queue, the Lambda
function will be invoked without any further due without waiting for
the batch window time specified. You can refer to the
"WaitTimeSeconds" parameter in the "ReceiveMessage" API.
-- The batch window just ensures that lambda starts polling after certain time so that enough messages are present in the queue.
However, there are other factors like size of messages, incoming
volume, etc that can affect this behavior.
Additionally, I would like to confirm that Polls from SQS in Lambda is of Synchronous invocation type and it has an invocation payload
limit size of 6MB. Please refer the following AWS Documentation for
more information on the same [3].
Having said that, I can confirm that this Lambda polling behaviour is
by design and not a bug. Please be rest assured that there are no
issues with the lambda and SQS service.
Our scenario is to archive to S3, and we want fewer larger files. Looks like our options are potentially kinesis, or running a custom receive application on something like ECS...

Recursive AWS lambda with updating state

I have an AWS Lambda that polls from an external server for new events every 6 hours. On every call, if there are any new events, it publishes the updated total number of events polled to a SNS. So I essentially need to call the lambda on fixed intervals but also pass a counter state across calls.
I'm currently considering the following options:
Store the counter somewhere on a EFS/S3, but it seems an
overkill for a simple number
EventBridge, which would be ok to schedule the execution, but doesn't store state across calls
A step function with a loop + wait on the the lambda would do it, but it doesn't seem to be the most efficient/cost effective way to do it
use a SQS with a delay so that the lambda essentially
triggers itself, passing the updated state. Again I don't think
this is the most effective, and to actually get to the 6 hours delay
I would have to implement some checks/delays within the lambda, as the max delay for SQS is 15 minutes
What would be the best way to do it?
For scheduling Lambda at intervals, you can use CloudWatch Events. Scheduling Lambda using Serverless framework is a breeze. A cronjob type statement can schedule your lambda call. Here's a guide on scheduling:
As for saving data, you can use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. It's a simple Key value pair storate for such small amount of data.
OR you can also save it in DynamoDB. Since the data is small and frequency is less, you wont be charged much and there's no hassle of reading files or parsing.

SQS Lambda Trigger polling rate

I'm trying to understand how SQS Lambda Triggers works when polling for messages from the Queue.
I'm trying to make sure that not more than 3 messages are processed within a period of 1 second.
My idea is to set the trigger BatchSize to 3 and setting the ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds of the queue to 1 second. Am I thinking about this correctly?
I did some digging and looks like I can set a concurrency limit on my Lambda. If I set my Lambda concurrency limit to one that ensures only one batch of message gets processed at a time. If my lambda runs for a second, then the next batch of messages gets processed at least a second later. The gotcha here is long-polling auto scales the number of asychronous polling on the queue based on message volume. This means, the lambdas can potentailly throttle when a large number of messages comes in. When the lambdas throttle, the message goes back to the queue until it eventually goes into the DLQ.
ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used for long polling. It is the length of time, in seconds, for which a ReceiveMessage action waits for messages to arrive (docs). Long polling does not mean that your client will wait for the full length of the time set. If you have it set to one second, but in the queue we already have enough messages, your client will consume them instantaneously and will try to consume again as soon as processing is completed.
If you want to consume certain number of messages at certain rate, you have do this on your application (for example consumes messages on a scheduled basis). SQS by itself does not provide any kind of rate limiting similar to what you would want to accomplish.

SQS batching for Lambda trigger doesn't work as expected

I have 2 Lambda Functions and an SQS queue inbetween.
The first Lambda sends the messages to the Queue.
Then second Lambda has a trigger for this Queue with a batch size of 250 and a batch window of 65 seconds.
I expect the second Lambda to be triggered in batches of 250 messages after about every 65 seconds. In the second Lambda I'm calling a 3rd party API that is limited to 250 API calls per minute (I get 250 tokens per minute).
I tested this setup with for 32.000 messages being added to the queue and the second Lambda didn't pick up the messages in batches as expected. At first it got executed for 15k messages and then there were not enough tokens so it did not process those messages.
The 3rd party API is based on a token bucket with a fill rate of 250 per minute and a maximum capacity of 15.000. It managed to process the first 15.000 messages due to the bucket capacity and then didn't have enough capacity to handle the rest.
I don't understand what went wrong.
The misunderstanding is probably related to how Lambda handles scaling.
Whenever there are more events than a single Lambda execution context/instance can handle, Lambda just creates more execution contexts/instances to process these events.
What probably happened is that Lambda saw there are a bunch of messages in the queue and it tries to work on these as fast as possible. It created a Lambda instance to handle the first event and then talked to SQS and asked for more work. When it got the next batch of messages, the first instance was still busy, so it scaled out and created a second one that worked on the second batch in parallel, etc. etc.
That's how you ended up going through your token budget in a few minutes.
You can limit how many functions Lambda is allowed to execute in parallel by using reserved concurrency - here are the docs for reference. If you set the reserved concurrency to 1, there will be no parallelization and only one Lambda is allowed to work on the messages.
This however opens you up to another issue. If that single Lambda takes less than 60 seconds to process the messages, Lambda will call it again with another batch ASAP and you might go over your budget again.
At this point a relatively simple approach would be to make sure that your lambda function always takes about 60 seconds by adding a sleep for the remaining time at the end.

Processing AWS SQS messages with separate Lambda at a time

Like the title suggests, I have a scenario that I would like to explore but do not know how to go about it.
I have a lambda function processCSVFile. I also have a SQS queue that at a set time everyday, it gets populated with link of csv files from S3, let's say about 2000 messages. Now I want to process 25 messages at a time once the SQS queue has the messages.
The scenario I am looking for is to process 25 messages concurrently, I want the 25 messages to be processed by 25 lambda invocations separately. I thought I could use SendMessageBatch function in SQS but this only delivers messages to the queue, it does not seem to apply to my use case.
My question is, am I able to perform the action explained above and if it is possible, what documentation or use cases can explain what I am looking for.
Also, if this use case is impossible, what do you recommend as an alternative way to do the processing I want done concurrently.
To process 25 messages from Amazon SQS with 25 concurrent Lambda functions (1 message per running Lambda function), you would need:
A maximum concurrency of 25 configured for the Lambda function (otherwise it might go higher than this when more messages are available)
A batch size of 1 configured on the Lambda trigger so that SQS only passes it one message at a time
AWS Lambda Function Scaling (Maximum concurrency)
Configuring a Queue as an Event Source (Batch size)
I think that combination of lambda's event source mapping for sqs
and setting reserved concurrency to 25 could be the way do go.
The lambda uses long pooling to prepare message batches for concurrent processing by lambda. Thus each invocation of your function could get more than 1 message at a time.
I don't think there is a way to set event source mapping to serve just one message per batch. If you absolute must ensure only one message is processed by lambda, then you process one and disregards others (put them back to queue).
The reserved concurrency of 25 guarantees that you wont be running more than 25 functions in parallel. If you leave it at its default value, you can run up to whatever free concurrency you have in your account.
#JohnRotenstein already confirmed that there is a way to set lambda to pass message a time to your function.
Hope this helps.