A deterministic execution time measure - c++

Some algorithms depend on a time measure. E.g., 10% of the time, follow approach A. If that does not work, follow B for 20% of the time. If that does not work, do C.
Measuring execution time in seconds is non-deterministic. Cache state, interleaving non-user tasks on a core, or even simply the dynamic boost of a modern processor's clock speed are external influences that alter the execution time of otherwise deterministic code. Hence, the algorithm might behave non-deterministically if classic execution time measures are used.
To keep the algorithm behaving deterministically, I'm looking for a deterministic way to measure execution time. This is possible, e.g., the CPLEX solver has a deterministic time measure called ticks.
I know this simple question does not have a simple answer. So let me narrow it down a little:
The determinism property is a hard constraint. I'd rather have a measure that only very weakly correlates with measured execution time, as long as it is deterministic.
Ideally, the deterministic time measure measures the whole program execution, including statically compiled libraries. But if this is not possible, then measuring the execution time of the source code I can modify is fine.
I'm willing to take a 100% performance hit, but not more. Less of a performance hit would be better though :)
It's ok if the compiled binary is no longer portable among different CPU models.
Some approaches I have considered, but don't know how hard they are to implement or how well they will work:
modifying a compiler to add a command incrementing a global counter inbetween each other command in the compiled code. This seems like the most principled approach, and may in theory even work for statically compiled libraries.
counting the number of memory accesses. No idea how to do this in practice. Probably also by modifying a compiler?
counting the number of if-statements and loop condition checks using a global counter in the source code. This can be done easily by, e.g., macros, but it will overlook many library calls (e.g., a simple call to sort a vector will not increase the counter), and hence may not correlate much with the actual execution time.
accessing hardware performance counters to, e.g., count the number of instructions of a process, perhaps through a library such as PAPI. The problem here is that I think these counters are non-deterministic as well?
So, how to deterministically measure the execution time of a program?
Edit: measuring cpu time (e.g. by the clock() function) is definitely better than my naive wall clock time examples. However, measuring cpu time is by no means deterministic: runs of the same deterministic program will yield different cpu times. I'm really looking for a deterministic measure (or a measure of "work done" as #mevets calls it).

You can access process time (number of clock cycles used by the process) instead of wall clock time (time elapsed including any other processes that context-switched in between) by calling the C standard library function clock(). There are CLOCKS_PER_SEC clock ticks in one second. Note that this may run faster than wall clock time if your program is multithreaded -- i.e., it measures clock cycles consumed by the program over all processor cores. Therefore, CLOCKS_PER_SEC clock ticks refers to one second of compute time on one processor core. To implement the switching between methods, you could use asynchronous I/O (such as with newfangled C++20 coroutines, or Boost coroutines), checking process time occassionally, or you could do timed software interrupts that set a flag which is picked up by the main thread of execution, which then switches to a new method.
You probably don't want to increment a counter after each instruction. That creates enormous compute overhead and gums up your processor pipeline because every other instruction depends on the instruction 2 before it, and also your instruction cache.
Code example (POSIX):
static /* possibly thread_local */ std::atomic<int> method;
void interrupt_handler(int signal_code) {
void calculation(/* input */) {
auto prev_signal_handler = signal(SIGINT, &interrupt_handler);
try {
int prev_method = 0;
// schedule timer interrupts
for (size_t num_ns : /* list of times, in ns */) {
timer_t t_id;
sigevent ev;
ev.sigev_notify = SIGNAL;
ev.sigev_signo = SIGINT;
ev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &t_id;
timer_create(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &ev, &t_id);
itimerspec t_spec;
t_spec.it_interval.tv_sec = t_spec.it_value.tv_sec = num_ns / 1000000000;
t_spec.it_interval.tv_nsec = t_spec.it_value.tv_nsec = num_ns % 1000000000;
timer_settime(t_id, 0, &t_spec, nullptr);
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
int current_method = method.load();
if (current_method != prev_method) {
// switch method
else {
// continue using current method
catch (...) {
signal(SIGINT, prev_signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT, prev_signal_handler);

You're mired with some detailed solutions that potentially extensively change the code, probably because those are the only approaches you're familiar with, but this is IMHO short sighted. You cannot at this point know for sure that instrumenting the generated code in such an invasive way has merit. Let's step back for a minute.
Some algorithms depend on a time measure. E.g., 10% of the time, follow approach A. If that does not work, follow B for 20% of the time. If that does not work, do C.
I don't think it's true. It's an arbitrary constraint, that's not general at all. The algorithms depend on the "effort", and often real time is a very poor substitute for effort. As you have well stated, any sort of "time" is mired in architectural specifics.
Another problem is the assumption that the algorithms are the units of change. They are generally not, i.e. you don't have as much control here as you think you do, unless you code all the numerical parts in assembly, or thoroughly audit the generated code. Each algorithm, if it succeeds, may produce slightly different results depending on numerical error stackups due to the architecture-dependent selections done by the generated code at runtime. It's a thing, compilers and/or their runtime libraries do plenty of that! So the idea that running the same compiled floating point code on various PCs and will produce bit-identical results is correct as long as your goal is to show it incorrect, but in reality it'll prove incorrect at some later time when you'll be too deep into it to realistically implement the huge changes needed for a fix.
But inside the algorithm you should have plenty of arbitrary points where you can increment a counter - not too often, and use the value of the counter as a measure of effort your algorithm has expended. It doesn't matter much that such a measure has a different scaling factor to "real time", for each algorithm, because real time is not the true requirement here. All you really want is some deterministic way to carry out a decision to switch algorithms, and you can roughly calibrate these arbitrary switchover points to real time once, and keep this calibration frozen: it doesn't really matter exactly, only that you can clearly decide when to switch.
Furthermore, there's some caution to be had when an algorithm produces a result ("converges") very close to the effort threshold. Due to architectural differences, the exact effort required to achieve "convergence" in terms of a fixed floating point threshold may slightly vary between CPU generations. So instead of being a hard cutoff, you need some way of expressing hysteresis, so that if the convergence happens close to the effort cut-off, some more alternative criterion is used for either threshold or convergence, but you'd need to do proper statistical modeling to show that the alternates are sufficiently reliable.

A counter can handle units of work, but is each unit of equal value (ie. time)? The service clock(3) provides an approximate virtual time of execution -- that is time elapsed while your process is actually running, as opposed to real world (wall) time.
Similarly, timer_create may accept clock ids similar to CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, which permits you to raise a signal after a certain cpu time has passed. Providing your app can be arbitrarily interrupted without entering a undefined state, you could use this to switch from method 1 -> 2 -> 3.
Although better than counting blocks of work, you will need to accept a certain inaccuracy around the exact time to account for system overhead, cache contention, etc..


Why are the relative performance results in Google Benchmark completely different from raw loops? [duplicate]

I am evaluating a network+rendering workload for my project.
The program continuously runs a main loop:
while (true) {
The main loop runs more than 60 times per second.
I want to see the performance breakdown, how much time each procedure takes.
My concern is that if I print the time interval for every entrance and exit of each procedure,
It would incur huge performance overhead.
I am curious what is an idiomatic way of measuring the performance.
Printing of logging is good enough?
Generally: For repeated short things, you can just time the whole repeat loop. (But microbenchmarking is hard; easy to distort results unless you understand the implications of doing that; for very short things, throughput and latency are different, so measure both separately by making one iteration use the result of the previous or not. Also beware that branch prediction and caching can make something look fast in a microbenchmark when it would actually be costly if done one at a time between other work in a larger program.
e.g. loop unrolling and lookup tables often look good because there's no pressure on I-cache or D-cache from anything else.)
Or if you insist on timing each separate iteration, record the results in an array and print later; you don't want to invoke heavy-weight printing code inside your loop.
This question is way too broad to say anything more specific.
Many languages have benchmarking packages that will help you write microbenchmarks of a single function. Use them. e.g. for Java, JMH makes sure the function under test is warmed up and fully optimized by the JIT, and all that jazz, before doing timed runs. And runs it for a specified interval, counting how many iterations it completes. See How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? for that and more.
Beware common microbenchmark pitfalls
Failure to warm up code / data caches and stuff: page faults within the timed region for touching new memory, or code / data cache misses, that wouldn't be part of normal operation. (Example of noticing this effect: Performance: memset; or example of a wrong conclusion based on this mistake)
Never-written memory (obtained fresh from the kernel) gets all its pages copy-on-write mapped to the same system-wide physical page (4K or 2M) of zeros if you read without writing, at least on Linux. So you can get cache hits but TLB misses. e.g. A large allocation from new / calloc / malloc, or a zero-initialized array in static storage in .bss. Use a non-zero initializer or memset.
Failure to give the CPU time to ramp up to max turbo: modern CPUs clock down to idle speeds to save power, only clocking up after a few milliseconds. (Or longer depending on the OS / HW).
related: on modern x86, RDTSC counts reference cycles, not core clock cycles, so it's subject to the same CPU-frequency variation effects as wall-clock time.
Most integer and FP arithmetic asm instructions (except divide and square root which are already slower than others) have performance (latency and throughput) that doesn't depend on the actual data. Except for subnormal aka denormal floating point being very slow, and in some cases (e.g. legacy x87 but not SSE2) also producing NaN or Inf can be slow.
On modern CPUs with out-of-order execution, some things are too short to truly time meaningfully, see also this. Performance of a tiny block of assembly language (e.g. generated by a compiler for one function) can't be characterized by a single number, even if it doesn't branch or access memory (so no chance of mispredict or cache miss). It has latency from inputs to outputs, but different throughput if run repeatedly with independent inputs is higher. e.g. an add instruction on a Skylake CPU has 4/clock throughput, but 1 cycle latency. So dummy = foo(x) can be 4x faster than x = foo(x); in a loop. Floating-point instructions have higher latency than integer, so it's often a bigger deal. Memory access is also pipelined on most CPUs, so looping over an array (address for next load easy to calculate) is often much faster than walking a linked list (address for next load isn't available until the previous load completes).
Obviously performance can differ between CPUs; in the big picture usually it's rare for version A to be faster on Intel, version B to be faster on AMD, but that can easily happen in the small scale. When reporting / recording benchmark numbers, always note what CPU you tested on.
Related to the above and below points: you can't "benchmark the * operator" in C in general, for example. Some use-cases for it will compile very differently from others, e.g. tmp = foo * i; in a loop can often turn into tmp += foo (strength reduction), or if the multiplier is a constant power of 2 the compiler will just use a shift. The same operator in the source can compile to very different instructions, depending on surrounding code.
You need to compile with optimization enabled, but you also need to stop the compiler from optimizing away the work, or hoisting it out of a loop. Make sure you use the result (e.g. print it or store it to a volatile) so the compiler has to produce it. For an array, volatile double sink = output[argc]; is a useful trick: the compiler doesn't know the value of argc so it has to generate the whole array, but you don't need to read the whole array or even call an RNG function. (Unless the compiler aggressively transforms to only calculate the one output selected by argc, but that tends not to be a problem in practice.)
For inputs, use a random number or argc or something instead of a compile-time constant so your compiler can't do constant-propagation for things that won't be constants in your real use-case. In C you can sometimes use inline asm or volatile for this, e.g. the stuff this question is asking about. A good benchmarking package like Google Benchmark will include functions for this.
If the real use-case for a function lets it inline into callers where some inputs are constant, or the operations can be optimized into other work, it's not very useful to benchmark it on its own.
Big complicated functions with special handling for lots of special cases can look fast in a microbenchmark when you run them repeatedly, especially with the same input every time. In real life use-cases, branch prediction often won't be primed for that function with that input. Also, a massively unrolled loop can look good in a microbenchmark, but in real life it slows everything else down with its big instruction-cache footprint leading to eviction of other code.
Related to that last point: Don't tune only for huge inputs, if the real use-case for a function includes a lot of small inputs. e.g. a memcpy implementation that's great for huge inputs but takes too long to figure out which strategy to use for small inputs might not be good. It's a tradeoff; make sure it's good enough for large inputs (for an appropriate definition of "enough"), but also keep overhead low for small inputs.
Litmus tests:
If you're benchmarking two functions in one program: if reversing the order of testing changes the results, your benchmark isn't fair. e.g. function A might only look slow because you're testing it first, with insufficient warm-up. example: Why is std::vector slower than an array? (it's not, whichever loop runs first has to pay for all the page faults and cache misses; the 2nd just zooms through filling the same memory.)
Increasing the iteration count of a repeat loop should linearly increase the total time, and not affect the calculated time-per-call. If not, then you have non-negligible measurement overhead or your code optimized away (e.g. hoisted out of the loop and runs only once instead of N times).
Vary other test parameters as a sanity check.
For C / C++, see also Simple for() loop benchmark takes the same time with any loop bound where I went into some more detail about microbenchmarking and using volatile or asm to stop important work from optimizing away with gcc/clang.

What ist faster? atomic<..>.store or atomic<..>compare_exchange_weak [duplicate]

I am evaluating a network+rendering workload for my project.
The program continuously runs a main loop:
while (true) {
The main loop runs more than 60 times per second.
I want to see the performance breakdown, how much time each procedure takes.
My concern is that if I print the time interval for every entrance and exit of each procedure,
It would incur huge performance overhead.
I am curious what is an idiomatic way of measuring the performance.
Printing of logging is good enough?
Generally: For repeated short things, you can just time the whole repeat loop. (But microbenchmarking is hard; easy to distort results unless you understand the implications of doing that; for very short things, throughput and latency are different, so measure both separately by making one iteration use the result of the previous or not. Also beware that branch prediction and caching can make something look fast in a microbenchmark when it would actually be costly if done one at a time between other work in a larger program.
e.g. loop unrolling and lookup tables often look good because there's no pressure on I-cache or D-cache from anything else.)
Or if you insist on timing each separate iteration, record the results in an array and print later; you don't want to invoke heavy-weight printing code inside your loop.
This question is way too broad to say anything more specific.
Many languages have benchmarking packages that will help you write microbenchmarks of a single function. Use them. e.g. for Java, JMH makes sure the function under test is warmed up and fully optimized by the JIT, and all that jazz, before doing timed runs. And runs it for a specified interval, counting how many iterations it completes. See How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? for that and more.
Beware common microbenchmark pitfalls
Failure to warm up code / data caches and stuff: page faults within the timed region for touching new memory, or code / data cache misses, that wouldn't be part of normal operation. (Example of noticing this effect: Performance: memset; or example of a wrong conclusion based on this mistake)
Never-written memory (obtained fresh from the kernel) gets all its pages copy-on-write mapped to the same system-wide physical page (4K or 2M) of zeros if you read without writing, at least on Linux. So you can get cache hits but TLB misses. e.g. A large allocation from new / calloc / malloc, or a zero-initialized array in static storage in .bss. Use a non-zero initializer or memset.
Failure to give the CPU time to ramp up to max turbo: modern CPUs clock down to idle speeds to save power, only clocking up after a few milliseconds. (Or longer depending on the OS / HW).
related: on modern x86, RDTSC counts reference cycles, not core clock cycles, so it's subject to the same CPU-frequency variation effects as wall-clock time.
Most integer and FP arithmetic asm instructions (except divide and square root which are already slower than others) have performance (latency and throughput) that doesn't depend on the actual data. Except for subnormal aka denormal floating point being very slow, and in some cases (e.g. legacy x87 but not SSE2) also producing NaN or Inf can be slow.
On modern CPUs with out-of-order execution, some things are too short to truly time meaningfully, see also this. Performance of a tiny block of assembly language (e.g. generated by a compiler for one function) can't be characterized by a single number, even if it doesn't branch or access memory (so no chance of mispredict or cache miss). It has latency from inputs to outputs, but different throughput if run repeatedly with independent inputs is higher. e.g. an add instruction on a Skylake CPU has 4/clock throughput, but 1 cycle latency. So dummy = foo(x) can be 4x faster than x = foo(x); in a loop. Floating-point instructions have higher latency than integer, so it's often a bigger deal. Memory access is also pipelined on most CPUs, so looping over an array (address for next load easy to calculate) is often much faster than walking a linked list (address for next load isn't available until the previous load completes).
Obviously performance can differ between CPUs; in the big picture usually it's rare for version A to be faster on Intel, version B to be faster on AMD, but that can easily happen in the small scale. When reporting / recording benchmark numbers, always note what CPU you tested on.
Related to the above and below points: you can't "benchmark the * operator" in C in general, for example. Some use-cases for it will compile very differently from others, e.g. tmp = foo * i; in a loop can often turn into tmp += foo (strength reduction), or if the multiplier is a constant power of 2 the compiler will just use a shift. The same operator in the source can compile to very different instructions, depending on surrounding code.
You need to compile with optimization enabled, but you also need to stop the compiler from optimizing away the work, or hoisting it out of a loop. Make sure you use the result (e.g. print it or store it to a volatile) so the compiler has to produce it. For an array, volatile double sink = output[argc]; is a useful trick: the compiler doesn't know the value of argc so it has to generate the whole array, but you don't need to read the whole array or even call an RNG function. (Unless the compiler aggressively transforms to only calculate the one output selected by argc, but that tends not to be a problem in practice.)
For inputs, use a random number or argc or something instead of a compile-time constant so your compiler can't do constant-propagation for things that won't be constants in your real use-case. In C you can sometimes use inline asm or volatile for this, e.g. the stuff this question is asking about. A good benchmarking package like Google Benchmark will include functions for this.
If the real use-case for a function lets it inline into callers where some inputs are constant, or the operations can be optimized into other work, it's not very useful to benchmark it on its own.
Big complicated functions with special handling for lots of special cases can look fast in a microbenchmark when you run them repeatedly, especially with the same input every time. In real life use-cases, branch prediction often won't be primed for that function with that input. Also, a massively unrolled loop can look good in a microbenchmark, but in real life it slows everything else down with its big instruction-cache footprint leading to eviction of other code.
Related to that last point: Don't tune only for huge inputs, if the real use-case for a function includes a lot of small inputs. e.g. a memcpy implementation that's great for huge inputs but takes too long to figure out which strategy to use for small inputs might not be good. It's a tradeoff; make sure it's good enough for large inputs (for an appropriate definition of "enough"), but also keep overhead low for small inputs.
Litmus tests:
If you're benchmarking two functions in one program: if reversing the order of testing changes the results, your benchmark isn't fair. e.g. function A might only look slow because you're testing it first, with insufficient warm-up. example: Why is std::vector slower than an array? (it's not, whichever loop runs first has to pay for all the page faults and cache misses; the 2nd just zooms through filling the same memory.)
Increasing the iteration count of a repeat loop should linearly increase the total time, and not affect the calculated time-per-call. If not, then you have non-negligible measurement overhead or your code optimized away (e.g. hoisted out of the loop and runs only once instead of N times).
Vary other test parameters as a sanity check.
For C / C++, see also Simple for() loop benchmark takes the same time with any loop bound where I went into some more detail about microbenchmarking and using volatile or asm to stop important work from optimizing away with gcc/clang.

A simple and reliable C++ benchmarking solution? [duplicate]

I am evaluating a network+rendering workload for my project.
The program continuously runs a main loop:
while (true) {
The main loop runs more than 60 times per second.
I want to see the performance breakdown, how much time each procedure takes.
My concern is that if I print the time interval for every entrance and exit of each procedure,
It would incur huge performance overhead.
I am curious what is an idiomatic way of measuring the performance.
Printing of logging is good enough?
Generally: For repeated short things, you can just time the whole repeat loop. (But microbenchmarking is hard; easy to distort results unless you understand the implications of doing that; for very short things, throughput and latency are different, so measure both separately by making one iteration use the result of the previous or not. Also beware that branch prediction and caching can make something look fast in a microbenchmark when it would actually be costly if done one at a time between other work in a larger program.
e.g. loop unrolling and lookup tables often look good because there's no pressure on I-cache or D-cache from anything else.)
Or if you insist on timing each separate iteration, record the results in an array and print later; you don't want to invoke heavy-weight printing code inside your loop.
This question is way too broad to say anything more specific.
Many languages have benchmarking packages that will help you write microbenchmarks of a single function. Use them. e.g. for Java, JMH makes sure the function under test is warmed up and fully optimized by the JIT, and all that jazz, before doing timed runs. And runs it for a specified interval, counting how many iterations it completes. See How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? for that and more.
Beware common microbenchmark pitfalls
Failure to warm up code / data caches and stuff: page faults within the timed region for touching new memory, or code / data cache misses, that wouldn't be part of normal operation. (Example of noticing this effect: Performance: memset; or example of a wrong conclusion based on this mistake)
Never-written memory (obtained fresh from the kernel) gets all its pages copy-on-write mapped to the same system-wide physical page (4K or 2M) of zeros if you read without writing, at least on Linux. So you can get cache hits but TLB misses. e.g. A large allocation from new / calloc / malloc, or a zero-initialized array in static storage in .bss. Use a non-zero initializer or memset.
Failure to give the CPU time to ramp up to max turbo: modern CPUs clock down to idle speeds to save power, only clocking up after a few milliseconds. (Or longer depending on the OS / HW).
related: on modern x86, RDTSC counts reference cycles, not core clock cycles, so it's subject to the same CPU-frequency variation effects as wall-clock time.
Most integer and FP arithmetic asm instructions (except divide and square root which are already slower than others) have performance (latency and throughput) that doesn't depend on the actual data. Except for subnormal aka denormal floating point being very slow, and in some cases (e.g. legacy x87 but not SSE2) also producing NaN or Inf can be slow.
On modern CPUs with out-of-order execution, some things are too short to truly time meaningfully, see also this. Performance of a tiny block of assembly language (e.g. generated by a compiler for one function) can't be characterized by a single number, even if it doesn't branch or access memory (so no chance of mispredict or cache miss). It has latency from inputs to outputs, but different throughput if run repeatedly with independent inputs is higher. e.g. an add instruction on a Skylake CPU has 4/clock throughput, but 1 cycle latency. So dummy = foo(x) can be 4x faster than x = foo(x); in a loop. Floating-point instructions have higher latency than integer, so it's often a bigger deal. Memory access is also pipelined on most CPUs, so looping over an array (address for next load easy to calculate) is often much faster than walking a linked list (address for next load isn't available until the previous load completes).
Obviously performance can differ between CPUs; in the big picture usually it's rare for version A to be faster on Intel, version B to be faster on AMD, but that can easily happen in the small scale. When reporting / recording benchmark numbers, always note what CPU you tested on.
Related to the above and below points: you can't "benchmark the * operator" in C in general, for example. Some use-cases for it will compile very differently from others, e.g. tmp = foo * i; in a loop can often turn into tmp += foo (strength reduction), or if the multiplier is a constant power of 2 the compiler will just use a shift. The same operator in the source can compile to very different instructions, depending on surrounding code.
You need to compile with optimization enabled, but you also need to stop the compiler from optimizing away the work, or hoisting it out of a loop. Make sure you use the result (e.g. print it or store it to a volatile) so the compiler has to produce it. For an array, volatile double sink = output[argc]; is a useful trick: the compiler doesn't know the value of argc so it has to generate the whole array, but you don't need to read the whole array or even call an RNG function. (Unless the compiler aggressively transforms to only calculate the one output selected by argc, but that tends not to be a problem in practice.)
For inputs, use a random number or argc or something instead of a compile-time constant so your compiler can't do constant-propagation for things that won't be constants in your real use-case. In C you can sometimes use inline asm or volatile for this, e.g. the stuff this question is asking about. A good benchmarking package like Google Benchmark will include functions for this.
If the real use-case for a function lets it inline into callers where some inputs are constant, or the operations can be optimized into other work, it's not very useful to benchmark it on its own.
Big complicated functions with special handling for lots of special cases can look fast in a microbenchmark when you run them repeatedly, especially with the same input every time. In real life use-cases, branch prediction often won't be primed for that function with that input. Also, a massively unrolled loop can look good in a microbenchmark, but in real life it slows everything else down with its big instruction-cache footprint leading to eviction of other code.
Related to that last point: Don't tune only for huge inputs, if the real use-case for a function includes a lot of small inputs. e.g. a memcpy implementation that's great for huge inputs but takes too long to figure out which strategy to use for small inputs might not be good. It's a tradeoff; make sure it's good enough for large inputs (for an appropriate definition of "enough"), but also keep overhead low for small inputs.
Litmus tests:
If you're benchmarking two functions in one program: if reversing the order of testing changes the results, your benchmark isn't fair. e.g. function A might only look slow because you're testing it first, with insufficient warm-up. example: Why is std::vector slower than an array? (it's not, whichever loop runs first has to pay for all the page faults and cache misses; the 2nd just zooms through filling the same memory.)
Increasing the iteration count of a repeat loop should linearly increase the total time, and not affect the calculated time-per-call. If not, then you have non-negligible measurement overhead or your code optimized away (e.g. hoisted out of the loop and runs only once instead of N times).
Vary other test parameters as a sanity check.
For C / C++, see also Simple for() loop benchmark takes the same time with any loop bound where I went into some more detail about microbenchmarking and using volatile or asm to stop important work from optimizing away with gcc/clang.

Should I make a large function atomic in order to benchmark it accurately?

I would like to know how long it takes to execute some code. The code I am executing deals with openCV matrices and operations. The code will be run in a ROS environment on Linux. I don't want the code to be interrupted by system functions during my benchmarking.
Looking at this post about benchmarking, the answerer said the granularity of the result is 15ms. I would like to do much better than that and so I was considering to make the function atomic (just for benchmarking purposes). I'm not sure if it is a good idea for a few reasons, primarily because I don't have a deep understanding of processor architecture.
void atomic_wrapper_function(const object& A, const object& B) {
static unsigned long running_sum = 0;
unsigned long before, after;
before = GetTimeMs64();
function_to_benchmark(A, B);
after = GetTimeMs64();
running_sum += (after - before);
The function I am trying to bench mark is not a short function.
Will the result be accurate? For marking the time I'm considering to use this function by Andreas Bonini.
Will it do something horrible to my computer? Call me superstitious but I think it's good to ask this question.
I'm using C++11 on the Linux Kernel.
C++11 atomics are not atomic in the RTOS way, they just provide guarantees when writing multithreaded code. Linux is not an RTOS. Your code can and will always be interrupted. There are some ways to lessen the effects though, but not without diving very deeply into linux.
You can for example configure the niceness to get interrupted less by other userspace programs. You can tell the kernel on which CPU core to process interrupts, then pin your program to a different cpu. You can increase the timer precision etc, but:
There are many other things that might change the runtime of your algorithm like several layers of CPU caches, power saving features of your CPU, etc... If you are really only interested in benchmarking the execution time of your function for non-hard realtime problems, it is easier to just run the algorithm many many times and get a statistical estimate for the execution time.
Call the function a billion times during the benchmark and average. OR
Benchmark the function from 1 time to a billion times. The measure for execution time you are interested in should scale linearly. Then do some kind of linear regression to get an estimate of that.
OR: You say that you want to know what influence the algorithm has on your total program runtime? Use profiling tools like callgrind (integratable into QtCreator).

Multitasking and measuring time difference

I understand that a preemptive multitasking OS can interrupt a process at any "code position".
Given the following code:
int main() {
while( true ) {
doSthImportant(); // needs to be executed at least each 20 msec
// start of critical section
int start_usec = getTime_usec();
int timeDiff_usec = getTime_usec() - start_usec;
// end of critical section
evalUsedTime( timeDiff_usec );
sleep_msec( 10 );
I would expect this code to usually produce proper results for timeDiff_usec, especially in case that doSthElse() and getTime_usec() don't take much time so they get interrupted rarely by the OS scheduler.
But the program would get interrupted from time to time somewhere in the "critical section". The context switch will do what it is supposed to do, and still in such a case the program would produce wrong results for the timeDiff_usec.
This is the only example I have in mind right now but I'm sure there would be other scenarios where multitasking might get a program(mer) into trouble (as time is not the only state that might be changed at re-entry).
Is there a way to ensure that measuring the time for a certain action works fine?
Which other common issues are critical with multitasking and need to be considered? (I'm not thinking of thread safety - but there might be common issues).
I changed the sample code to make it more precise.
I want to check the time being spent to make sure that doSthElse() doesn't take like 50 msec or so, and if it does I would look for a better solution.
Is there a way to ensure that measuring the time for a certain action works fine?
That depends on your operating system and your privilege level. On some systems, for some privilege levels, you can set a process or thread to have a priority that prevents it from being preempted by anything at lower priority. For example, on Linux, you might use sched_setscheduler to give a thread real-time priority. (If you're really serious, you can also set the thread affinity and SMP affinities to prevent any interrupts from being handled on the CPU that's running your thread.)
Your system may also provide time tracking that accounts for time spent preempted. For example, POSIX defines the getrusage function, which returns a struct containing ru_utime (the amount of time spent in “user mode” by the process) and ru_stime (the amount of time spent in “kernel mode” by the process). These should sum to the total time the CPU spent on the process, excluding intervals during which the process was suspended. Note that if the kernel needs to, for example, spend time paging on behalf of your process, it's not defined how much (if any) of that time is charged to your process.
Anyway, the common way to measure time spent on some critical action is to time it (essentially the way your question presents) repeatedly, on an otherwise idle system, throw out outlier measurements, and take the mean (after eliminating outliers), or take the median or 95th percentile of the measurements, depending on why you need the measurement.
Which other common issues are critical with multitasking and need to be considered? (I'm not thinking of thread safety - but there might be common issues).
Too broad. There are whole books written about this subject.