Expand escape sequences detected by flex - c++

In my scanner.lex file I have this:
{Some rule that matches strings} return STRING; //STRING is enum
in my c++ file I have this:
if (yylex == STRING) {
cout << "STRING: " << yytext << endl;
Obviously with some logic to take the input from stdin.
Now if this program gets the input "Hello\nWorld", my output is "STRING: Hello\nWorld", while I would want my output to be:
The same goes for other escape characters such as \",\0, \x<hex_number>, \t, \\... But I'm not sure how to achieve this. I'm not even sure if that's a flex issue or if I can solve this using only c++ tools...
How can I get this done?

As #Some programmer dude mentions in a comment, there is an an example of how to do this using start conditions in the Flex documentation. That example puts the escaping rules into a separate start condition; each rule is implemented by appending the unescaped text to a buffer. And that's the way it's normally done.
Of course, you might find an external library which unescapes C-style escaped strings, which you could call on the string returned by flex. But that would be both slower and less flexible than the approach suggested in the Flex manual: slower because it requires a second scan of the string, and less flexible because the library is likely to have its own idea of what escapes to handle.
If you're using C++, you might find it more elegant to modify that example to use a std::string buffer instead of an arbitrary fixed-size character array. You can compile a flex-generated scanner with C++, so there is no problem using C++ standard library objects in your scanner code.
Depending on the various semantic value types you are managing, you will probably want to modify the yylex prototype to either use an additional reference parameter or a more structured return type, in order to return the token value to the caller. Note that while it is OK to use yytext before the next call to yylex, it's not generally considered good style since it won't work with most parsers: in general, parsers require the ability to look one or more tokens ahead, and thus yytext is likely to be overwritten by the time your parser needs its value. The flex manual documents the macro hook used to modify the yylex() prototype.


How can I replicate compile time hex string interpretation at run time!? c++

In my code the following line gives me data that performs the task its meant for:
const char *key = "\xf1`\xf8\a\\\x9cT\x82z\x18\x5\xb9\xbc\x80\xca\x15";
The problem is that it gets converted at compile time according to rules that I don't fully understand. How does "\x" work in a String?
What I'd like to do is to get the same result but from a string exactly like that fed in at run time. I have tried a lot of things and looked for answers but none that match closely enough for me to be able to apply.
I understand that \x denotes a hex number. But I don't know in which form that gets 'baked out' by the compiler (gcc).
What does that ` translate into?
Does the "\a" do something similar to "\x"?
This is indeed provided by the compiler, but this part is not member of the standard library. That means that you are left with 3 ways:
dynamically write a C++ source file containing the string, and writing it on its standard output. Compile it and (providing popen is available) execute it from your main program and read its input. Pretty ugly isn't it...
use the source of an existing compiler, or directly its internal libraries. Clang is probably a good starting point because it has been designed to be modular. But it could require a good amount of work to find where that damned specific point is coded and how to use that...
just mimic what the compiler does, and write your own parser by hand. It is not that hard, and will learn you why tests are useful...
If it was not clear until here, I strongly urge you to use the third way ;-)
If you want to translate "escape" codes in strings that you get as input at run-time then you need to do it yourself, explicitly.
One way is to read the input into one string. Then copy the characters from that source string into a new destination string, one by one. If you see a backslash then you discard it, fetch the next character, and if it's an x you can use e.g. std::stoi to convert the next few characters into its corresponding integer value, and append that number to the destination string (either adding it with std::to_string, or using output string streams and the normal "output" operator <<).

Refactoring C-style pretty-printing into C++-style pretty-printing

I want to refactor some printf/sprintf/fprintf statements into ostream/sstream/fstream statements. The code in question pretty-prints a series of integers and floating-point numbers, using whitespace padding and fixed numbers of decimal points.
It seems to me that this would be a good candidate for a Martin Fowler style writeup of a safe, step-by-step refactorings, with important gotchas noted. The first step, of course, is to get the legacy code into a test harness, which I have done.
What slow and careful steps can I take to perform this refactoring?
If refactoring is not the goal in itself, you can avoid it altogether (well, almost) by using a formatting library such as tinyformat which provides an interface similar to printf but is type safe and uses IOStreams internally.
Basic mechanics of the conversion:
Convert each printf-style clause %w.pf or %w.pe, where w is the field width and p is the number of digits of precision, into << setw(w) << setprecision(p) << fixed.
Convert each printf-style clause %wd or %wi, where w is the field width, into << setw(w).
Convert "\n" to endl where appropriate.
Process for printf:
Create a char[] (let's call it text) with enough total width.
Convert the printf(...) to sprintf(text, ...), and use cout << text to actually print the text.
Complete using the common instructions.
Process for fprintf:
Same as printf, but use the appropriate fstream instead of cout.
If you already have an opened C-style FILE object that you do not want to refactor at this time, it gets a little sticky (but can be done).
Complete using the common instructions.
Process for sprintf:
If the string being written to is only used to output to a stream in the current context, refer to one of the two refactorings above.
Otherwise, begin by creating a stringstream and streaming the contents of the char[] you are writing to into that. If you are still intending to extract a char* from it, you can do std::stringstream::str().c_str().
Complete using the common instructions.
Common instructions:
Convert each clause one by one into C++-style.
Remove *printf and char[] declarations as necessary when finished.
Apply other refactorings, particularly "Extract Method" (Fowler, Refactoring) as necessary.

what exactly is a token, in relation to parsing

I have to use a parser and writer in c++, i am trying to implement the functions, however i do not understand what a token is. one of my function/operations is to check to see if there are more tokens to produce
bool Parser::hasMoreTokens()
how exactly do i go about this, please help
I am opening a text file with text in it, all words are lowercased. How do i go about checking to see if it hasmoretokens?
This is what i have
bool Parser::hasMoreTokens() {
return true;
return false;
Tokens are the output of lexical analysis and the input to parsing. Typically they are things like
variable names
arithmetic operators
statement terminators
That is, roughly, the biggest things that can be unambiguously identified by code that just looks at its input one character at a time.
One note, which you should feel free to ignore if it confuses you: The boundary between lexical analysis and parsing is a little fuzzy. For instance:
Some programming languages have complex-number literals that look, say, like 2+3i or 3.2e8-17e6i. If you were parsing such a language, you could make the lexer gobble up a whole complex number and make it into a token; or you could have a simpler lexer and a more complicated parser, and make (say) 3.2e8, -, 17e6i be separate tokens; it would then be the parser's job (or even the code generator's) to notice that what it's got is really a single literal.
In some programming languages, the lexer may not be able to tell whether a given token is a variable name or a type name. (This happens in C, for instance.) But the grammar of the language may distinguish between the two, so that you'd like "variable foo" and "type name foo" to be different tokens. (This also happens in C.) In this case, it may be necessary for some information to be fed back from the parser to the lexer so that it can produce the right sort of token in each case.
So "what exactly is a token?" may not always have a perfectly well defined answer.
A token is whatever you want it to be. Traditionally (and for
good reasons), language specifications broke the analysis into
two parts: the first part broke the input stream into tokens,
and the second parsed the tokens. (Theoretically, I think you
can write any grammar in only a single level, without using
tokens—or what is the same thing, using individual
characters as tokens. I wouldn't like to see the results of
that for a language like C++, however.) But the definition of
what a token is depends entirely on the language you are
parsing: most languages, for example, treat white space as
a separator (but not Fortran); most languages will predefine
a set of punctuation/operators using punctuation characters, and
not allow these characters in symbols (but not COBOL, where
"abc-def" would be a single symbol). In some cases (including
in the C++ preprocessor), what is a token depends on context, so
you may need some feedback from the parser. (Hopefully not;
that sort of thing is for very experienced programmers.)
One thing is probably sure (unless each character is a token):
you'll have to read ahead in the stream. You typically can't
tell whether there are more tokens by just looking at a single
character. I've generally found it useful, in fact, for the
tokenizer to read a whole token at a time, and keep it until the
parser needs it. A function like hasMoreTokens would in fact
scan a complete token.
(And while I'm at it, if source is an istream:
istream::peek does not return a pointer, but an int.)
A token is the smallest unit of a programming language that has a meaning. A parenthesis (, a name foo, an integer 123, are all tokens. Reducing a text to a series of tokens is generally the first step of parsing it.
A token is usually akin to a word in sponken language. In C++, (int, float, 5.523, const) will be tokens. Is the minimal unit of text which constitutes a semantic element.
When you split a large unit (long string) into a group of sub-units (smaller strings), each of the sub-units (smaller strings) is referred to as a "token". If there are no more sub-units, then you are done parsing.
How do I tokenize a string in C++?
A token is a terminal in a grammar, a sequence of one or more symbol(s) that is defined by the sequence itself, ie it does not derive from any other production defined in the grammar.

Why must C/C++ string literal declarations be single-line?

Is there any particular reason that multi-line string literals such as the following are not permitted in C++?
string script =
String Literal
I know that multi-line string literals may be created by putting a backslash before each newline.
I am writing a programming language (similar to C) and would like to allow the easy creation of multi-line strings (as in the above example).
Is there any technical reason for avoiding this kind of string literal? Otherwise I would have to use a python-like string literal with a triple quote (which I don't want to do):
string script =
String Literal
Why must C/C++ string literal declarations be single-line?
The terse answer is "because the grammar prohibits multiline string literals." I don't know whether there is a good reason for this other than historical reasons.
There are, of course, ways around this. You can use line splicing:
const char* script = "\
String Literal\n\
If the \ appears as the last character on the line, the newline will be removed during preprocessing.
Or, you can use string literal concatenation:
const char* script =
" Some\n"
" Formatted\n"
" String Literal\n";
Adjacent string literals are concatenated during preprocessing, so these will end up as a single string literal at compile-time.
Using either technique, the string literal ends up as if it were written:
const char* script = " Some\n Formatted\n String Literal\n";
One has to consider that C was not written to be an "Applications" programming language but a systems programming language. It would not be inaccurate to say it was designed expressly to rewrite Unix. With that in mind, there was no EMACS or VIM and your user interfaces were serial terminals. Multiline string declarations would seem a bit pointless on a system that did not have a multiline text editor. Furthermore, string manipulation would not be a primary concern for someone looking to write an OS at that particular point in time. The traditional set of UNIX scripting tools such as AWK and SED (amongst MANY others) are a testament to the fact they weren't using C to do significant string manipulation.
Additional considerations: it was not uncommon in the early 70s (when C was written) to submit your programs on PUNCH CARDS and come back the next day to get them. Would it have eaten up extra processing time to compile a program with multiline strings literals? Not really. It can actually be less work for the compiler. But you were going to come back for it the next day anyhow in most cases. But nobody who was filling out a punch card was going to put large amounts of text that wasn't needed in their programs.
In a modern environment, there is probably no reason not to include multiline string literals other than designer's preference. Grammatically speaking, it's probably simpler because you don't have to take linefeeds into consideration when parsing the string literal.
In addition to the existing answers, you can work around this using C++11's raw string literals, e.g.:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string str = R"(a
std::cout << str;
/* Output:
Live demo.
[n3290: 2.14.5/4]: [ Note: A source-file new-line in a raw string
literal results in a new-line in the resulting execution
string-literal. Assuming no whitespace at the beginning of lines in
the following example, the assert will succeed:
const char *p = R"(a\
assert(std::strcmp(p, "a\\\nb\nc") == 0);
—end note ]
Though non-normative, this note and the example that follows it in [n3290: 2.14.5/5] serve to complement the indication in the grammar that the production r-char-sequence may contain newlines (whereas the production s-char-sequence, used for normal string literals, may not).
Others have mentioned some excellent workarounds, I just wanted to address the reason.
The reason is simply that C was created at a time when processing was at a premium and compilers had to be simple and as fast as possible. These days, if C were to be updated (I'm looking at you, C1X), it's quite possible to do exactly what you want. It's unlikely, however. Mostly for historical reasons; such a change could require extensive rewrites of compilers, and so will likely be rejected.
The C preprocessor works on a line-by-line basis, but with lexical tokens. That means that the preprocessor understands that "foo" is a token. If C were to allow multi-line literals, however, the preprocessor would be in trouble. Consider:
#ifdef BAR
The preprocessor isn't able to mess with the inside of a token - but it's operating line-by-line. So how is it supposed to handle this case? The easy solution is to simply forbid multiline strings entirely.
Actually, you can break it up thus:
string script =
" Some\n"
" Formatted\n"
" String Literal\n";
Adjacent string literals are concatenated by the compiler.
Strings can lay on multiple lines, but each line has to be quoted individually :
string script =
" \n"
" Some \n"
" Formatted \n"
" String Literal ";
I am writing a programming language
(similar to C) and would like to let
write multi-line strings easily (like
in above example).
There is no reason why you couldn't create a programming language that allows multi-line strings.
For example, Vedit Macro Language (which is C-like scripting language for VEDIT text editor) allows multi-line strings, for example:
String Literal
It is up to you how you define your language syntax.
You can also do:
string useMultiple = "this"
"is "
"a string in C.";
Place one literal after another without any special chars.
Literal declarations doesn't have to be single-line.
GPUImage inlines multiline shader code. Checkout its SHADER_STRING macro.

Parse URLs using C-Strings in C++

I'm learning C++ for one of my CS classes, and for our first project I need to parse some URLs using c-strings (i.e. I can't use the C++ String class).
The only way I can think of approaching this is just iterating through (since it's a char[]) and using some switch statements. From someone who is more experienced in C++ - is there a better approach? Could you maybe point me to a good online resource? I haven't found one yet.
Weird that you're not allowed to use C++ language features i.e. C++ strings!
There are some C string functions available in the standard C library.
strdup - duplicate a string
strtok - breaking a string into tokens. Beware - this modifies the original string.
strcpy - copying string
strstr - find string in string
strncpy - copy up to n bytes of string
There is a good online reference here with a full list of available c string functions
for searching and finding things.
You can walk through strings by accessing them like an array if you need to.
char* url="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1370870/c-strings-in-c"
int len = strlen(url);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){
std::cout << url[i];
std::cout << endl;
As for actually how to do the parsing, you'll have to work that out on your own. It is an assignment after all.
There are a number of C standard library functions that can help you.
First, look at the C standard library function strtok. This allows you to retrieve parts of a C string separated by certain delimiters. For example, you could tokenize with the delimiter / to get the protocol, domain, and then the file path. You could tokenize the domain with delimiter . to get the subdomain(s), second level domain, and top level domain. Etc.
It's not nearly as powerful as a regular expression parser, which is what you would really want for parsing URLs, but it works on C strings, is part of the C standard library and is probably OK to use in your assignment.
Other C standard library functions that may help:
strstr() Extracts substrings just like std::string::substr()
strspn(), strchr() and strpbrk() Find a character or characters in a string, similar to std::string::find_first_of(), etc.
Edit: A reminder that the proper way to use these functions in C++ is to include <cstring> and use them in the std:: namespace, e.g. std::strtok().
You might want to refer to an open source library that can parse URLs (as a reference for how others have done it -- obviously don't copy and paste it!), such as curl or wget (links are directly to their url parsing files).
I don't know what the requirements are for parsing the URLs,
but if this is CS level it would be appropriate to use (very
simple) BNF and a (very simple) recursive descent parser.
This would make for a more robust solution than direct
iteration, e.g. for malformed URLs.
Very few string functions from the standard C library would
be needed.
You can use C functions like strtok, strchr, strstr etc.
Many of the runtime library functions that have been mentioned work quite well, either in conjunction with or apart from the approach of iterating through the string that you mentioned (which I think is time honored).