Drawing a triangle in OpenGL fragment shader - opengl

I'm trying to draw a triangle using an OpenGL fragment shader.
I succeeded in drawing a circle but I have a problem with handling the equation/logic or the code to draw a triangle.
draw_triangle(vec2 v1 , vec2 v2, vec2 v3)
Here is the fragment shader:
#version 330 core
out vec4 frag_color;
void draw_circle(vec2 shift_val, int radius,int color)
vec2 res = vec2(1280,720);
vec2 norm_cord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
float dist = length(norm_cord - (res*shift_val));
if( dist < radius )
if( color ==1 )
frag_color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
frag_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
void draw_triangle(vec2 v1 , vec2 v2, vec2 v3)
vec2 res = vec2(1280,720)*vec2(0.58,0.4);
vec2 v = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x,gl_FragCoord.y);
float slope1 = abs((v1.y-v2.y)/(v1.x-v2.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope2 = abs((v2.y-v3.y)/(v2.x-v3.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope3 = abs((v1.y-v3.y)/(v1.x-v3.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_ref1 = abs((v.y-v1.y)/(v.x-v1.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_ref2 = abs((v.y-v2.y)/(v.x-v2.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_ref3 = abs((v.y-v3.y)/(v.x-v3.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_RES1 = abs((res.y-v1.y)/(res.x-v1.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_RES2 = abs((res.y-v2.y)/(res.x-v2.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
float slope_RES3 = abs((res.y-v3.y)/(res.x-v3.x)); //y2-y1/x2-x1
if (slope_RES1 < slope1 )
if(slope_ref1 < slope1)// && slope_ref3 < slope2 )//slope_ref1 < slope1 &&
frag_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (slope_RES2 > slope2)
if(slope_ref2 > slope2)
frag_color = vec4(1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);
/*if (slope_RES3 < slope3)
if(slope_ref3 > slope3)
frag_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// This is entry point of the fragment shader and it will be called for every fragment covered by the rasterized geometry
void main() {
// Here we just output a constant color which is red (R=1, G=0, B=0, A=1)
//frag_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
draw_circle(vec2(0.5,0.5),100,1); //draws face of circle
draw_circle(vec2(0.5,0.58),16,0); //draws eye (1 for white and anynumber for black)

To compute if a point is in a triangle using the same side technique, you need to test the candidate point against three lines to see which side of each line it is on. If it meets the sidedness test for all three lines, then it is inside the triangle.
The condition test will be C(0) && C(1) && C(2).
Where C(n) means: "Is the point on the correct side of edge n"
The condition "which side of the line AB is the point X" is typically checked by checking the sign of the cross product of AB × AX. You could, by convention, assign a winding order to your triangle, and always check that the sign of this cross product is positive.
This, of course, depends on the winding order of the vertices of your triangle. (For example, clockwise vertices require a negative cross product, and counterclockwise vertices require a positive cross product. Choose whichever convention you like or is most convenient given the definition of your polygon.)
You can, alternatively, test using the barycentric technique.
See: this site for more details.

Hope you are rendering QUAD covering the view/screen...
The fragment shader friendly way of rendering triangle is to:
compute barycentric s,t coordinates of fragment
go for the matrix approach as you got mat3,vec3 in GLSL ...
decide if it is inside or outside
simply by testing s+t<=1.0
then set output color or discard;
however discard is not an option for you as you got more shapes...
So compute:
| s | | (p1.a - p0.a) , (p2.a - p0.a) , p0.a | | p.a |
| t | = inverse | (p1.b - p0.b) , (p2.b - p0.b) , p0.b | * | p.b |
| 1 | | 0 , 0 , 1 | | 1 |
if (s+t<=1.0) set output color
You can also use the s,t for texturing (even procedural one).


How do I align the raytraced spheres from my fragment shader with GL_POINTS?

I have a very simple shader program that takes in a bunch of position data as GL_POINTS that generate screen-aligned squares of fragments like normal with a size depending on depth, and then in the fragment shader I wanted to draw a very simple ray-traced sphere for each one with just the shadow that is on the sphere opposite to the light. I went to this shadertoy to try to figure it out on my own. I used the sphIntersect function for ray-sphere intersection, and sphNormal to get the normal vectors on the sphere for lighting. The problem is that the spheres do not align with the squares of fragments, causing them to be cut off. This is because I am not sure how to match the projections of the spheres and the vertex positions so that they line up. Can I have an explanation of how to do this?
Here is a picture for reference.
Here are my vertex and fragment shaders for reference:
//vertex shader:
#version 460
layout(location = 0) in vec4 position; // position of each point in space
layout(location = 1) in vec4 color; //color of each point in space
layout(location = 2) uniform mat4 view_matrix; // projection * camera matrix
layout(location = 6) uniform mat4 cam_matrix; //just the camera matrix
out vec4 col; // color of vertex
out vec4 posi; // position of vertex
void main() {
vec4 p = view_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0);
gl_PointSize = clamp(1024.0 * position.w / p.z, 0.0, 4000.0);
gl_Position = p;
col = color;
posi = cam_matrix * position;
//fragment shader:
#version 460
in vec4 col; // color of vertex associated with this fragment
in vec4 posi; // position of the vertex associated with this fragment relative to camera
out vec4 f_color;
layout (depth_less) out float gl_FragDepth;
float sphIntersect( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd, in vec4 sph )
vec3 oc = ro - sph.xyz;
float b = dot( oc, rd );
float c = dot( oc, oc ) - sph.w*sph.w;
float h = b*b - c;
if( h<0.0 ) return -1.0;
return -b - sqrt( h );
vec3 sphNormal( in vec3 pos, in vec4 sph )
return normalize(pos-sph.xyz);
void main() {
vec4 c = clamp(col, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 p = ((2.0*gl_FragCoord.xy)-vec2(1920.0, 1080.0)) / 2.0;
vec3 ro = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -960.0 );
vec3 rd = normalize(vec3(p.x, p.y,960.0));
vec3 lig = normalize(vec3(0.6,0.3,0.1));
vec4 k = vec4(posi.x, posi.y, -posi.z, 2.0*posi.w);
float t = sphIntersect(ro, rd, k);
vec3 ps = ro + (t * rd);
vec3 nor = sphNormal(ps, k);
if(t < 0.0) c = vec4(1.0);
else c.xyz *= clamp(dot(nor,lig), 0.0, 1.0);
f_color = c;
gl_FragDepth = t * 0.0001;
Looks like you have many spheres so I would do this:
Input data
I would have VBO containing x,y,z,r describing your spheres, You will also need your view transform (uniform) that can create ray direction and start position for each fragment. Something like my vertex shader in here:
Reflection and refraction impossible without recursive ray tracing?
Create BBOX in Geometry shader and convert your POINT to QUAD or POLYGON
note that you have to account for perspective. If you are not familiar with geometry shaders see:
rendring cubics in GLSL
Where I emmit sequence of OBB from input lines...
In fragment raytrace sphere
You have to compute intersection between sphere and ray, chose the closer intersection and compute its depth and normal (for lighting). In case of no intersection you have to discard; fragment !!!
From what I can see in your images Your QUADs does not correspond to your spheres hence the clipping and also you do not discard; fragments with no intersections so you overwrite with background color already rendered stuff around last rendered spheres so you have only single sphere left in QUAD regardless of how many spheres are really there ...
To create a ray direction that matches a perspective matrix from screen space, the following ray direction formula can be used:
vec3 rd = normalize(vec3(((2.0 / screenWidth) * gl_FragCoord.xy) - vec2(aspectRatio, 1.0), -proj_matrix[1][1]));
The value of 2.0 / screenWidth can be pre-computed or the opengl built-in uniform structs can be used.
To get a bounding box or other shape for your spheres, it is very important to use camera-facing shapes, and not camera-plane-facing shapes. Use the following process where position is the incoming VBO position data, and the w-component of position is the radius:
vec4 p = vec4((cam_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0)).xyz, position.w);
o.vpos = p;
float l2 = dot(p.xyz, p.xyz);
float r2 = p.w * p.w;
float k = 1.0 - (r2/l2);
float radius = p.w * sqrt(k);
if(l2 < r2) {
p = vec4(0.0, 0.0, -p.w * 0.49, p.w);
radius = p.w;
k = 0.0;
vec3 hx = radius * normalize(vec3(-p.z, 0.0, p.x));
vec3 hy = radius * normalize(vec3(-p.x * p.y, p.z * p.z + p.x * p.x, -p.z * p.y));
p.xyz *= k;
Then use hx and hy as basis vectors for any 2D shape that you want the billboard to be shaped like for the vertices. Don't forget later to multiply each vertex by a perspective matrix to get the final position of each vertex. Here is a visualization of the billboarding on desmos using a hexagon shape: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/yeeew6tqwx

Finding the light ray that goes from light world position through the shadow map texel

I want to move from basic shadow mapping on to adaptive biased shadow mapping.
I found a paper which describes how to do it, but I am not sure how to achieve a certain step in the process:
The idea is to have a plane P (which is basically just the normal of the current fragment's surface in the fragment shader stage) and the world space position of the fragment (F1 in the picture above).
In order to calculate the correct bias (to fight shadow acne) I need to find the world space position of F2 which I can get if I shoot a ray from the light source through the center of the shadow map's texel center. This ray then eventually hits the plane P which results in the needed point F2.
With F1 and F2 now known, I then can calculate the distance between F1 and F2 along the light ray (I guess) and thus get the ideal bias to fight shadow acne.
Right now my basic shader code looks like this:
Vertex shader:
in vec3 aLocalObjectPos;
out vec4 vShadowCoord;
out vec3 vF1;
// to shift the coordinates from [-1;1] to [0;1]
const mat4 biasMatrix = mat4(
0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
int main()
// get the vertex position in the light's view space:
vShadowCoord = (biasMatrix * viewProjShadowMap * modelMatrix) * vec4(aLocalObjectPos, 1.0);
vF1 = (modelMatrix * vec4(aLocalObjectPos, 1.0)).xyz;
Helper method in fragment shader:
uniform sampler2DShadow uTextureShadowMap;
float calculateShadow(float bias)
vShadowCoord.z -= bias;
return textureProjOffset(uTextureShadowMap, vShadowCoord, ivec2(0, 0));
My problem now is:
How do I get the light ray that goes from the light source through the shadow map's texel center?
I already found this topic: Adaptive Depth Bias for Shadow Maps Ray Casting
Unfortunately there is no answer and I don't quite get all the things the author is talking about :-/
So, I think I have figured it out myself. I followed the directions in this paper:
Vertex Shader (not much going on there):
const mat4 biasMatrix = mat4(
0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
in vec4 aPosition; // vertex in model's local space (not modified in any way)
uniform mat4 uVPShadowMap; // light's view-projection matrix
out vec4 vShadowCoord;
void main()
// ...
vShadowCoord = (biasMatrix * uVPShadowMap * uModelMatrix) * aPosition;
// ...
Fragment Shader:
#version 450
in vec3 vFragmentWorldSpace; // fragment position in World space
in vec4 vShadowCoord; // texture coordinates for shadow map lookup (see vertex shader)
uniform sampler2DShadow uTextureShadowMap;
uniform vec4 uLightPosition; // Light's position in world space
uniform vec2 uLightNearFar; // Light's zNear and zFar values
uniform float uK; // variable offset faktor to tweak the computed bias a little bit
uniform mat4 uVPShadowMap; // light's view-projection matrix
const vec4 corners[2] = vec4[]( // frustum diagonal points in light's view space normalized [-1;+1]
vec4(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0), // left bottom near
vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // right top far
float calculateShadowIntensity(vec3 fragmentNormal)
// get fragment's position in light space:
vec4 fragmentLightSpace = uVPShadowMap * vec4(vFragmentWorldSpace, 1.0);
vec3 fragmentLightSpaceNormalized = fragmentLightSpace.xyz / fragmentLightSpace.w; // range [-1;+1]
vec3 fragmentLightSpaceNormalizedUV = fragmentLightSpaceNormalized * 0.5 + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // range [ 0; 1]
// get shadow map's texture size:
ivec2 textureDimensions = textureSize(uTextureShadowMap, 0);
vec2 delta = vec2(textureDimensions.x, textureDimensions.y);
// get width of every texel:
vec2 textureStep = vec2(1.0 / textureDimensions.x, 1.0 / textureDimensions.y);
// get the UV coordinates of the texel center:
vec2 fragmentLightSpaceUVScaled = fragmentLightSpaceNormalizedUV.xy * delta;
vec2 texelCenterUV = floor(fragmentLightSpaceUVScaled) * textureStep + textureStep / 2;
// convert range for texel center in light space in range [-1;+1]:
vec2 texelCenterLightSpaceNormalized = 2.0 * texelCenterUV - vec2(1.0, 1.0);
// recreate light ray in world space:
vec4 recreatedVec4 = vec4(texelCenterLightSpaceNormalized.x, texelCenterLightSpaceNormalized.y, -uLightsNearFar.x, 1.0);
mat4 vpShadowMapInversed = inverse(uVPShadowMap);
vec4 texelCenterWorldSpace = vpShadowMapInversed * recreatedVec4;
vec3 lightRayNormalized = normalize(texelCenterWorldSpace.xyz - uLightsPositions.xyz);
// compute scene scale for epsilon computation:
vec4 frustum1 = vpShadowMapInversed * corners[0];
frustum1 = frustum1 / frustum1.w;
vec4 frustum2 = vpShadowMapInversed * corners[1];
frustum2 = frustum2 / frustum2.w;
float ln = uLightNearFar.x;
float lf = uLightNearFar.y;
// compute light ray intersection with fragment plane:
float dotLightRayfragmentNormal = dot(fragmentNormal, lightRayNormalized);
float d = dot(fragmentNormal, vFragmentWorldSpace);
float x = (d - dot(fragmentNormal, uLightsPositions.xyz)) / dot(fragmentNormal, lightRayNormalized);
vec4 intersectionWorldSpace = vec4(uLightsPositions.xyz + lightRayNormalized * x, 1.0);
// compute bias:
vec4 texelInLightSpace = uVPShadowMap * intersectionWorldSpace;
float intersectionDepthTexelCenterUV = (texelInLightSpace.z / texelInLightSpace.w) / 2.0 + 0.5;
float fragmentDepthLightSpaceUV = fragmentLightSpaceNormalizedUV.z;
float bias = intersectionDepthTexelCenterUV - fragmentDepthLightSpaceUV;
float depthCompressionResult = pow(lf - fragmentLightSpaceNormalizedUV.z * (lf - ln), 2.0) / (lf * ln * (lf - ln));
float epsilon = depthCompressionResult * length(frustum1.xyz - frustum2.xyz) * uK;
bias += epsilon;
vec4 shadowCoord = vShadowCoord;
shadowCoord.z -= bias;
float shadowValue = textureProj(uTextureShadowMap, shadowCoord);
return max(shadowValue, 0.0);
Please note that this is a very verbose method (you could optimise several steps, I know) to better explain what I did to make it work.
All my shadow casting lights use perspective projection.
I tested the results on the CPU side in a separate project (only c# with the math structs from the OpenTK package) and they seem reasonable. I used several light positions, texture sizes, etc. The bias values looked ok in all my tests. Of course, this is no proof, but I have a good feeling about this.
In the end:
The benefits were very small. The visual results are good (especially for shadow maps with >= 2048 samples per dimension) but I still had to tweak the offset value (uniform float uK in the fragment shader) for each of my scenes. I found values from 0.01 to 0.03 to deliver useable results.
I lost about 10% performance (fps-wise) compared to my previous approach (slope-scaled bias) and gained maybe 1% of visual fidelity when it comes to shadows (acne, peter panning). The 1% is not measured - only felt by me :-)
I wanted this approach to be the "one-solution-to-all-problems". But I guess, there is no "fire-and-forget" solution when it comes to shadow mapping ;-/

Bad lighting using Phong Method

I'm trying to make a cube, which is irregularly triangulated, but virtually coplanar, shade correctly.
Here is the current result I have:
With wireframe:
Normals calculated in my program:
Normals calculated by meshlabjs.net:
The lighting works properly when using regular size triangles for the cube. As you can see, I'm duplicating vertices and using angle weighting.
vec4 scene_ambient = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1.0);
struct material
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
float shininess;
material frontMaterial = material(
vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0),
vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0),
vec4(0.774597, 0.774597, 0.774597, 1.0),
struct lightSource
vec4 position;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
float constantAttenuation, linearAttenuation, quadraticAttenuation;
float spotCutoff, spotExponent;
vec3 spotDirection;
lightSource light0 = lightSource(
vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
vec4(100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0),
vec4(100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0),
0.1, 1, 0.01,
180.0, 0.0,
vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vec4 light(lightSource ls, vec3 norm, vec3 deviation, vec3 position)
vec3 viewDirection = normalize(vec3(1.0 * vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.0) - vec4(position, 1)));
vec3 lightDirection;
float attenuation;
//ls.position.xyz = cameraPos;
ls.position.z += 50;
if (0.0 == ls.position.w) // directional light?
attenuation = 1.0; // no attenuation
lightDirection = normalize(vec3(ls.position));
else // point light or spotlight (or other kind of light)
vec3 positionToLightSource = vec3(ls.position - vec4(position, 1.0));
float distance = length(positionToLightSource);
lightDirection = normalize(positionToLightSource);
attenuation = 1.0 / (ls.constantAttenuation
+ ls.linearAttenuation * distance
+ ls.quadraticAttenuation * distance * distance);
if (ls.spotCutoff <= 90.0) // spotlight?
float clampedCosine = max(0.0, dot(-lightDirection, ls.spotDirection));
if (clampedCosine < cos(radians(ls.spotCutoff))) // outside of spotlight cone?
attenuation = 0.0;
attenuation = attenuation * pow(clampedCosine, ls.spotExponent);
vec3 ambientLighting = vec3(scene_ambient) * vec3(frontMaterial.ambient);
vec3 diffuseReflection = attenuation
* vec3(ls.diffuse) * vec3(frontMaterial.diffuse)
* max(0.0, dot(norm, lightDirection));
vec3 specularReflection;
if (dot(norm, lightDirection) < 0.0) // light source on the wrong side?
specularReflection = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // no specular reflection
else // light source on the right side
specularReflection = attenuation * vec3(ls.specular) * vec3(frontMaterial.specular)
* pow(max(0.0, dot(reflect(lightDirection, norm), viewDirection)), frontMaterial.shininess);
return vec4(ambientLighting + diffuseReflection + specularReflection, 1.0);
vec4 generateGlobalLighting(vec3 norm, vec3 position)
return light(light0, norm, vec3(2,0,0), position);
#version 430
in vec3 f_color;
in vec3 f_normal;
in vec3 f_position;
in float f_opacity;
out vec4 fragColor;
vec4 generateGlobalLighting(vec3 norm, vec3 position);
void main()
vec3 norm = normalize(f_normal);
vec4 l0 = generateGlobalLighting(norm, f_position);
fragColor = vec4(f_color, f_opacity) * l0;
Follows the code to generate the verts, normals and faces for the painter.
m_vertices_buf.resize(m_mesh.num_faces() * 3, 3);
m_normals_buf.resize(m_mesh.num_faces() * 3, 3);
m_faces_buf.resize(m_mesh.num_faces(), 3);
std::map<vertex_descriptor, std::list<Vector3d>> map;
GLDebugging* deb = GLDebugging::getInstance();
auto getAngle = [](Vector3d a, Vector3d b) {
double angle = 0.0;
angle = std::atan2(a.cross(b).norm(), a.dot(b));
return angle;
for (const auto& f : m_mesh.faces()) {
auto f_hh = m_mesh.halfedge(f);
//auto n = PMP::compute_face_normal(f, m_mesh);
vertex_descriptor vs[3];
Vector3d ps[3];
int i = 0;
for (const auto& v : m_mesh.vertices_around_face(f_hh)) {
auto p = m_mesh.point(v);
ps[i] = Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
vs[i++] = v;
auto n = (ps[1] - ps[0]).cross(ps[2] - ps[0]).normalized();
auto a1 = getAngle((ps[1] - ps[0]).normalized(), (ps[2] - ps[0]).normalized());
auto a2 = getAngle((ps[2] - ps[1]).normalized(), (ps[0] - ps[1]).normalized());
auto a3 = getAngle((ps[0] - ps[2]).normalized(), (ps[1] - ps[2]).normalized());
auto area = PMP::face_area(f, m_mesh);
map[vs[0]].push_back(n * a1);
map[vs[1]].push_back(n * a2);
map[vs[2]].push_back(n * a3);
auto p = m_mesh.point(vs[0]);
deb->drawLine(Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()) + Vector3d(n.x(), n.y(), n.z()) * 4);
p = m_mesh.point(vs[1]);
deb->drawLine(Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()) + Vector3d(n.x(), n.y(), n.z()) * 4);
p = m_mesh.point(vs[2]);
deb->drawLine(Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()) + Vector3d(n.x(), n.y(), n.z()) * 4);
int j = 0;
int i = 0;
for (const auto& f : m_mesh.faces()) {
auto f_hh = m_mesh.halfedge(f);
for (const auto& v : m_mesh.vertices_around_face(f_hh)) {
const auto& p = m_mesh.point(v);
m_vertices_buf.row(i) = RowVector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
Vector3d n(0, 0, 0);
//auto n = PMP::compute_face_normal(f, m_mesh);
Vector3d norm = Vector3d(n.x(), n.y(), n.z());
for (auto val : map[v]) {
norm += val;
deb->drawLine(Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), Vector3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()) + Vector3d(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z()) * 3,
Vector3d(1.0, 0, 0));
m_normals_buf.row(i++) = RowVector3d(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z());
m_faces_buf.row(j++) = RowVector3i(i - 3, i - 2, i - 1);
Follows the painter code:
m_vertexAttrLoc = program.attributeLocation("v_vertex");
m_colorAttrLoc = program.attributeLocation("v_color");
m_normalAttrLoc = program.attributeLocation("v_normal");
m_mvMatrixLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_modelViewMatrix");
m_projMatrixLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_projectionMatrix");
m_normalMatrixLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_normalMatrix");
//m_relativePosLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_relativePos");
m_opacityLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_opacity");
m_colorMaskLoc = program.uniformLocation("v_colorMask");
//bool for unmapping depth color
m_useDepthMap = program.uniformLocation("v_useDepthMap");
program.setUniformValue(m_mvMatrixLoc, modelView);
//uniform used for Color map to regular model switch
program.setUniformValue(m_useDepthMap, (m_showColorMap &&
(m_showProblemAreas || m_showPrepMap || m_showDepthMap || m_showMockupMap)));
QMatrix3x3 normalMatrix = modelView.normalMatrix();
program.setUniformValue(m_normalMatrixLoc, normalMatrix);
program.setUniformValue(m_projMatrixLoc, projection);
//program.setUniformValue(m_relativePosLoc, m_relativePos);
program.setUniformValue(m_opacityLoc, m_opacity);
program.setUniformValue(m_colorMaskLoc, m_colorMask);
glVertexAttribPointer(m_vertexAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 3 * sizeof(GLdouble), NULL);
glVertexAttribPointer(m_normalAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 0, NULL);
if (m_showProblemAreas) {
glVertexAttribPointer(m_colorAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 0, NULL);
else if (m_showPrepMap) {
glVertexAttribPointer(m_colorAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 0, NULL);
else if (m_showMockupMap) {
glVertexAttribPointer(m_colorAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 0, NULL);
else {
//glVertexAttribPointer(m_colorAttrLoc, 3, GL_DOUBLE, false, 0, NULL);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_indices.size() / sizeof(int), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL);
EDIT: Sorry for not being clear enough. The cube is merely an example. My requirements are that the shading works for any kind of mesh. Those with very sharp edges, and those that are very organic (like humans or animals).
The issue is clearly explained by the image "Normals calculated in my program" from your question. The normal vectors at the corners and edges of the cube are not normal perpendicular to the faces:
For a proper specular reflection on plane faces, the normal vectors have to be perpendicular to the sides of the cube.
The vertex coordinate and its normal vector from a tuple with 6 components (x, y, z, nx, ny, nz).
A vertex coordinate on an edge of the cube is adjacent to 2 sides of the cube and 2 (face) normal vectors. The 8 vertex coordinates on the 8 corners of the cube are adjacent to 3 sides (3 normal vectors) each.
To define the vertex attributes with face normal vectors (perpendicular to a side) you have to define multiple tuples with the same vertex coordinate but different normal vectors. You have to use the different attribute tuples to form the triangle primitives on the different sides of the cube.
e.g. If you have defined a cube with the left, front, bottom coordinate of (-1, -1, -1) and the right, back, top coordinate of (1, 1, 1), then the vertex coordinate (-1, -1, -1) is adjacent to the left, front and bottom side of the cube:
x y z nx ny nz
left: -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0
front: -1 -1 -1 0 -1 0
bottom: -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1
Use the left attribute tuple to form the triangle primitives on the left side, the front to form the front and bottom for the triangles on the bottom.
In general you have to decide what you want. There is no general approach for all meshes.
Either you have a fine granulated mesh and you want a smooth appearance (e.g a sphere). In that case your approach is fine, it will generate a smooth light transition on the edges between the primitives.
Or you have a mesh with hard edges like a cube. In that case you have to "duplicate" vertices. If 2 (or even more) triangles share a vertex coordinate, but the face normal vectors are different, then you have to create a separate tuple, for all the combinations of the vertex coordinate and the face normal vector.
For a general "smooth" solution you would have to interpolate the normal vectors of the vertex coordinates which are in the middle of plane surfaces, according to the surrounding geometry. That means if a bunch of triangle primitives form a plane, then all the normal vectors of the vertices have to be computed dependent on there position on the plane. At the centroid the normal vector is equal to the face normal vector. For all other points the normal vector has to be interpolated with the normal vectors of the surrounding faces.
Anyway that seems to be an XY problem. Why is there a "vertex" somewhere in the middle of a plane? Probably the plane is tessellated. But if the plan is tessellated, why are the normal vectors not interpolated too, during the tessellation process?
As mentioned in the other answers the problem is your mesh normals.
Computing an average normal, like you are doing currently, is what you would want
to do for a smooth object like a sphere. cgal has a function for that CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_vertex_normal For a cube what you want is normals perpendicular to the faces
cgal has a functoin for that too CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_face_normal
To debug the normals you can just set fragColor = vec4(norm,1); in mainmesh.frag. Here the cubes on the left have averaged (smooth) normals and on the right have face (flat) normals:And shaded they look like this:
shading has to work for any kind of mesh (a cube or any organic mesh)
For that you can use something like per_corner_normals whitch:
Implements a simple scheme which computes corner normals as averages
of normals of faces incident on the corresponding vertex which do not
deviate by more than a specified dihedral angle (e.g. 20°)
And this is what it looks like with a angle of 1°, 20°, 100°:
In your image, we can see that the inner triangle (the one that doesn't have point on cube edges, in top left quarter) has an homogeneous color.
My interpretation is that triangles that have points on the edge/corner of the cube share the same vertex and then share the same normal and some how the normal are averaged. So it's not perpendicular to the faces.
To debug this, you should create a simple geometry of a cube with 6 faces and 2 triangles per face. Hence it's make 12 triangles.
Two options:
If you have 8 vertex in the geometry, the corner are shared between triangles of different face and the issue came from the geometry generator.
If you have 6×4=24 vertex in the geometry the truth lies elsewhere.

OpenGL reconstructing eye-view position from linearized depth incorrect

i have been trying to implement deferred rendering for past 2 weeks. I have finally come to the spot lighting pass part using stencil buffer and linearized depth. I hold 3 framebuffer textures : albedo, normal+depth (X,Y,Z,EyeViewLinearDepth), Lighting texture. So I draw my light (sphere) and apply this fragment shader :
void main(void)
vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy * u_inverseScreenSize.xy;
float linearDepth = texture2D(u_normalDepth, texCoord.st).a;
// vector to far plane
vec3 viewRay = vec3(v_vertex.xy * (-farClip/v_vertex.z), -farClip);
// scale viewRay by linear depth to get view space position
vec3 vertex = viewRay * linearDepth;
vec3 normal = texture2D(u_normalDepth, texCoord.st).xyz*2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 ambient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 diffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 specular = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 lightDir = lightpos - vertex ;
vec3 R = normalize(reflect(lightDir, normal));
vec3 V = normalize(vertex);
float lambert = max(dot(normal, normalize(lightDir)), 0.0);
if (lambert > 0.0) {
float distance = length(lightDir);
if (distance <= u_lightRadius) {
vec4 final_color = vec4(ambient + diffuse + specular);
gl_FragColor = vec4(final_color.xyz, 1.0);
The variables you need to know : v_vertex is eye space position of the vertex (of sphere), lightpos is the position/center of the light in eye space, linearDepth is generated on geometry pass stage in eye space.
The problem is that, the code fail this if check : if (distance <= u_lightRadius). The light is never computed until i remove the distance check. I am sure that i pass these values correctly, radius is 170.0, light position is only like 40-50 units away from the model. There is definitely something wrong but i can't find it somehow. I tried many possibilities of radius and other variables.

GLSL Checkerboard Pattern

i want to shade the quad with checkers:
My quad is:
glVertex3f(0,4, 0.0);
The vertex shader file:
varying float factor;
float x,y;
void main(){
factor = mod((x+y),2.0);
And the fragment shader file is:
varying float factor;
void main(){
gl_FragColor = vec4(factor,factor,factor,1.0);
But im getting this:
It seems that the mod function doeasn't work or maybe somthing else...
Any help?
It is better to calculate this effect in fragment shader, something like that:
vertex program =>
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main(void)
gl_Position = vec4(gl_Vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = sign(gl_Position);
texCoord = (vec2(gl_Position.x, gl_Position.y)
+ vec2(1.0)) / vec2(2.0);
fragment program =>
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
uniform sampler2D Texture0;
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main(void)
ivec2 size = textureSize2D(Texture0, 0);
float total = floor(texCoord.x * float(size.x)) +
floor(texCoord.y * float(size.y));
bool isEven = mod(total, 2.0) == 0.0;
vec4 col1 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 col2 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = (isEven) ? col1 : col2;
Output =>
Good luck!
Try this function in your fragment shader:
vec3 checker(in float u, in float v)
float checkSize = 2;
float fmodResult = mod(floor(checkSize * u) + floor(checkSize * v), 2.0);
float fin = max(sign(fmodResult), 0.0);
return vec3(fin, fin, fin);
Then in main you can call it using :
vec3 check = checker(fs_vertex_texture.x, fs_vertex_texture.y);
And simply pass x and y you are getting from vertex shader. All you have to do after that is to include it when calculating your vFragColor.
Keep in mind that you can change chec size simply by modifying checkSize value.
What your code does is calculate the factor 4 times (once for each vertex, since it's vertex shader code) and then interpolate those values (because it's written into a varying varible) and then output that variable as color in the fragment shader.
So it doesn't work that way. You need to do that calculation directly in the fragment shader. You can get the fragment position using the gl_FragCoord built-in variable in the fragment shader.
May I suggest the following:
float result = mod(dot(vec2(1.0), step(vec2(0.5), fract(v_uv * u_repeat))), 2.0);
v_uv is a vec2 of UV values,
u_repeat is a vec2 of how many times the pattern should be repeated for each axis.
result is 0 or 1, you can use it in mix function to provide colors, for example:
gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) result);
Another nice way to do it is by just tiling a known pattern (zooming out). Assuming that you have a square canvas:
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)
vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
uv -= 0.5; // moving the coordinate system to middle of screen
// Output to screen
fragColor = vec4(vec3(step(uv.x * uv.y, 0.)), 1.);
Code above gives you this kind of pattern.
Code below by just zooming 4.5 times and taking the fractional part repeats the pattern 4.5 times resulting in 9 squares per row.
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)
vec2 uv = fract(fragCoord/iResolution.xy * 4.5);
uv -= 0.5; // moving the coordinate system to middle of screen
// Output to screen
fragColor = vec4(vec3(step(uv.x * uv.y, 0.)), 1.);