QObjectPicker not receiving hovering QMouseEvent in Qt3DWidget - c++

I've implemented a Qt3DWidget which works fairly well by letting Qt3D draw to an offscreen texture and using the texture's ID to draw on a quad in a QOpenGLWidget. The input source on the QInputSettings is set to this, i.e. the widget itself.
One issue that remains is that mouse hovering events (without clicking) are not properly processed and a QObjectPicker never fires its moved event when only hovering over an object. Clicking and dragging works on the other hand. For a couple of hours now I tried to track down where the event gets eaten - I'm sure this happens somewhere because clicking and moving emits the moved event. The latter indicates (in my view) that the event filter (a PickEventFilter - private Qt3D class) has been successfully installed. One failure case would have been that the event filter doesn't get installed.
Now I'm kind of stuck because it just seems impossible trying to figure out where the event dies. I've got the Qt debugging symbols and stepped through the code (which is sometimes a bit buggy because maybe due to code optimization). I figured out that the PickEventFilter gets the leaving event when moving the mouse by setting a breakpoint in this method:
bool PickEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
case QEvent::MouseMove: {
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
m_pendingMouseEvents.push_back({obj, QMouseEvent(*static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e))});
} break;
case QEvent::HoverMove: {
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
QHoverEvent *he = static_cast<QHoverEvent *>(e);
m_pendingMouseEvents.push_back({obj, QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove,
he->pos(), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton,
} break;
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease: {
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
m_pendingKeyEvents.push_back(QKeyEvent(*static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e)));
return false;
And also on this line in QWidgetWindow:
QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(receiver, &translated, widget, m_widget,
&qt_button_down, qt_last_mouse_receiver);
When sendMouseEvent sends the moving event it never reaches the event filter. The only thing that arrives is a leave event. When you use createWindowContainer and Qt3DWindow the mouse events work. I really don't know what the difference is.
I don't think it's feasible to post code related to this issue but I'd hope that some of you can provide some ideas what to try out.

Thanks to Scheff in the comments I was able to make it work by setting setMouseTracking in the QWidget class to true. This was blocking the hovering events.


Qt5 Not Registering Touch Events

I'm working on determining if a certain touchscreen will be compatible with an application and recently got a loaner model of an Elo 2402L touchscreen. I've installed the driver the company provides and was able to see multi-touch events using the evtest utility (parser for /dev/input/eventX).
The thing is that I'm running Scientific Linux 6.4, which uses Linux kernel 2.6.32. I've seen a lot of mixed information on touchscreen compatibility for Linux kernels before 3.x.x. Elo says that their driver only supports single-touch for 2.6.32. Also, I've seen people say that the majority of the compatibility issues with touch events in this kernel version are with Xorg interfaces.
I developed a very simple Qt5 application to test whether Qt could detect the touch events or not, because I'm not sure whether Qt applications are X-based and if they read events directly from /dev/input or something else.
However, despite a simple mouse event handler being able to correctly register mouse events, I also created a simple touch event handler and nothing happens when I touch the main screen. There is a beep, as part of the driver that Elo provides makes a beep when the screen is touched, so I know that SOMETHING is registering that touch, but neither the desktop, nor this application seem to recognize the touch event.
Also, yes, the WA_AcceptTouchEvents attribute is set to true in the window's constructor.
I have a simple mainwindow.h:
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev);
And mainwindow.cpp:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) {
setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents, true);
touchPoints = 0;
int MainWindow::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev) {
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
ui->statusBar->showMessage("Touch Points: " + touchPoints);
Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the touch event handler? Or is there some issue with the device itself? Does Qt read input events directly from /dev/input, or does it get its input events from X?
Very confused here, as I haven't used Qt before and want to narrow down the cause before I say that it's the device causing the issue.
Also, if anyone has any insight into the device / kernel compatibility issue, that would be extremely helpful.
The QTouchEvent documentation says:
Touch events occur when pressing, releasing, or moving one or more
touch points on a touch device (such as a touch-screen or track-pad).
To receive touch events, widgets have to have the
Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents attribute set and graphics items need to have
the acceptTouchEvents attribute set to true.
Probably you just need to call setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents, true) inside the MainWindow constructor.
Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the touch event handler?
There is no touch event handler. If you change:
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev);
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev) override;
(which you should always do when you are trying to override virtual functions so you can catch exactly this kind of mistake), you'll see that there is no such function for you to override. What you need to override is the event() handler:
bool event(QEvent *ev) override;
You need to check for touch events there:
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *ev)
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
return QMainWindow(ev);
ui->statusBar->showMessage("Touch Points: " + touchPoints);
However, it might be better to work with gestures instead of touch events. But I don't know what kind of application you're writing. If you wanted to let Qt recognize gestures rather than implementing them yourself through touch events, you would first grab the gestures you want, in this case pinching:
and then handle it:
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *ev)
if (e->type() != QEvent::Gesture) {
return QMainWindow::event(e);
auto* gestEv = static_cast<QGestureEvent*>(e);
if (auto* gest = gestEv->gesture(Qt::PinchGesture)) {
auto* pinchGest = static_cast<QPinchGesture*>(gest);
auto sf = pinchGest->scaleFactor();
// You could use the pinch scale factor here to zoom an image
// for example.
return true;
return QMainWindow::event(e);
Working with gestures instead of touch events has the advantage of using the platform's gesture recognition facilities, like those of Android and iOS. But again, I don't know what kind of application you're writing and on what kind of platform you're working on.

QSlider postion changes only when minimazing app

I am using QSlider element in my app as a toogle switch. I took this project over from a colleage of mine who left. So far so good, except, that this switch has a black label around it. I can't really change the style and rework everything so, I am stuck with label and slider as switch.
I need to handle events from button clicked and button released. I do it like this-
bool CustomSlider::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev )
if (ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
if(ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress){
lastSaved = ui->horizontalSlider->value();
return QWidget::eventFilter(obj,ev);
And changeSliderValue()-
void CustomSlider::changeSliderValue()
int current = ui->horizontalSlider->value();
So, in short, if I click, it saves state of slider and when releasing it checks against saved state. I do it because QSlider has button pressed signal as well. I have put debug messages in my code and funny thing is debug messages fire. So my code works. If I call ui->horizontalSlider->value() I get the correct(changed) value But the slider is not moving. I have tried checking sequences, if it does not change value twice(it does not), I have tried calling repaint() and so far nothing works. Except if don't minimize(via minimize button) or click in different app(like web browser) and then I can see that slider moves to correct postion. I am completely confused. Has anyone encoutered something like this before?

QKeyEvent isAutoRepeat not working?

So, I have an application where if a particular button is kept pressed it plays an audio device, when the button is released it stops the audio device. I use keyPressEvent and KeyReleaseEvent to implement this which is similar to the code below:
void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
if(event->key() == Qt::Key_0)
qDebug()<<"key_0 pressed"<<endl;
void MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
if(event->key() == Qt::Key_0)
qDebug()<<"key_0 released"<<endl;
But apparently isAutoRepeat function isn't working as I can see continuous print out of key_0 pressed and key_0 released despite the fact I haven't released the 0 key after I have pressed it. Is my code wrong or something else is wrong?
I think this is happening because the MainWindow loses the keyboard focus. How can I actually find out which widget has the focus? I'm actually using some widgets when Qt::Key_0 pressed, but I thought I set all those possible widgets to Qt::NoFocus, I guess it's not working.
I'm trying to know which widget has the focus by doing the following:
QWidget * wigdet = QApplication::activeWindow();
but it always prints an empty string. How can I make it print the name of the widget which has the keyboard focus?
So as I also stumbled over this issue (and grabKeyboard didn't really help), I begun digging in qtbase. It is connected to X11 via xcb, and by default, in case of repeated keys, X11 sends for each repeated key a release-event immediately followed by a key-press-event. So holding down a key results in a sequence of XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE/XCB_BUTTON_PRESS-events beeing sent to the client (try it out with xev or the source at the end of this page).
Then, qt (qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbkeyboard.cpp) tries to figure out from these events whether its an autorepeat case: when a release is received, it uses a lookahead feature to figure if its followed by a press (with timestamps close enough), and if so it assumes autorepeat.
This does not always work, at least not on all platforms. For my case (old and outworn slow laptop (Intel® Celeron(R) CPU N2830 # 2.16GHz × 2) running ubuntu 16.04), it helped to just put a usleep (500) before that check, allowing the press event following the release event to arrive... it's around line 1525 of qxcbkeyboard.cpp:
// look ahead for auto-repeat
KeyChecker checker(source->xcb_window(), code, time, state);
usleep(500); // Added, 100 is to small, 200 is ok (for me)
xcb_generic_event_t *event = connection()->checkEvent(checker);
if (event) {
Filed this as QTBUG-57335.
Nb: The behaviour of X can be changed by using
Display *dpy=...;
Bool result;
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat (dpy, true, &result);
Then it wont send this release-press-sequences in case of a hold down key, but using it would require more changes to the autorepeat-detection-logic.
Anyway solved it.
The problem was that I have a widget which is a subclass of QGLWidget which I use to show some augmented reality images from Kinect. This widget takes over the keyboard focus whenever a keyboard button is pressed.
To solve this problem, I needed to call grabKeyboard function from the MainWindow class (MainWindow is a subclass of QMainWindow), so this->grabKeyboard() is the line I needed to add when key_0 button is pressed so that MainWindow doesn't lose the keyboard focus, and then when the key is released I needed to add the line this->releaseKeyboard() to resume normal behaviour, that is, other widgets can have the keyboard focus.

Qt: is there any way to call a sequence of slots with certain time interval?

The way I am working now is to connect a QTimer to the first slot, inside the first slot it will trigger another single-shot QTimer which will trigger the second slot... and so on.
If I update all of the widgets at once, the GUI will stuck for a flash of a second. But it is noticeable. So I want to avoid that.
But this is very difficult to write code. You have to add QTimer everywhere. Are there any better solutions?
EDIT: This is how I update my widget, maybe there is better way?
void UAVInfoView::updateDisplay()
if (!visibleRegion().isEmpty()){
info = _dataSrc->getUAVInfo(_id-1);
if (info)
//if new package received try to do updating.
if (_pakchk != info->_pakcnt){
//only update the text if there is communication
if (info->_communication != COMMSTATUS::WAIT4CONNECTION && info->_communication != COMMSTATUS::LOST)
ui->plainTextEdit->setPlainText(tr("x: %1\ny: %2\nz: %3").arg(info->_pos[0]).arg(info->_pos[1]).arg(info->_pos[2]));
//only update the status indicator only if status changed.
if (_status != info->_communication)
switch (info->_communication){
ui->groupBox->setStyleSheet("QGroupBox#groupBox {background-color:green;}");
ui->label_2->setText("On Line");
ui->groupBox->setStyleSheet("QGroupBox#groupBox {background-color:red;}");
ui->groupBox->setStyleSheet("QGroupBox#groupBox {background-color:grey;}");
ui->label_2->setText("Off Line");
//update the status and package counter to serve the state machine.
_status = info->_communication;
_pakchk = info->_pakcnt;
As you can see, it is just a bunch of default =, ! if else things...
You can call them in a slot connected to a timer with a certain interval. Your slot that is connected to the timer could be like :
void myClass::onTriggered()
case 0:
case 1:
turn = 0;
This way each time one slot is called and they are called sequentially.
I'm not quite sure what you try to achieve, but if you want to trigger the execution of a specific set of functions with a timer, you probably have to introduce some controlling instance with a singe QTimer that you can use as often as you like.
Now that you said you don't want to update all your GUI widgets all the time, and I guess you are using QWidgets, you could also use the setUpdatesEnabled(bool) method to disable all effects of update() or repaint() calls.
If this doesn't help you, maybe you can explain you problem a bit more detailed?
Although I believe the problem is somewhere else, I'll give you one possible solution. You could use a state machine. Just have one slot that is triggered by your timer in which you call some other functions based on the current state.
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(myStateSlot()));
void MyClass::myStateSlot()
case State_Start:
// you can change the state here.. or somewhere else.. up to your design
case State_Two:
case State_End:
Your problems likely stem from the relative slowness of the QPlainTextEdit. Use a QLabel instead. Otherwise, the code looks fine. Make sure that if there are multiple consequent calls to updateDisplay, they should all happen without the control returning to the event loop between the calls.
The below is wrong, since each processEvents forces a repaint of the widgets.
You might be invoking processEvents() without realizing it. It is effectively invoked every time you return from QObject::event() and the event queue is empty at the time. Also note that QObject::event() is the caller of queued slot calls. Thus, if you have a queued connection to a slot, the control returns to the event loop right after the slot returns.
If the update method is complex, you should try QtConcurrent::map() to run the update in another thread. Then you need no delay, because you'll get notified from map() when the updates are finished.

Catching drag cancel event in Qt

I'm experiencing some difficulties with catching application-scope events in Qt.
My purpose is to catch every user action in some GUI application. Of course I've overrided QApplication::notify handler and processing different types of application-scope events there. Something like that:
bool CoolApplication::notify(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
// Handle mouse
case QEvent::Wheel:
// Handle wheel
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease:
// Handle keyboard and so on
return QApplication::notify(obj, e);
That works pretty well until user starts drag-and-drop operation. Mouse press event is handled well, it is catched in my handler, life is beautiful there. The problems start when I try to catch mouse release event on Windows.
When entering drag operation mouse and keyboard events are no longer handled by QApplication::notify. It is possible to catch drop event when it was successfull (I can add case QEvent::Drop branch into my handler), but how to catch ignored drop or canceling drop with Esc? It seems impossible to be done directly, maybe I can catch drag event loop termination event or something like that? Or even maybe someone knows a direct way to do it?
Once more turning the attention that I need to catch application-scope event, not the widget one
Please, try this
bool QtCoreApplication::notify(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::QDropEvent:
QDropEvent* dropEvent = (QDropEvent*)e;
dropEvent->keyboardModifiers(); // keys pressed
dropEvent->dropAction(); // Drop result
return QApplication::notify(obj, e);
As this remained an open item to us, we checked the usage of the destroyed signal.
This is fired at the moment the element is discarded, which seems to happen a the moment the QDrag is killed by the Escape key pressure
void dragDestroyed()
qDebug("drag and drop cancled by Escape key");
QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
connect( drag, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(dragDestroyed()) );
probably this is relevant for anyone facing the issue.