Using relative paths in Rmarkdown when knitting from two different locations - r-markdown

My problem is with use of relative links and "compiling" (knitting).
I'm writing a book using RMarkdown. Since the file will be relatively large, I need to split into subfiles and directories.
I have a masterfile which only includes links to chapters(chap1, chap2, ...). There is a file for each chapter and each needs references to some figures (fig1,...).
I would like to be able to knit masterfile.Rmd and chap1.Rmd independently from each others so to get one file for chapters, and one file for the whole book.
Here is how my files are organized (MVE). Directories are displayed in upper case.
The code of masterfile.Rmd is as follows:
{r child = '/chapters/chap1.Rmd'}
The code of chap1.Rmd is as follows:
As I knit from chap1.Rmd, everything is fine. As I knit from masterfile, I get the following message:
[WARNING] Could not fetch resource '../figures/fig1.pdf': PandocResourceNotFound "../figures/fig1.pdf"
It seems that fig1.pdf cannot be found. I guess that this is because the include statement in master file only "copies" the code of chap1.Rmd and "executes" it in the ROOT directory (not in the CHAPTERS directory) so ".." drives to location that does not exist (before ROOT) when knitted from masterfile.
I could change the setting and write ![](/figures/fig1.pdf) in chap1.Rmd file. It would work fine when knitting from masterfile but no longer from chap1.Rmd.
Do you know how to have both?

Welcome to the RMarkdown community!
Due to KnitR, Rmd, and pandoc inter-workings, this is not as easy of a solution as you'd think, but a directory restructure would almost be easier.
Even if you look at Rmarkdown author's newest book RMarkdown CookbookHERE. They have all the chapters in the ROOT directory, and only sub directories for images(and possibly figures).
1. Other SO similar question
2. Github options knitr question
3. similar question from Rstudio community

You can make use of the Lua filter feature to rewrite image paths when knitting the main file. E.g.
function Image (img)
img.src = img.src:gsub('^%.%./', './')
return img
This will replace a path like ../figures/fig1.pdf with ./figures/fig1.pdf.
Use the code writing it to a file and calling adding it via pandoc_args (in the main file only).
pandoc_args: ["--lua-filter=filter.lua"]


knitr: Add figure notes in .Rmd file

I have a series of .png images that I would like to add notes to in an Rmarkdown document that I am knitting to a .pdf. The basic code for each image looks like this:
```{r certs_coefplot, out.width="100%", fig.cap=fig.4_cap}
With beamer slides, I have just inserted some basic latex like this:
\tiny \emph{Notes}: Put Notes here \normalsize
below each code chunk.
But if I try this in the context of a larger document, the notes do not appear below the figure.
A solution involving a custom hook was proposed to a similar question asked here about adding notes to figures in an .Rnw file. In particular, the version where you put the code for the hook at the beginning and then write:
notes = "Notes to explain the plot"
sources = "Explain the sources"
in each chunk seems really convenient.
Is it possible to apply a similar solution an RMarkdown file?

Adding preamble.tex and/or modifying css

Thanks for making papaja. It's really terrific!
I just submitted my first journal article using it and ran into problems. The layout staff don't know what to do with the code chunks and listings that are fine in single-column, full page format, but not in their 2-column format. I'm trying use the class 'jou' option to make 2 columns, but I can't figure out how to control the size of code and listing fonts (possibly by modifying the css, as recommended here), or how to using the latex package 'listings' to set listings to wrap (as recommended here).
I'd be grateful for any advice, and my apologies if I've missed how one might do this in the documentation.
If it's only about getting the listings package to work, you can modify the YAML header that it looks similar to the following:
documentclass : "apa6"
classoption : "jou"
output :
pandoc_args: --listings
- \lstset{breaklines=true}
However, note that using automatic line breaks will most likely break the code at some points. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider alternatives: For instance, you could try to use a code style that uses more line breaks. The styler package and add-in might be helpful accomplishing this:

Rmarkdown rticles - MDPI template. How to print your own abbreviations

I am using the MDPI template (from the rticles package), and keen to also use the glossaries packages so I don't have to manually feed all the abbreviation on the appropriate YAML field.
For such, I have loaded the LaTex package glossaries using the header-includes:
\usepackage[acronym, section=section]{glossaries}
after creating several acronyms within the Rmarkdown body, I would be willing to either input the latex commands and have it printed in within the "Abbreviations" section of the template.
Currently, I am able to hack it through the following steps (I am sure there is a better way):
1- keep all the aux files chunk with :
options(tinytex.clean = FALSE)
2- cmd makeglossaries "filename"
3- Raw Latex on Rmarkdown file:
However, I would be keen to know if I could insert something on the YAML and use the MDPI formatting.
Alternatively, I could edit the rticles MDPI template (but I am not sure how).
Any ideas?
Include in YAML:
include-after: glossary.tex
I tried without success, but it seems reasonable that this approach might work with a few modifications

How do I change TOC location in wkhtmltopdf output?

I need the TOC to be on the 3rd page. Apparently, if there is a way to control this, it has to be through the XSL stylesheet. All my search attempts didn't give me a clue though. Is it possible at all?
I can't use cover option since I need the header to show on both first and second pages.
OK I've found a way to do it using wkhtmltopdf 0.11. I've extracted the first two pages into a separate HTML document and then run it like this
wkhtmltopdf [options] page cover.html toc --xsl-style-sheet ... input_file.html out.pdf
Unfortunately it took a lot more effort than I expected, since I'm using it in a Rails application through wicked_pdf, and it doesn't play nice with the new options format, so I had to fork it and make the necessary changes as well.
The command line generated by wicked_pdf looks like this (long paths omitted):
"c:/program files (x86)/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe"
--header-html "file:///path/to/header" --footer-html "file:///path/to/footer"
--margin-top 20 --margin-bottom 15 --margin-left 5 --margin-right 40 page "file:///path/to/cover/page" --disable-javascript toc --xsl-style-sheet "path/to/style/sheet" - -

Magento - locate specific core files

I am familiar with theming and using template hints in the Magento back office to locate .phtml files.
What I am not really familiar with are the core files such as app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model
What I need to do is override a core file like I would a core phtml file by copying it to 'my theme'.
I basically want to amend some labels which appear on the order summary page of the Magento checkout process -
I followed the trail to the phtml files using template hints. Within the app/design/frontend/default/mytheme/template/checkout/cart I found the code
renderTotals(); ?>
Now I managed, by accident, to stumble upon two of the files I wanted to change:
I made local copies of these files ( to override the default labels, like I would if I was overriding a template file.
My question is, how can you locate core files which pertain to the 'stuff' you want to change, located in function calls such as renderTotals(); ?> in the phtml files?
Not being able to pinpoint stuff like I can with template hints is slowing me down, and I am struggling to find a solution as I am not up on all the vocab surrounding Magento yet.
Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance!
From the same settings page where you turn on Template Path Hints, also turn on the "Add Block Names to Hints" setting. This will show you PHP class names such as: Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Grand to which you can deduce the folder path (underscores represent a subfolder, and the last piece represents the file name).
If you're getting a block such as Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Default then sometimes it just takes a little common sense to see that it's pulling in other files from the same folder (such as Grand.php and Shipping.php). But there are generally only a couple files in the same folder, so this is pretty easy to see.
As Sid Vel said, a good Search Project functionality is helpful. But if you find yourself looking at Abstract.php of some class, often you need to look in a subfolder in that directory with the proper name to find the concrete implementations. But still, it gets you very close to where you need to be.
I always use Dreamweaver's site / directory search function. It will scan through all the files in the Core folder and tell you where the function is from. In your case, I would search for "renderTotals". You need to enable PHTML editing in Dreamweaver.
Most IDE's will allow this kind of search option. In Aptana you can Ctrl + Click on the function to open the file it is coming from. Magento takes ages to index itself on Aptana, due to its sheer size.