C++ executable, vcredist errors? - c++

I have created a simple C++ Opengl application in Visual Studio 2019 and some of my users have reported getting a vcredist related error at program start. The application folder contains just the .exe and some .dll's for libraries. Do I really need to send users the 2019 x64 vcredist .exe for them to install? is there no way to embed this into the application? How do projects like Godot do this?

You can include vcredist.exe in your program. Games usually try and do this if they have there own launcher which can run and install the appropriate DLLs for this user in the background. If you have a smaller scale program you can just make a installer which checks if the user has the appropriate DLLs installed and if they don't it installs them for the user.
Determining Which DLLs to Redistribute
Understanding the Dependencies of a Visual C++ Application


remove msvc dlls dependency to run qt application

How to remove msvc dlls (example: msvcr100.dll) dependency to run qt appliation?
I've developed a qt application which runs just fine in dveloper machine but unable to run on any other machine gives error message "program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer". I can solve this error by copying that file in the application folder but I dont want to copy, instead I want to link statically or some other way to remove that dependency.
Thanks in advance
The issue is that you are probably trying to run an application on a machine which has a different Visual Studio (MSVC) version installed than the version that was used for building your application itself.
Generally, the correct solution is to install the corresponding Visual Studio redistributable package on the target machine. It is not a "workaround" or "hack" because if you wish to use an application built with different runtime libraries, etc, then it is expected. Here you can read a bit more about it:
Redistributing Visual C++ Files
Yes, it is a bit unfortunate, and apparently MS has not managed to make it the most ideal, but after all, it is simple enough to circumvent. Note that the target machine would not only have issues with your application, but in general with any distributed in a similar fashion.
The other way to solve the issue is to build the application with the same environment that is installed on the target machine, but this can easily go haywire if you need to supply the application to several machines with versatile setup. Now, I would say this is the "hackish" approach.
You will need to grab the redistributable for this particular problem from here:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)
Even if you went down for statically hacking this around somehow, you would need to deal with nasty consequences when using your application with DLLs and static libraries, etc.
As far as I know, you can't link statically to Visual Studio Redistributable. Any application built with Visual Studio Compiler needs the corresponding msvcXXX.dll to run. Installers containing all dll for each specific version of MSVC are available here: http://search.microsoft.com/en-us/DownloadResults.aspx?q=redistributable
If you want avoid errors for your users when you distribute your application, you have some solution. A commonly used is to install the right redistributable package before installing your application on the user machine. Often used tools (NSIS, Inno Setup, etc.) have options to run other executable in the process. And each Microsoft redist package can be run silently (without any window display to user).
Note: This problem is absolutely not related to qt. It comes directly from the compiler you choose.

Deploying a c++ QT5 app

I am trying to deploy my application. It works on Windows 7 with quit a lot of .dll files but I can't get it work on Windows XP. It seems that windows Xp requires more dll files. But the Dependency walker tool keeps showing me new dll files missing. Now it says API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROCESSTHREADS-L1-1-0.DLL and API-MS-WIN-SECURITY-BASE-L1-1-0.DLL are missing.
When i try to start the exe nothing happens ... no error...
I use Qt5.0.2 with pre build msvc2010.
Thanks in advance
Perhaps this is related to missing VS 2010 redistributable? Also make sure to build in a release-configuration if you don't already know.
If you package this up into an installer like NSIS, I'd typically execute it with the argument /Q to prevent any GUIs from popping up... it won't ask for any admin privileges which is nice since the previous VC 2008 redistrib always required it.
As the previous answer a requirement is the VS redistributable. In your case, as you use VS2010 the file to download is MS 2010 redistributable.
Besides of that there is the executable windeployqt that helps with the deployment package copying the Qt DLLs required on your executable directory.

Problems with running EXE file built with Visual Studio on another computer

I created a client server application in C++ using Visual Studio.
Now I want to run the client EXE file on another computer (which doesn't have Visual Studio installed),
but when I try run the EXE file, it gives the following error message:
This application has failed to start because the application
configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this
How can I run the EXE file without installing anything on the computer?
Applications built with Visual Studio depend on Visual C++ Redistibutable (VCRedist). When the program is being linked dynamically, then your binaries will need
MSVCR**.dll (Microsoft C Runtime Library).
On MSDN, there is a nice article called Redistributing Visual C++ Files (for Visual Studio 2008), that states that there are Potential run-time errors in case that required Visual C++ library is not installed:
you may get one of the following error messages depending on the version of Windows on which you try to run your application:
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135).
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling application may fix this problem.
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Basically you have two options:
The simplest possible solution is to change the dynamic linking of runtime libraries to static linking. Go to project properties and under C/C++ → Code Generation you will find Runtime Library option. You need to change it from Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) to Multi-threaded (/MT).
Another possible solution is to make sure that the right version of Microsoft VC++ Redistributable Package is installed on the target machine.
But your application might depend on other DLL files as well. In case you want to find out what are the dependencies of your program, there is a great utility called Dependency Walker that will help you in this and many other situations :)
C++ applications need run-time assemblies (DLL files) to run in any Windows computer.
Normally these run-time assemblies are located at C:\Windows\Winsxs directory.
All the Windows operating systems by default comes with several run time assemblies.
But if your application is developed in a newer version of the run-time assembly environment, the target computer also needs the same version of the run time to exist there.
When you're installing Visual Studio, most newer versions of the run-time assemblies comes to your computer.
Finally by anyway the target computer should have the exact run time assemblies. There are a few ways to do this (for more details search each in Google).
Statically link run-time assemblies with your application (troublesome for large application).
Install the C++ redistribution environment on the target computer (the easiest way).
Creating a setup project to deploy the run-time on the target computer when installing the application (not bad).
For deploying run-time assemblies as private assemblies (professional), see here for more details
You must not use .NET framework in your application.
You must not use the common language run-time support for your application
I deployed my program in release instead of debug, and the EXE file now works on the other computer.
I haven't seen that specific error before. Usually it's an error around a missing DLL (Windows redistributable). Assuming there isn't actually a problem with the configuration, you have two choices:
Change the compile mode from Multithreaded DLL to Multithreaded. This can be done from the C++ section of project properties under code generation. In multithreaded mode your binary will be statically linked against the Windows redistributable. This is probably what you want.
Install the Windows redistributable on the target machine. This probably isn't OK, because you state that you don't want to install anything on the target machine.
A warning about option 1: Different versions of Windows have different versions of the redistributable. It's possible to encounter a highly specialized environment in which a statically linked program will not behave as expected.
It look like you're missing some DLL files. Be sure to copy appropriate DLL files along with EXE file.
I am running Visual Studio 2019 and I found a very helpful configuration property to address the problem of moving a simple application to another computer without an installation package.
Open the project Property Pages.
Choose which configurations this change should apply to, I used “All Configurations”.
In the left-hand window click to expand the top node called “Configuration Properties”.
Click on "Advanced". In the right-hand window look for the property called “Copy C++ Runtime to OutDir” and set that to “yes”.
Click OK to close the Properties window.
Rebuild your project. All the necessary dlls will be copied to the project’s output directory. Copy your exe and all dlls to another computer. The exe should find everything it needs to run.

Running .exe crashes while running from vs2010 is successful

I've developed a c++ program using Visual Studio 2010 and it works perfectly, but while trying to start it with the .exe file created in the debug folder instead of inside the VS2010, it crashes. It updates my DB once, but then it crashes unexpectly..
Does anyone know why? What should I do to avoid it in order to be able to run my application in another PC. It uses the winsock library and mysql API for C, so I'm wondering if I need to configure something else that the VS2010 doesn't do by its own while linking or so.
Did you depend on the current directory? We had a case once that turned up where that was the problem.
You should set the build configuration to Release, and use the .exe from the Release folder, once you rebuild the application. The executable from the Debug folder is (in principle) only used by Visual Studio internally, and it would therefore make no sense to redistribute it.
Note however, that in order to run any application created with visual C++, the user must install the visual C++ redistributable package, so make sure that the user has got that installed.

C++ Chat client missing lib file

I have made a chat program with using Winsock2.h and the lib file ws2_32.lib.
When I want to test the chat program out on a computer on another network, it shows me a message box with the text:
"The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem".
How do I make my program able to run on all windows 7 machines without having to install Visual Studio?
you should create a setup project which includes the required libraries and installs them in the client machine during your application's setup.
In fact you need a setup anyway if you want to create a shortcut to your program in the Start Menu or on the desktop for example.
You need the redistributable package for your visual studio version. For VS2010 (x86) can be found here:
Alternatively, you can create an installer that will include the dlls.
Your program depends on the Visual C++ redistributal. You will need to bundle it with your programs installer.
You do not have to install Visual Studio, You do need to make sure all of your program's dependencys are on the destination computer. You would normally do this by creating a setup program. The dll that you are missing MSVCR100.dll can be found as part of the VC++ redistributable package