Issues with RGB led and Servomotors - c++
I'm on my first Arduino project... On this project, I use an RGB led and 2 Servomotors...
First off all, following OOP, I create a class to control my RGB led...
class StatusLED {
int pinRed;
int pinGreen;
int pinBlue;
StatusLED(int pinRed, int pinGreen, int pinBlue);
void RGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue);
It's working very well, without issues...
After there is all fine with the RGB led, I start to include my Servomotor code...
#include <Servo.h>
#define PIN_RGBLED_R 9
#define PIN_RGBLED_G 10
#define PIN_RGBLED_B 11
#define PIN_SERVO_H 12
#define PIN_SERVO_V 13
Servo servoH;
Servo servoV;
void setup() {
And after I include the servo.attach() lines, my RBG led has a strange behavior, the colors that I used before, like Light Purple RGB(2, 0, 2);, doesn't work anymore, now when i try it, the led turns on with Red color.
If I comment the servo.attach() lines, the led works well.
Already tried:
Change Servo libraries version;
Change servos to another pins;
Someone can please help me?
Just to eliminate the doubt of my LED class are the problem, I create a new file...
#include <Servo.h>
#define PIN_SERVO_H 3
#define PIN_SERVO_V 4
#define PIN_RGBLED_R 9
#define PIN_RGBLED_G 10
#define PIN_RGBLED_B 11
Servo servoH;
Servo servoV;
void setup() {
void loop() {
void RGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {
if (redValue > 255) {
redValue = 255;
if (greenValue > 255) {
greenValue = 255;
if (blueValue > 255) {
blueValue = 255;
if (redValue < 0) {
redValue = 0;
if (greenValue < 0) {
greenValue = 0;
if (blueValue < 0) {
blueValue = 0;
// This is a common anode RGB Led.
// So 255 is OFF and 0 is Fully ON
analogWrite(PIN_RGBLED_R, 255 - redValue);
analogWrite(PIN_RGBLED_G, 255 - greenValue);
analogWrite(PIN_RGBLED_B, 255 - blueValue);
And the problem continues... if I comment the lines of attach() the led works fine, without comment, it only blinks in Red color...
Depending on the version of your arduino, servo.attach only works on Pin 9 and Pin 10, which conflicts with your RGB pins. See
P10 Led Matrix 64x32 not show true in pixeltime (PxMatrix library) with ESP8266 NodeMCU
I am learning how to control P10 Led matrix 64x32 with NodeModule MCU ESP8266, I google and found this library and this tutorial I believed that I wire between P10 and ESP8266 in true way in the tutorial, but that P10 led does not display as the example: The true result will be: This is my wire diagram: This is my code: // This is how many color levels the display shows - the more the slower the update //#define PxMATRIX_COLOR_DEPTH 4 // Defines the speed of the SPI bus (reducing this may help if you experience noisy images) //#define PxMATRIX_SPI_FREQUENCY 20000000 // Creates a second buffer for backround drawing (doubles the required RAM) //#define PxMATRIX_double_buffer true #include <PxMatrix.h> // Pins for LED MATRIX #ifdef ESP32 #define P_LAT 22 #define P_A 19 #define P_B 23 #define P_C 18 #define P_D 5 #define P_E 15 #define P_OE 16 hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; portMUX_TYPE timerMux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; #endif #ifdef ESP8266 #include <Ticker.h> Ticker display_ticker; #define P_LAT 16 #define P_A 5 #define P_B 4 #define P_C 15 #define P_D 12 #define P_E 0 #define P_OE 2 #endif #define matrix_width 64 #define matrix_height 32 // This defines the 'on' time of the display is us. The larger this number, // the brighter the display. If too large the ESP will crash uint8_t display_draw_time=10; //30-70 is usually fine //PxMATRIX display(32,16,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C); PxMATRIX display(64,32,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D); //PxMATRIX display(64,64,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D,P_E); // Some standard colors uint16_t myRED = display.color565(255, 0, 0); uint16_t myGREEN = display.color565(0, 255, 0); uint16_t myBLUE = display.color565(0, 0, 255); uint16_t myWHITE = display.color565(255, 255, 255); uint16_t myYELLOW = display.color565(255, 255, 0); uint16_t myCYAN = display.color565(0, 255, 255); uint16_t myMAGENTA = display.color565(255, 0, 255); uint16_t myBLACK = display.color565(0, 0, 0); uint16_t myCOLORS[8]={myRED,myGREEN,myBLUE,myWHITE,myYELLOW,myCYAN,myMAGENTA,myBLACK}; uint8_t static 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}; #ifdef ESP8266 // ISR for display refresh void display_updater() { display.display(display_draw_time); } #endif #ifdef ESP32 void IRAM_ATTR display_updater(){ // Increment the counter and set the time of ISR portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); display.display(display_draw_time); portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); } #endif void display_update_enable(bool is_enable) { #ifdef ESP8266 if (is_enable) display_ticker.attach(0.004, display_updater); else display_ticker.detach(); #endif #ifdef ESP32 if (is_enable) { timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &display_updater, true); timerAlarmWrite(timer, 4000, true); timerAlarmEnable(timer); } else { timerDetachInterrupt(timer); timerAlarmDisable(timer); } #endif } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Define your display layout here, e.g. 1/8 step, and optional SPI pins begin(row_pattern, CLK, MOSI, MISO, SS) display.begin(16); //display.begin(8, 14, 13, 12, 4); // Define multiplex implemention here {BINARY, STRAIGHT} (default is BINARY) //display.setMuxPattern(BINARY); // Set the multiplex pattern {LINE, ZIGZAG,ZZAGG, ZAGGIZ, WZAGZIG, VZAG, ZAGZIG} (default is LINE) //display.setScanPattern(LINE); // Rotate display //display.setRotate(true); // Flip display //display.setFlip(true); // Control the minimum color values that result in an active pixel //display.setColorOffset(5, 5,5); // Set the multiplex implemention {BINARY, STRAIGHT} (default is BINARY) //display.setMuxPattern(BINARY); // Set the color order {RRGGBB, RRBBGG, GGRRBB, GGBBRR, BBRRGG, BBGGRR} (default is RRGGBB) //display.setColorOrder(RRGGBB); // Set the time in microseconds that we pause after selecting each mux channel // (May help if some rows are missing / the mux chip is too slow) //display.setMuxDelay(0,1,0,0,0); // Set the number of panels that make up the display area width (default is 1) //display.setPanelsWidth(2); // Set the brightness of the panels (default is 255) //display.setBrightness(50); // Set driver chip type //display.setDriverChip(FM6124); display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextColor(myCYAN); display.setCursor(2,0); display.print("Pixel"); display.setTextColor(myMAGENTA); display.setCursor(2,8); display.print("Time"); display_update_enable(true); delay(3000); } union single_double{ uint8_t two[2]; uint16_t one; } this_single_double; // This draws the weather icons void draw_weather_icon (uint8_t icon) { if (icon>10) icon=10; for (int yy=0; yy<10;yy++) { for (int xx=0; xx<10;xx++) { uint16_t byte_pos=(xx+icon*10)*2+yy*220; this_single_double.two[1]=weather_icons[byte_pos]; this_single_double.two[0]=weather_icons[byte_pos+1]; display.drawPixel(1+xx,yy,; } } } unsigned long last_draw=0; void scroll_text(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB) { uint16_t text_length = text.length(); display.setTextWrap(false); // we don't wrap text so it scrolls nicely display.setTextSize(1); display.setRotation(0); display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); // Asuming 5 pixel average character width for (int xpos=matrix_width; xpos>-(matrix_width+text_length*5); xpos--) { display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); display.clearDisplay(); display.setCursor(xpos,ypos); display.println(text); delay(scroll_delay); yield(); // This might smooth the transition a bit if we go slow // display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR/4,colorG/4,colorB/4)); // display.setCursor(xpos-1,ypos); // display.println(text); delay(scroll_delay/5); yield(); } } uint8_t icon_index=0; void loop() { scroll_text(1,50,"Welcome to PxMatrix!",96,96,250); display.clearDisplay(); draw_weather_icon(icon_index); icon_index++; if (icon_index>10) icon_index=0; for (int xx=0; xx<16;xx++) { display.drawLine(xx+16,0,xx+16,5,display.color565(xx*16,0,0)); display.drawLine(xx+16,6,xx+16,10,display.color565(0,xx*16,0)); display.drawLine(xx+16,11,xx+16,15,display.color565(0,0,xx*16)); } delay(1000); for (uint8_t dimm=255; dimm>0; dimm--) { display.setBrightness(dimm); delay(5); } for (uint8_t dimm=0; dimm<255; dimm++) { display.setBrightness(dimm); delay(5); } } I appreciate if anyone help me to figure it out, I stucked here 3 days. Thanks!
I fixed this by adding display.setPanelsWidth(2); display.setMuxPattern(SHIFTREG_ABC_BIN_DE); because my led is combined by 2 matrix 32x16.
Using struct to create a multi-dimming LED system
I tried to have a random fading pattern on several leds and it leads to flickering because it cannot recognise which led are already on use. I am in the process of creating a simple lamp that show some light patterns using 6 led and an arduino uno. The goal is that depending on some inputs and a bit of randomisation, the patterns will change. For instance, only 2 lights at the same time but fading up and down randomly on all 6 led. Or 4 lights fading up and down randomly on the 6 leds. I decided to create a struct that would be a light pattern named a particle, and this particle have a variable named led_position that shows which led it is on at a certain moment. The particle can change its position to light up an other led. I have tried to add a data field for busy, as you can see and to update the list of available led ( the one without a busy process on it) to no avail. '''Main code '''' -edited after bartek's comment. #include "MyTypes.h" int led0 = 3; // the PWM pin the LED is attached to int led1 = 5; int led2 = 6; int led3 = 9; int led4 = 10; int led5 = 11; //int led; int brightness; int fadeAmount; // Definition of the different particles particle_type particle[]={ { 0,led0,0, 2, false }, { 1,led1,50, 2, false }, { 2,led2,100, 2, false }, { 3,led3,80, 2, false }, { 4,led4,30, 2, false}, { 5,led5,70, 2, false}, }; led_type led[]={ { 3,false }, { 5,false }, { 6,false }, { 9,false }, { 10,false }, { 11,false }, }; //initiation of the particles void initiate_particle(particle_type& particle_example,led_type led[]){ //take a random led from list of led int number=random(6); Serial.println(number); led[number]; if (led[number].busy == false){ //if led non-occupied for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ if (led[i].led_position==particle_example.led_position){ led[i].busy=false; Serial.println("success"); Serial.println(led[i].led_position); } } particle_example.led_position=led[number].led_position; Serial.println(particle_example.led_position); led[number].busy = true ;//take this led as output } else{ // initiate_particle( particle_example,led); } particle_example.reset = false; //reset turned off delay(30); } void update_light(particle_type& particle_example,led_type led[]){ //updating led brightness analogWrite(particle_example.led_position, particle_example.brightness); //updating led brightness if (particle_example.brightness >= 160) { particle_example.fadeAmount = -particle_example.fadeAmount; } if (particle_example.brightness <= 160 && particle_example.brightness >= 100 ) { particle_example.brightness = particle_example.brightness + 2*particle_example.fadeAmount; } if (particle_example.brightness >= 50 && particle_example.brightness <= 100){ particle_example.brightness = particle_example.brightness + particle_example.fadeAmount; } if (particle_example.brightness >= 0 && particle_example.brightness <= 50){ particle_example.brightness = particle_example.brightness + 0.5*particle_example.fadeAmount; } if (particle_example.brightness <= 0){ particle_example.reset= true; particle_example.brightness =0; int number = particle_example.led_position; particle_example.fadeAmount = -particle_example.fadeAmount; } } void activate_particle(particle_type& particle_example,led_type led[]){ //function to keep led activated if (particle_example.reset==true){ //if led not initiated or has finished its dimming down initiate_particle(particle_example, led); //initiate it again ;} else { update_light(particle_example,led); //update its brightness } } void setup() { //create led outputs pinMode(led0, OUTPUT); pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); pinMode(led4, OUTPUT); pinMode(led5, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); //serial for debug } void loop() { activate_particle(particle[0],led); activate_particle(particle[1],led); activate_particle(particle[2],led); // activate_particle(particle[3],led); // activate_particle(particle[4],led); // activate_particle(particle[5],led); // delay(10); // 20-17-15-12-10-7-2 } '''Mytypes.h'''' typedef struct { int id; int led_position; int brightness; int fadeAmount; bool reset; } particle_type; typedef struct { int led_position; bool busy; } led_type; The code runs and the particles go from led to led but they sometime merge into a single one and this makes the LED flickers. The problems are almost non-existent when 1 to 3 particles are activated but become a problem starting at 4 up to 6. How can I make sure that they don't 'take' the same led to output. On top of that it seems that some leds are "discarded". How can I make sure that they stay active.
Why is my Arduino code for running a Bluetooth controlled robot with obstacle sensor not working as it should be?
I have created a Bluetooth based smartphone controlled robot (a 4 wheel car) earlier using Arduino and an obstacle avoidance robot. Now, I wanted to combine both of them. So, I combined their functions and codes in such a manner that felt right to me. But, it kinda seems wrong to my robot. My Bluetooth Controlled robot was running smoothly. My obstacle avoiding robot was running flawless. But, when I tried to join them, both of them started crying. I tried to change orders of the functions, adding some functions twice or thrice removing them from some places that didn't feel right then. Nothing was worthy. I need to upload whole code because I'm not sure where am I doing it wrong #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <RemoteXY.h> // RemoteXY connection settings #define REMOTEXY_SERIAL_RX A2 #define REMOTEXY_SERIAL_TX A3 #define REMOTEXY_SERIAL_SPEED 9600 // RemoteXY configurate #pragma pack(push, 1) uint8_t RemoteXY_CONF[] = { 255,8,0,54,0,176,0,8,228,4, 5,48,44,26,30,30,0,31,8,1, 6,0,-84,-142,20,20,0,2,26,129, 0,6,37,23,8,0,64,78,97,118, 101,100,0,131,3,51,1,20,5,1, 2,31,82,111,98,111,116,32,67,97, 114,0,131,0,62,5,19,5,2,2, 31,67,111,110,116,114,111,108,108,101, 114,0,129,0,10,45,13,7,0,16, 84,72,69,0,129,0,5,52,25,8, 0,136,83,104,101,105,107,104,0,1, 0,-34,-111,12,12,1,2,31,88,0, 1,4,79,44,12,12,0,37,151,240, 159,147,162,0,65,4,87,9,7,7, 0,65,1,87,17,7,7,0,65,2, 87,25,7,7,0,67,5,3,3,25, 14,0,94,24,51,2,0,86,1,11, 5,0,135,26,31,31,79,78,0,79, 70,70,0 }; // this structure defines all the variables of your control interface struct { // input variable int8_t joystick_1_x; // =-100..100 x-coordinate joystick position int8_t joystick_1_y; // =-100..100 y-coordinate joystick position uint8_t rgb_1_r; // =0..255 Red color value uint8_t rgb_1_g; // =0..255 Green color value uint8_t rgb_1_b; // =0..255 Blue color value uint8_t button_1; // =1 if button pressed, else =0 uint8_t button_2; // =1 if button pressed, else =0 uint8_t switch_1; // =1 if switch ON and =0 if OFF // output variable uint8_t red_led_r; // =0..255 LED Red brightness uint8_t blue_led_b; // =0..255 LED Blue brightness uint8_t green_led_g; // =0..255 LED Green brightness char text_indicator[51]; // string UTF8 end zero // other variable uint8_t connect_flag; // =1 if wire connected, else =0 } RemoteXY; #pragma pack(pop) ///////////////////////////////////////////// // END RemoteXY include // ///////////////////////////////////////////// #define PIN_BUTTON_2 A4 #define PIN_SWITCH_1 A5 #include<AFMotor.h> #include <NewPing.h> #include <Servo.h> #define TRIG_PIN A0 #define ECHO_PIN A1 #define MAX_DISTANCE 250 //#define MAX_SPEED 150 // sets speed of DC motors //#define MAX_SPEED_OFFSET 20 NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); AF_DCMotor left_motor_A(1, MOTOR12_64KHZ); AF_DCMotor left_motor_B(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); AF_DCMotor right_motor_A(3, MOTOR34_64KHZ); AF_DCMotor right_motor_B(4, MOTOR34_64KHZ); Servo myservo; int distance = 100; int right_motor_speed = 0; int left_motor_speed = 0; //define two arrays with a list of pins for each motor AF_DCMotor RightMotor[2] = {right_motor_A, right_motor_B}; AF_DCMotor LeftMotor[2] = {left_motor_A, left_motor_B}; //speed control of motors void Wheel (AF_DCMotor * motor, int v) // v = motor speed, motor = pointer to an array of pins { if (v > 100) v=100; if (v < -100) v=-100; if (v > 0){ motor[0].run(FORWARD); motor[1].run(FORWARD); motor[0].setSpeed(v * 1.75); motor[1].setSpeed(v * 1.75); } else if ( v<0 ){ motor[0].run(BACKWARD); motor[1].run(BACKWARD); motor[0].setSpeed(v * 1.75); motor[1].setSpeed(v * 1.75); /* //digitalWrite (motor [1], FORWARD); analogWrite (motor [2], (v) * 0.75); //analogWrite (motor [2], (-v) * 0.75); */ } else{ motor[0].run(RELEASE); motor[1].run(RELEASE); motor[0].setSpeed(0); motor[1].setSpeed(0); } } int lookRight() { RemoteXY.blue_led_b = 255; RemoteXY.red_led_r = 0; RemoteXY.green_led_g = 0; sprintf(RemoteXY.text_indicator, "CHECKING THE RIGHT SIDE."); myservo.write(50); delay(500); int distance = readPing(); delay(100); myservo.write(115); return distance; } int lookLeft() { RemoteXY.blue_led_b = 255; RemoteXY.red_led_r = 0; RemoteXY.green_led_g = 0; sprintf(RemoteXY.text_indicator, "CHECKING THE LEFT SIDE."); myservo.write(170); delay(500); int distance = readPing(); delay(100); myservo.write(115); return distance; delay(100); } int readPing() { delay(100); int cm = sonar.ping_cm(); if(cm==0) { cm = MAX_DISTANCE ; } return cm; } void moveStop() {;;;; } void setup() { RemoteXY_Init (); pinMode (PIN_BUTTON_2, OUTPUT); pinMode (PIN_SWITCH_1, OUTPUT); myservo.attach(10); myservo.write(115); delay(2000); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); } void loop() { RemoteXY_Handler (); digitalWrite(PIN_BUTTON_2, (RemoteXY.button_2==0)?LOW:HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_SWITCH_1, (RemoteXY.switch_1==0)?LOW:HIGH); int distanceR = 0; int distanceL = 0; delay(40); if(distance<=27) { moveStop(); RemoteXY.blue_led_b = 0; RemoteXY.red_led_r = 255; RemoteXY.green_led_g = 0; sprintf(RemoteXY.text_indicator, "AN OBSTACLE HAS COME IN FRONT OF YOUR ROBOT!!!"); digitalWrite(PIN_BUTTON_2, HIGH); delay(1500); distanceR = lookRight(); delay(250); distanceL = lookLeft(); delay(250); if(distanceR>=distanceL) { RemoteXY.blue_led_b = 255; RemoteXY.red_led_r = 0; RemoteXY.green_led_g = 0; sprintf(RemoteXY.text_indicator, "IT IS GOOD TO GO ON THE RIGHT SIDE."); } else { sprintf(RemoteXY.text_indicator, "IT IS GOOD TO GO ON THE LEFT SIDE."); } } else { RemoteXY.blue_led_b = 0; RemoteXY.red_led_r = 0; RemoteXY.green_led_g = 255; //manage the right motor Wheel (LeftMotor, RemoteXY.joystick_1_y - RemoteXY.joystick_1_x); Wheel (RightMotor, RemoteXY.joystick_1_y + RemoteXY.joystick_1_x); } distance = readPing(); //manage the right motor //Wheel (LeftMotor, RemoteXY.joystick_1_y - RemoteXY.joystick_1_x); //Wheel (RightMotor, RemoteXY.joystick_1_y + RemoteXY.joystick_1_x); } I want my Robot to work on my directions and when he senses something on its front end then he should stop there and tell me through a RemoteXY.text_string and then check for obstacles at the left and right side and tell me on which side it is available to go. After that, it should again take my orders via my mobile phone. Firstly, it became impossible to connect the robot to the Smartphone using Bluetooth because the robot was very busy in doing some other stuffs (only he knows what was he doing). Then, I applied a "RemoteXY Button" on my code (that is not in the code that I'm posting here) with an "if" block; such that if this switch is pressed via the Smartphone, only then the robot will start moving. So, doing this thing helped me to connect my robot to my smartphone via Bluetooth but, when I was connection then the Servo Motor was regularly spinning (again, I don't know why) after secure connection, when I turned that switch on, then my robot took only my first order (which is usually moving forward) and it performed on my first order for almost first 3 to 5 seconds and then the Robot got his system hanged and my smartphone was automatically disconnected from the robot. I am unable to figure out where is the filth in my code or my code is itself fully filthy. This is the matter, where I need you guys' help Other information that you might need for better Support/help, I am using: 1). RemoteXY app for Android to Robot Communication 2). Arduino UNO as Microcontroller 3). Arduino IDE for Programming Arduino 4). One SG 90 Servo Motor. 5). Four Geared DC- Motors. 6). L293D Motor Driver Shield for driving Dc motors and the Servo 7). HC SR-04 ultrasonic sensor for obstacle sensing 8). A 12V battery 9). HC-05 Module for Bluetooth Communication 10). A buzzer for external indicator/horn. At pin A4 11). A filthy code for Arduino Programming 😜. Any help with the code will be appreciated. Thank You So Much in advance. ❤️
For an arduino robot that needs to perform a lot of function simultaneously you may want to look into this
Arduino Micro: SP02 Custom Sensor, IR & Red LEDS. Serial Output Inconsistant
thank you in advance for the community's help. As of right now, we are looking to get consistent data to output to the serial monitor. We are seeing output to the monitor several seconds after turning on the device, and sometimes the output takes more than 15 seconds. Furthermore, we are getting a oxogyn concentration of a value well above 100%. There are times when we get a HR value, and a O2 value which seem reasonable, however, this is not always the case and rather inconsistent. Is there something wrong with the timing of the interrupts or even the frequency in which we write to the serial monitor? The code is as follows: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Including this so we can test the code as is //We can always remove the LCD code later #include "floatToString.h" //SEE COMMENTS BELOW /* * You need to include the float to string header file. I am unsure if this goes in the * main direcotry withe the code or just the library. For completness I have incouded it on my * computer in both locations. Please do the same untill we can test further. */ #include "Arduino.h" //Formally floatToString.h This changed years ago, using Arduino.h #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //bluetooth #include <TimerOne.h> //interrupts SEE COMMENT BELOW //********************************************************** //Read Below.......................................... /* * Need a library for the above timeerOne file * without the library, you will get an error. * See Github at * Download the file and place the entire * TimerOne-master folder in my Documents > Arduino > libraries */ //********************************************************** #define analogPin A0 #define Theta 0.6 #define RxD 1 //bluetooth read #define TxD 0 //bluetooth transmit #define DEBUG_ENABLED //bluetooth #define redLED 5 //High is Red led on, Low is Infrared on. //#define iredLED 6 volatile int maxTemp,minTemp; //shared variables between interrupts and loop volatile int lastcount,count; int Rmax, Rmin, IRmax, IRmin; float R, Spo2,HeartR_frq; int Sp02_int; int HeartRate, HeartR; float LastHeartRate = 70; //default int average = 140; //average is average crossing //int average2 = 220; int interrupts_counter =0; //count the times of interrupts float value=0.5; float Spo2_float; char buffer[25]; SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD); //define bluetooth void setup() { pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT); //define LED pinMode(RxD, INPUT); //bluetooth input pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT); //bluetooth output pinMode(analogPin, INPUT); //analog signal input //initially switch on Red LED, after each interrupt will turn on the other digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); Serial.begin(115200); //bluetooth setupBlueToothConnection(); //We might not need this, this might be for the LCD display. Leaving it in for now init_interrupts(); Timer1.initialize(40000); //terrupt every 0.04 seconds Timer1.attachInterrupt(max_min_num); //interrupt call max_min_num function Rmax = 0; IRmax = 0; Rmin = 0; IRmin = 0; LastHeartRate = 70; } void loop() { //initialize LCD LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // initialize LCD, the pins are all depends lcd.begin(8, 2); //set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: while(1){ //the whole while is used to avoid LCD reinitialize digitalWrite(redLED,HIGH); delay(2000); //let red led signal to be stable //interrupts(); while(!((lastcount>average )&& (count<average)) ){ } digitalWrite(redLED,HIGH); init_interrupts(); while(!((lastcount>average )&& (count<average)) ){ } noInterrupts(); // temporarily disabel interrupts, to be sure it will not change while we are reading Rmax = maxTemp; Rmin = minTemp; delay(100); HeartR_frq = 1/(0.04*interrupts_counter); //d is the times of ISR in 1 second, interrupts(); //enable interrupts HeartRate = HeartR_frq * 60; if(HeartRate> 60 && HeartRate< 120){ HeartR = Theta*HeartRate + (1 - Theta)*LastHeartRate; //Use theta to smooth LastHeartRate = HeartR; } digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); //initialize lcd lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("HR:"); lcd.setCursor(5,0); lcd.print(HeartR); R = (Rmax - Rmin); Spo2 = (R-180)*0.01 +97.838; int Spo2_int = (int)Spo2; //float Spo2 to int Spo2_int String Spo2_float = floatToString(buffer,Spo2,2); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("SPO2:"); lcd.setCursor(5,1); lcd.print(Spo2_int); //transmit data to phone app through bluetooth String H = String("H: ")+HeartR +String("S: ") +Spo2_float; Serial.println(H); delay(1000); init_interrupts(); } } void setupBlueToothConnection() //initialize bluetooth { blueToothSerial.begin(115200); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 38400 blueToothSerial.print("\r\n+STWMOD=0\r\n"); //t the bluetooth work in slave mode blueToothSerial.print("\r\n+STNA=HC-06\r\n"); //t the bluetooth name as "HC-05" blueToothSerial.print("\r\n+STOAUT=1\r\n"); // Permit Paired device to connect me blueToothSerial.print("\r\n+STAUTO=0\r\n"); // Auto-connection should be forbidden here delay(2000); // This delay is required. //blueToothSerial.print("\r\n+INQ=1\r\n"); //make the slave bluetooth inquirable blueToothSerial.print("bluetooth connected!\n"); delay(2000); // This delay is required. blueToothSerial.flush(); } void init_interrupts() { maxTemp = 0; minTemp = 1023; count = 0; lastcount =0; interrupts_counter = 0; } void max_min_num() { lastcount = count; count = analogRead(analogPin); //read signa if(count> maxTemp){ maxTemp = count; } else if(count<minTemp){ minTemp = count; } interrupts_counter++; //interrupt counter } Thank you in advance for your time!
Arduino: Class with Servo corrupts servo behavior if this->object.attach(pin) is used in constructor
I have an issue with a solution, but I don't understand the solution. It may be similar to Arduino: initialise custom object in constructor but I don't think this is the same issue. The context is the following. I am controlling a small legged robot with a Arduino board. Each leg is an object "MChLeg" that includes two servos. The servos are controlled using the library. The issue is the following: if I assign the servos in the constructor, the program compiles fine but the servos behave in a crazy manner (I suppose that I break the servo scheduling); if I assign the servos outside of the constructor, everything is fine. I list only part of the C++ Class below is it is the only one that is changed between the working version and the non-working version. Initial program (servo assigned in constructor), code has issues: #include <Arduino.h> #include <Servo.h> class MChLeg{ int kneeIndex, hipIndex; int kneeAngle, hipAngle; Servo kneeServo; Servo hipServo; public: MChLeg(int, int); // (knee servo index, hip servo index); use 0 if no servo ~MChLeg(); void setLeg(int, int); // (knee angle, hip angle); in degrees, 0-180, 90 is straight void rollLeg(); }; MChLeg::MChLeg(int x, int y){ this->kneeIndex = x; this->hipIndex = y; if (this->kneeIndex != 0) { this->kneeServo.attach(this->kneeIndex); this->kneeServo.write(90); // this line can be removed with no impact on issue } if (this->hipIndex != 0) { this->hipServo.attach(this->hipIndex); this->hipServo.write(90); // this line can be removed with no impact on issue } } New code (servo assigned using a method), code operates fine: #include <Arduino.h> #include <Servo.h> class MChLeg{ int kneeIndex, hipIndex; int kneeAngle, hipAngle; Servo kneeServo; Servo hipServo; public: MChLeg(); ~MChLeg(); void assignLeg(int, int); // (knee servo index, hip servo index); use 0 if no servo void setLeg(int, int); // (knee angle, hip angle); in degrees, 0-180, 90 is straight void rollLeg(); }; MChLeg::MChLeg(){ this->kneeIndex = 0; this->hipIndex = 0; } void MChLeg::assignLeg(int x, int y){ if (this->kneeIndex != 0) { this->kneeServo.detach(); } if (this->hipIndex != 0) { this->hipServo.detach(); } this->kneeIndex = x; this->hipIndex = y; if (this->kneeIndex != 0) { this->kneeServo.attach(this->kneeIndex); } if (this->hipIndex != 0) { this->hipServo.attach(this->hipIndex); } } Why would the second code be better than the first one ? Calling code: // Include application, user and local libraries #include <Servo.h> #include "MChButton.h" #include "MChLeg.h" // pin connections const int buttonIndex = 2; //pin for button const int greenLed = 3;//pin for green Led const int yellowLed = 4;//pin for yellow Led const int redLed = 5;//pin for red Led const int servoPin1 = 9;//pin for servo const int servoPin2 = 10;//pin for servo const int servoPin3 = 11;//pin for servo //define persitent objects MChButton theButton(buttonIndex); // declare the switch pin as an input MChLeg rightLeg; // declare right leg - was 'MChLeg rightLeg(0, servoPin1);' in first version MChLeg leftLeg; // declare left leg - was 'MChLeg leftLeg(servoPin2, servoPin3);' in first version // Setup phase void setup(){ // declare the LED pins as outputs pinMode(greenLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(redLed,OUTPUT); leftLeg.assignLeg(0, servoPin1); //right knee - hip - did not exist in first version rightLeg.assignLeg(servoPin2, servoPin3); //right knee - hip - did not exist in first version } // Loop phase void loop(){ //state machine counter (persistant) static int machinestate = 0; const int machinestateMax = 4; //max statemachine const int machinestateMax1 = machinestateMax+1; //max statemachine for modulo counting //check if there is an event, if there is one increment state machine counter and mark event done //statemachine counter is limited for machinestateMac (modulus) if (theButton.buttonEventGet()==true) { machinestate = ++machinestate % machinestateMax1; } // set LEDs and Legs according to state switch (machinestate) { case 0:{ digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); // turn the green LED on pin 3 on digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 4 off digitalWrite(redLed, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 5 off leftLeg.setLeg(10, 10); // set leg to 0° rightLeg.setLeg(10, 10); //set leg to 0° break; } case 1:{ digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(redLed, LOW); leftLeg.setLeg(45, 45); rightLeg.setLeg(45, 45); break; } default:{ // detect if I did it wrong :-) digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); } } delay(10); } Thanks for your help.
I don't have an Arduino with me right now, but I remember running into the same issue. As far as I recall, I was using a for loop in my constructor for an array which did not work. So I ended just assigning values one by one. I assume the issue in your case if with the if statement. I'll try different things later this evening when I get home. EDIT - 2015/01/08 I made some tests to try to reproduce the issues I was talking about, but did not succeed. I'll keep my answer as what the solution might not be.