How to make regex using two condition - regex

I want to make url validate using Regex.
So I made as below.
First, it must be started with 'https://'
Second, it must have '.' inside of the URL.
I made the first condition. But I don't know how to attach the second condition together.
Thank you for reading. Could you give me some advice?

If you just need to check that character . come after https://, maybe this helps you:
Note that this pattern is not a reliable pattern to validate link.

If you just want to check for the dot you can use:
I also found somthing on Regextester:
You can adjust this to your needs by removing some modifiers:
Try it for yourself. Regextester


Why /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9]\.(com)|(edu)|(org)$/i does not work as expected

I have this regex for email validation (assume only,, are valid)
But and abc#xyz.eduorg are both valid as to the regex above. Can anyone explain why that is?
My approach:
there should be at least one character or number before #
then there comes #
there should be at least one character or number after # and before .
the string should end with either edu, com, or org.
Try this
and it should become clear - you need to group those alternatives, otherwise you can match any string that has 'edu' in it, or any string that ends with org. To put it another way, your version matches any of these patterns
It's worth pointing out that the original poster is using this as a regex learning exercise. This would be a terrible regex for actual production use! It's a thorny problem - see Using a regular expression to validate an email address for a lot more depth.
Your grouping parentheses are incorrect:
Can also just use one case as you're using the i modifier:
N.B. you were also missing a + from the second set, I assume this was just a typo...
What you have written is the equivalent of matching something that:
Begins with [a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9].com
contains edu
or ends with org
What you were looking for was:
Your regex looks ok.
I guess you are looking using a find function in stead of a match function
Without specifying what you use it is a bit difficult, but in Python you would write
import re
pattern = re.compile ('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9]\.(com)|(edu)|(org)$')
re.match('') # fails, use this to validate an input'') # matches, finds the edu
Try to use it:
U forget about + modificator if u want to catch any combinations of (com|edu|org)
Upd: as i see second [a-zA-Z0-9] u missed + too

Regular expression to exclude local addresses

I'm trying to configure my Foxy Proxy program and one of the features is to provide a regular expression for an exclusion list.
I'm trying to blacklist the local sites (ending in .local), but it doesn't seem to work.
This is what I attempted:
I also researched on Google and Stack Exchange with no success.
Since you indicate in the comments that you actually need a whitelist solution, I went with that:
Try: ^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\\.(?!local)\w+/.*$
Your regex expressions match host names which start with a series of digits followed by a period and then not followed by the string "local". If this is a "blacklist", then that hardly seems like what you want.
If you're trying to match all hostnames which end in .local, you'd want something like the following for the hostname portion:
with appropriate escapes inserted depending on regex context.
If your original question was incorrect and you really need a whitelist, then you'd want something like:
as illustrated in
Thank you everyone to help. Indeed, it turns out that for this program, enlisting "not .local" as blacklist, it's not the same as "all .local" as whitelist.
I also had a rookie mistake on my pattern. I meant "\w" instead of "\d". Thank you Peter Alfvin for catching that.
So my final working solution is what Bart suggested:
^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\.(?!local)\w+/.*$ as a whitelist.

Regex, optional match in url

I spend a couple of hour with no good result (maybe my mood is not helping about it).
I am trying to build a regex to help me match both urls:
As you note above, the last segment in the first url 6 is not present at the end of the second url, because this segments is optional here. So I need to match both urls in one regex, for that, I have tried this:
That works fine only for the first url. So, reading a few notes about regex it suggest me that I need the ? symbol, right? So, I tried this one, but it did not work:
Well, I do not what I am doing wrong.
You want to put the ? around the / as well, like so:
You can see that it matches correctly on debuggex.
This one will work:

Perl/lighttpd regex

I'm using regex in lighttpd to rewrite URLs, but I can't write an expression that does what I want (which I thought was pretty basic, apparently not, I'm probably missing something).
Say I have this URL: /page/variable_to_pass/ OR /page/variable_to_pass/
I want to rewrite the URL to this: /page.php?var=variable_to_pass
I've already got rules like ^/login/(.*?)$ to handle specific pages, but I wanted to make one that can match any page without needing one expression per page.
I tried this: ^/([^.?]*) but it matches the whole /page/variable_to_pass/ instead of just page.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This regexp should do what you need
First match would be page name, and the second - variable value
That should give you two matches.

Regex pattern to format url

I have this pattern ^(?:http://)?(?:www.)?(.*?)/?(.*?)$ but it's still not perfect.
Let's say we have these urls to test against it:
The final output should be if there's no parameters and if with parameters. My problem is that it matches only second group. It doesn't look like /? is working otherwise it would stop on slash character. Is it possible to achieve what I want using only one pattern?
So you want the host name in $1? Your regex is ambiguous, there are many ways to match it; the regex engine will prefer the longest, leftmost possible match. If you don't want slashes in the first part, then say so. Explicitly. (?:http://)?(?:www\.)?([^/]*)?/?(.*)?$
One that I've used is:
The problem with URLs is that there are SO many ways one can be written, which is why the above code looks so congested. This will match all your examples above, but it will also match things like:
Hopefully this will get you headed to where you need or want to go, and perhaps someone might be able to come up behind me and clean it up some (it's early morning, I'm getting ready for work, and am exhausted. :P)