jetty close the connection with idle timeout 30s instead of configured timeout(60s) - jetty

I am using spring boot for Rest API services.
We see lots of idle timeout problems when reading data. It reported "java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms " Below is what I configured for the jetty thread pool. Anyone knows why it was failed with timeout 30s not 60s?
int threadPoolIdleTimeout = 60000;
ThreadPool threadpool = new QueuedThreadPool(maxThreads, maxThreads, threadPoolIdleTimeout,
new ArrayBlockingQueue(threadPoolQueueSize));

That's the thread idle timeout, for reducing the number of idle threads in the thread pool.
The connection idle timeout is a different configuration.
Check the ServerConnector if a normal server connection.
Check the AsyncContext idle timeout if you are using Servlet Async Processing, or Servlet Async I/O.
Check the WebSocket Session if you are doing WebSocket requests.
Check the database DataSource configuration if you are worried about database connection idle timeouts.
Check the HTTP2 Session configuration for dealing with the virtual connections on an HTTP/2 connector.
And many more, etc ...
There's lots of idle timeouts, specific for the situation you are dealing with, be aware of them.


AkkaHttpClient: Equivalent of socketTimeout

We have 3 timeouts in Apache-HttpClient:
Connection Timeout: The time to
establish the connection with the remote host the
Socket Timeout: The time waiting for data, after establishing the connection; maximum time of inactivity between two data packets
But AkkaHttpClient only has connecting-timeout and doesn't have any configuration property for Socket Timeout. Is There any equivalent prop or way for setting a default Socket Timeout for requests?
In general for timeouts in the client beyond the connecting-timeout, the recommendation is to use the various Akka Streams operators (e.g. idleTimeout), which give you far more control.
There is also a general idle timeout which will close connections if nothing is sent or received: this is intended as a global safety feature, so it can't be configured per-request.

HttpClient Akka timeout settings

I am trying to implement an HTTP client in my Akka app in order to consume a 3rd party API.
What I am trying to configure are the timeout and the number of retries in case of failure.
Is the below code the right approach to do it?
val timeoutSettings =
ConnectionPoolSettings(config).withIdleTimeout(10 minutes)
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] =
uri = ""
That is not the right approach (for below I refer to the settings via .conf file rather than the programmatic approach, but that should correspond easily).
idle-timeout corresponds to the
time after which an idle connection pool (without pending requests)
will automatically terminate itself
on the pool level, and on akka.http.client level to
The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
So you'd rather want the connection-timeout setting.
And for the retries its the max-retries setting.
The max-connections setting is only:
The maximum number of parallel connections that a connection pool to a
single host endpoint is allowed to establish
See the official documentation

Jetty HTTP/2: How to set client session timeout?

I'm trying to create one session and reuse it for every request.
The problem is if I try to send a request after 30 seconds after the session was createad, I get:
Caused by: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
at org.eclipse.jetty.http2.HTTP2Session$ControlEntry.succeeded
( ~[http2-common-9.4.0.v20161208.jar:9.4.0.v20161208]
I tried like this
SSLSessionContext clientSessionContext = sslContextFactory.getSslContext().getClientSessionContext();
but it doesen't seems to work
If you are using HttpClient, the client idle timeout can be set with HttpClient.setIdleTimeout(long).
If you are using the low-level HTTP2Client, the client idle timeout can be set with HTTP2Client.setIdleTimeout(long).
Both will control the connection/session idle timeout, which is apparently what you want. A negative value will disable the idle timeout.

NetShareEnum Timeout

The process for NetShareEnum sometimes takes upwards of 30 seconds, successful connections generally take less than a second, is there any way to set a manual timeout time?
The documentation is quite silent on the subject. The protocol includes a timeout that seems to be the actual connection timeout instead of a failure timeout. I found SMB timeouts, which seem to be configurable to a degree (via registry settings) but I'd rather not mess up the default timeouts for a user.
If we can't set a manual timeout- is it acceptable to spawn a worker thread to run the process and kill that thread after a custom timeout (using WaitForSingleObject and TerminateThread)? Is there any possibility of crashing due to killing a thread running only that process?

connection timeout after request is read in wso2 esb

After continuous time of the endpoint we are getting the message connection timeout after request is read and esb will stop responding. we need to restart the wso2 services again.
i had increase the socket time out as suggested.
Time out in the esb is defined in three levels.
endpoint timeout < socket timeout < synapse timeout.check[1]
If you have defined enpoint timeout for your endpoint you can increase it up to the timeout value of socket timeout. and you can in crease the socket time out to the vlaue of synapse timeout. default synapse timeout is 2 minutes.So even you increase the endpoint timeout and socket time out to 2 minutes and you dont get any response form your backend service,Then you should check your backend service.
once timeout occurred that enpoint will be suspended to 30000ms .So any request to that endpoint within the suspension period will be ignored by esb. you can disable the suspension period as mention here [2]
Default keepalive property is enabled in the esb .But some firewalls will ignore keep alive packets form esb .So there will be a actual connection between esb and firewall .But connection form firewall to backend might be closed.In that case disabling the keepalive property will create new connection for each request[3] and backend will give the response.