AWS - How to get Cloudfront metrics using Javascript SDK - amazon-web-services

I am trying to get Cloudfront metrics using the JS SDK for AWS but I am not getting anything back.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I have isolated this NOT to be with:
Permissions (gave it a full admin account for testing purposes)
Region. North Virginia (for CloudFront)
Basic params like: StartDate, EndDate, DistributionID
My code is as below (simplified):
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
accessKeyId: "accessKeyId",
secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey",
apiVersion: '2017-10-25',
region: 'us-east-1'
var cloudwatchmetrics = new AWS.CloudWatch();
var cloudFrontParams = {
"StartTime": 1518867432,
"EndTime": 1518868032,
"MetricDataQueries": [
"Id": "m1",
"MetricStat": {
"Metric": {
"Dimensions": [
"Name": "DistributionId",
"Value": "ValueOfDistribution"
"Name": "Region",
"Value": "Global"
"MetricName": "Requests",
"Namespace": "AWS/CloudFront"
"Stat": "Sum",
"Period": 3600
"ReturnData": true
cloudwatchmetrics.getMetricData(cloudFrontParams, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
This is what I get back (it's not erroring out):

The issue was with the StartTime, it was too far back in time. What I have in the post translates to: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Hopefully this helps someone someday.


Unable to send GET request with AWS Lambda & DynamoDB Rest API using serverless

I am creating an API to make GET and POST request to a table in DynamoDB.
I deployed it using serverless and received the endpoints for each API type.
But when testing it out with Postman I get the following error:
Bad request. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
Code for creating the data in the table:
const postsTable = process.env.POSTS_TABLE;
// Create a response
function response(statusCode, message) {
return {
statusCode: statusCode,
body: JSON.stringify(message)
// Create a post
module.exports.createPost = (event, context, callback) => {
const reqBody = JSON.parse(event.body);
if (
!reqBody.title ||
reqBody.title.trim() === "" ||
!reqBody.body ||
reqBody.body.trim() === ""
) {
return callback(
response(400, {
"Post must have a title and body and they must not be empty"
const post = {
id: uuidv4(),
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
userId: 1,
title: reqBody.title,
body: reqBody.body
return db
TableName: postsTable,
Item: post
.then(() => {
callback(null, response(201, post));
.catch(err => response(null, response(err.statusCode, err)));
I managed to do it but did not use Serverless.
I set up Lambda functions to POST and GET the data from a url.
I think the issue previously was to do with the policies. This time when making the Lambda functions I set it as the following:
I clicked on "Create a new role from AWS policy templates" while creating an execution role for a new function, then selected "Simple microservice permissions" for Policy templates. This added Basic execution role policy and below DynamoDB permissions to the role for all the tables in the same region as the function :
"Action": [
Lambda function for POST request
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const ddb = new AWS.DynamoDB({ apiVersion: "2012-10-08" });
const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
region: "ap-southeast-1"
let responseBody = "";
let statusCode = 0;
const {
} = JSON.parse(event.body);
const params = {
TableName: "dashboard",
Item: {
batteryLevel: batteryLevel,
deviceId: deviceId,
eventId: eventId,
location: location,
tags: tags,
time: time
try {
const data = await documentClient.put(params).promise();
responseBody = JSON.stringify(data);
statusCode = 201;
} catch (err) {
responseBody = "Unable to POST data";
statusCode = 403;
const response = {
statusCode: statusCode,
headers: {
myHeader: "test"
body: responseBody
return response;
Other issues as well were with the method execution of the API I needed to set a custom model for the Request Body to match my data:
"$schema": "",
"title": "DashboardInputModel",
"type": "object",
"batteryLevel": {"type": "string"},
"deviceId": {"type": "string"},
"eventId": {"type": "string"},
"id": {"type": "number"},
"location": {
"type": "object",
"accuracy": {"type": "number"},
"latitude": {"type": "number"},
"longitude": {"type": "number"}
"tags": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"accelX":{"type": "number"},
"accelY": {"type": "number"},
"accelZ": {"type": "number"},
"createDate": {"type": "string"},
"dataFormat":{"type": "number"},
"defaultBackground": {"type": "number"},
"favorite": {"type": "boolean"},
"humidity": {"type": "number"},
"id": {"type": "string"},
"measurementSequenceNumber": {"type": "number"},
"movementCounter": {"type": "number"},
"name": {"type": "string"},
"pressure": {"type": "number"},
"rssi": {"type": "number"},
"temperature": {"type": "number"},
"txPower":{"type": "number"},
"updateAt": {"type": "string"},
"voltage": {"type": "number"}
"time": {"type": "string"}
For each action I also enabled CORS and replaced the existing CORS headers.
These two videos explains the entire process much better than the documentation and I hope it helps.
Part 1
Part 2
By bad request do you mean Status Code 400? It could simply be that you are not correctly calling your API.
If you are getting a 403 then you need to pass through that you are authorised to access the resource you are trying to get. You can see how to do this through the AWS docs.
This page includes a link to an example.
List of error codes.

AWS Lambda test does not return data from DynamoDB table

I am trying to get data from my DynamoDB table called dashboard so I am testing out the Lambda function with a sample from the table.
But all I am getting back from the test is :
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "\"Hello from Lambda!\""
It should just return the data from the table that matches it based on the ID as that is what I use to partition the table.
Dashboard example data which is also the test I made
"batteryLevel": 35,
"deviceId": "yxftd9pnitd-156xhref9g69a",
"eventId": "c07e3f9f-f6bb-4792-be6f-a9be95cdff38",
"id": 12345,
"location": {
"accuracy": 35.369,
"latitude": 55.8256671,
"longitude": 37.5962931
"tags": [
"accelX": 0.012,
"accelY": -0.004,
"accelZ": 1.008,
"createDate": "2020-08-11T18:51:58+0300",
"dataFormat": 5,
"defaultBackground": 2,
"favorite": true,
"humidity": 32.8425,
"id": "E5:F1:98:34:C0:0F",
"measurementSequenceNumber": 62865,
"movementCounter": 21,
"name": "Kitchen",
"pressure": 98702,
"rssi": -43,
"temperature": 25.58,
"txPower": 4,
"updateAt": "2020-08-18T19:57:48+0300",
"voltage": 3.013
"time": "2020-08-18T19:57:48+0300"
Lambda Function
"use strict";
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
AWS.config.update({ region: "ap-southeast-1" });
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const ddb = new AWS.DynamoDB({ apiVersion: "2012-10-08" });
const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({ region: "ap-southeast-1"});
const params = {
TableName: "dashboard",
Key: {
id: 12345
try {
const data = await documentClient.get(params);
} catch (err) {
Based on the comments.
The issue was caused by not deploying the function after adding new code. Subsequently, the previously deployed version (i.e. "Hello from Lambda") was being executed.
The solution was to deploy the new function.

aws lambda - user is not authorized to perform: cognito-idp:ListUsers on resource

I have encountered below error when I am trying to get all users in my user pool during testing in Lambda.
"errorType": "AccessDeniedException",
"errorMessage": "User: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/xxxxx is not authorized to perform: cognito-idp:ListUsers on resource: arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-west-2:123456789:userpool/us-west-2_abcdefg",
My code in lambda:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
exports.handler = () => {
var params = {
UserPoolId: 'us-west-2_abcdefg',
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-west-2', 'accessKeyId': 'accesskey', 'secretAccessKey': 'secretkey' });
var cognitoidentityserviceprovider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();
cognitoidentityserviceprovider.listUsers(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
else {
console.log("data", data);
I tried to add inline policy in IAM but still same error:
Update: Lambda IAM Role
Check your json (second tab) and add following above "lambdaexecutionpolicy"
"lambalistuserspolicy": {
"DependsOn": [
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
"Properties": {
"PolicyName": "lambda-list-users-policy",
"Roles": [
"Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": {
"Fn::Sub": [
"region": {
"Ref": "AWS::Region"
"account": {
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
"lambda": {
"Ref": "LambdaFunction"
You have assigned a permission from Cognito Identity, while the permission that you need is from Cognito User Pools.
In my opinion, the best way to update a policy via the Console is using the JSON view. That lets you create a statement that contains the exact action shown in the error message, without guessing at the service.
You should also be familiar with the Actions, Conditions, and Resource Keys page for IAM. It details the actions available for each service, and starts by telling you the service name. If you're confused about which service, you can check the ones that you think apply, until you find the correct one (in this case, "cognito-idp").

Alexa SmartHome Skills : Issue with device discovery

I have written an Alexa smart home skills.
When I try to discover the device using the Alexa test or from the mobile app, the lambda is triggered.
The lambda is getting successfully executed, but I get below error in App or test in Alexa console.
I couldn't find any new Smart Home devices. If you’ve ‎n't already,
please enable the smart home skill for your device from the Alexa App.
What could be the possible issue?
Since the lambda is getting successfully executed, I don't think there is any issue with language (English(IN)) or AWS region (EU-WEST-1) , where the lambda is deployed.
I didn't see any logs on Alexa developer console
Any pointers?
Response from Lambda function -
header =
namespace: 'Alexa.Discovery',
name: 'Discover.Response',
payloadVersion: '3',
messageId: '785f0173-6ddb-41d8-a785-de7159c7f7ca'
payload =
"endpoints": [
"endpointId": "d4b87cbe6c8e490493733f260b8c2c25",
"friendlyName": "Kitchen",
"description": "Demo",
"manufacturerName": "Man1",
"displayCategories": [
"cookie": {
"owner": "Owner1"
"capabilities": [
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"version": "3",
"interface": "Alexa"
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"version": "3",
"interface": "Alexa.PowerController",
"properties": {
"supported": [
"name": "powerState"
"proactivelyReported": true,
"retrievable": true
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"version": "3",
"interface": "Alexa.BrightnessController",
"properties": {
"supported": [
"name": "brightness"
"proactivelyReported": true,
"retrievable": true
We are wrapping header and payload in the response event.
context.succeed({ event: { header: header, payload: payload } });
So far I haven't found a way to view the logs either.
I had the same problem and I realized that I was putting wrong values in some properties or schema entities like ids.
In the same way, another thing that solved me on some occasion was to place the scheme in the following way:
"event": {
"header": {
"namespace": "Alexa.Discovery",
"name": "Discover.Response",
"payloadVersion": "3",
"messageId": header.messageId
"payload": {
"endpoints": [
"endpointId": "demo_id",
"cookie": {},
"capabilities": [
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa",
"version": "3"

CloudFormation Custom Resource responseKey

I have got lambda backed Custom Stack in CloudFormation , So I need the fetch function output and put it to the AWS Console, how I can handle this problem?
My Stack is shown as below ;
"CreateExistingVPC": {
"Type": "Custom::CreateExistingVPC",
"Properties": {
"ServiceToken": { "Fn::If": ["LambdaAvailable",{ "Fn::GetAtt": [ "CustomLogic", "Outputs.LambdaAttachHostedZoneArn" ] }, { "Ref": "AWS::NoValue" } ] },
"Region": { "Ref": "AWS::Region" },
"HostedZoneId": { "Ref": "InternalHostedZone" },
"VpcId": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "VPC", "Outputs.VPC" ] }
"Outputs": {
"Route53VPC": {
"Description": "ExistingRoute53VPCStatus",
"Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "CreateExistingVPC", "{ ??????? }" ] }
In actually, I have found some answers but 'response key' not worked in my case , how I can find response key ??
AWS Cloudformation, Output value from Custom Resource
You need to use the variable you are using to return your response. e.g. (nodeJs)
module.exports.createPoolList = (event, context, callback) => {
if (event.RequestType == 'Create') {
let array = event.ResourceProperties.OpsPoolArnList.split(",");
let response = {
'list': array.join(),
sendresponse(event, "SUCCESS", response, "");
if (event.RequestType == 'Delete') {
sendresponse(event, "SUCCESS", null, "");
callback(null, "");
Here list is the variable which contains my output & returning in my response. The built payload looks like
let payload = {
'StackId': event.StackId,
'Status' : responsestatus,
'Reason' : reason,
'RequestId': event.RequestId,
'LogicalResourceId': event.LogicalResourceId,
'PhysicalResourceId': event.LogicalResourceId + 'qwerty',
'Data': response
And I refer to this in my script as
!GetAtt <ResourceName>.list
Hope it helps.