Getting a floating point exception error while doing text frequency analysis? - c++

So for a school project, we are being asked to do a word frequency analysis of a text file using dictionaries and bucket hashing. The output should be something like this:
$ ./stats < jabberwocky.txt
READING text from STDIN. Hit ctrl-d when done entering text.
HERE are the word statistics of that text:
There are 94 distinct words used in that text.
The top 10 ranked words (with their frequencies) are:
1. the:19, 2. and:14, 3. !:11, 4. he:7, 5. in:6, 6. .:5, 7.
through:3, 8. my:3, 9. jabberwock:3, 10. went:2
Among its 94 words, 57 of them appear exactly once.
Most of the code has been written for us, but there are four functions we need to complete to get this working:
increment(dict D, std::str w) which will increment the count of a word or add a new entry in the dictionary if it isn't there,
getCount(dict D, std::str w) which fetches the count of a word or returns 0,
dumpAndDestroy(dict D) which dumps the words and counts of those words into a new array by decreasing order of count and deletes D's buckets off the heap, and returns the pointer to that array,
rehash(dict D, std::str w) which rehashes the function when needed.
The structs used are here for reference:
// entry
// A linked list node for word/count entries in the dictionary.
struct entry {
std::string word; // The word that serves as the key for this entry.
int count; // The integer count associated with that word.
struct entry* next;
// bucket
// A bucket serving as the collection of entries that map to a
// certain location within a bucket hash table.
struct bucket {
entry* first; // It's just a pointer to the first entry in the
// bucket list.
// dict
// The unordered dictionary of word/count entries, organized as a
// bucket hash table.
struct dict {
bucket* buckets; // An array of buckets, indexed by the hash function.
int numIncrements; // Total count over all entries. Number of `increment` calls.
int numBuckets; // The array is indexed from 0 to numBuckets.
int numEntries; // The total number of entries in the whole
// dictionary, distributed amongst its buckets.
int loadFactor; // The threshold maximum average size of the
// buckets. When numEntries/numBuckets exceeds
// this loadFactor, the table gets rehashed.
I've written these functions, but when I try to run it with a text file, I get a Floating point exception error. I've emailed my professor for help, but he hasn't replied. This project is due very soon, so help would be much appreciated! My written functions for these are as below:
int getCount(dict* D, std::string w) {
int stringCount;
int countHash = hashValue(w, numKeys(D));
bucket correctList = D->buckets[countHash];
entry* current = correctList.first;
while (current != nullptr && current->word < w) {
if (current->word == w) {
stringCount = current->count;
current = current->next;
std::cout << "getCount working" << std::endl;
return stringCount;
void rehash(dict* D) {
int newSize = (D->numBuckets * 2) + 1;
bucket** newArray = new bucket*[newSize];
for (int i = 0; i < D->numBuckets; i++) {
entry *n = D->buckets->first;
while (n != nullptr) {
entry *tmp = n;
n = n->next;
int newHashValue = hashValue(tmp->word, newSize);
newArray[newHashValue]->first = tmp;
delete [] D->buckets;
D->buckets = *newArray;
std::cout << "rehash working" << std::endl;
void increment(dict* D, std::string w) {
int incrementHash = hashValue(w, numKeys(D));
entry* current = D->buckets[incrementHash].first;
if (current == nullptr) {
int originalLF = D->loadFactor;
if ((D->numEntries + 1)/(D->numBuckets) > originalLF) {
int incrementHash = hashValue(w, numKeys(D));
D->buckets[incrementHash].first->word = w;
while (current != nullptr && current->word < w) {
entry* follow = current;
current = current->next;
if (current->word == w) {
std::cout << "increment working" << std::endl;
entry* dumpAndDestroy(dict* D) {
entry* es = new entry[D->numEntries];
for (int i = 0; i < D->numEntries; i++) {
es[i].word = "foo";
es[i].count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < D->numBuckets; j++) {
entry* current = D->buckets[j].first;
while (current != nullptr) {
es[j].word = current->word;
es[j].count = current->count;
current = current->next;
delete [] D->buckets;
std::cout << "dumpAndDestroy working" << std::endl;
return es;

A floating-point exception is usually caused by the code attempting to divide-by-zero (or attempting to modulo-by-zero, which implicitly causes a divide-by-zero). With that in mind, I suspect this line is the locus of your problem:
if ((D->numEntries + 1)/(D->numBuckets) > originalLF) {
Note that if D->numBuckets is equal to zero, this line will do a divide-by-zero. I suggest temporarily inserting a line like like
std::cout << "about to divide by " << D->numBuckets << std::endl;
just before that line, and then re-running your program; that will make the problem apparent, assuming it is the problem. The solution, of course, is to make sure your code doesn't divide-by-zero (i.e. by setting D->numBuckets to the appropriate value, or alternatively by checking to see if it is zero before trying to use it is a divisor)


C++ permutation tree

I have tasks and I want to calculate the most profitable order to arrange them.
Instead of checking every permutation and doing n*n! calculations, I want to build a tree of permutations, that is, the number of children at each level decreases by 1, and at each node the sub-permutation that has already been calculated will be saved and not recalculated.
For example, if I have 4 tasks, the tree will look like this:
My attached code is missing. I don't know how to build the tree and the give nodes the indexes as in the figure. I know how to deal with a binary tree, but not with a tree where the number of children is different at each lavel.
(The value of each task depends on its location.
I know how to do that, so I didn't include it in the question).
int n = 4;
struct node
int task_index = -1;
double value;
struct node **next;
void build_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
if (current_level < 1 || current_level >= n)
// current_node->task_index = ? ;
current_node->next = new node *[n - current_level];
for (int i = 0; i < n - current_level; i++)
build_tree(current_node->next[i], current_level + 1);
void print_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
// print indexes
void delete_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
// delete nodes
int main()
struct node *root = new node;
delete root;
return 0;
void build_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
if (current_level < 1 || current_level >= n)
// current_node->task_index = ? ;
current_node->next = new node *[n - current_level];
for (int i = 0; i < n - current_level; i++)
build_tree(current_node->next[i], current_level + 1);
When called with the default parameter of current_level = 0, as you illustrate in your code below, this function exits on the first line without doing anything. You need to decide whether you are indexing starting from 0 or from 1.
Other than that, the general outline of the algorithm looks okay, although I did not explicitly check for correctness.
Now, more broadly: is this an exercise to see if you can write a tree structure, or are you trying to get the job done? In the latter case you probably want to use a prebuilt data structure like that in the boost graph library.
If it's an exercise in building a tree structure, is it specifically an exercise to see if you can write code dealing with raw pointers-to-pointers? If not, you should work with the correct C++ containers for the job. For instance you probably want to store the list of child nodes in a std::vector rather than have a pointer-to-pointer with the only way to tell how many child nodes exist being the depth of the node in the tree. (There may be some use case for such an extremely specialized structure if you are hyper-optimizing something for a very specific reason, but it doesn't look like that's what's going on here.)
From your explanation what you are trying to build is a data structure that reuses sub-trees for common permutations:
012 -> X
210 -> X
such that X is only instantiated once. This, of course, is recursive, seeing as
01 -> Y
10 -> Y
Y2 -> X
If you look at it closely, there are 2^n such subtrees, because any prefix can have any one of the n input tasks used or not. This means you can represent the subtree as an index into an array of size 2^n, with a total footprint O(n*2^n), which improves on the vastly larger >n! tree:
struct Edge {
std::size_t task;
std::size_t sub;
struct Node {
std::vector<Edge> successor; // size in [0,n]
std::vector<Node> permutations; // size exactly 2^n
This will have this structure:
permutations: 0 1 2 3 4 ...
Where the node at, e.g., location 3 has both task 0 and 1 already used and "points" to all (n-2) subtrees.
Of course, building this is not entirely trivial, but it compressed the search space and allows you re-use results for specific sub-trees.
You can build the table like this:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size(permutations); ++i) {
permutations[i].successor.reserve(n); // maybe better heuristic?
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (((1<<j) & i) == 0) {
Here is a live demo for n=4.
The recursive way to generate permutations is if you have n items then all of the permutations of the items are each of the n items concatenated with the permutations of the n-1 remaining items. In code this is easier to do if you pass around the collection of items.
Below I do it with an std::vector<int>. Once using a vector it makes more sense to just follow the "rule of zero" pattern and let the nodes have vectors of children and then not need to dynamically allocate anything manually:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
struct node
int task_index = -1;
double value;
std::vector<node> next;
std::vector<int> remove_item(int item, const std::vector<int>& items) {
std::vector<int> output(items.size() - 1);
std::copy_if(items.begin(), items.end(), output.begin(),
[item](auto v) {return v != item; }
return output;
void build_tree(node& current_node, const std::vector<int>& tasks)
auto n = static_cast<int>(tasks.size());
for (auto curr_task : tasks) {
node child{ curr_task, 0.0, {} };
if (n > 1) {
build_tree(child, remove_item(curr_task, tasks));
void print_tree(const node& current_node)
std::cout << "( " << current_node.task_index << " ";
for (const auto& child : {
std::cout << " )";
int main()
node root{ -1, 0.0, {} };
build_tree(root, { 1, 2, 3 });
return 0;

C++ How to find the longest possible combination of decreasing numbers in an array

I am working on a problem in which I'm given a list of numbers representing the diameter of cake layers (for example: 9 12 10 7 4 6 11 5). With this list, I have to find the length of the longest combination of numbers that are equal to or decreasing (stacking cake layers from greatest diameter at the bottom to smallest at the top). You are allowed to skip over numbers, but you can't come back to them. I.e. with the previous list, the length of the longest combination would be 5 with the combination being (12,10,7,6,5).
I believe that the best way to solve this would be feeding the array into a tree and returning the height of the tree. This is currently the code I have, with a working tree implementation above the main
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string sizeInput, transfer; //Strings to hold input and transfer to array
int maxLayers = 0, numOfInputs = 0, numNodes = 0; //ints for holding the max height and the number of inputs by the user
int cakeSizes [30]; //Array holding sizes of the cakes input, no more than 30
cout << "Cake sizes: ";
getline(cin,sizeInput); //Gets input from user and puts into a stringstream
stringstream readInput(sizeInput);
while(readInput >> transfer)
cakeSizes[numOfInputs] = stoi(transfer); //Puts the numbers into the array and counts how many were placed
for(int i=0; i<numOfInputs; i++) //Puts the array into a tree
Tree<int> cakeStack; //Creates tree to hold combination
for(int j=i; j<numOfInputs; j++)
insert(cakeStack, cakeSizes[j]);
if(height(cakeStack) > maxLayers) //Checks if the new combination tree's height is greater than the last
maxLayers = height(cakeStack);
destroy(cakeStack); //Destroys the tree from the previous combination in preparation for new one
cout << endl << "You can build a cake with " << maxLayers << " layers.";
This actually works for combinations that are always decreasing (like 5,4,2,1 and 8,3,2,1), but it fails when interrupting numbers are thrown in (like with 5,4,2,8,1). I'm almost certain that the problem lies here:
for(int j=i; j<numOfInputs; j++)
insert(cakeStack, cakeSizes[j]);
But I'm unsure of how to implement it an a way that checks all combinations of the array (like skipping numbers that wouldn't give the longest combination), rather than running straight down the list unable to skip numbers.
The tree is definitely the way to go. You build the tree by inserting each value under the smallest node larger than it. Then when the tree is finished you iterate through it looking for the longest path.
What I did in the code below is I made a head node to store the sub trees and it needed a really large value so that all the inputs would fit under it. But then when I print the tree or look for a path I need to ignore that head node, so I have to keep track of the depth.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
struct Tree {
Tree(int value) : value(value) {}
int value;
std::vector<Tree> children;
// Recursively check this level of the tree
void insert_node(Tree& node, int value)
// if the new value is bigger than where
// we are then stop descending
if (value > node.value)
// if the new value fits under this
// parent then check all the children
bool inserted = false;
for (Tree& child : node.children)
// if we find a child large enough
// then insert ourselves inside
if (value < child.value)
insert_node(child, value);
inserted = true;
// if the new value fits under this parent but
// not under any of the children then put it here
if (!inserted)
void print_tree(Tree node,
std::vector<bool> flags = std::vector<bool>(100, true),
bool last = false,
int depth = 0)
for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i)
if (flags[i])
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << " ";
// Don't print our fake head
if (depth > 0)
std::cout << "+- " << node.value << '\n';
if (last) flags[depth] = false;
int n = 0;
for (Tree child : node.children)
last = (n++ == node.children.size() - 1);
print_tree(child, flags, last, depth + 1);
flags[depth] = true;
void print_path(std::vector<int> path)
std::cout << "Path:";
for (int value : path)
std::cout << " " << value;
std::cout << "\n";
void print_paths(Tree node,
std::vector<int>& max_path,
std::vector<int> path = std::vector<int>(),
int depth = 0)
// Don't add our fake head
if (depth > 0)
if (node.children.size() == 0)
// check if this path is the longest one yet
if (max_path.size() < path.size())
max_path = path;
for (Tree child : node.children)
print_paths(child, max_path, path, depth + 1);
int main()
Tree head(INT_MAX);
std::vector<int> input = {9, 12, 10, 7, 4, 6, 11, 5};
// Build the tree
for (int value : input)
insert_node(head, value);
// Print the tree
std::cout << "Tree:\n";
std::cout << "\n";
// Print the paths and
// find the longest one
// and then print it too
std::vector<int> max_path;
print_paths(head, max_path);
std::cout << "\nLongest ";
return 0;

C++ Hash Table and Linked List Issues

So I'm trying to work on a project for my C++ class where I read a .txt file that has 53 lines of cities, states, and superfluous information afterwards.
(example: Port Jervis,NY,New York,36071,Orange,36071,41.3782,-74.6909,16410.0,1317)
After reading the file, I separate out the city name (example: Port Jervis) and state code (example: NY) and uses the value of the two letters in the state code as the key for a hash table of 13 elements. So N=13 + Y=24 = key of 37, and since the hash has 13 elements it's 37 % 13 = hash-key of 11.
So far so good and I'm able to get all that done correctly, however when it comes to displaying the results is where I'm running into an issue as each element of the hash-table is missing one link in the linked list. So it only displays 40 outputs of the 53, with 1 missing per element and I'm really not sure why.
So I e-mailed my professor my code and he said that my insert method is not correct which he believes is causing this error. My current insert method looks like
void insert(int key, string city, string state)//insert value
int hash = KeyModFunction(key); //function that's %13 for hash-key
Node* tmpInsert = new Node(key, city, state); //create node to work with
if(table[hash]==NULL)//checks if table is empty
table[hash] = tmpInsert; //if empty, make new node with key/city/state values
else//if not empty
Node *runner = table[hash]; //made node to run through the list
while(runner->next != NULL)//make it to the end
runner=runner->next; // go go go
runner->next = tmpInsert; //and point the end at the new node to be inserted
} //end insert
And my professor suggested it should look something more like
if(table[hash]->next == NULL)
table[hash]->next = tmpInsert;
table[hash]->myCity = city;
table[hash]->myState = state;
// You can figure out the else code based on the above
However, whenever I put that into my code, it no longer compiles and says there is a segment fault. But when I run it through a debugger it says "[Inferior 1 (process 5453) exited normally]" which I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure what the means and have been unable to find a concrete answer online for. But I'm assuming the exited normally is a good thing, however, nothing is displayed.
I've been beating my head against this all week trying to figure out a solution and it's finally come to the point where I know I'm just getting too in my own head about it, so I've come here hoping to find some guidance, advice, or at the very least someone to point me in the right direction. If more of my code is needed on here, let me know, I just didn't want to dump my whole project on here cause I legitimately want to figure it out instead of having someone just do it for me, but yeah, I'm stuck. Thanks in advance for any help!
****2:12PST - 5/17/2020 UPDATE****
So in all fairness the insert code was plucked and modified from other peoples code I've found online looking into how to do this, so that might be why it looks better than my professor (also I'm pretty sure he mention C++ isn't his most familiar language). And yes, we are supposed to implement the hash table ourselves.
So here is the full program:
class Node{
int key;
string myCity;
string myState;
Node *next;
Node(int key, string myCity, string myState)//constructor
this->key = key;
this->myCity = myCity;
this->myState = myState;
this->next = NULL;
};//end Node
class Hash{
int BUCKET; //number of over all values
Node** table;
Hash(int V)
this->BUCKET = V; //setting the BUCKET size to max number of enteries
table = new Node*[BUCKET]; //create table with size of BUCKET
for(int i = 0; i < BUCKET; i++) //fill table with NULL values
table[i] = NULL;
} //end constructor
int KeyModFunction(int x) //getting the hash key value
return (x % BUCKET);
} //end KeyModFunction
//Insert Function
void insert(int key, string city, string state)//insert value
int hash = KeyModFunction(key); //function that's %13 for hash-key
Node* tmpInsert = new Node(key, city, state); //create node to work with
if(table[hash]==NULL)//checks if table is empty
table[hash] = tmpInsert; //if empty, make new node with key/city/state values
else//if not empty
Node *runner = table[hash]; //made node to run through the list
while(runner->next != NULL)//make it to the end
runner=runner->next; // go go go
runner->next = tmpInsert; //and point the end at the new node to be inserted
} //end insert
//Display function
void displayHash()
for(int loop = 0; loop < BUCKET; loop++)
if(table[loop]->next != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop]->next;
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;
}//end displayHash
}; //end Hash Class
int main() {
cout << "CSP 31B - Read and Process Assignment\n\n";
char myAlpha[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //the key array for all the letter values
Hash myTbl(13); //create hashmap with BUCKET size of 13
string fCity, fState, fExtra; //string variables to hold info
int key = 0; //hash value of the state code (two letters added together)
ifstream myfile("CityOut.txt");
while ( getline(myfile, fCity, ',') && getline(myfile, fState, ','))
getline(myfile, fExtra);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(myAlpha)/sizeof(myAlpha[0]); i++)
if( == myAlpha[i])
key += i;
else if( == myAlpha[i])
key += i;
int checkNum = 1;
cout << "DEBUGGER: City name: "<<fCity <<" State code: " << << <<" key = "<<key<<endl; //temporary statement for debugging purposes
myTbl.insert(key, fCity, fState);
key = 0; //reset hash number to zero for next line of CityOut.txt
return 0;
}//end main
Then the output should look something like:
but each table element should have 1 more output
Your print code skips the first element of your hash table.
This code:
if(table[loop]->next != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop]->next;
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;
Should be :
if(table[loop] != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop];
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;

Counting number of occurrences of a string in a Hash Table

I am writing my own HashTable class in C++ and need to output to the user the number of occurrences of each string in the table. For example, if this is the input: testing, 1, 2, testing, and this is the hash table (done with chaining, and node pointers):
[0]->testing, testing
this would be the output to the user (the count, followed by the word):
2 testing
1 2
1 1
The problem I'm having is how to keep track of how many of each word is in the Hash Table, or how to find it. I started with this question but was unable to implement another array in my code.
I also tried the solution in this question, but it didn't work because of my use of pointers/chained hashing.
My question is, do I need to use a separate array of strings to keep track of what's already been used, or is there an easy way to recursively go through each index of the Hash Table and print out the number of occurrences of each string? I think I need to accomplish this in either my insert function or my printData function.
For reference, here is my code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Entry {
string word;
Entry* next;
class HashTable {
int hash(string);
void insert(string);
void printData();
int getCapacity() const;
//Member variables
int CAPACITY; // The initial capacity of the HashTable
Entry **data; // The array to store the data of strings (Entries)
#include "HashTable.h"
data = new Entry*[0];
HashTable::HashTable(int _cap)
CAPACITY = _cap;
data = new Entry*[_cap];
for (int i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++) {
data[i] = new Entry;
data[i]->word = "empty";
data[i]->next = nullptr;
int HashTable::hash(string key)
int hash = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
hash = hash + (int)key[i];
return hash % CAPACITY;
void HashTable::insert(string entry)
int index = hash(entry);
if (data[index]->word == "empty") {
data[index]->word = entry;
} else {
Entry* temp = data[index];
Entry* e = new Entry;
e->word = entry;
e->next = nullptr;
while (temp->next != nullptr) {
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = e;
void HashTable::printData()
for (int i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++) {
if (data[i]->next != nullptr) {
while(data[i]->next != nullptr) {
cout << data[i]->word << " -> ";
data[i] = data[i]->next;
cout << data[i]->word << endl;
} else {
cout << data[i]->word << endl;
int HashTable::getCapacity() const
return CAPACITY;
NOTE: I can't use any function/data structure from the standard C++ Library.
I only see two options here
Traverse entire linked list to count occurances. Use a map< string, int > to count occurances for each string.
You should make your linked list sorted. So when you insert a new node, you will insert it in its exact place. You can use strcmp for comparison. This way you can count every word exactly in one traverse and using just one integer variable, but your insert time and complexity will increase.

Array of Linked Lists C++

So I thought I understood how to implement an array of pointers but my compiler says otherwise =(. Any help would be appreciated, I feel like I'm close but am missing something crucial.
1.) I have a struct called node declared:.
struct node {
int num;
node *next;
2.) I've declared a pointer to an array of pointers like so:
node **arrayOfPointers;
3.) I've then dynamically created the array of pointers by doing this:
arrayOfPointers = new node*[arraySize];
My understanding is at this point, arrayOfPointers is now pointing to an array of x node type, with x being = to arraySize.
4.) But when I want to access the fifth element in arrayOfPointers to check if its next pointer is null, I'm getting a segmentation fault error. Using this:
if (arrayOfPointers[5]->next == NULL)
cout << "I'm null" << endl;
Does anyone know why this is happening? I was able to assign a value to num by doing: arrayOfPointers[5]->num = 77;
But I'm confused as to why checking the pointer in the struct is causing an error. Also, while we're at it, what would be the proper protoype for passing in arrayOfPointers into a function? Is it still (node **arrayOfPointers) or is it some other thing like (node * &arrayOfPointers)?
Thanks in advance for any tips or pointers (haha) you may have!
Full code (Updated):
* Functions related to separate chain hashing
struct chainNode
int value;
chainNode *next;
chainNode* CreateNewChainNode (int keyValue)
chainNode *newNode;
newNode = new (nothrow) chainNode;
newNode->value = keyValue;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
void InitDynamicArrayList (int tableSize, chainNode **chainListArray)
// create dynamic array of pointers
chainListArray = new (nothrow) chainNode*[tableSize];
// allocate each pointer in array
for (int i=0; i < tableSize; i++)
chainListArray[i]= CreateNewChainNode(0);
bool SeparateChainInsert (int keyValue, int hashAddress, chainNode **chainListArray)
bool isInserted = false;
chainNode *newNode;
newNode = CreateNewChainNode(keyValue); // create new node
// if memory allocation did not fail, insert new node into hash table
if (newNode != NULL)
//if array cell at hash address is empty
if (chainListArray[hashAddress]->next == NULL)
// insert new node to front of list, keeping next pointer still set to NULL
chainListArray[hashAddress]->next = newNode;
else //else cell is pointing to a list of nodes already
// new node's next pointer will point to former front of linked list
newNode->next = chainListArray[hashAddress]->next;
// insert new node to front of list
chainListArray[hashAddress]->next = newNode;
isInserted = true;
cout << keyValue << " inserted into chainListArray at index " << hashAddress << endl;
return isInserted;
* Functions to fill array with random numbers for hashing
void FillNumArray (int randomArray[])
int i = 0; // counter for for loop
int randomNum = 0; // randomly generated number
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) // do this for entire array
randomNum = GenerateRandomNum(); // get a random number
while(!IsUniqueNum(randomNum, randomArray)) // loops until random number is unique
randomNum = GenerateRandomNum();
randomArray[i] = randomNum; // insert random number into array
int GenerateRandomNum ()
int num = 0; // randomly generated number
// generate random number between start and end ranges
num = (rand() % END_RANGE) + START_RANGE;
return num;
bool IsUniqueNum (int num, int randomArray[])
bool isUnique = true; // indicates if number is unique and NOT in array
int index = 0; // array index
//loop until end of array or a zero is found
//(since array elements were initialized to zero)
while ((index < ARRAY_SIZE) && (!randomArray[index] == 0))
// if a value in the array matches the num passed in, num is not unique
if (randomArray[index] == num)
isUnique = false;
index++; // increment index counter
} // end while
return isUnique;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
int randomNums[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0}; // initialize array elements to 0
int hashTableSize = 0; // size of hash table to use
chainNode **chainListArray;
bool chainEntry = true; //testing chain hashing
//initialize random seed
FillNumArray(randomNums); // fill randomNums array with random numbers
//test print array
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
cout << randomNums[i] << endl;
//test chain hashing insert
hashTableSize = 19;
int hashAddress = 0;
InitDynamicArrayList(hashTableSize, chainListArray);
//try to hash into hash table
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
hashAddress = randomNums[i] % hashTableSize;
chainEntry = SeparateChainInsert(randomNums[i], hashAddress, chainListArray);
return 0;
arrayOfPointers = new node*[arraySize];
That returns a bunch of unallocated pointers. Your top level array is fine, but its elements are still uninitialized pointers, so when you do this:
You invoke undefined behavior. You're dereferencing an uninitialized pointer.
You allocated the array properly, now you need to allocate each pointer, i.e.,
for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
arrayOfPointers[i] = new node;
As an aside, I realize that you're learning, but you should realize that you're essentially writing C here. In C++ you have a myriad of wonderful data structures that will handle memory allocation (and, more importantly, deallocation) for you.
Your code is good, but it's about how you declared your InitDynamicArrayList. One way is to use ***chainListArray, or the more C++-like syntax to use references like this:
void InitDynamicArrayList (int tableSize, chainNode **&chainListArray)