So I created rds instance and I am trying to import it into terraform. However I am using modules in my code so when running terraform I am getting the error:
AT first it says:
module.rds_dr.aws_db_instance.db_instance: Import prepared!
Prepared aws_db_instance for import
then it gives error:
Error: Cannot import non-existent remote object
While attempting to import an existing object to aws_db_instance.db_instance,
the provider detected that no object exists with the given id. Only
pre-existing objects can be imported; check that the id is correct and that it
is associated with the provider's configured region or endpoint, or use
"terraform apply" to create a new remote object for this resource.
The command I ran was :
terraform import module.rds_dr.aws_db_instance.db_instance db-ID
I created the instance using source of module in github. The code for the rds instance is below:
# PostgreSQL RDS DR Instance
module "rds_dr" {
source = "****"
name = var.rds_name_dr
engine = var.rds_engine_dr
engine_version = var.rds_engine_version_dr
family = var.rds_family_dr
instance_class = var.rds_instance_class_dr
# WARNING: 'terraform taint random_string.rds_password' must be run prior to recreating the DB if it is destroyed
password = random_string.rds_password.result
port = var.rds_port_dr
security_groups = []
subnets = [module.vpc.public_subnets]
auto_minor_version_upgrade = var.rds_auto_minor_version_upgrade_dr
backup_retention_period = var.rds_backup_retention_period_dr
backup_window = var.rds_backup_window_dr
maintenance_window = var.rds_maintenance_window_dr
environment = var.environment
kms_key_id = aws_kms_key.rds.arn
multi_az = var.rds_multi_az_dr
notification_topic = var.rds_notification_topic_dr
publicly_accessible = var.rds_publicly_accessible_dr
storage_encrypted = var.rds_storage_encrypted_dr
storage_size = var.rds_storage_size_dr
storage_type = var.rds_storage_type_dr
apply_immediately = true
Also, this is part of the module code:
resource "aws_db_instance" "db_instance" {
allocated_storage = local.storage_size
allow_major_version_upgrade = false
apply_immediately = var.apply_immediately
auto_minor_version_upgrade = var.auto_minor_version_upgrade
backup_retention_period = var.read_replica ? 0 : var.backup_retention_period
backup_window = var.backup_window
character_set_name = local.is_oracle ? var.character_set_name : null
copy_tags_to_snapshot = var.copy_tags_to_snapshot
db_subnet_group_name = local.same_region_replica ? null : local.subnet_group
deletion_protection = var.enable_deletion_protection
engine = var.engine
engine_version = local.engine_version
final_snapshot_identifier = lower("${}-final-snapshot${var.final_snapshot_suffix == "" ? "" : "-"}${var.final_snapshot_suffix}")
iam_database_authentication_enabled = var.iam_authentication_enabled
identifier_prefix = "${lower(}-"
instance_class = var.instance_class
iops = var.storage_iops
kms_key_id = var.kms_key_id
license_model = var.license_model == "" ? local.license_model : var.license_model
maintenance_window = var.maintenance_window
max_allocated_storage = var.max_storage_size
monitoring_interval = var.monitoring_interval
monitoring_role_arn = var.monitoring_interval > 0 ? local.monitoring_role_arn : null
multi_az = var.read_replica ? false : var.multi_az
name = var.dbname
option_group_name = local.same_region_replica ? null : local.option_group
parameter_group_name = local.same_region_replica ? null : local.parameter_group
password = var.password
port = local.port
publicly_accessible = var.publicly_accessible
replicate_source_db = var.source_db
skip_final_snapshot = var.read_replica || var.skip_final_snapshot
snapshot_identifier = var.db_snapshot_id
storage_encrypted = var.storage_encrypted
storage_type = var.storage_type
tags = merge(var.tags, local.tags)
timezone = local.is_mssql ? var.timezone : null
username = var.username
vpc_security_group_ids = var.security_groups
This is my code for the providers:
# pinned provider versions
provider "random" {
version = "~> 2.3.0"
provider "template" {
version = "~> 2.1.2"
provider "archive" {
version = "~> 1.1"
# default provider
provider "aws" {
version = "~> 2.44"
allowed_account_ids = [var.aws_account_id]
region = "us-east-1"
# remote state
terraform {
required_version = "0.12.24"
backend "s3" {
key = ""
encrypt = "true"
bucket = "dev-tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"
I have inserted the correct DB ID and i still do not know why terraform says "import non-existent remote object"?
How do I fix this?
I am trying to create Neptune DB with terraform, but facing the following issue.
Please find the terraform script i am using.
## Create Neptune DB cluster and instance
resource "aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_group" "neptune1" {
family = "neptune1.2"
name = "neptune1"
description = "neptune cluster parameter group"
parameter {
name = "neptune_enable_audit_log"
value = 1
apply_method = "pending-reboot"
resource "aws_neptune_cluster" "gh-cluster" {
cluster_identifier = "gh-db"
skip_final_snapshot = true
iam_database_authentication_enabled = false
apply_immediately = true
neptune_subnet_group_name = "${}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${}"]
iam_roles = ["${aws_iam_role.NeptuneRole.arn}"]
resource "aws_neptune_cluster_instance" "gh-instance" {
count = 1
cluster_identifier = "${}"
engine = "neptune"
instance_class = "db.r5.large"
apply_immediately = true
resource "aws_neptune_subnet_group" "gh-dbg" {
name = "gh-dbg"
subnet_ids = ["${}" , "${}"]
I think i am not adding the parameter group to the Neptune DB and i am not sure how to do that.
I have tried the following keys in the terraform instance script.
But both are throwing error - 'This argument is not expected here'
According to the Official documentation the argument you are looking for is "neptune_cluster_parameter_group_name"
resource "aws_neptune_cluster" "gh-cluster" {
cluster_identifier = "gh-db"
skip_final_snapshot = true
iam_database_authentication_enabled = false
apply_immediately = true
neptune_subnet_group_name = "${}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${}"]
iam_roles = ["${aws_iam_role.NeptuneRole.arn}"]
neptune_cluster_parameter_group_name = "${}"
I have to create RDS with data encryption enabled in the multi-region. When RDS creating I need to enable "storage_encrypted": true, and when encryption is enabled AWS required multi-region support kms_key_id to create global RDS.
There are two scenarios I have to validate before creating the RDS.
When storage_encrypted": true, get the "kms_key_id" : "arn:aws:kms:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", create a RDS.
If storage_encrypted": false, get the default kms_key_id key and create RDS with validating a condition.
How can I make conditions for the above scenario?
In the
variable "storage_encrypted" {
type = bool
default = false
variable "kms_key_id" {
type = string
default = null
In the vars.tfvars.json file I have two parameters.
"storage_encrypted" : true,
"kms_key_id" : "arn:aws:kms:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
This is the current module for secondary
module "aurora_secondary" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/rds-aurora/aws"
version = "7.3.0"
apply_immediately = var.apply_immediately
create_cluster = var.create_secondary_cluster
providers = { aws = aws.secondary }
is_primary_cluster = false
source_region = var.primary_region
name =
engine = var.create_global_cluster ? aws_rds_global_cluster.this.*.engine[0] : null
engine_version = var.create_global_cluster ? aws_rds_global_cluster.this.*.engine_version[0] : null
global_cluster_identifier = var.create_global_cluster ? aws_rds_global_cluster.this.*.id[0] : null
storage_encrypted = var.storage_encrypted
create_random_password = var.create_random_password
instance_class = var.instance_class
instances = var.secondary_instances
vpc_id = var.vpc_id_us_east_2
create_db_subnet_group = var.create_secondary_db_subnet_group
subnets = var.private_subnets_us_east_2
create_security_group = var.create_secondary_security_group
allowed_cidr_blocks = var.allowed_cidr_blocks
create_monitoring_role = var.create_monitoring_role
monitoring_interval = var.monitoring_interval
monitoring_role_arn = var.monitoring_role_arn
backup_retention_period = var.backup_retention_period
preferred_backup_window = var.preferred_backup_window
preferred_maintenance_window = var.preferred_maintenance_window
depends_on = [
tags = local.cluster_tags
Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Provider Version
Installed from
hashicorp/aws v3.15.0
Affected Resource(s)
Terraform Configuration Files
# inside ./modules/rds/
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
required_version = "~> 0.13"
provider "aws" {
alias = "primary"
provider "aws" {
alias = "dr"
locals {
region_tags = ["primary", "dr"]
db_name = "${var.project_name}-${var.stage}-db"
db_cluster_0 = "${local.db_name}-cluster-${local.region_tags[0]}"
db_cluster_1 = "${local.db_name}-cluster-${local.region_tags[1]}"
db_instance_name = "${local.db_name}-instance"
resource "aws_rds_global_cluster" "global_db" {
global_cluster_identifier = "${var.project_name}-${var.stage}"
database_name = "${var.project_name}${var.stage}db"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "${var.mysql_version}.mysql_aurora.${var.aurora_version}"
// force_destroy = true
resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary_cluster" {
depends_on = [aws_rds_global_cluster.global_db]
provider = aws.primary
cluster_identifier = "${local.db_name}-cluster-${local.region_tags[0]}"
# the database name does not allow dashes:
database_name = "${var.project_name}${var.stage}db"
# The engine and engine_version must be repeated in aws_rds_global_cluster,
# aws_rds_cluster, and aws_rds_cluster_instance to
# avoid "Value for engine should match" error
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "${var.mysql_version}.mysql_aurora.${var.aurora_version}"
engine_mode = "global"
global_cluster_identifier =
# backtrack and multi-master not supported by Aurora Global.
master_username = var.username
master_password = var.password
backup_retention_period = 5
preferred_backup_window = "07:00-09:00"
db_subnet_group_name =
# We must have these values, because destroying or rolling back requires them
skip_final_snapshot = true
final_snapshot_identifier = "ci-aurora-cluster-backup"
tags = {
Name = local.db_cluster_0
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "primary" {
depends_on = [aws_rds_global_cluster.global_db]
provider = aws.primary
cluster_identifier =
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "${var.mysql_version}.mysql_aurora.${var.aurora_version}"
instance_class = "db.${var.instance_class}.${var.instance_size}"
db_subnet_group_name =
tags = {
Name = local.db_instance_name
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_rds_cluster" "dr_cluster" {
depends_on = [aws_rds_cluster_instance.primary, aws_rds_global_cluster.global_db]
provider = aws.dr
cluster_identifier = "${local.db_name}-cluster-${local.region_tags[1]}"
# db name now allowed to specified on secondary regions
# The engine and engine_version must be repeated in aws_rds_global_cluster,
# aws_rds_cluster, and aws_rds_cluster_instance to
# avoid "Value for engine should match" error
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "${var.mysql_version}.mysql_aurora.${var.aurora_version}"
engine_mode = "global"
global_cluster_identifier =
# backtrack and multi-master not supported by Aurora Global.
# cannot specify username/password in cross-region replication cluster:
backup_retention_period = 5
preferred_backup_window = "07:00-09:00"
db_subnet_group_name =
# We must have these values, because destroying or rolling back requires them
skip_final_snapshot = true
final_snapshot_identifier = "ci-aurora-cluster-backup"
tags = {
Name = local.db_cluster_1
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "dr_instance" {
depends_on = [aws_rds_cluster_instance.primary, aws_rds_global_cluster.global_db]
provider = aws.dr
cluster_identifier =
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "${var.mysql_version}.mysql_aurora.${var.aurora_version}"
instance_class = "db.${var.instance_class}.${var.instance_size}"
db_subnet_group_name =
tags = {
Name = local.db_instance_name
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "primary" {
name = "${local.db_name}-subnetgroup"
subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids
provider = aws.primary
tags = {
Name = "primary_subnet_group"
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "dr" {
provider = aws.dr
name = "${local.db_name}-subnetgroup"
subnet_ids = var.dr_subnet_ids
tags = {
Name = "dr_subnet_group"
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
resource "aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group" "default" {
name = "rds-cluster-pg"
family = "aurora-mysql${var.mysql_version}"
description = "RDS default cluster parameter group"
parameter {
name = "character_set_server"
value = "utf8"
parameter {
name = "character_set_client"
value = "utf8"
parameter {
name = "aurora_parallel_query"
value = "ON"
apply_method = "pending-reboot"
Inside ./modules/sns/, this is the resource I'm adding when calling terraform apply from within the ./modules directory:
resource "aws_sns_topic" "foo_topic" {
name = "foo-${var.stage}-${var.topic_name}"
tags = {
Name = "foo-${var.stage}-${var.topic_name}"
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
CreatedOn = timestamp()
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "terraform-remote-state-s3-bucket-unique-name"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-2"
dynamodb_table = "TerraformLockTable"
provider "aws" {
alias = "primary"
region = var.region
provider "aws" {
alias = "dr"
region = var.dr_region
module "vpc" {
stage = var.stage
source = "./vpc"
providers = {
aws = aws.primary
module "dr_vpc" {
stage = var.stage
source = "./vpc"
providers = {
aws = aws.dr
module "vpc_security_group" {
source = "./vpc_security_group"
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
providers = {
aws = aws.primary
module "rds" {
source = "./rds"
stage = var.stage
created_by = var.created_by
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_ids = [module.vpc.subnet_a_id, module.vpc.subnet_b_id, module.vpc.subnet_c_id]
dr_subnet_ids = [module.dr_vpc.subnet_a_id, module.dr_vpc.subnet_b_id, module.dr_vpc.subnet_c_id]
region = var.region
username = var.rds_username
password = var.rds_password
providers = {
aws.primary = aws.primary
aws.dr = aws.dr
module "sns_start" {
stage = var.stage
source = "./sns"
topic_name = "start"
created_by = var.created_by
variable "region" {
default = "us-east-2"
variable "dr_region" {
default = "us-west-2"
variable "service" {
type = string
default = "foo-back"
description = "service to match what serverless framework deploys"
variable "stage" {
type = string
default = "sandbox"
description = "The stage to deploy: sandbox, dev, qa, uat, or prod"
validation {
condition = can(regex("sandbox|dev|qa|uat|prod", var.stage))
error_message = "The stage value must be a valid stage: sandbox, dev, qa, uat, or prod."
variable "created_by" {
description = "Company or vendor name followed by the username part of the email address"
variable "rds_username" {
description = "Username for rds"
variable "rds_password" {
description = "Password for rds"
resource "aws_sns_topic" "foo_topic" {
name = "foo-${var.stage}-${var.topic_name}"
tags = {
Name = "foo-${var.stage}-${var.topic_name}"
Stage = var.stage
CreatedBy = var.created_by
CreatedOn = timestamp()
output "sns_topic_arn" {
value = aws_sns_topic.foo_topic.arn
Debug Output
Both outputs have modified keys, names, account IDs, etc:
The plan output from running terraform apply:
The state before applying:
Expected Behavior
The entire ./modules/ had already been created, and the only thing that was added was the SNS module, so only the SNS module should be created.
Actual Behavior
But instead, the RDS resources are affected too, and terraform "claims" that engine_mode has changed from provisioned to global, even though it already was global according to the console:
The plan output also says that cluster_identifier is only known after apply and therefore forces replacement, however, I think the cluster_identifier is necessary to let the aws_rds_cluster know it belongs to the aws_rds_global_cluster, and for the aws_rds_cluster_instance to know it belongs to the aws_rds_cluster, respectively.
Steps to Reproduce
comment out the module "sns_start"
cd ./modules
terraform apply (after this step is done is where the state file I included is at)
uncomment out the module "sns_start"
terraform apply (at this point is where I provide the debug output)
Important Factoids
This problem happens whether I run it from my Mac or within AWS CodeBuild.
Seems like AWS Terraform tried to destory and rebuild RDS cluster references this too, but it's not specific to a Global Cluster, where you do need identifiers so that instances and clusters know to what they belong to.
It seems like you are using an outdated version of the aws provider and are specifying the engine_mode incorrectly. There was a bug ticket relating to this:
It is fixed in version 3.15.0 which you can use via
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.15.0"
required_version = "~> 0.13"
Additionally you should drop the engine_mode property from your terraform specification completely.
I have an RDS cluster I built using Terraform, this is running deletion protection currently.
When I update my Terraform script for something (example security group change) and run this into the environment it always tries to breakdown and rebuild the RDS cluster.
Running this now with deletion protection stops the rebuild, but causes the terraform apply to fail as it cannot destroy the cluster.
How can I get this to keep the existing RDS cluster without rebuilding every time I run my script?
`resource "aws_rds_cluster" "env-cluster" {
cluster_identifier = "mysql-env-cluster"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2"
availability_zones = ["${var.aws_az1}", "${var.aws_az2}"]
db_subnet_group_name = "${}"
database_name = "dbname"
master_username = "${var.db-user}"
master_password = "${var.db-pass}"
backup_retention_period = 5
preferred_backup_window = "22:00-23:00"
deletion_protection = true
skip_final_snapshot = true
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "env-01" {
identifier = "${var.env-db-01}"
cluster_identifier = "${}"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2"
instance_class = "db.t2.small"
apply_immediately = true
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "env-02" {
identifier = "${var.env-db-02}"
cluster_identifier = "${}"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2"
instance_class = "db.t2.small"
apply_immediately = true
resource "aws_rds_cluster_endpoint" "env-02-ep" {
cluster_identifier = "${}"
cluster_endpoint_identifier = "reader"
custom_endpoint_type = "READER"
excluded_members = ["${}"]
I had a similar experience when trying to set up an AWS Aurora cluster and instance.
Each time I run a terraform apply it tries to recreate the Aurora cluster and instance.
Here's my Terraform script:
locals {
aws_region = "eu-west-1"
tag_environment = "Dev"
tag_terraform = {
"true" = "Managed by Terraform"
"false" = "Not Managed by Terraform"
tag_family = {
"aurora" = "Aurora"
tag_number = {
"1" = "1"
"2" = "2"
"3" = "3"
"4" = "4"
# RDS Cluster
module "rds_cluster_1" {
source = "../../../../modules/aws/rds-cluster-single"
rds_cluster_identifier = var.rds_cluster_identifier
rds_cluster_engine = var.rds_cluster_engine
rds_cluster_engine_mode = var.rds_cluster_engine_mode
rds_cluster_engine_version = var.rds_cluster_engine_version
rds_cluster_availability_zones = ["${local.aws_region}a"]
rds_cluster_database_name = var.rds_cluster_database_name
rds_cluster_port = var.rds_cluster_port
rds_cluster_master_username = var.rds_cluster_master_username
rds_cluster_master_password = module.password.password_result
rds_cluster_backup_retention_period = var.rds_cluster_backup_retention_period
rds_cluster_apply_immediately = var.rds_cluster_apply_immediately
allow_major_version_upgrade = var.allow_major_version_upgrade
db_cluster_parameter_group_name = var.rds_cluster_parameter_group_name
rds_cluster_deletion_protection = var.rds_cluster_deletion_protection
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = var.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports
skip_final_snapshot = var.skip_final_snapshot
# vpc_security_group_ids = var.vpc_security_group_ids
tag_environment = local.tag_environment
tag_terraform = local.tag_terraform.true
tag_number = local.tag_number.1
tag_family = local.tag_family.aurora
Here's how I solved it:
The issue was that each time I run terraform apply Terraform tries to check to recreate the resources in 2 subnets:
Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply":
# module.rds_cluster_1.aws_rds_cluster.main has changed
~ resource "aws_rds_cluster" "main" {
~ availability_zones = [
+ "eu-west-1b",
+ "eu-west-1c",
# (1 unchanged element hidden)
~ cluster_members = [
+ "aurora-postgres-instance-0",
however, my terraform script only specified one availability (rds_cluster_availability_zones = ["${local.aws_region}a") . All I had to do was specify all 3 availability zones (rds_cluster_availability_zones = ["${local.aws_region}a", "${local.aws_region}b", "${local.aws_region}c"]) for my region:
locals {
aws_region = "eu-west-1"
tag_environment = "Dev"
tag_terraform = {
"true" = "Managed by Terraform"
"false" = "Not Managed by Terraform"
tag_family = {
"aurora" = "Aurora"
tag_number = {
"1" = "1"
"2" = "2"
"3" = "3"
"4" = "4"
# RDS Cluster
module "rds_cluster_1" {
source = "../../../../modules/aws/rds-cluster-single"
rds_cluster_identifier = var.rds_cluster_identifier
rds_cluster_engine = var.rds_cluster_engine
rds_cluster_engine_mode = var.rds_cluster_engine_mode
rds_cluster_engine_version = var.rds_cluster_engine_version
rds_cluster_availability_zones = ["${local.aws_region}a", "${local.aws_region}b", "${local.aws_region}c"]
rds_cluster_database_name = var.rds_cluster_database_name
rds_cluster_port = var.rds_cluster_port
rds_cluster_master_username = var.rds_cluster_master_username
rds_cluster_master_password = module.password.password_result
rds_cluster_backup_retention_period = var.rds_cluster_backup_retention_period
rds_cluster_apply_immediately = var.rds_cluster_apply_immediately
allow_major_version_upgrade = var.allow_major_version_upgrade
db_cluster_parameter_group_name = var.rds_cluster_parameter_group_name
rds_cluster_deletion_protection = var.rds_cluster_deletion_protection
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = var.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports
skip_final_snapshot = var.skip_final_snapshot
# vpc_security_group_ids = var.vpc_security_group_ids
tag_environment = local.tag_environment
tag_terraform = local.tag_terraform.true
tag_number = local.tag_number.1
tag_family = local.tag_family.aurora
Resources: Terraform wants to recreate cluster on every apply #8
If you dont want to have you RDS in three zones there is a workaround here:
I am trying to create an rds global database in aws using Terraform. The primary cluster gets created but the secondary cluster fails with the following error-
* aws_rds_cluster.secondary: error creating RDS cluster:
InvalidParameterCombination: Cannot specify user name for cross
region replication cluster
status code: 400, request id: 10b82a78-898c-49e6-b28f-
I tried by removing master_username but I got the below error-
* aws_rds_cluster.secondary: aws_rds_cluster: :
"master_username": required field is not set
My Terraform Module to create rds global database in aws-
resource "aws_rds_global_cluster" "rdsglobal" {
provider = "aws.primary"
global_cluster_identifier = "${var.global_database_id}"
storage_encrypted = "${var.storage_encrypted}"
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "primary" {
provider = "aws.primary"
count = "${var.instance_count}"
identifier = "${var.db_name}-${count.index+1}"
cluster_identifier = "${}"
instance_class = "${var.instance_class}"
engine = "${var.engine}"
engine_version = "${var.engine_version}"
publicly_accessible = "${var.publicly_accessible}"
resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary" {
provider = "aws.primary"
cluster_identifier = "${var.primary_cluster_id}"
database_name = "${var.db_name}"
port = "${var.port}"
engine = "${var.engine}"
engine_version = "${var.engine_version}"
master_username = "${var.master_username}"
master_password = "${random_string.password.result}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${var.security_group_ids}"]
db_subnet_group_name = "${var.db_subnet_group_name}"
storage_encrypted = "${var.storage_encrypted}"
backup_retention_period = "${var.backup_retention_period}"
skip_final_snapshot = "${var.skip_final_snapshot}"
engine_mode = "${var.engine_mode}"
global_cluster_identifier = "${}"
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "secondary" {
provider = "aws.secondary"
count = "${var.instance_count}"
identifier = "${var.db_name}-${count.index+1}"
cluster_identifier = "${}"
instance_class = "${var.instance_class}"
engine = "${var.engine}"
engine_version = "${var.engine_version}"
publicly_accessible = "${var.publicly_accessible}"
resource "aws_rds_cluster" "secondary" {
depends_on = ["aws_rds_cluster_instance.primary"]
provider = "aws.secondary"
cluster_identifier = "${var.secondary_cluster_id}"
port = "${var.port}"
engine = "${var.engine}"
engine_version = "${var.engine_version}"
master_username = "${var.master_username}"
master_password = "${random_string.password.result}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${var.secondary_security_group_ids}"]
db_subnet_group_name = "${var.db_subnet_group_name}"
engine_mode = "${var.engine_mode}"
global_cluster_identifier = "${}"
If you are creating a global cluster, you don't need to provide master_username and master_password for the secondary cluster.