Google Places SDK for iOS equivalent of Google Places API call - swiftui

I am building an IOS app using SwiftUI and I have decided to use Google Places as it returns better results than MapKit. I am running into some trouble figuring out the use of Places API and. Places SDK for IOS.
I would like to know what is the Places SDK for iOS equivalent of the following Places API text search call which I am using to find all "sports clubs" near me:
var urlString = "\(query)&key=\(googleApiKey)"
SDK Current Place only returns places nearby, and SDK Autocomplete only returns 5 results.
Thank you

Looking at their official documentation, that feature is not yet available on Places SDK for iOS. So making that Text Search web request is your only option.
There is however an existing feature request to add that functionality in that SDK. If you are interested in this issue, visit the Issue Tracker at the link below, and star the issue. This will subscribe you to receive technical updates on the issue. Starring the issue also provides them with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to their customers, and increases the issue's priority with their product engineering team.
You can view, and star the issue here:


Is there MSHTML Editing equivalent in MS Edge?

I want to use MS Edge as an html editor. Is that possible?
Can I use c++ to access undo stack?
If so, please point me to any kind of documentation.
I don't have any sources for this, but I'm pretty certain that Microsoft didn't carry this functionality over into Edge - especially considering that you can't embed Edge in a C++ or .NET desktop application the same way you can with IE.
I don't see any reason you couldn't just keep using MSHTML, though.
When referring to the MS Web Browser Control documentation there is, at the top of the page:
We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported.
And next to it, a button: "Recommended Version."
Click the button, and it's the MS Edge dev portal. From there, we see, amongst others. a link to Mozilla Developer Network Web Docs, and another to MS's own Progressive Web Apps on Windows. Not so MSHTML edity anymore, but if you want it implemented, then perhaps uservoice?

Automating download of Google Trends Data in the Post 2014 World

I've tried a number of the solutions (e.g. pyGTrends) found here and suggested by others and had code of my own functioning several years ago, but it appears that at some point Google has changed the way Trends is accessed or at least the authorization required to download it.
Can anyone share code that downloads (with authentication) Google Trends data? Do I need to use OAuth 2.0 somehow.
I'm obviously completely in the dark here.

Automatically Logging Into A Website From C++

I'm trying to make an autorun app with c++ that doesn't have an UI, but it will log into google drive when u plug in the USB drive. I was wondering if there was a way to do this, either by using google api, or by detecting the field forms on the login screen, and automatically filling them in. Also this is going to be strictly a private software.
Add one part How do you make a HTTP request with C++? with two parts
Shake lightly. Chill and serve.
Optionally add for flavor:
However, I'm unable to find a c++ oath2 library. The closest thing I found was If you find an oath library, please comment on this.
POCO has a OAuth 1.0 implementation seen here:
Also, according to this landmark blog post, there are still many concerns about OAuth 2.0's security. The 1.0 implementation above is what I would attempt.
For more information on OAuth 2.0, see RFC6749 and RFC6750.

How to add new location/place to places api?

We are developing iPhone application for nature lovers. We want to add feature in application for user to add location/place if it does not exists as place in Google Places API.
I believe, Google places api does not allow to add new place. I googled and found some other APIs
Facebook Places
I am looking for a good option for API that also allow to add new place. Any suggestions?
Check out the User Place Reports section of the Google Places API documentation.

How to programatically create a Facebook application via JS SDK or Open Graph API? (createApplication)

I know there are currently two methods that can be used to do this, documented (poorly) on Facebook's Developer site:
The old (depreciated) JavaScript SDK FB.Connect.createApplication
A new FBJS method Facebook.createApplication (only for use on Canvas pages)
The problem is that I not using a Canvas app that runs FBJS, and I am not using the OLD JS SKD. I am trying to do this on a regular old PHP website that uses the current JavaScript SDK and the PHP SDK.
I am doing the usual Open Graph API calls and such with the current SDK, so I understand the basics, I'm just not sure how to proceed to use the OLD SDK, or if (fingers crossed) I even really have to?
So, is there a way to make new Facebook Apps with the current JS SDK? Or with a server side PHP SDK call to the Graph?
And if not, how do I call the old SDK to do this?
UPDATE: You still can't do this, but there is an official bug in the Facebook tracker about it:
There isn't outside of the OLD SDK as you indicated. It's been removed (what Facebook calls "deprecated"). I put in a feature request recently for them to add it back into the API:
The Facebook Developer tool is
considerably lacking in features. We'd
like to be able to create a third
party application that adds layers of
functionality to the developer
application, but we'd need to be able
to create and administer applications
via the Graph API.
The Graph API supports querying for
information on existing applications.
To create, administer or delete
applications developers must go to the
Developer Application.
------- Comment #1 From Jeff Bowen 2010-12-07 16:59:12 (-) [reply]
------- Thanks for the request. We’ll track this on our wishlist