Fortran 90 GDB signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception - fortran

I am trying to debug with GDB, and am encountering an arithmetic error when trying to compare two values.
The first value is set at the top of the module as double precision, parameter, public :: Dint = -1.D99
The second value happens to be inta = 102 inside the subroutine being called.
The comparison happens within a subroutine as If (Inta /= int(Dint)) then
I've tried looking at the value for Dint by typing p Dint, but it says it is not in current context. I suspect it may have been optimized out, or perhaps there is a certain syntax needed to see variables at the top of a module.
I also suspect maybe there could be an issue in attempting to convert this double precision to an integer, but I think it is working in other cases.
Any insight might be helpful.


Why is my initialization of the Fortran Intel MKL nonlinear solver failing?

I am trying to use the Intel MKL nonlinear solver in my code, but it is failing to initialize.
if (strnlsp_init(handle, lx, lf, x0(1:zz - 1), eps_stop, iter1, iter2, rs) /= TR_SUCCESS) then
stop '| error in strnlsp_init'
end if
At first, it was printing out the error message and failing with TR_INVALID_OPTION. Then I realized I hadn't assigned values to eps_stop, so it had values of zero. Also, if I try assigning values of zero to eps_stop, it works and prints out the error message. When I assigned it values of 1e-6, it returned this error:
forrtl: severe (151): allocatable array is already allocated
I added test printout messages right before and after the call to strnlps_init, and the one before printed out but the one after didn't, so I think the problem is in that line. Also, I checked that all inputs are the correct data type and have the expected values right before. However, none of those variables are allocatable, so I'm confused as to why I'm getting this message.
Any idea what might be going on?

Use CEILING Without the Effect of Rounding Error

I'm trying to use the intrinsic function ‘CEILING’, but the rounding error makes it difficult to get what I want sometimes. The sample code is just very simple:
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ppm_kind_double = KIND(1.0D0)
REAL(ppm_kind_double) :: before,after,dx
before = -0.112
dx = 0.008
after = CEILING(before/dx)
WRITE(*,*) before, dx, before/dx, after
And I got results:
The value I give to 'before' and 'dx' in the code is just for demonstration. For those before/dx = -13.5 for example, I want to use CEILING to get -13. But for the picture I show, I actually want to get -14. I have considered using some arguments like
IF(ABS(NINT(before/dx) - before/dx) < 0.001)
But that's simply not beautiful. Is there any better way to do this?
I was surprised to find that the problem won't occur if I set the variables to constants in ppm_kind_double. So I guess this 'rounding error' will only happen when the number of digits for rounding accuracy of the machine I use is more than what's defined in ppm_kind_double. I actually run my program(not this demo code) on a cluster, which I don't know about the machine precision. So maybe it's quad precision on that machine that leads to the problem?
After I set constants to double precision:
before = -0.112_ppm_kind_double
dx = 0.008_ppm_kind_double
This is a bit tricky, because you never know where the rounding error comes from. If dx was just a tiny bit larger than 0.008 then the division before/dx might still be rounded to the same value, but now -13 would be the correct answer.
That said, the most common method around that that I have seen is to just nudge the previous value ever so little into the opposite direction. Something like this:
program sign_test
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: a, b
integer(kind=int32) :: c
a = -0.112
b = 0.008
c = my_ceiling(a/b)
print*, a, b, c
function my_ceiling(v)
implicit none
real(kind=real64), intent(in) :: v
integer(kind=int32) :: my_ceiling
my_ceiling = ceiling(v - 1d-6, kind=int32)
end function my_ceiling
end program sign_test
This won't have any impact on the vast majority of values, but there are now a few values that will get rounded up by more than intended.
note if your reals are notionally "exact" to a specified precision you might do something like this:
this works for your example.. you haven't said what you'd expect for both values positive and so on so you might need to work it a bit.

Function in fortran, passing array in, receiving array out

I have this function, depicted below. It passes in two vectors with three values each, and should pass out one vector with three values as well. I call the function like this:
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
What I have realized through messing around with the code, trying pure functions, and modules, and researching the error statement (that I will include at the bottom), is that fortran is reading my function Flux, and thinks that the input vectors are an attempt to call an entry from the array. That is my best guess as to what is going on. I asked around the lab and most people suggested using subroutines, but that seemed clunky, and I figured there should probably be a more elegant way, but I have not yet found it. I tried to define a result by saying:
DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION Flux(W1,W2) Result(FluxArray(3))
and then returning fluxarray but that does not work, as fortran cannot understand the syntax
The actual Function is this:
USE parameters
DOUBLE PRECISION::U1,U2,Rh1,Rh2,P1,P2,E1,E2,Rh,P,u,c,Lambda
Lambda=max(u, u+c, u-c)
do k=1,3,1
end do
Here is the error statement:
Error: Symbol 'flux' at (1) already has basic type of REAL
Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1)
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
The last error occurs for both Fr and Fl. Thank you for your time and any help or consideration you can give!
Thanks for the help, I don't know a better way to present this so I'm going to edit the initial question.
I did as you suggested and It solved that issue, now it says:
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
Error: The reference to function 'flux' at (1) either needs an explicit INTERFACE or the rank is incorrect
I saw a similar issue on SO at this link:
Computing the cross product of two vectors in Fortran 90
where they suggested that he put all his functions into modules. is there a better/simpler way for me to fix this error?
With RESULT(FluxArray), fluxArray is the name of the result variable. As such, your attempt to declare the characteristics in the result clause are mis-placed.
Instead, the result variable should be specified within the function body:
function Flux(W1,W2) result(fluxArray)
double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)::W1, W2
double precision, dimension(3) :: fluxArray ! Note, no intent for result.
end function Flux
Yes, one can declare the type of the result variable in the function statement, but the array-ness cannot be declared there. I wouldn't recommend having a distinct dimension statement in the function body for the result variable.
Note that, when referencing a function returning an array it is required that there be an explicit interface available to the caller. One way is to place the function in a module which is used. See elsewhere on SO, or language tutorials, for more details.
Coming to the errors from your question without the result.
Here the type of Flux has been declared twice. Also, it isn't a dummy argument to the function, so as above it need not have the intent attribute.
One could write
DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3) :: Flux ! Deleting intent
or (shudder)
DIMENSION :: Flux(3)
The complaint about a statement function is unimportant here, following on from the bad declaration.

fortran result variable Not initiallized

I met a surprsing problem about loacal variable initializing.
I got following function to calculate gammar
function gammar(z) result(gz)
implicit none
do i=1,n
end do
end function gammar
Then I call this function in main program like
write(*,*) gammar((df+1.0)/2.0)/sqrt(pi*df)/gammar(df/2.0)
I got wrong answer!! 0.126
I found the reason was after gammar((df+1.0)/2.0) was calculated, the local variable gz was not set to 0.
Hence ,when calculate gammar(df/2.0), the gz still retained old value 24. Eventually,gammar(df/2.0) got wrong answer 34..
If I add gz=0.0 in the gammar function, this problem was fixed.
This is really surprising. Why the local gz was not initiallized to zero when the gammar called every time?
Thanks a lot
Unless you have a statement to initialize a local variable in a procedure, such as the gz = 0 that you have commented out, those local variables are not initialized when the procedure is invoked. Their values are undefined. They could have a value left from a previous invocation, or some random value.
If you use full warning options of the compiler, it will likely tell you of this problem. gfortran warned of an uninitialized variable at compile time. ifort detected the problem at run time.
Another initialization method is with a declaration. That still doesn't repeat the initialization of additional invocations of the procedure. If you initialize a local variable in a procedure with a declaration, such as integer :: count = 0, that initialization is only done on the first invocation on the procedure. But ... the variable remains defined and on the next invocation will retain that value that it had when the previous invocation exited.
P.S. real(8) is not a portable way to obtain double precision reals. The language standard does not specify specific numeric values for kinds ... compilers are free to whatever value they wish. Most compilers use the number of bytes, but use other numbering methods. It is better to use selected_real_kind or the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV and (for double precision) real64. See quad precision in gfortran
P.P.S. Trying this code with gfortran, that compiler points out another problem with gz:
function gammar(z) result(gz)
Error: Symbol at (1) is not a DUMMY variable
So remove the intent(out) in the declaration.

FFTW: Trouble with real to complex and complex to real 2D tranfsorms

As the title states I'm using FFTW (version 3.2.2) with Fortran 90/95 to perform a 2D FFT of real data (actually a field of random numbers). I think the forward step is working (at least I am getting some ouput). However I wanted to check everything by doing the IFFT to see if I can re-construct the original input. Unfortunately when I call the complex to real routine, nothing happens and I obtain no error output, so I'm a bit confused. Here are some code snippets:
implicit none
include "fftw3.f"
! - im=501, jm=401, and lm=60
real*8 :: u(im,jm,lm),recov(im,jm,lm)
complex*8 :: cu(1+im/2,jm)
integer*8 :: planf,planb
real*8 :: dv
! - Generate array of random numbers
call random_number(u)
! - Forward step (FFT)
call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(planf,im,jm,u(:,:,k),cu,FFTW_ESTIMATE)
call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(planf,u(:,:,k),cu)
call dfftw_destroy_plan(planf)
! - Backward step (IFFT)
call dfftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(planb,im,jm,cu,recov(:,:,k),FFTW_ESTIMATE)
call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(planb,cu,recov(:,:,k))
call dfftw_destroy_plan(planb)
The above forward step seems to work (r2c) but the backward step does not seem to work. I checked this by differencing the u and recov arrays - which ended up not being zero. Additionally the max and min values of the recov array were both zero, which seems to indicate that nothing was changed.
I've looked around the FFTW documentation and based my implementation on the following page . I am wondering if the problem is related to indexing, at least that's the direction I am leaning. Anyway, if any one could offer some help, that would be wonderful!
Not sure if this is the root of all troubles here, but the way you declare variables may be the culprit.
For most compilers (this is apparently not even a standard), Complex*8 is an old syntax for single precision: the complex variable occupies a total of 8 bytes, shared between the real and the imaginary part (4+4 bytes).
[Edit 1 following Vladimir F comment to my answer, see his link for details:] In my experience (i.e. the systems/compiler I ever used), Complex(Kind=8) corresponds to the declaration of a double precision complex number (a real and an imaginary part, both of which occupy 8 bytes).
On any system/compiler, Complex(Kind=Kind(0.d0)) should declare a double precision complex.
In short, your complex array does not have the right size. Replace occurences of Real*8 and Complex*8 by Real(kind=8) and Complex(Kind=8) (or Complex(Kind=kind(0.d0)) for a better portability), respectively.