OpenOffice Calc covert binary code to decimal using many cels - openoffice-calc

I have problem with conversion from binary to decimal value.
I keep every bit of binary number in the another cell so I'm looking for some tip how to connect that number into one row using some automatic function and then use BIN2DEC function.
On the picture I wanted to show you what I want to do.

Use something like "=BIN2DEC(CONCATENATE(A1;B1;C1;D1;E1;F1;G1;H1))" to achieve the desired decimal value.


Google sheet - IF formula is not working properly?

Image of the problem (
The IF formula is supposed to give the answer yes if the two values are the same, which they are. Although I get the answer No. Why is this happening?
The two values are themselves formulas from other sheets.
Image of attempt to solve (
I tried to use numbers directly put in the same sheet (no numbers coming from a formula), and then it works. But I need to use values that are based on formulas taking numbers from other sheets.
while the values derived from the formulas is just showcasing 2 decimal places, its likely that when you expand/increase the decimals to extreme end there could be a possible difference (alike the one you can see in the screenshot for reference; the EXACT() in Cell B3 throws 'FALSE')
You could ROUND() them up for exact match scenario.

Getting huge number after using simple subtraction in DAX measure

I'm kind of new to DAX and I'm basically learning as I'm using it in my work. We are building reports in PowerBI and we have data model that gets data from Oracle database. So I'm using DAX to create measures in this data model.
I need to substract 2 numbers from each other. So I created simple measure which looked like this:
Whether it works or it doesn't depends on my Period filter which uses another table. I don't know how could period be related to any of this. So when I change filter to some values, I get normal number. However, when I switch it to different values, I get numbers like 2,27483058473905E-13.
Weird thing is that if I check those two measures that I'm subtracting, they have exactly the same numbers, so the difference should be 0.
I know this is not the best explanation, but it is impossible to describe entire data model here. So I'm just looking for some ideas what could possibly be causing this and what should I check.
I have literally no idea what could be causing this.
Floating point precision.
Either use fixed decimal data types, specify the format string of the measure, or wrap your measure in ROUND, e.g.:
Diff =
[Measure 1] - [Measure 2] ,
2,27483058473905E-13 is not a huge number, but as close as a decimal calculator can get to zero.

SAS Getting Simple Calculation Wrong

I can't believe I have never had this issue before (nor can I find anyone else with the same issue) but today I have just discovered that SAS sometimes gets simple calculations wrong!?! I noticed that one of my records wasn't getting picked up in the right group based on a value being <3.6 and thought there must be something strange in my data with decimal places. But on investigation I found it was just because SAS was calculating the value wrong! For some reason that I can't fathom, it seems that SAS calculates 90 - 86.4 as 3.59999999999999!!! Simple program below to show this:
If I alter the calculation to 10 - 6.4 I get the correct value of 3.6000 but for some reason this one is coming out wrong. Could there be some mad setting that is wrong in my installation? I tried both SAS EG and Base SAS and both have the same issue. I feel like I'm going mad! Any help appreciated.
Floating point arithmetic, in any language, will have this same issue. The same issue is possible to understand in human terms, assuming the human doesn't have a concept of infinite. If you only write down 4 digits for your decimals, for example, then:
1 - (1/3) - (1/3) - (1/3)
That's zero, right?
1 - 0.3333 = 0.6667
0.6667 - 0.3333 = 0.3334
0.3334 - 0.3333 = 0.0001
Nope! Computers do the same thing, but in binary, so they have a different (and larger) set of "problem" numbers. 1/10, for example, is not representable in binary - so adding or subtracting 0.1 is not always a "neat" operation like it is in decimal.
SAS uses 8 byte floating points, and so it gets ~15 digits of accuracy. Assuming you're not working in a field where 15 digits of accuracy is needed, you should simply round.
if round(value,.01) ge 3.6 then ... ;
Most of the time this isn't needed, but strictly speaking you should always compare rounded numbers whenever using floating point numbers (as SAS does). Integers are safe, but if you're working with 0.1 etc., use ROUND or FUZZ for integers.
Sorry Cannot replicate your findings.
data x;
Gives the correct result. Are you using any formats or put function. Share the complete code.

ROUND a big number at Amazon Athena

In Amazon Athena, I want to round a big number to output me as decimal precision 2.
For example, I have 1.4309491454947177E11 which is equivalent to 143094914549.47177, so I expect result to be 143094914549.47
I am doing
SELECT ROUND(1.4309491454947177E11, 2)
But it is giving me wrong output 1.43.
Any help would be much appreciated!!!
The output is correct it is converting it to 2 decimals and you can use it in any downstream. It is just displayed as exponential. Similar to the way you see in excel and when you click on excel cell it displays actual value.
If you want to see data in 2 digit format.Cast will work make sure no of digits in cast is more than actual value
select cast(Round(1.4309491454947177E11 ,2) as decimal(20,2))

How to create and calculate a formula using an unknown number of variables in C++

Okay, so this is going to be very complicated to explain through text but I will do my best to try.
I am making a universal calculator where one of the function of the calculator is to process a formula when given an unknown number of variables. I have seen some ways to do this but for how i'm trying to use this calculator, it wont work.
Example for sum of function:
while (cin >> input)
Normally this would work but the problem is that I can't have the user input the values over and over again for one formula like for this formula: Formula Example
(Sorry its easier for me to explain through a picture) In it there are multiple times where I have to use the same numbers over and over again. Here is the entire process if you need it to understand what I'm saying:
Entire problem
The problem is that normally I would add another float for every point graph but I don't know ahead of time number of floats the user is going to enter in. The ideal way to do this is for the program to ask the user for all the points on the table and for the user to input those points in a format like: "(1,2) (2,4) (3,6)..."
Thinking ahead, would I make a function where the program creates an integer and assigns the integer to a value on the fly? But then how would the actual math formula interact with the new integers if they haven't been created yet?
Talking about this makes my head hurt....
I actually want to say more:
One idea that I tried to make in my head was something like
string VariableName = A [or something]
Then you would reassign VariableName = "A" to VariableName = "B" by something like VariableName = "A"+ 1 (which would equal B).
Then you would repeat that step until the user inputs a invalid input. But obviously you can't do math with letters so I wouldn't know how to do it.
I think that you are overthinking this. It's pretty simple and it doesn't need to store the input values.
The main thing to note is that you need to compute (step 2) the sum of the values of X and Y, the sum of their product and the sum of X squared. To compute the sum of a lot of values you don't need all the values together, but just one at the time. Exactly as when a user provides them. So declare four variables: sx, sy, sxy, sxx. Initialize them to 0. At every couple of X and Y you get, add it to sx and sy, add their product to sxy and the product of X with itself to sxx.
Now you've got all you need to compute the final result for a and b.
Anyway a good C++ book would be useful.